
This article presents a personalized view of the history, development, and current shape of the related fields of industrial–organizational (I/O) psychology and organizational behavior (OB) by two authors who have personally experienced many of the events and changes that have occurred in these fields over the past 50 or so years. Particular attention is given to the interconnections and differences between I/O psychology and OB and to the implications of those differences and overlaps for research and professional practice. The article concludes with some thoughts about areas of potential advances that could be made in the future and a discussion of some of the challenges to be faced in making those kinds of progress.

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What Was, What Is, and What May Be in OP/OB

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Benjamin Schneider, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the Eller College of Management of the University of Arizona and Senior Research Fellow at CEB-Valtera, and Lyman Porter, Full Professor Emeritus at the Paul Merage School of Business of the University of California, Irvine, talk about their life and career with Frederick Morgeson, Eli Broad Professor of Management at the Eli Broad College of Business of the University of Michigan. They discuss their beginnings as researchers in the field of organizational science and how their friendship developed since the 1960s. Addressing young scholars, they give their recommendations for a successful career.

  • Article Type: Review Article
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