
This article provides an introduction and overview of the inerter concept and device. Careful attention is given to the distinction between the inerter as an ideal modeling element and devices that approximate the ideal behavior. The background is given to the formal definition of the inerter as a mechanical one-port with terminal forces proportional to the relative acceleration between them. Four major methods of construction are described and modeled. The discussion focuses particularly on the notion of terminals, the distinction between a device and an effect, sign reversals, back driving in geared systems, the conceptual aspects of the modeling step for inerter embodiments, and the problem of reverse engineering to discover a purpose. The article includes an analysis and discussion of the rotational inerter, a brief review of the ideas of passive network synthesis that led to the inerter concept, and an analysis and discussion of several examples of integrated mechanical devices. It concludes with an imaginary dialogue between the author and an interlocutor on the understanding and purpose of the inerter.


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