
Of all the issues that employees consider in organizational life, justice and fairness are among the most salient. Justice reflects the perceived adherence to rules that represent appropriateness in decision contexts (e.g., equity, consistency, respect, truthfulness). Fairness reflects a more global perception of appropriateness that lies downstream of justice. Our review integrates justice theories (fairness heuristic theory, the relational model, the group engagement model, fairness theory, deonance theory, uncertainty management theory) and broader theories (social exchange theory, affective events theory) to examine three questions: () Why do employees think about justice issues in the first place? () how do employees form fairness perceptions? and () how do employees react to those perceptions? We close by describing how justice and fairness can be managed in organizations, especially given new technological trends in how people work.

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Putting It all Together: Integrating Justice Theories

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How Exactly Should You Measure Justice?

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I’m Glad You Asked: Answering Critical Justice Questions

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    How Exactly Should You Measure Justice?

    Putting It all Together: Integrating Justice Theories

    I’m Glad You Asked: Answering Critical Justice Questions

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