
For plant viruses, the ability to load into the vascular phloem and spread systemically within a host is an essential step in establishing a successful infection. However, access to the vascular phloem is highly regulated, representing a significant obstacle to virus loading, movement, and subsequent unloading into distal uninfected tissues. Recent studies indicate that during virus infection, phloem tissues are a source of significant transcriptional and translational alterations, with the number of virus-induced differentially expressed genes being four- to sixfold greater in phloem tissues than in surrounding nonphloem tissues. In addition, viruses target phloem-specific components as a means to promote their own systemic movement and disrupt host defense processes. Combined, these studies provide evidence that the vascular phloem plays a significant role in the mediation and control of host responses during infection and as such is a site of considerable modulation by the infecting virus. This review outlines the phloem responses and directed reprograming mechanisms that viruses employ to promote their movement through the vasculature.


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