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- Volume 37, 2005
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics - Volume 37, 2005
Volume 37, 2005
- Preface
Robert T. Jones, One of a Kind
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 1–21More LessHis contemporaries saw R.T. Jones as one of the notably creative aerodynamicists of the twentieth century. This essay reviews his remarkable life and career, including his years as a farm-country boy, college dropout, and fledgling airplane designer in Missouri, his time as an elevator operator and self-directed student in Washington, D.C., and his long professional career as an aerodynamicist at the Langley and Ames Aeronautical Laboratories and Stanford University. The focus in his career is on his fundamental discovery of the benefits of sweepback for the wings of high-speed airplanes. This includes speculation about his highly intuitive thought processes in arriving at his creative ideas. I also give an account of his work on blood flow and the mechanical heart, his avocational accomplishments as a maker of telescopes and violins, and his philosophical interest in human affairs.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 23–42More Less▪ AbstractGeorge Gabriel Stokes died just over 100 years ago, and it has been more than 150 years since he published his great 1847 paper on water waves. The work of Stokes' precursors, which informed his early publications of 1842–50, is described in the previous volume of the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (Craik 2004). Here I examine Stokes' papers and letters concerning water waves.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 43–69More Less▪ AbstractWe review major experimental and theoretical studies on microcirculation and hemorheology, focusing on mechanics of blood flow and the vascular wall. We discuss flow of the blood formed elements [red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells or leukocytes (WBCs) and platelets] in individual arterioles, capillaries, and venules, and in microvascular networks. We also review mechanical and rheological properties of the formed elements and their interactions with the vascular wall. We discuss short-term and long-term regulation of the microvasculature; the modes of regulation include metabolic, myogenic, and shear-stress-dependent mechanisms as well as vascular adaptation such as angiogenesis and vascular remodeling.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 71–98More Less▪ AbstractThe flow in turbomachines is unsteady due to the relative motion of the rows of blades. In the low-pressure turbine, the wakes from the upstream bladerows provide the dominant source of unsteadiness. Because much of the blade-surface boundary-layer flow is laminar, one of the most important consequences of this unsteadiness is the interaction of the wakes with the suction-side boundary layer of a downstream blade. This is important because the blade suction–side boundary layers are responsible for most of the loss of efficiency and because the combined effects of random (wake turbulence) and periodic disturbances (wake velocity defect and pressure fields) cause the otherwise laminar boundary layer to undergo transition and eventually become turbulent. This article summarizes the process of wake-induced boundary-layer transition in low-pressure turbines and the loss generation processes that result. Particular emphasis is placed on how the effects of wakes may be exploited to control loss generation and how this has enabled successful development of ultra-high-lift low-pressure turbines.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 99–128More Less▪ AbstractThis article reviews our current understanding of the physical mechanisms governing the movement of a tropical cyclone. In a barotropic framework, a tropical cyclone is basically “steered” by the surrounding flow but its movement is modified by the Coriolis force (referred to as the beta effect) and the horizontal vorticity gradient of the surrounding flow. In the presence of vertical wind shear and latent heat release, a tropical cyclone tends to move toward an area with a maximum in the time tendency of potential vorticity, which is mainly contributed by two processes: (a) advection that depends on the structures of the vortex and the environment surrounding the vortex in terms of their flow speed and vorticity gradient (including the beta effect), and (b) heating that results from a coupling between the latent heat released in the clouds and the vertical wind shear.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 129–149More Less▪ AbstractWe review the fluid mechanics and rheology of dense suspensions, emphasizing investigations of microstructure and total stress. “Dense” or “highly concentrated” suspensions are those in which the average particle separation distance is less than the particle radius. For these suspensions, multiple-body interactions as well as two-body lubrication play a significant role and the rheology is non-Newtonian. We include investigations of multimodal suspensions, but not those of suspensions with dominant nonhydrodynamic interactions. We consider results from both physical experiments and computer simulations and explore scaling theories and the development of constitutive equations.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 151–182More Less▪ AbstractEarly work and recent advances in feedback control of combustion oscillations are described. The physics of combustion oscillations, most commonly caused by a coupling between acoustic waves and unsteady heat release, are discussed, and the concept of using feedback control to interrupt these interactions is introduced. Factors affecting practical implementation of feedback control, including sensors, actuators, and controller design are described, and the historical development of control strategy for combustion oscillations is reviewed. Finally, demonstrations of feedback control on full-scale combustion systems are described, and it is concluded that there is potential to apply more systematic controller designs at full scale.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 183–210More Less▪ Abstract“What force does an insect wing generate?” Finding answers to this enduring question is an essential step toward our understanding of interactions of moving objects with fluids that enable most living species such as insects, birds, and fish to travel efficiently and us to follow similar suit with sails, oars, and airfoils. We give a brief history of research in insect flight and discuss recent findings in unsteady aerodynamics of flapping flight at intermediate range Reynolds numbers (10–104). In particular, we examine the unsteady mechanisms in uniform and accelerated motions, forward and hovering flight, as well as passive flight of free-falling objects. The results obtained by “taking the insects apart” helped us to resolve previous puzzles about the force estimates in hovering insects, to ellucidate basic mechanisms essential to flapping flight, and to gain insights about the efficieny of flight.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 211–238More Less▪ AbstractEfficiently and accurately solving the equations governing fluid flow in oil reservoirs is very challenging because of the complex geological environment and the intricate properties of crude oil and gas at high pressure. We present these challenges and review successful and promising solution approaches. We discuss in detail the modeling of fluid flow in reservoirs with strongly varying rock properties. This requires subgrid-scale models that accurately represent the flow physics due to fine-scale fluctuations. A second focus is on the complex multiphase, multicomponent systems that describe miscible gas injection processes for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 263–293More Less▪ AbstractThe large-scale dynamics of the extratropical stratosphere are reviewed. The role of Rossby waves and vortex dynamics in shaping the winter stratospheric circulation and the dynamics of the longitudinal mean flow are first discussed separately. The important effects of two-way interaction between waves and mean flow are then described, with emphasis on how mechanisms discovered in simple models can be followed through to models that are closer to the real stratosphere. A final topic is the possible effect of the stratosphere on the troposphere, with emphasis on dynamical mechanisms for such an effect.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 295–328More Less▪ AbstractChaotic advection and, more generally, ideas from dynamical systems, have been fruitfully applied to a diverse, and varied, collection of mixing and transport problems arising in engineering applications over the past 20 years. Indeed, the “dynamical systems approach” was developed, and tested, to the point where it can now be considered a standard tool for understanding mixing and transport issues in many disciplines. This success for engineering-type flows motivated an effort to apply this approach to transport and mixing problems in geophysical flows. However, there are fundamental difficulties arising in this endeavor that must be properly understood and overcome. Central to this approach is that the starting point for analysis is a velocity field (i.e., the “dynamical system”). In many engineering applications this can be obtained sufficiently accurately, either analytically or computationally, so that it describes particle trajectories for the actual flow. However, in geophysical flows (and we concentrate here almost exclusively on oceanographic flows), the wide range of dynamically significant time and length scales makes the justification of any velocity field, in the sense of reproducing particle trajectories for the actual flow, a much more difficult matter. Nevertheless, the case for this approach is compelling due to the advances in observational capabilities in oceanography (e.g., drifter deployments, remote sensing capabilities, satellite imagery, etc.), which reveal space-time structures that are highly suggestive of the structures one visualizes in the global, geometrical study of dynamical systems theory. This has been pursued in recent years through a combination of laboratory studies, kinematic models, and dynamically consistent models that have all been compared with observational data. During the course of these studies it has become apparent that a new type of dynamical system is necessary to consider in these studies (i.e., a finite time, aperiodically time-dependent velocity field defined as a data set), which requires the development of new analytical and computational tools, as well as the necessity to discard some of the standard ideas and results from dynamical systems theory. In this article we review a number of the key developments to date in this young, but rapidly developing, area at the interface between geophysical fluid dynamics and applied and computational mathematics. We also describe the wealth of new directions for research that this approach unlocks.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 329–356More Less▪ AbstractThe ability of turbulent flows to effectively mix entrained fluids to a molecular scale is a vital part of the dynamics of such flows, with wide-ranging consequences in nature and engineering. It is a considerable experimental, theoretical, modeling, and computational challenge to capture and represent turbulent mixing which, for high Reynolds number (Re) flows, occurs across a spectrum of scales of considerable span. This consideration alone places high-Re mixing phenomena beyond the reach of direct simulation, especially in high Schmidt number fluids, such as water, in which species diffusion scales are one and a half orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest flow scales. The discussion below attempts to provide an overview of turbulent mixing; the attendant experimental, theoretical, and computational challenges; and suggests possible future directions for progress in this important field.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 357–392More Less▪ AbstractThe objective of this review is to critically assess the different approaches developed in recent years to understand the dynamics of open flows such as mixing layers, jets, wakes, separation bubbles, boundary layers, and so on. These complex flows develop in extended domains in which fluid particles are continuously advected downstream. They behave either as noise amplifiers or as oscillators, both of which exhibit strong nonlinearities (Huerre & Monkewitz 1990). The local approach is inherently weakly nonparallel and it assumes that the basic flow varies on a long length scale compared to the wavelength of the instability waves. The dynamics of the flow is then considered as a superposition of linear or nonlinear instability waves that, at leading order, behave at each streamwise station as if the flow were homogeneous in the streamwise direction. In the fully global context, the basic flow and the instabilities do not have to be characterized by widely separated length scales, and the dynamics is then viewed as the result of the interactions between Global modes living in the entire physical domain with the streamwise direction as an eigendirection. This second approach is more and more resorted to as a result of increased computational capability. The earlier review of Huerre & Monkewitz (1990) emphasized how local linear theory can account for the noise amplifier behavior as well as for the onset of a Global mode. The present survey first adopts the opposite point of view by demonstrating how fully global theory accounts for the noise amplifier behavior of open flows. From such a perspective, there is strong emphasis on the very peculiar nonorthogonality of linear Global modes, which in turn allows a novel interpretation of recent numerical simulations and experimental observations. The nonorthogonality of linear Global modes also imposes severe constraints on the extension of linear global theory to the fully nonlinear régime. When the flow is weakly nonparallel, this limitation is so severe that the linear Global mode theory is of little help. It is then much more appropriate to develop a fully nonlinear formulation involving the presence of a front separating the base state region from the bifurcated state region.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 393–423More Less▪ AbstractGravity-driven bubbly flows are a specific class of flows, where all action is provided by gravity. An industrial example is formed by the so-called bubble column: a vertical cylinder filled with liquid through which bubbles flow that are introduced at the bottom of the cylinder. On the bubble scale, gravity gives rise to buoyancy of individual bubbles. On larger scales, gravity acts on nonuniformities in the spatial bubble distribution present in the bubbly mixture. The gravity-induced flow and flow structures can increase the inhomogeneity of the bubble distribution, leading to a turbulent flow. In this flow, specific scales are identified: a large-scale circulation with the liquid flowing upward in the center of the column and downward close to the wall. On the intermediate scale there are vortical structures; eddies of liquid, with a size on the order of the diameter of the column, that stir the liquid and radially transport the bubbles. On the small scale there is the local stirring of the bubbles. We describe the ideas developed over time and identify some open questions. We discuss the experimental findings on the turbulence generated, the stability of the flow, axial dispersion, and the similarities between bubble columns and air lifts. Especially for higher gas fractions, many questions still lack accurate answers. The lateral lift force in bubble swarms and the structure of the turbulence in the bubbly mixture are important examples of inadequately understood physical phenomena, providing many challenges for fundamental and applied research on bubbly flows.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 425–455More Less▪ AbstractDevelopment and optimization of multifunctional devices for fluidic manipulation of films, drops, and bubbles require detailed understanding of interfacial phenomena and microhydrodynamic flows. Systems are distinguished by a large surface to volume ratio and flow at small Reynolds, capillary, and Bond numbers are strongly influenced by boundary effects and therefore amenable to control by a variety of surface treatments and surface forces. We review the principles underlying common techniques for actuation of droplets and films on homogeneous, chemically patterned, and topologically textured surfaces by modulation of normal or shear stresses.
Vol. 37 (2005), pp. 457–487More Less▪ AbstractFlow simulations are one of the archetypal multiscale problems. Simulations of turbulent and unsteady separated flows have to resolve a multitude of interacting scales, whereas molecular phenomena determine the structure of shocks and the validity of the no-slip boundary condition. Particle simulations of continuum and molecular phenomena can be formulated by following the motion of interacting particles that carry the physical properties of the flow. In this article we review Lagrangian, multiresolution, particle methods such as vortex methods and smooth particle hydrodynamics for the simulation of continuous flows and molecular dynamics for the simulation of flows at the atomistic scale. We review hybrid molecular-continuum simulations with an emphasis on the computational aspects of the problem. We identify the common computational characteristics of particle methods and discuss their properties that enable the formulation of a systematic framework for multiscale flow simulations.
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