Mental health disorders are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat for a variety of reasons, including genetic heterogeneity, comorbidities, and qualitative diagnostic criteria. Discovery of the molecular pathology underlying these disorders is crucial to the development of quantitative biomarkers and novel therapeutics. —McCammon and Sive, Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 2015
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges to society and had a major impact on people’s mental health. Some groups, including health and other frontline workers, students, people living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions, have been particularly affected. Many services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders have been significantly disrupted.
The Mental Health Awareness special article collection address issues related to and supporting mental health. All review articles below are always available at subscribing institutions. Topics include:
- New directions for mental health interventions and treatment, including meditation
- Mental health concerns for at-risk adolescents
- Addiction and treatment
- Improving mental health care and services
- The biology of mental health
Be the first to receive future special collections of research reviews from leading experts and pioneers in your field. Visit our Email Preference Center to subscribe to the AR Buzz newsletter and to set your email preferences for journal content alerts.
Last updated 04/2023
New Directions for Effective Mental Health Interventions and Treatment
Virtual Reality Therapy in Mental Health
Paul M.G. Emmelkamp and Katharina Meyerbröker, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
The Role of Exercise in Management of Mental Health Disorders: An Integrative Review
Patrick J. Smith and Rhonda M. Merwin, Annual Review of Medicine
Mindfulness Meditation and Psychopathology
Joseph Wielgosz, Simon B. Goldberg, Tammi R.A. Kral, John D. Dunne, and Richard J. Davidson, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Personal Sensing: Understanding Mental Health Using Ubiquitous Sensors and Machine Learning
David C. Mohr, Mi Zhang, and Stephen M. Schueller, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Mindfulness Interventions
J. David Creswell, Annual Review of Psychology
Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Suicidal Ideation
E. David Klonsky, Alexis M. May, and Boaz Y. Saffer, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
*FEATURED IN KNOWABLE MAGAZINE: Short-Circuiting the Suicide Cascade
Mental Health and At-Risk Adolescents
Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Resilience Factors in African American Youth Mental Health
Enrique W. Neblett Jr., Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Inequitable Experiences and Outcomes in Young Children: Addressing Racial and Social-Economic Disparities in Physical and Mental Health
Brenda Jones Harden and Natalie Slopen, Annual Review of Developmental Psychology
Mental Health of Refugee Children and Youth: Epidemiology, Interventions, and Future Directions
Rochelle L. Frounfelker, Diana Miconi, Jordan Garrar, Mohamad Adam Brooks, Cécile Rousseau, and Theresa S. Betancourt, Annual Review of Public Health
Adolescent Suicide as a Failure of Acute Stress-Response Systems
Adam Bryant Miller and Mitchell J. Prinstein, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth
Stephen T. Russell and Jessica N. Fish, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
A Tale of Two Systems: Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders Treatment for Adolescents
Elizabeth H. Hawkins, Annual Review of Psychology
Addiction and Mental Health
The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis: A Public Health Approach to an Epidemic of Addiction
Andrew Kolodny, David T. Courtwright, Catherine S. Hwang, Peter Kreiner, John L. Eadie, Thomas W. Clark, and G. Caleb Alexander, Annual Review of Public Health
Achieving Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Parity: A Quarter Century of Policy Making and Research
Emma Peterson and Susan Busch, Annual Review of Public Health
Use and Misuse of Opioids in Chronic Pain
Nora Volkow, Helene Benveniste, and A. Thomas McLellan, Annual Review of Medicine
*FEATURED IN KNOWABLE MAGAZINE: Managing Pain in a Time of Opioid Abuse
Behavioral Addictions as Mental Disorders: To Be or Not To Be?
Nancy M. Petry, Kristyn Zajac, and Meredith K. Ginley, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Smoking, Mental Illness, and Public Health
Judith J. Prochaska, Smita Das, and Kelly C. Young-Wolff, Annual Review of Public Health
Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Endocannabinoids and Cannabis at the Intersection of Stress and Reward
Nora D. Volkow, Aidan J. Hampson, and Ruben D. Baler, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Confronting a Neglected Epidemic: Tobacco Cessation for Persons with Mental Illnesses and Substance Abuse Problems
Steven A. Schroeder and Chad D. Morris, Annual Review of Public Health
Improving Mental Health Care and Services
Mental Health in the Workplace
E. Devin Kelloway, Jennifer K. Dimoff, and Stephanie Gilbert, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychological Scientists: A Data-Driven Call to Action
Dylan G. Gee, Kathryn A. DeYoung, Katie A. McLaughlin, Rachael M. Tillman, Deanna M. Barch, Erika E. Forbes, Robert F. Krueger, Timothy J. Strauman, Mariann R. Weierich, and Alexander J. Shackman, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Population-Based Approaches to Mental Health: History, Strategies, and Evidence
Jonathan Purtle, Katherine L. Nelson, Nathaniel Z. Counts, and Michael Yudell, Annual Review of Public Health
Mental Health and Wealth: Depression, Gender, Poverty, and Parenting
Megan V. Smith and Carolyn M. Mazure, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
The Relevance of the Affordable Care Act for Improving Mental Health Care
David Mechanic and Mark Olfson, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Assessing and Changing Organizational Social Contexts for Effective Mental Health Services
Charles Glisson and Nathaniel J. Williams, Annual Review of Public Health
Biology of Mental Health
Real-Time Functional MRI in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders
Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, Cody A. Cushing, and Hakwan Lau, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Smartphones and the Neuroscience of Mental Health
Claire M. Gillan and Robb B. Rutledge, Annual Review of Neuroscience
Emotion, Cognition, and Mental State Representation in Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex
C. Daniel Salzman and Stefano Fusi, Annual Review of Neuroscience
Annual Reviews is a non-profit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. We first published the Annual Review of Biochemistry in 1932, to address the persistent challenge of scientific information overload. Today we publish Annual Review journals in 51 disciplines. Our Editorial Committees are comprised of leaders in their fields and invite expert authors to contribute a synthesis of scientific literature on timely topics and trends.