
Despite longstanding interest in organizational psychology and organizational behavior (OP/OB), research that incorporates nonconscious (e.g., unconscious, subconscious) processes into their core arguments remains relatively scant. We argue that this is unfortunate () given the large role that nonconscious processes have been found to play in individual behavior; and () given its proposed importance to topics that are central to our field (e.g., motivation, judgment and decision making, leadership, ethical behavior). Our review maps a wide terrain across two foundational perspectives of nonconscious theorizing: psychodynamics and automaticity. In particular, we review those areas where these perspectives are beginning to influence research in OP/OB research. We then discuss some of the challenges scholars face in incorporating nonconscious-related theories and methods in our field, highlight specific domains where the influence of the nonconscious may be widened and deepened, and note some practical implications of understanding and managing nonconscious processes.


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