
The endothelial barrier maintains vascular and tissue homeostasis and modulates many physiological processes, such as angiogenesis. Vascular barrier integrity can be disrupted by a variety of soluble permeability factors, and changes in barrier function can exacerbate tissue damage during disease progression. Understanding endothelial barrier function is critical for vascular homeostasis. Many of the signaling pathways promoting vascular permeability can also be triggered during disease, resulting in prolonged or uncontrolled vascular leak. It is believed that recovery of the normal vasculature requires diminishing this hyperpermeable state. Although the molecular mechanisms governing vascular leak have been studied over the last few decades, recent advances have identified new therapeutic targets that have begun to show preclinical and clinical promise. These approaches have been successfully applied to an increasing number of disease conditions. New perspectives regarding how vascular leak impacts the progression of various diseases are highlighted in this review.


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