
Advanced measurement techniques and high-performance computing have made large data sets available for a range of turbulent flows in engineering applications. Drawing on this abundance of data, dynamical models that reproduce structural and statistical features of turbulent flows enable effective model-based flow control strategies. This review describes a framework for completing second-order statistics of turbulent flows using models based on the Navier–Stokes equations linearized around the turbulent mean velocity. Dynamical couplings between states of the linearized model dictate structural constraints on the statistics of flow fluctuations. Colored-in-time stochastic forcing that drives the linearized model is then sought to account for and reconcile dynamics with available data (that is, partially known statistics). The number of dynamical degrees of freedom that are directly affected by stochastic excitation is minimized as a measure of model parsimony. The spectral content of the resulting colored-in-time stochastic contribution can alternatively arise from a low-rank structural perturbation of the linearized dynamical generator, pointing to suitable dynamical corrections that may account for the absence of the nonlinear interactions in the linearized model.


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