Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Volume 36, 2008
Volume 36, 2008
The Rest of the Solar System
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 1–32More LessShould one call it serendipity to have stumbled into a career in space plasma physics within the first decade of the era of satellite exploration? The author had the good fortune to have done so. In early years, she repeatedly was told that she did not look like a physicist, but it was physics that provided her a rewarding opportunity to elucidate the characteristics of the space plasmas of terrestrial and planetary magnetospheres and to discover unexpected properties of the Galilean moons of Jupiter. Here, she describes some of her scientific contributions and introduces family members, colleagues, students, and friends who helped her along her trajectory and participated in her scientific investigations.
Abrupt Climate Changes: How Freshening of the Northern Atlantic Affects the Thermohaline and Wind-Driven Oceanic Circulations
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 33–58More LessLeading hypotheses for abrupt climate changes are focused on the ocean response to a freshening of surface waters in the north Atlantic. The degree to which such a freshening affects the deep, slow thermohaline, rather than the shallow, swift, wind-driven circulations of the ocean, and hence the degree to which that freshening affects climate in high rather than low latitudes, differ from model to model, depending on factors such as the treatment of diffusive processes in the oceans. Many comprehensive climate models are biased and confine the influence mainly to the thermohaline circulation and northern climates. Simulations of paleoclimates can provide valuable tests for the models, but only some of those climates provide sufficiently stringent tests to determine which models are realistic.
Geodynamic Significance of Seismic Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle: New Insights from Laboratory Studies
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 59–95More LessSeismic anisotropy is caused mainly by the lattice-preferred orientation of anisotropic minerals. Major breakthroughs have occurred in the study of lattice-preferred orientation in olivine during the past ∼10 years through large-strain, shear deformation experiments at high pressures. The role of water as well as stress, temperature, pressure, and partial melting has been addressed. The influence of water is large, and new results require major modifications to the geodynamic interpretation of seismic anisotropy in tectonically active regions such as subduction zones, asthenosphere, and plumes. The main effect of partial melting on deformation fabrics is through the redistribution of water, not through a change in deformation geometry. A combination of new experimental results with seismological observations provides new insights into the distribution of water associated with plume-asthenosphere interactions, formation of the oceanic lithosphere, and subduction. However, large uncertainties remain regarding the role of pressure and the deformation fabrics at low stress conditions.
The History and Nature of Wind Erosion in Deserts
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 97–119More LessRecently, the importance of wind erosion has been reevaluated. Many low-angle surfaces, developed on susceptible materials, possess closed depressions (pans), and these often have a distinctive morphology and lunette dunes on their lee sides. It has also become apparent that in drylands there are extensive areas of stone pavements, some of which have been molded by deflation; however, it is now recognized that other horizontal sorting processes have played a role, especially movement of fines by overland flow. Vertical sorting associated with wetting and drying, salt heave, bioturbation, frost action, and dust accretion have also played a role. In hyperarid areas, especially with unidirectional winds, bedrock outcrops and old lake beds have been molded to give aerodynamic forms, called yardangs. The study of dust storms by analysis of climatological data and remote sensing has revealed the importance of deflation, especially in hyperarid areas with centripetal drainage. Deflation hot spots, such as the Bodélé Depression, have been identified. Analysis of ice and ocean cores and loess deposits has indicated that wind activity was greater during glacial phases than now. There is, however, great variability in the importance of wind at the present day, depending on the wind velocity characteristics of different deserts.
Groundwater Age and Groundwater Age Dating
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 121–152More LessA new way of thinking about groundwater age is changing the field of groundwater age dating. Following a rigorous definition of age, a groundwater sample is seen not as water that recharged the flow regime at a point in the past, but as a mixture of waters that have resided in the subsurface for varying lengths of time. This recognition resolves longstanding inconsistencies encountered in age dating and suggests new ways to carry out age dating studies. Tomorrow's studies will likely employ sets of marker isotopes and molecules spanning a broad spectrum of age and incorporate a wide range of chemical and physical data collected from differing stratigraphic levels. The observations will be inverted using reactive transport modeling, allowing flow to be characterized not in one direction along a single aquifer, but in two or three dimensions over an entire flow regime.
Diffusion in Solid Silicates: A Tool to Track Timescales of Processes Comes of Age
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 153–190More LessUnderstanding how processes occurring on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales combine to produce a stable dynamic Earth is a major goal of the Earth scientist. Determining durations of processes is a key step toward attaining that goal. Records of incomplete diffusive equilibration preserved in minerals are uniquely suited for the purpose of unraveling timescales of a variety of processes. Compositional zoning in minerals is like the tracks of a CD that can be decoded with suitable technology. This review discusses the causes for the limited use of this tool until recently and how these hindrances are being overcome. Examples are presented to illustrate that diffusion modeling can clock processes that last from only a few days to those that last over tens of millions of years, recorded in rocks that range in age from current volcanic eruptions to condensates from the early solar nebula.
Spacecraft Observations of the Martian Atmosphere*
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 191–219More LessRecent spacecraft observations of the Martian atmosphere show that the current climate has a distinct and generally repeatable pattern of seasonal and spatial variations. The half of the year that Mars is closest to the Sun is characterized by warm, dusty conditions, whereas the opposite season is relatively cool, free of dust, and dominated by a low-latitude band of water ice clouds. Water vapor is most abundant at high latitudes in the summertime of both hemispheres, whereas a polar hood of clouds forms over the winter polar region. The greatest year-to-year variations are caused by intermittent large dust storms, which also affect atmospheric temperature and circulation patterns on a global scale.
Crinoid Ecological Morphology
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 221–249More LessRecent studies of crinoids reveal that their connective tissue, known to be mutable, is also contractile, and that certain stalked taxa are capable of crawling and subject to predation by cidaroid sea urchin. Aspects of crinoid functional morphology, ecology, and paleobiology are reviewed in the context of these findings. Mutability and contractility of ligament are important to autotomy, posture maintenance, and motility, and those, in turn, are shown to play a role in how crinoids acquire nutrients, select habitats and respond to predation pressure. A review of predation on crinoids supports the view that it is ecologically significant. Motility, a trait critical for handling predation pressure by stalkless crinoids, is shown to play an analogous role in stalked crinoids. The distribution of traits required for motility among extant and fossil crinoids reveals that their frequency increased dramatically following the Permo-Triassic extinction, with low values characterizing the Paleozoic and high values characterizing the post-Paleozoic.
Oceanic Euxinia in Earth History: Causes and Consequences
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 251–288More LessEuxinic ocean conditions accompanied significant events in Earth history, including several Phanerozoic biotic crises. By critically examining modern and ancient euxinic environments and the range of hypotheses for these sulfidic episodes, we elucidate the primary factors that influenced the generation of euxinia. We conclude that periods of global warmth promoted anoxia because of reduced solubility of oxygen, not because of ocean stagnation. Anoxia led to phosphate release from sediments, and continental configurations with expansive nutrient-trapping regions focused nutrient recycling and increased regional nutrient buildup. This great nutrient supply would have fueled high biological productivity and oxygen demand, enhancing oxygen depletion and sulfide buildup via sulfate reduction. As long as warm conditions prevailed, these positive feedbacks sustained euxinic conditions. In rare, extreme cases, euxinia led to biotic crises, a hypothesis best supported by evidence from the end-Permian mass extinction.
The Basement of the Central Andes: The Arequipa and Related Terranes
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 289–324More LessThe basement of the Central Andes provides insights for the dispersal of Rodinia, the reconstruction of Gondwana, and the dynamics of terrane accretion along the Pacific. The Paleoproterozoic Arequipa terrane was trapped during collision between Laurentia and Amazonia in the Mesoproterozoic. Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism correlates with the collapse of the Sunsás-Grenville orogen after ∼1000 Ma and is related to slab break-off and dispersal of Rodinia. The Antofalla terrane separated in the Neoproterozoic, forming the Puncoviscana basin. Its closure was coeval with the collision of the eastern Sierras Pampeanas. The rift-drift transitions of the early Paleozoic clastic platform showed a gradual younging to the north, in agreement with counterclockwise rotation based on paleomagnetic data of Antofalla. North of Arequipa arc magmatism and high-grade metamorphism are linked to collision of the Paracas terrane in the Ordovician, during the Famatinian orogeny in the Sierras Pampeanas. The early Paleozoic history of the Arequipa massif is explained by a backarc, which further south changed to open oceanic conditions and subsequent collision. The Antofalla terrane reaccreted to the continental margin by the late Ordovician. These accretions and subsequent separations during the Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian, and late Cambrian–middle Ordovician are explained by changes in absolute motion of the Gondwana supercontinent during plate global reorganization.
Modeling the Dynamics of Subducting Slabs
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 325–356More LessCold, dense subducting lithosphere provides the primary force driving tectonic plates at Earth's surface. The force available to drive the plates depends on a balance between the buoyancy forces driving subduction and the mechanical and buoyancy forces resisting subduction. Because both the buoyancy and rheology of the slab and mantle depend on temperature, composition, grain size, water content, and melt fraction, unraveling which of these processes exert a first-order control on slab dynamics and under what circumstances other processes become first-order effects can be challenging. Laboratory and numerical models of slab dynamics provide a powerful method for testing the combined effects of buoyancy and strength changes that accompany the slab evolution in the upper mantle, transition zone, and lower mantle. Recent studies have focused on understanding how rheologic variations (Newtonian versus non-Newtonian viscosity or water content), geometry (2D versus 3D), and plate motions (trench roll-back or advance) influence the evolution of slabs in the upper mantle and how they sink into the lower mantle. These models suggest that spatial and temporal variations in slab strength and the history of subduction determine whether slabs sink directly into the lower mantle or are trapped in the transition zone.
Geology and Evolution of the Southern Dead Sea Fault with Emphasis on Subsurface Structure
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 357–387More LessThe Dead Sea Fault is an active transform fault linking opening in the Red Sea with collision in the Taurus/Zagros Mountains. Motion is left-lateral and estimated at approximately 5–7 mm year−1. The fault is seismically active, and can be divided into two distinct structural segments. This study focuses on the southern segment based mainly on the wealth of geophysical data. Owing to transtention caused by oblique-slip and the overlapping of en-echelon fault strands, a series of pull-apart basins were formed along the fault's length. These basins are long and deep-reaching in places more than 10 km deep. They are characterized by extensional, compressional, and asymmetrical structures varying in size from large-scale (defining the general structure of the Dead Sea fault valley) to small-scale (defining the internal structure). This study examines the internal structure of these basins from south to north and summarizes the state of knowledge to date.
The Redox State of Earth's Mantle
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 389–420More LessOxygen thermobarometry measurements on spinel peridotite rocks indicate that the oxygen fugacity at the top of the upper mantle falls within ±2 log units of the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) oxygen buffer. Measurements on garnet peridotites from cratonic lithosphere reveal a general decrease in fo2 with depth, which appears to result principally from the effect of pressure on the controlling Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibria. Modeling of experimental data indicates that at approximately 8 GPa, mantle fo2 will be 5 log units below FMQ and at a level where Ni-Fe metal becomes stable. Fe-Ni alloy and an Fe2O3-garnet component will be formed as a result of the disproportionation of FeO, which is experimentally demonstrated through observations of high Fe3+/ΣFe ratios in minerals in equilibrium with metallic Fe. In the lower mantle, the favorable coupled substitution of Al and Fe3+ into (Fe,Mg)SiO3 perovskite results in very high perovskite Fe3+/ΣFe ratios in equilibrium with metallic Fe. As a result, the lower mantle should contain approximately 1 weight% metallic Fe formed through FeO disproportionation, if the bulk oxygen content is the same as the upper mantle. Loss of disproportionated metallic Fe from the lower mantle during core formation could explain the higher Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of the present-day upper mantle when compared to that expected during core formation. The influence of pressure on mantle fo2 has important implications for the speciation of C-O-H-S volatile phases in Earth today and during its early evolution.
The Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the Mantle Wedge
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 421–455More LessSeismic imaging provides an opportunity to constrain mantle wedge processes associated with subduction, slab dehydration, arc volcanism, and backarc spreading. The mantle wedge is characterized by a low attenuation forearc, an inclined zone of low velocity and high attenuation underlying the volcanic front, and a broad region of low velocity and high attenuation beneath the backarc spreading center when present. Seismic velocities, bathymetry, and basalt chemistry suggest mantle temperature variations of ∼100°C between different backarc regions. Rock physics experiments and geodynamic modeling are essential for interpreting seismic observations. Seismic anisotropy indicates a complex pattern of mantle flow that can be modeled with along-strike flow in a low viscosity channel beneath the arc and backarc. Comparison of geodynamic models with seismic tomographic results using experimentally derived relations between velocity, attenuation, and temperature suggests the existence of small melt fractions in the mantle at depths of 30–150 km.
The Iron Isotope Fingerprints of Redox and Biogeochemical Cycling in Modern and Ancient Earth
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 457–493More LessThe largest Fe isotope fractionations occur during redox changes, as well as differences in bonding, but these are expressed only in natural environments in which significant quantities of Fe may be mobilized and separated. At the circumneutral pH of most low-temperature aqueous systems, Fe2+aq is the most common species for mobilizing Fe, and Fe2+aq has low 56Fe/54Fe ratios relative to Fe3+-bearing minerals. Of the variety of abiologic and biologic processes that involve redox or bonding changes, microbial Fe3+ reduction produces the largest quantities of isotopically distinct Fe by several orders of magnitude relative to abiologic processes and hence plays a major role in producing Fe isotope variations on Earth. In modern Earth, the mass of Fe cycled through redox boundaries is small, but in the Archean it was much larger, reflecting juxtaposition of large inventories of Fe2+ and Fe3+. Development of photosynthesis produced large quantities of Fe3+ and organic carbon that fueled a major expansion in microbial Fe3+ reduction in the late Archean, perhaps starting as early as ∼3 Ga. The Fe isotope fingerprint of microbial Fe3+ reduction decreases in the sedimentary rock record between ∼2.4 and 2.2 Ga, reflecting increased bacterial sulfate reduction and a concomitant decrease in the availability of reactive iron to support microbial Fe3+ reduction. The temporal C, S, and Fe isotope record therefore reflects the interplay of changing microbial metabolisms over Earth's history.
The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent of North America
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 495–530More LessThe North American Cordilleran Orogen is the result of a two-stage process: (a) Triassic-Jurassic accretion within Panthalassa forming SAYBIA, a composite ribbon continent, and (b) Late Cretaceous collision of SAYBIA with North America. This model requires that a large portion of the continental foreland of the orogen is exotic. The exotic continental component of SAYBIA, Cassiar Platform, is distinguished from the autochthon on the basis of its (a) Triassic Eurasian fauna; (b) involvement in a major Late Triassic-Early Jurassic orogenic event; and (c) young, in part Grenvillian basement and mantle. A mid-Cretaceous magmatic arc records west-dipping subduction beneath the east-margin of SAYBIA. The related accretionary prism consists of imbricated shale, chert, and deep-water limestones (the Medial Basin) and overlies an isotopically juvenile mantle domain. Carbonatite complexes delineate the cryptic suture separating SAYBIA and the autochthon. Paleomagnetic and paleobotanical data place SAYBIA 2000 km to the south relative to the autochthon at 80 Ma. Late Cretaceous thrust belt development records transpression between the north-moving ribbon continent and the autochthon. Pinning against the Okhotsk-Chukotka arc in Siberia buckled SAYBIA, giving rise to the Alaskan promontory.
Rheology of the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle: Evidence from Rock Mechanics, Geodesy, and Field Observations
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 531–567More LessRock-mechanics experiments, geodetic observations of postloading strain transients, and micro- and macrostructural studies of exhumed ductile shear zones provide complementary views of the style and rheology of deformation deep in Earth's crust and upper mantle. Overall, results obtained in small-scale laboratory experiments provide robust constraints on deformation mechanisms and viscosities at the natural laboratory conditions. Geodetic inferences of the viscous strength of the upper mantle are consistent with flow of mantle rocks at temperatures and water contents determined from surface heat-flow, seismic, and mantle xenolith studies. Laboratory results show that deformation mechanisms and rheology strongly vary as a function of stress, grain size, and fluids. Field studies reveal a strong tendency for deformation in the lower crust and uppermost mantle in and adjacent to fault zones to localize into systems of discrete shear zones with strongly reduced grain size and strength. Deformation mechanisms and rheology may vary over short spatial (shear zone) and temporal (earthquake cycle) scales.
The Postperovskite Transition
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 569–599More LessThe discovery of the postperovskite (PPv) transition has profound impact on our understanding of the core-mantle boundary (CMB) region. Unlike perovskite (Pv), the PPv phase has a layered structure of the SiO6 octahedra, which may lead to a large contrast in some properties with Pv. Recent studies have proposed unusual properties of PPv, such as a large positive Clapeyron slope, a large sensitivity of the transition depth to iron, a decrease in bulk sound speed at the transition, and a development of significant lattice preferred orientation. Many of the proposed properties can provide explanations for the intriguing seismic observations at the CMB region. Yet significant discrepancies still exist. However, rapid developments in mineral physics will continue to improve our knowledge on the changes across the PPv transition.
Coastal Impacts Due to Sea-Level Rise
Vol. 36 (2008), pp. 601–647More LessThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007) recently estimated that global sea level will rise from 0.18 to 0.59 m by the end of this century. Rising sea level not only inundates low-lying coastal regions but also contributes to the redistribution of sediment along sandy coasts. Over the long term, sea-level rise (SLR) causes barrier islands to migrate landward while conserving mass through offshore and onshore sediment transport. Under these conditions, coastal systems adjust to SLR dynamically while maintaining a characteristic geometry that is unique to a particular coast. Coastal marshes are susceptible to accelerated SLR because their vertical accretion rates are limited and they may drown. As marshes convert to open water, tidal exchange through inlets increases, which leads to sand sequestration in tidal deltas and erosion of adjacent barrier shorelines.
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