
Virology encompasses a broad spectrum of topics touching upon many aspects of our everyday lives. However, appreciation of this impact is too often restricted to those who have specialized training and participate in virology research. The Phage Hunters Integrating Research and Education (PHIRE) program and the () podcast seek to bring virology to new audiences through two different approaches—direct involvement of undergraduates in discovering and genomically characterizing bacteriophages (PHIRE) and clear, accessible, and free discussions among experts of all topics in virology (). Here we discuss these two high-impact programs, the audiences that they serve, their broader impacts, and their future potential.

Keyword(s): bacteriophagePHIREpodcastTWiV

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PHIRE and TWiV: Experiences in Bringing Virology to New Audiences

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An introduction to the topic from author Graham F. Hatfull.

  • Article Type: Review Article
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