Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Volume 39, 2011
Volume 39, 2011
- Preface
Plate Tectonics, the Wilson Cycle, and Mantle Plumes: Geodynamics from the Top
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 1–29More LessBy 1968, J. Tuzo Wilson had identified three basic elements of geodynamics: plate tectonics, mantle plumes of deep origin, and the Wilson Cycle of ocean opening and closing, which provides evidence of plate tectonic behavior in times before quantifiable plate rotations. My pre-1968 experience disposed me to try to play a part in testing these ideas. Most recently, with colleagues, I have been able to show that deep-seated plumes of the past ∼5.5 × 108 years have risen only from narrow plume generation zones (PGZs) at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) mostly on the edges of two Large Low Shear wave Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) that have been stable, antipodal, and equatorial in their present positions for hundreds of millions of years and perhaps much longer. A need now is to develop an understanding of Earth that embodies plate tectonics, deeply subducted slabs, and stable LLSVPs with plumes that rise from PGZs on the CMB.
Early Silicate Earth Differentiation
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 31–58More LessThe discovery of small 142Nd anomalies in early Archean rocks has brought about a revolution in our understanding of early planetary differentiation processes. 142Nd is a radiogenic isotope produced by the decay of now-extinct 146Sm in crustal and mantle reservoirs. Given that 142Nd heterogeneities can be produced only prior to 4.2 Gya, this short-lived chronometer provides selective information on the very early evolution of primordial silicate reservoirs. This information is particularly crucial for Earth, where the fingerprints of the earliest crustal formation processes have been almost entirely erased from the geological record. This article reviews the history of the field, from the pioneering applications of the 147Sm-143Nd and 146Sm-142Nd systems to ancient crustal rocks, to the more recent insights gained from application of 146Sm-142Nd to meteorites and lunar samples.
Building and Destroying Continental Mantle
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 59–90More LessContinents, especially their Archean cores, are underlain by thick thermal boundary layers that have been largely isolated from the convecting mantle over billion-year timescales, far exceeding the life span of oceanic thermal boundary layers. This longevity is promoted by the fact that continents are underlain by highly melt-depleted peridotites, which result in a chemically distinct boundary layer that is intrinsically buoyant and strong (owing to dehydration). This chemical boundary layer counteracts the destabilizing effect of the cold thermal state of continents. The compositions of cratonic peridotites require formation at shallower depths than they currently reside, suggesting that the building blocks of continents formed in oceanic or arc environments and became “continental” after significant thickening or underthrusting. Continents are difficult to destroy, but refertilization and rehydration of continental mantle by the passage of melts can nullify the unique stabilizing composition of continents.
Deep Mantle Seismic Modeling and Imaging
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 91–123More LessDetailed seismic modeling and imaging of Earth's deep interior is providing key information about lower-mantle structures and processes, including heat flow across the core-mantle boundary, the configuration of mantle upwellings and downwellings, phase equilibria and transport properties of deep mantle materials, and mechanisms of core-mantle coupling. Multichannel seismic wave analysis methods that provide the highest-resolution deep mantle structural information include network waveform modeling and stacking, array processing, and 3D migrations of P- and S-wave seismograms. These methods detect and identify weak signals from structures that cannot be resolved by global seismic tomography. Some methods are adapted from oil exploration seismology, but all are constrained by the source and receiver distributions, long travel paths, and strong attenuation experienced by seismic waves that penetrate to the deep mantle. Large- and small-scale structures, with velocity variations ranging from a fraction of a percent to tens of percent, have been detected and are guiding geophysicists to new perspectives of thermochemical mantle convection and evolution.
Using Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Study Biomarkers
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 125–156More LessTime-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is a technique designed to analyze the composition and spatial distribution of molecules and chemical structures on surfaces. These capabilities have generated much interest in its use in geobiology, in particular for the characterization of organic biomarkers (molecular biosignatures) at the microscopic level. We here discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of ToF-SIMS for biomarker analyses with a focus on applications in geobiology, including biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, geomicrobiology, and paleobiology. After describing the analytical principles of ToF-SIMS, we discuss issues of biomarker spectral formation and interpretation. Then, key applications of ToF-SIMS to soft (microbial matter, cells), hard (microbial mineral precipitates), and liquid (petroleum) samples relevant in geobiology are reviewed. Finally, we examine the potential of ToF-SIMS in biomarker research and the current limitations and obstacles for which further development would be beneficial to the field.
Hydrogeology and Mechanics of Subduction Zone Forearcs: Fluid Flow and Pore Pressure
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 157–186More LessAt subduction zones, fluid flow, pore pressure, and tectonic processes are tightly interconnected. Excess pore pressure is driven by tectonic loading and fluids released by mineral dehydration, and it has profound effects on fault and earthquake mechanics through its control on effective stress. The egress of these overpressured fluids, which is in part governed by the presence of permeable fault zones, is a primary mechanism of volatile and solute transport to the oceans. Recent field measurements, new constraints gained from laboratory studies, and numerical modeling efforts have led to a greatly improved understanding of these coupled processes. Here, we summarize the current state of knowledge of fluid flow and pore pressure in subduction forearcs, and focus on recent advances that have quantified permeability architecture, fluxes, the nature and timing of transience, and pressure distribution, thus providing new insights into the connections between fluid, metamorphic, mechanical, and fault slip processes.
Soft Tissue Preservation in Terrestrial Mesozoic Vertebrates
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 187–216More LessExceptionally preserved fossils—i.e., those that retain, in some manner, labile components of organisms that are normally degraded far too quickly to enter the fossil record—hold the greatest potential for understanding aspects of the biology of long-extinct animals and are the best targets for the search for endogenous biomolecules. Yet the modes of preservation of these labile components, and exactly what remains of the original composition, are not well understood. Here, I review a selection of cases of soft tissue preservation in Mesozoic vertebrates, examine chemical and environmental factors that may influence such preservation, explore the potential of these fossils for high-resolution analytical studies, and suggest clarification of terminologies and criteria for determining the endogeneity of source and the degree of preservation of these well-preserved tissues.
The Multiple Origins of Complex Multicellularity
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 217–239More LessSimple multicellularity has evolved numerous times within the Eukarya, but complex multicellular organisms belong to only six clades: animals, embryophytic land plants, florideophyte red algae, laminarialean brown algae, and two groups of fungi. Phylogeny and genomics suggest a generalized trajectory for the evolution of complex multicellularity, beginning with the co-optation of existing genes for adhesion. Molecular channels to facilitate cell-cell transfer of nutrients and signaling molecules appear to be critical, as this trait occurs in all complex multicellular organisms but few others. Proliferation of gene families for transcription factors and cell signals accompany the key functional innovation of complex multicellular clades: differentiated cells and tissues for the bulk transport of oxygen, nutrients, and molecular signals that enable organisms to circumvent the physical limitations of diffusion. The fossil records of animals and plants document key stages of this trajectory.
Paleoecologic Megatrends in Marine Metazoa
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 241–269More LessSince their appearance in the Neoproterozoic, marine metazoan ecosystems have increased in ecological diversity, complexity, energy use, motility, predation, infaunality, and biological disturbance. A common theme is an increase in organismal control over internal physiology and the external environment. Often, these changes have been examined in the context of discrete events (e.g., the Cambrian Explosion, Mesozoic Marine Revolution), but they may represent linked, ongoing megatrends. This review examines changes in ecological composition in the context of changes in taxonomic composition, as represented by a more detailed version of Sepkoski's evolutionary fauna analysis. Ecological change occurred during major radiations and extinctions, as well as between them. Due to its ecological selectivity, the Permian-Triassic extinction had particularly significant ecological effects on the biota. Recoveries from mass extinctions may be important episodes of ecological change. Further research could help elucidate the fundamental causes of long-term ecological change, including any role played by the environment.
Slow Earthquakes and Nonvolcanic Tremor
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 271–296More LessNonvolcanic tremor is observed in close association with geodetically observed slow-slip events in subduction zones. Accumulating evidence points to these events as members of a family of slow earthquakes that occur as shear slip on the downdip extensions of fault zones in a regime that is transitional between a frictionally locked region above and a freely slipping region below. By virtue of their locations and their properties, slow earthquakes are certain to provide new insights into the behavior of earthquakes and faulting and into the hazard they embody.
Archean Microbial Mat Communities
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 297–319More LessMuch of the Archean record of microbial communities consists of fossil mats and stromatolites. Critical physical emergent properties governing the evolution of large-scale (centimeters to meters) topographic relief on the mat landscape are (a) mat surface roughness relative to the laminar sublayer and (b) cohesion. These properties can be estimated for fossil samples under many circumstances. A preliminary analysis of Archean mat cohesion suggests that mats growing in shallow marine environments from throughout this time had cohesions similar to those of modern shallow marine mats. There may have been a significant increase in mat strength at the end of the Archean.
Uranium Series Accessory Crystal Dating of Magmatic Processes
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 321–349More LessComplex and protracted crystallization histories over geologic timescales are recorded in accessory minerals (e.g., zircon, allanite). Although magmatic crystallization was traditionally assumed to occur essentially instantaneously for the purposes of interpreting mineral geochronometers with low absolute time resolution for ancient samples, it emerged relatively recently that magmatic crystallization can occur over extended durations. This discovery arose from applying high-spatial-resolution accessory mineral dating techniques for uranium series isotopes to young volcanic and cognate plutonic rocks. The emerging pattern from these studies is that individual crystals and crystal populations record crystallization episodes lasting from <1,000 to many hundreds of thousands of years. Accessory mineral dating of volcanic rocks and cognate plutonic xenoliths opens new research avenues for crystal age fingerprinting that correlates pyroclastic deposits, lavas, and plutonic rocks by using characteristic age distributions. It also provides direct observations on magmatic accumulation and residence times, and the preeruptive configuration of subterraneous magma bodies and intrusive complexes with implications for the forecasting of volcanic eruptions. Awareness of potentially protracted crystallization in igneous rocks should guide the interpretation of accessory mineral ages.
A Perspective from Extinct Radionuclides on a Young Stellar Object: The Sun and Its Accretion Disk
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 351–386More LessMeteorites, which are remnants of solar system formation, provide a direct glimpse into the dynamics and evolution of a young stellar object (YSO), namely our Sun. Much of our knowledge about the astrophysical context of the birth of the Sun, the chronology of planetary growth from micrometer-sized dust to terrestrial planets, and the activity of the young Sun comes from the study of extinct radionuclides such as 26Al (t1/2=0.717 Myr). Here we review how the signatures of extinct radionuclides (short-lived isotopes that were present when the solar system formed and that have now decayed below detection level) in planetary materials influence the current paradigm of solar system formation. Particular attention is given to tying meteorite measurements to remote astronomical observations of YSOs and modeling efforts. Some extinct radionuclides were inherited from the long-term chemical evolution of the Galaxy, others were injected into the solar system by a nearby supernova, and some were produced by particle irradiation from the T-Tauri Sun. The chronology inferred from extinct radionuclides reveals that dust agglomeration to form centimeter-sized particles in the inner part of the disk was very rapid (<50 kyr), planetesimal formation started early and spanned several million years, planetary embryos (possibly like Mars) were formed in a few million years, and terrestrial planets (like Earth) completed their growths several tens of million years after the birth of the Sun.
Learning to Read the Chemistry of Regolith to Understand the Critical Zone
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 387–416More LessThe base of the Critical Zone includes the mantle of altered soil and rock—regolith—that changes in response to chemical, physical, and biological processes occurring at Earth's surface. These processes are recorded in the chemistry of the regolith, and this long-term record can often be deciphered. For example, on eroding ridgetops where flows are generally downward for water and upward for earth material, element concentrations vary with depth to constitute depletion, addition, depletion-enrichment, and biogenic profiles. Models can be used to explore the records of mineral dissolution, atmospheric input, coupled dissolution-precipitation, and biolifting documented in these profiles. These models enable interpretation of the effects of time, climate, rates of erosion, and human and other biotic impacts on the profile patterns. By testing quantitative models against the long-term record of information in regolith, we will learn to project changes arising from human and natural perturbations of the Critical Zone.
Climate of the Neoproterozoic
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 417–460More LessThe Neoproterozoic is a time of transition between the ancient microbial world and the Phanerozoic, marked by a resumption of extreme carbon isotope fluctuations and glaciation after a billion-year absence. The carbon cycle disruptions are probably accompanied by changes in the stock of oxidants and connect to glaciations via changes in the atmospheric greenhouse gas content. Two of the glaciations reach low latitudes and may have been Snowball events with near-global ice cover. This review deals primarily with the Cryogenian portion of the Neoproterozoic, during which these glaciations occurred. The initiation and deglaciation of Snowball states are discussed in light of a suite of general circulation model simulations designed to facilitate intercomparison between different models. Snow cover and the nature of the frozen surface emerge as key factors governing initiation and deglaciation. The most comprehensive model discussed confirms the possibility of initiating a Snowball event with a plausible reduction of CO2. Deglaciation requires a combination of elevated CO2 and tropical dust accumulation, aided by some cloud warming. The cause of Neoproterozoic biogeochemical turbulence, and its precise connection with Snowball glaciations, remains obscure.
Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Sediments over the Past 200,000 Years
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 461–488More LessOptical dating of sediment using optically stimulated luminescence has become important for studying Earth surface processes, and this technique continues to develop rapidly. A group of closely linked luminescence methods can be used to estimate the time since grains of quartz and feldspar were last exposed to daylight by detecting their subsequent response to environmental ionizing radiation exposure. The technique is well suited to the dating of deposits as young as one year to several hundred thousand years. Recent technical developments have established a dating protocol with improved precision, a high degree of reliability, and an in-built means to detect incomplete signal removal during deposition. This approach has been extended to age estimation for single grains, opening up a wider range of potential environments and new possibilities for understanding postdepositional grain movement. Ongoing research offers the possibility of significant age range extension and novel applications including low-temperature thermochronology.
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: A Perturbation of Carbon Cycle, Climate, and Biosphere with Implications for the Future
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 489–516More LessDuring the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), ∼56 Mya, thousands of petagrams of carbon were released into the ocean-atmosphere system with attendant changes in the carbon cycle, climate, ocean chemistry, and marine and continental ecosystems. The period of carbon release is thought to have lasted <20 ka, the duration of the whole event was ∼200 ka, and the global temperature increase was 5–8°C. Terrestrial and marine organisms experienced large shifts in geographic ranges, rapid evolution, and changes in trophic ecology, but few groups suffered major extinctions with the exception of benthic foraminifera. The PETM provides valuable insights into the carbon cycle, climate system, and biotic responses to environmental change that are relevant to long-term future global changes.
Evolution of Grasses and Grassland Ecosystems
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 517–544More LessThe evolution and subsequent ecological expansion of grasses (Poaceae) since the Late Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth's dominant biomes, the temperate and tropical grasslands, at the expense of forests. In the past decades, several new approaches have been applied to the fossil record of grasses to elucidate the patterns and processes of this ecosystem transformation. The data indicate that the development of grassland ecosystems on most continents was a multistage process involving the Paleogene appearance of (C3 and C4) open-habitat grasses, the mid-late Cenozoic spread of C3 grass-dominated habitats, and, finally, the Late Neogene expansion of C4 grasses at tropical-subtropical latitudes. The evolution of herbivores adapted to grasslands did not necessarily coincide with the spread of open-habitat grasses. In addition, the timing of these evolutionary and ecological events varied between regions. Consequently, region-by-region investigations using both direct (plant fossils) and indirect (e.g., stable carbon isotopes, faunas) evidence are required for a full understanding of the tempo and mode of grass and grassland evolution.
Rates and Mechanisms of Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite: Natural Processes and Recipes for Enhanced, in situ CO2 Capture and Storage
Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 545–576More LessNear-surface reaction of CO2-bearing fluids with silicate minerals in peridotite and basalt forms solid carbonate minerals. Such processes form abundant veins and travertine deposits, particularly in association with tectonically exposed mantle peridotite. This is important in the global carbon cycle, in weathering, and in understanding physical-chemical interaction during retrograde metamorphism. Enhancing the rate of such reactions is a proposed method for geologic CO2 storage, and perhaps for direct capture of CO2 from near-surface fluids. We review, synthesize, and extend inferences from a variety of sources. We include data from studies on natural peridotite carbonation processes, carbonation kinetics, feedback between permeability and volume change via reaction-driven cracking, and proposed methods for enhancing the rate of natural mineral carbonation via in situ processes (“at the outcrop”) rather than ex situ processes (“at the smokestack”).
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