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- Volume 48, 2016
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics - Volume 48, 2016
Volume 48, 2016
- Preface
Biomimetic Survival Hydrodynamics and Flow Sensing
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 1–24More LessThe fluid mechanics employed by aquatic animals in their escape or attack maneuvers, what we call survival hydrodynamics, are fascinating because the recorded performance in animals is truly impressive. Such performance forces us to pose some basic questions on the underlying flow mechanisms that are not yet in use in engineered vehicles. A closely related issue is the ability of animals to sense the flow velocity and pressure field around them in order to detect and discriminate threats in environments where vision or other sensing is of limited or no use. We review work on animal flow sensing and actuation as a source of inspiration and as a way to formulate a number of basic problems and investigate the flow mechanisms that enable animals to perform these remarkable maneuvers. We also describe some intriguing mechanisms of actuation and sensing.
Motion and Deformation of Elastic Capsules and Vesicles in Flow
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 25–52More LessThis article reviews the mechanical behavior of a capsule under the influence of viscous deforming forces due to a flowing fluid. It focuses on artificial capsules and vesicles with an internal liquid core enclosed by a very thin membrane with different constitutive laws. The recent modeling strategies are outlined together with their respective advantages and limitations. I then consider the motion and deformation of a single, initially spherical capsule freely suspended in a simple shear or plane hyperbolic flow and discuss the effect of the membrane constitutive law, initial prestress, membrane buckling, and bulk or membrane viscosity. Finally, I consider the flow of spherical capsules in small pores and show how numerical models can be used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the membrane.
High–Reynolds Number Taylor-Couette Turbulence
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 53–80More LessTaylor-Couette flow, the flow between two coaxial co- or counter-rotating cylinders, is one of the paradigmatic systems in the physics of fluids. The (dimensionless) control parameters are the Reynolds numbers of the inner and outer cylinders, the ratio of the cylinder radii, and the aspect ratio. One key response of the system is the torque required to retain constant angular velocities, which can be connected to the angular velocity transport through the gap. Whereas the low–Reynolds number regime was well explored in the 1980s and 1990s of the past century, in the fully turbulent regime major research activity developed only in the past decade. In this article, we review this recent progress in our understanding of fully developed Taylor-Couette turbulence from the experimental, numerical, and theoretical points of view. We focus on the parameter dependence of the global torque and on the local flow organization, including velocity profiles and boundary layers. Next, we discuss transitions between different (turbulent) flow states. We also elaborate on the relevance of this system for astrophysical disks (quasi-Keplerian flows). The review ends with a list of challenges for future research on turbulent Taylor-Couette flow.
Shear Banding of Complex Fluids
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 81–103More LessEven in simple geometries, many complex fluids display nontrivial flow fields, with regions where shear is concentrated. The possibility for such shear banding has been known for several decades, but in recent years, we have seen an upsurge in studies offering an ever-more precise understanding of the phenomenon. The development of new techniques to probe the flow on multiple scales with increasing spatial and temporal resolution has opened the possibility for a synthesis of the many phenomena that could only have been thought of separately before. In this review, we bring together recent research on shear banding in polymeric and soft glassy materials and highlight their similarities and disparities.
Bacterial Hydrodynamics
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 105–130More LessBacteria predate plants and animals by billions of years. Today, they are the world's smallest cells, yet they represent the bulk of the world's biomass and the main reservoir of nutrients for higher organisms. Most bacteria can move on their own, and the majority of motile bacteria are able to swim in viscous fluids using slender helical appendages called flagella. Low–Reynolds number hydrodynamics is at the heart of the ability of flagella to generate propulsion at the micrometer scale. In fact, fluid dynamic forces impact many aspects of bacteriology, ranging from the ability of cells to reorient and search their surroundings to their interactions within mechanically and chemically complex environments. Using hydrodynamics as an organizing framework, I review the biomechanics of bacterial motility and look ahead to future challenges.
Quadrant Analysis in Turbulence Research: History and Evolution
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 131–158More LessQuadrant analysis is a simple, but quite useful, turbulence data-processing technique that has been widely used, principally in the investigation of turbulent shear flows. This article traces the origins of the technique and reviews how it has been applied during the more than 40 years since it was conceived. Applications are highlighted that have expanded the technique beyond its original formulation.
Modeling of Fine-Particle Formation in Turbulent Flames
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 159–190More LessThe generation of nanostructured particles in high-temperature flames is important both for the control of emissions from combustion devices and for the synthesis of high-value chemicals for a variety of applications. The physiochemical processes that lead to the production of fine particles in turbulent flames are highly sensitive to the flow physics and, in particular, the history of thermochemical compositions and turbulent features they encounter. Consequently, it is possible to change the characteristic size, structure, composition, and yield of the fine particles by altering the flow configuration. This review describes the complex multiscale interactions among turbulent fluid flow, gas-phase chemical reactions, and solid-phase particle evolution. The focus is on modeling the generation of soot particles, an unwanted pollutant from automobile and aircraft engines, as well as metal oxides, a class of high-value chemicals sought for specialized applications, including emissions control. Issues arising due to the numerical methods used to approximate the particle number density function, the modeling of turbulence-chemistry interactions, and model validation are also discussed.
Seismic Sounding of Convection in the Sun
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 191–217More LessThermal convection is the dominant mechanism of energy transport in the outer envelope of the Sun (one-third by radius). It drives global fluid circulations and magnetic fields observed on the solar surface. Vigorous surface convection excites a broadband spectrum of acoustic waves that propagate within the interior and set up modal resonances. These acoustic waves, also called seismic waves in this context, are observed at the surface of the Sun by space- and ground-based telescopes. Seismic sounding, the study of these seismic waves to infer the internal properties of the Sun, constitutes helioseismology. Here we review our knowledge of solar convection, especially that obtained through seismic inference. Several characteristics of solar convection, such as differential rotation, anisotropic Reynolds stresses, the influence of rotation on convection, and supergranulation, are considered. On larger scales, several inferences suggest that convective velocities are substantially smaller than those predicted by theory and simulations. This discrepancy challenges the models of internal differential rotation that rely on convective stresses as a driving mechanism and provide an important benchmark for numerical simulations.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Mechanics and Its Coupling to Cerebrovascular Dynamics
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 219–257More LessCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is not stagnant but displays fascinating oscillatory flow patterns inside the ventricular system and reversing fluid exchange between the cranial vault and spinal compartment. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge of pulsatile CSF motion. Observations contradicting classical views about its bulk production and clearance are highlighted. A clinical account of diseases of abnormal CSF flow dynamics, including hydrocephalus, syringomyelia, Chiari malformation type 1, and pseudotumor cerebri, is also given. We survey medical imaging modalities used to observe intracranial dynamics in vivo. Additionally, we assess the state of the art in predictive models of CSF dynamics. The discussion addresses open questions regarding CSF dynamics as they relate to the understanding and management of diseases.
Fluid Mechanics of Heart Valves and Their Replacements
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 259–283More LessAs the pulsatile cardiac blood flow drives the heart valve leaflets to open and close, the flow in the vicinity of the valve resembles a pulsed jet through a nonaxisymmetric orifice with a dynamically changing area. As a result, three-dimensional vortex rings with intricate topology emerge that interact with the complex cardiac anatomy and give rise to shear layers, regions of recirculation, and flow instabilities that could ultimately lead to transition to turbulence. Such complex flow patterns, which are inherently valve- and patient-specific, lead to mechanical forces at scales that can cause blood cell damage and thrombosis, increasing the likelihood of stroke, and can trigger the pathogenesis of various life-threatening valvular heart diseases. We summarize the current understanding of flow phenomena induced by heart valves, discuss their linkage with disease pathways, and emphasize the research advances required to translate in-depth understanding of valvular hemodynamics into effective patient therapies.
Droplets and Bubbles in Microfluidic Devices
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 285–309More LessPrecise, tunable emulsions and foams produced in microfluidic geometries have found wide application in biochemical analysis and materials synthesis and characterization. Superb control of the volume, uniformity, and generation rate of droplets and bubbles arises from unique features of the microscale behavior of fluid interfaces. Fluid interfaces confined within microfluidic channels behave quite differently than their counterparts in unbounded flows. Confinement inhibits capillary instabilities so that breakup occurs by largely quasi-static mechanisms. The three-dimensional flow near confined interfaces in rectangular geometries and feedback effects from resistance changes in the entire microfluidic network play important roles in regulating the interfacial deformation. Timescales for transport of surfactants and particles to interfaces compete with flow timescales at the microscale, providing further opportunity for tuning the interfacial coverage and properties of individual droplets and bubbles.
Mechanics of Hydraulic Fractures
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 311–339More LessHydraulic fractures represent a particular class of tensile fractures that propagate in solid media under pre-existing compressive stresses as a result of internal pressurization by an injected viscous fluid. The main application of engineered hydraulic fractures is the stimulation of oil and gas wells to increase production. Several physical processes affect the propagation of these fractures, including the flow of viscous fluid, creation of solid surfaces, and leak-off of fracturing fluid. The interplay and the competition between these processes lead to multiple length scales and timescales in the system, which reveal the shifting influence of the far-field stress, viscous dissipation, fracture energy, and leak-off as the fracture propagates.
A Normal Mode Perspective of Intrinsic Ocean-Climate Variability
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 341–363More LessObservations of the sea surface temperature field over more than a century indicate that there is pronounced variability in the climate system. Understanding the mechanisms of this variability is crucial to determine the role of variations in ocean heat content in past and future climate changes. When a steady background state in an ocean-climate model is slightly perturbed, the long-time response is determined by the spatial patterns of the normal modes. Here, the type and patterns of normal modes for a range of different equilibrium states in a hierarchy of ocean-climate models are reviewed. The rather elegant organization of these normal modes is demonstrated, and prototype physical mechanisms explaining patterns of sea surface temperature variability based on these normal modes are provided.
Drop Impact on a Solid Surface
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 365–391More LessA drop hitting a solid surface can deposit, bounce, or splash. Splashing arises from the breakup of a fine liquid sheet that is ejected radially along the substrate. Bouncing and deposition depend crucially on the wetting properties of the substrate. In this review, we focus on recent experimental and theoretical studies, which aim at unraveling the underlying physics, characterized by the delicate interplay of not only liquid inertia, viscosity, and surface tension, but also the surrounding gas. The gas cushions the initial contact; it is entrapped in a central microbubble on the substrate; and it promotes the so-called corona splash, by lifting the lamella away from the solid. Particular attention is paid to the influence of surface roughness, natural or engineered to enhance repellency, relevant in many applications.
Contrail Modeling and Simulation
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 393–427More LessThere is large uncertainty in the radiative forcing induced by aircraft contrails, particularly after they transform to cirrus. It has recently become possible to simulate contrail evolution for long periods after their formation. We review the main physical processes and simulation efforts in the four phases of contrail evolution, namely the jet, vortex, vortex dissipation, and diffusion phases. Recommendations for further work are given.
Modeling Nonequilibrium Gas Flow Based on Moment Equations
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 429–458More LessThis article discusses the development of continuum models to describe processes in gases in which the particle collisions cannot maintain thermal equilibrium. Such a situation typically is present in rarefied or diluted gases, for flows in microscopic settings, or in general whenever the Knudsen number—the ratio between the mean free path of the particles and a macroscopic length scale—becomes significant. The continuum models are based on the stochastic description of the gas by Boltzmann's equation in kinetic gas theory. With moment approximations, extended fluid dynamic equations can be derived, such as the regularized 13-moment equations. Moment equations are introduced in detail, and typical results are reviewed for channel flow, cavity flow, and flow past a sphere in the low–Mach number setting for which both evolution equations and boundary conditions are well established. Conversely, nonlinear, high-speed processes require special closures that are still under development. Current approaches are examined, along with the challenge of computing shock wave profiles based on continuum equations.
The Fluid Mechanics of Pyroclastic Density Currents
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 459–485More LessPyroclastic density currents are generated in explosive volcanic eruptions when gas and particle mixtures remain denser than the surrounding atmosphere. These mobile currents have a diversity of flow regimes, from energetic granular flows to turbulent suspensions. Given their hazardous nature, much of our understanding of the internal dynamics of these currents has been explored through mathematical and computational models. This review discusses the anatomy of these currents and their phenomenology and places these observations in the context of forces driving the currents. All aspects of the current dynamics are influenced by multiphase interactions, and the study of these currents offers insight into a high-energy end-member of multiphase flow. At low concentration, momentum transfer is dominated by particle-gas drag. At higher concentration, particle collisions, friction, and gas pore pressure act to redistribute momentum. This review examines end-member theoretical models for dilute and concentrated flow and then considers insight gained from multiphase simulations of pyroclastic density currents.
The Dynamics of Microtubule/Motor-Protein Assemblies in Biology and Physics
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 487–506More LessMany important processes in the cell are mediated by stiff microtubule polymers and the active motor proteins moving on them. This includes the transport of subcellular structures (nuclei, chromosomes, organelles) and the self-assembly and positioning of the mitotic spindle. Little is understood of these processes, but they present fascinating problems in fluid-structure interactions. Microtubules and motor proteins are also the building blocks of new biosynthetic active suspensions driven by motor-protein activity. These reduced systems can be probed—and modeled—more easily than can the fully biological ones and demonstrate their own aspects of self-assembly and complex dynamics. I review recent work modeling such systems as fluid-structure interaction problems and as multiscale complex fluids.
Dynamics and Instabilities of Vortex Pairs
Vol. 48 (2016), pp. 507–541More LessThis article reviews the characteristics and behavior of counter-rotating and corotating vortex pairs, which are seemingly simple flow configurations yet immensely rich in phenomena. Since the reviews in this journal by Widnall (1975) and Spalart (1998), who studied the fundamental structure and dynamics of vortices and airplane trailing vortices, respectively, there have been many analytical, computational, and experimental studies of vortex pair flows. We discuss two-dimensional dynamics, including the merging of same-sign vortices and the interaction with the mutually induced strain, as well as three-dimensional displacement and core instabilities resulting from this interaction. Flows subject to combined instabilities are also considered, in particular the impingement of opposite-sign vortices on a ground plane. We emphasize the physical mechanisms responsible for the flow phenomena and clearly present the key results that are useful to the reader for predicting the dynamics and instabilities of parallel vortices.
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