
In this article I comment on areas where I agree/disagree with the five previous perspectives on organizational psychology/organizational behavior (OP/OB). This is followed by a dire prediction of the future for OP doctoral programs, criticisms of the journal editorial processes and the overemphasis on deductive theory building, the value of qualitative analyses and enumerative reviews, the importance of mentors for advancing one's career, and the strengths and weaknesses of our scholarly societies. The article ends with a call for improving the balance currently in favor of scientists at the expense of practitioners.

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There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: The Three Secrets to Gary’s Success

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There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Mentors - Seek and Embrace Criticism

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: On the Marriage Between Locke and Latham

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Resiliency - Overcoming 90% Rejection Rates

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Lesson Learned #1 - How Do You Win by Putting Other People Down- You Don’t

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Advice for Every Stage of Your Graduate Career

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: On the HR/OB Dichotomy

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Gary’s Soapbox: This Is the Scandal of Our Field

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: On the Importance of Mentors

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: What Does It Take to Be a Good Mentee?

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Theory - Everything in Moderation

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: How Do We Make Sure Our Research Is Relevant for Organizations and Managers?

Associated Article

There are media items related to this article:
Gary P. Latham: Lesson Learned #2 - Don’t Get Scooped

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The Three Secrets to Gary’s Success

On the Importance of Mentors

Mentors - Seek and Embrace Criticism

Resiliency - Overcoming 90% Rejection Rates

What Does It Take to Be a Good Mentee?

On the Marriage Between Locke and Latham

Theory - Everything in Moderation

Advice for Every Stage of Your Graduate Career

On the HR/OB Dichotomy

How Do We Make Sure Our Research Is Relevant for Organizations and Managers?

Gary’s Soapbox: This Is the Scandal of Our Field

Lesson Learned #1 - How Do You Win by Putting Other People Down? You Don’t

Lesson Learned #2 - Don’t Get Scooped

  • Article Type: Review Article
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