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Annual Review of Public Health - Current Issue
Volume 45, 2024
- Symposium: Implementation Science and Health Equity
Advancing the Science and Application of Implementation Science to Promote Health Equity: Commentary on the Symposium
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 1–5More LessThere has been an increasing focus on making health equity a more explicit and foundational aspect of the research being conducted in public health and implementation science. This commentary provides an overview of five reviews in this Annual Review of Public Health symposium on Implementation Science and Health Equity. These articles reflect on and advance the application of core implementation science principles and concepts, with a focus on promoting health equity across a diverse range of public health and health care settings. Taken together, the symposium articles highlight critical conceptual, methodological, and empirical advances in the study designs, frameworks, and approaches that can help address equity considerations in the use of implementation science in both domestic and global contexts. Finally, this commentary highlights how work featured in this symposium can help inform future directions for rapidly taking public health to scale, particularly among systemically marginalized populations and communities.
Bridges and Mechanisms: Integrating Systems Science Thinking into Implementation Research
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 7–25More LessWe present a detailed argument for how to integrate, or bridge, systems science thinking and methods with implementation science. We start by showing how fundamental systems science principles of structure, dynamics, information, and utility are relevant for implementation science. Then we examine the need for implementation science to develop and apply richer theories of complex systems. This can be accomplished by emphasizing a causal mechanisms approach. Identifying causal mechanisms focuses on the “cogs and gears” of public health, clinical, and organizational interventions. A mechanisms approach focuses on how a specific strategy will produce the implementation outcome. We show how connecting systems science to implementation science opens new opportunities for examining and addressing social determinants of health and conducting equitable and ethical implementation research. Finally, we present case studies illustrating successful applications of systems science within implementation science in community health policy, tobacco control, health care access, and breast cancer screening.
Challenges and Opportunities for Paving the Road to Global Health Equity Through Implementation Science
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 27–45More LessImplementation science focuses on enhancing the widespread uptake of evidence-based interventions into routine practice to improve population health. However, optimizing implementation science to promote health equity in domestic and global resource-limited settings requires considering historical and sociopolitical processes (e.g., colonization, structural racism) and centering in local sociocultural and indigenous cultures and values. This review weaves together principles of decolonization and antiracism to inform critical and reflexive perspectives on partnerships that incorporate a focus on implementation science, with the goal of making progress toward global health equity. From an implementation science perspective, wesynthesize examples of public health evidence-based interventions, strategies, and outcomes applied in global settings that are promising for health equity, alongside a critical examination of partnerships, context, and frameworks operationalized in these studies. We conclude with key future directions to optimize the application of implementation science with a justice orientation to promote global health equity.
Using Participatory Implementation Science to Advance Health Equity
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 47–67More LessParticipatory approaches to implementation science (IS) offer an inclusive, collaborative, and iterative perspective on implementing and sustaining evidence-based interventions (EBIs) to advance health equity. This review provides guidance on the principles and practice of participatory IS, which enables academic researchers, community members, implementers, and other actors to collaboratively integrate practice-, community-, and research-based evidence into public health and health care services. With a foundational focus on supporting academics in coproducing knowledge and action, participatory IS seeks to improve health, reduce inequity, and create transformational change. The three main sections of this review provide (a) a rationale for participatory approaches to research in implementation science, (b) a framework for integrating participatory approaches in research utilizing IS theory and methods, and (c) critical considerations for optimizing the practice and impact of participatory IS. Ultimately, participatory approaches can move IS activities beyond efforts to make EBIs work within harmful systems toward transformative solutions that reshape these systems to center equity.
Adaptive Designs in Implementation Science and Practice: Their Promise and the Need for Greater Understanding and Improved Communication
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 69–88More LessThe promise of adaptation and adaptive designs in implementation science has been hindered by the lack of clarity and precision in defining what it means to adapt, especially regarding the distinction between adaptive study designs and adaptive implementation strategies. To ensure a common language for science and practice, authors reviewed the implementation science literature and found that the term adaptive was used to describe interventions, implementation strategies, and trial designs. To provide clarity and offer recommendations for reporting and strengthening study design, we propose a taxonomy that describes fixed versus adaptive implementation strategies and implementation trial designs. To improve impact, (a) futureimplementation studies should prespecify implementation strategy core functions that in turn can be taught to and replicated by health system/community partners, (b) funders should support exploratory studies that refine and specify implementation strategies, and (c) investigators should systematically address design requirements and ethical considerations (e.g., randomization, blinding/masking) with health system/community partners.
Leveraging Implementation Science to Advance Environmental Justice Research and Achieve Health Equity through Neighborhood and Policy Interventions
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 89–108More LessEnvironmental justice research is increasingly focused on community-engaged, participatory investigations that test interventions to improve health. Such research is primed for the use of implementation science–informed approaches to optimize the uptake and use of interventions proven to be effective. This review identifies synergies between implementation science and environmental justice with the goal of advancing both disciplines. Specifically, the article synthesizes the literature on neighborhood-, community-, and policy-level interventions in environmental health that address underlying structural determinants (e.g., structural racism) and social determinants of health. Opportunities to facilitate and scale the equitable implementation of evidence-based environmental health interventions are highlighted, using urban greening as an illustrative example. An environmental justice–focused version of the implementation science subway is provided, which highlights these principles: Remember and Reflect, Restore and Reclaim, and Reinvest. The review concludes with existing gaps and future directions to advance the science of implementation to promote environmental justice.
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
GIS-Based Assessments of Neighborhood Food Environments and Chronic Conditions: An Overview of Methodologies
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 109–132More LessThe industrial revolution and urbanization fundamentally restructured populations’ living circumstances, often with poor impacts on health. As an example, unhealthy food establishments may concentrate in some neighborhoods and, mediated by social and commercial drivers, increase local health risks. To understand the connections between neighborhood food environments and public health, researchers often use geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial statistics to analyze place-based evidence, but such tools require careful application and interpretation. In this article, we summarize the factors shaping neighborhood health in relation to local food environments and outline the use of GIS methodologies to assess associations between the two. We provide an overview of available data sources, analytical approaches, and their strengths and weaknesses. We postulate next steps in GIS integration with forecasting, prediction, and simulation measures to frame implications for local health policies.
Informing Public Health Policies with Models for Disease Burden, Impact Evaluation, and Economic Evaluation
Mark Jit, and Alex R. CookVol. 45 (2024), pp. 133–150More LessConducting real-world public health experiments is often costly, time-consuming, and ethically challenging, so mathematical models have a long-standing history of being used to inform policy. Applications include estimating disease burden, performing economic evaluation of interventions, and responding to health emergencies such as pandemics. Models played a pivotal role during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing early detection of SARS-CoV-2’s pandemic potential and informing subsequent public health measures. While models offer valuable policy insights, they often carry limitations, especially when they depend on assumptions and incomplete data. Striking a balance between accuracy and timely decision-making in rapidly evolving situations such as disease outbreaks is challenging. Modelers need to explore the extent to which their models deviate from representing the real world. The uncertainties inherent in models must be effectively communicated to policy makers and the public. As the field becomes increasingly influential, it needs to develop reporting standards that enable rigorous external scrutiny.
Test and Treat for Prediabetes: A Review of the Health Effects of Prediabetes and the Role of Screening and Prevention
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 151–167More LessThe term prediabetes describes blood glucose levels above the normal range but below the threshold to diagnose type 2 diabetes. Several population health initiatives encourage a test and treat approach for prediabetes. In this approach, screening and identification of individuals with prediabetes should be followed by prompt referral to structured lifestyle modification programs or pharmacologic interventions that have been shown to prevent or delay the progression to type 2 diabetes in clinical trials. Here we provide a critical review of evidence for this test and treat approach by examining health outcomes associated with prediabetes and the availability and effectiveness of lifestyle modification approaches that target prediabetes. We also describe current limitations to the reach and uptake of evidence-based treatment options for prediabetes. Finally, we highlight lessons learned from identifying and labeling other preconditions to consider challenges and opportunities that may arise with increasing awareness of prediabetes as part of routine preventive care.
Turning the Health Equity Lens to Diversity in Asian American Health Profiles
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 169–193More LessThe monolithic misrepresentation of Asian American (AsAm) populations has maintained assumptions that AsAm people are not burdened by health disparities and social and economic inequities. However, the story is more nuanced. We critically review AsAm health research to present knowledge of AsAm health profiles from the past two decades and present findings and opportunities across three topical domains: (a) general descriptive knowledge, (b) factors affecting health care uptake, and (c) effective interventions. Much of the literature emphasized underutilization of health care services; low knowledge and awareness among AsAms about health-related risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment; inadequate efforts by health systems to improve language access, provider–patient communication, and trust; and the critical roles of community- and faith-based organizations and leaders in health promotion initiatives. Future opportunities for AsAm health research will require adoption of and significant investment in community-engaged research infrastructure to increase representation, funding, and research innovation for AsAm communities.
- Social Environment and Behavior
Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Tailoring: Lessons Learned and Refinements After Two Decades of Incorporating Culture in Health Communication Research
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 195–212More LessIn this article, we examine progress and challenges in designing, implementing, and evaluating culturally sensitive behavioral interventions by tailoring health communication to groups or individuals. After defining common tailoring constructs (i.e., culture, race, and ethnicity), cultural sensitivity, and cultural tailoring, we examine when it is useful to culturally tailor and address cultural sensitivity in health communication by group tailoring or individual tailoring and when tailoring health communication may not be necessary or appropriate for achieving behavior change. After reviewing selected approaches to cultural tailoring, we critique the quality of research in this domain with a focus on the internal validity of empirical findings. Then we explore the ways in which cultural sensitivity, group targeting, and individual tailoring have incorporated culture in health promotion and health communication. We conclude by articulating yet unanswered questions and suggesting future directions to move the field forward.
More than a Nuisance: Implications of Food Marketing for Public Health Efforts to Curb Childhood Obesity
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 213–233More LessFifteen years ago, public health experts urged industry, governments, and advocates to take action to dramatically improve the unhealthy food-marketing environment surrounding children in order to address the global childhood obesity crisis. Since then, research has confirmed that food marketing to children has far-reaching negative effects on their diets and health, takes advantage of adolescent vulnerabilities, and contributes to health disparities. In addition, digital marketing has profoundly changed young people's engagement with brands. Moreover, reliance on industry self-regulation as a solution has proven ineffective. Government-led policies have been more successful, but they remain limited in scope and challenging to adopt and implement. New approaches are necessary to increase public and policy maker awareness that food marketing is more than a nuisance, that it threatens the long-term health of children and adolescents worldwide, and that meaningful governmental action is urgently required to curtail industry's negative impact on young people's well-being.
Ramifications of Precarious Employment for Health and Health Inequity: Emerging Trends from the Americas
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 235–251More LessPrecarious employment (PE), which encompasses the power relations between workers and employers, is a well-established social determinant of health that has strong ramifications for health and health inequity. In this review, we discuss advances in the measurement of this multidimensional construct and provide recommendations for overcoming continued measurement challenges. We then evaluate recent evidence of the negative health impacts of PE, with a focus on the burgeoning studies from North America and South America. We also establish the role of PE in maintaining and perpetuating health inequities and review potential policy solutions to help alleviate its health burden. Last, we discuss future research directions with a call for a better understanding of the heterogeneity within PE and for research that focuses both on upstream drivers that shape PE and its impacts on health, as well as on the mechanisms by which PE causes poor health.
The Future of Plant-Based Diets: Aligning Healthy Marketplace Choices with Equitable, Resilient, and Sustainable Food Systems
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 253–275More LessThe future of plant-based diets is a complex public health issue inextricably linked to planetary health. Shifting the world's population to consume nutrient-rich, plant-based diets is among the most impactful strategies to transition to sustainable food systems to feed 10 billion people by 2050. This review summarizes how international expert bodies define sustainable diets and food systems and describes types of sustainable dietary patterns. It also explores how the type and proportion of plant- versus animal-source foods and alternative proteins relate to sustainable diets to reduce diet-related morbidity and mortality. Thereafter, we synthesize evidence for current challenges and actions needed to achieve plant-based sustainable dietary patterns using a conceptual framework with principles to promote human health, ecological health, social equity, and economic prosperity. We recommend strategies for governments, businesses, and civil society to encourage marketplace choices that lead to plant-rich sustainable diets within healthy, equitable, and resilient agroecological food systems.
Violence Against Women as a Global Public Health Issue
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 277–294More LessViolence against women, especially intimate partner violence, is recognized as a global public health issue due to its prevalence and global reach. This article outlines the scope of the issue, with respect to its prevalence, health outcomes, and risk factors, and identifies key milestones that led to its global recognition: methodological and data advances, acknowledgment as a criminal justice and health issue, support by the global women's movement, and the robust evidence demonstrating that intimate partner violence is preventable. Key issues for the future include recognition and consideration of intersectionality in research, improvements in the measurement of other forms of violence against women, and the need to scale up prevention efforts that have documented success. Violence against women is an urgent priority as it affects individuals, their families and surroundings, and the entire global health community.
- Environmental and Occupational Health
Climate Change, Landscape Fires, and Human Health: A Global Perspective
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 295–314More LessLandscape fires are an integral component of the Earth system and a feature of prehistoric, subsistence, and industrial economies. Specific spatiotemporal patterns of landscape fire occur in different locations around the world, shaped by the interactions between environmental and human drivers of fire activity. Seven distinct types of landscape fire emerge from these interactions: remote area fires, wildfire disasters, savanna fires, Indigenous burning, prescribed burning, agricultural burning, and deforestation fires. All can have substantial impacts on human health and well-being directly and indirectly through (a) exposure to heat flux (e.g., injuries and destructive impacts), (b) emissions (e.g., smoke-related health impacts), and (c) altered ecosystem functioning (e.g., biodiversity, amenity, water quality, and climate impacts). Minimizing the adverse effects of landscape fires on population health requires understanding how human and environmental influences on fire impacts can be modified through interventions targeted at individual, community, and regional levels.
Extreme Heat and Occupational Health Risks
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 315–335More LessClimate change poses a significant occupational health hazard. Rising temperatures and more frequent heat waves are expected to cause increasing heat-related morbidity and mortality for workers across the globe. Agricultural, construction, military, firefighting, mining, and manufacturing workers are at particularly high risk for heat-related illness (HRI). Various factors, including ambient temperatures, personal protective equipment, work arrangements, physical exertion, and work with heavy equipment may put workers at higher risk for HRI. While extreme heat will impact workers across the world, workers in low- and middle-income countries will be disproportionately affected. Tracking occupational HRI will be critical to informing prevention and mitigation strategies. Renewed investment in these strategies, including workplace heat prevention programs and regulatory standards for indoor and outdoor workers, will be needed. Additional research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in order to successfully reduce the risk of HRI in the workplace.
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention at the Workplace
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 337–357More LessThe concept of workplace safety and health has focused largely on preventing accidents and on minimizing hazardous exposures. However, because workers spend a substantial part of their waking hours at the workplace, the potential to influence the health of a large proportion of the world's population through the workplace is enormous. The opportunities to carry out health promotion and chronic disease prevention activities at the workplace are countless, including (a) health screening; (b) tobacco cessation activities; (c) the promotion of healthy food choices and weight loss; (d) active breaks with physical exercise in terms of microexercise, enhancement of infrastructure to stimulate physical activity, and organization of work tasks to facilitate incidental physical activity; and (e) routine vaccinations. This review discusses the key factors necessary to implement health promotion and chronic disease prevention programs at the workplace (SWOLE model) and discusses the different foci and possibilities with respect to the differing nature of work for the blue- versus white-collar workforce.
- Public Health Practice and Policy
Contemporary Public Health Finance: Varied Definitions, Patterns, and Implications
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 359–374More LessThe financing of public health systems and services relies on a complex and fragmented web of partners and funding priorities. Both underfunding and “dys-funding” contribute to preventable mortality, increases in disease frequency and severity, and hindered social and economic growth. These issues were both illuminated and magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated responses. Further complicating issues is the difficulty in constructing adequate estimates of current public health resources and necessary resources. Each of these challenges inhibits the delivery of necessary services, leads to inequitable access and resourcing, contributes to resource volatility, and presents other deleterious outcomes. However, actions may be taken to defragment complex funding paradigms toward more flexible spending, to modernize and standardize data systems, and to assure equitable and sustainable public health investments.
Evidence for Policies and Practices to Address Global Food Insecurity
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 375–400More LessFood insecurity affects an estimated 691–783 million people globally and is disproportionately high in Africa and Asia. It arises from poverty, armed conflict, and climate change, among other demographic and globalization forces. This review summarizes evidence for policies and practices across five elements of the agrifood system framework and identifies gaps that inform an agenda for future research. Under availability, imbalanced agriculture policies protect primarily staple food producers, and there is limited evidence on food security impacts for smallholder and women food producers. Evidence supports the use of cash transfers and food aid for affordability and school feeding for multiple benefits. Food-based dietary guidelines can improve the nutritional quality of dietary patterns, yet they may not reflect the latest evidence or food supplies. Evidence from the newer food environment elements, promotion and sustainability, while relatively minimal, provides insight into achieving long-term impacts. To eliminate hunger, our global community should embrace integrated approaches and bring evidence-based policies and practices to scale.
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Lessons Learned from Immigrant Health Cohorts: A Review of the Evidence and Implications for Policy and Practice in Addressing Health Inequities among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 401–424More LessThe health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) is uniquely impacted by structural and social determinants of health (SSDH) shaped by immigration policies and colonization practices, patterns of settlement, and racism. These SSDH also create vast heterogeneity in disease risks across the AANHPI population, with some ethnic groups having high disease burden, often masked with aggregated data. Longitudinal cohort studies are an invaluable tool to identify risk factors of disease, and epidemiologic cohort studies among AANHPI populations have led to seminal discoveries of disease risk factors. This review summarizes the limited but growing literature, with a focus on SSDH factors, from seven longitudinal cohort studies with substantial AANHPI samples. We also discuss key information gaps and recommendations for the next generation of AANHPI cohorts, including oversampling AANHPI ethnic groups; measuring and innovating on measurements of SSDH; emphasizing the involvement of scholars from diverse disciplines; and, most critically, engaging community members to ensure relevancy for public health, policy, and clinical impact.
- Public Health Practice and Policy
Warning Labels as a Public Health Intervention: Effects and Challenges for Tobacco, Cannabis, and Opioid Medications
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 425–442More LessWarning labels help consumers understand product risks, enabling informed decisions. Since the 1966 introduction of cigarette warning labels in the United States, research has determined the most effective message content (health effects information) and format (brand-free packaging with pictures). However, new challenges have emerged. This article reviews the current state of tobacco warning labels in the United States, where legal battles have stalled pictorial cigarette warnings and new products such as electronic cigarettes and synthetic nicotine products pose unknown health risks. This article describes the emerging research on cannabis warnings; as more places legalize recreational cannabis, they are adopting lessons from tobacco warnings. However, its uncertain legal status and widespread underestimation of harms impede strict warning standards. The article also reviews opioid medication warning labels, suggesting that lessons from tobacco could help in the development of effective and culturally appropriate FDA-compliant opioid warning labels that promote safe medication use and increased co-dispensing of naloxone.
- Health Services
Addressing Social Needs in Clinical Settings: Implementation and Impact on Health Care Utilization, Costs, and Integration of Care
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 443–464More LessIn recent years, health care policy makers have focused increasingly on addressing social drivers of health as a strategy for improving health and health equity. Impacts of social, economic, and environmental conditions on health are well established. However, less is known about the implementation and impact of approaches used by health care providers and payers to address social drivers of health in clinical settings. This article reviews current efforts by US health care organizations and public payers such as Medicaid and Medicare to address social drivers of health at the individual and community levels. We summarize the limited available evidence regarding intervention impacts on health care utilization, costs, and integration of care and identify key lessons learned from current implementation efforts.
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Conceptualizing and Measuring Trust, Mistrust, and Distrust: Implications for Advancing Health Equity and Building Trustworthiness
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 465–484More LessTrust is vital to public confidence in health and science, yet there is no consensus on the most useful way to conceptualize, define, measure, or intervene on trust and its related constructs (e.g., mistrust, distrust, and trustworthiness). In this review, we synthesize literature from this wide-ranging field that has conceptual roots in racism, marginalization, and other forms of oppression. We summarize key definitions and conceptual frameworks and offer guidance to scholars aiming to measure these constructs. We also review how trust-related constructs are associated with health outcomes, describe interventions in this field, and provide recommendations for building trust and institutional trustworthiness and advancing health equity. We ultimately call for future efforts to focus on improving the trustworthiness of public health professionals, scientists, health care providers, and systems instead of aiming to increase trust in these entities as they currently exist and behave.
Designing Difference-in-Difference Studies with Staggered Treatment Adoption: Key Concepts and Practical Guidelines
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 485–505More LessDifference-in-difference (DID) estimators are a valuable method for identifying causal effects in the public health researcher's toolkit. A growing methods literature points out potential problems with DID estimators when treatment is staggered in adoption and varies with time. Despite this, no practical guide exists for addressing these new critiques in public health research. We illustrate these new DID concepts with step-by-step examples, code, and a checklist. We draw insights by comparing the simple 2 × 2 DID design (single treatment group, single control group, two time periods) with more complex cases: additional treated groups, additional time periods of treatment, and treatment effects possibly varying over time. We outline newly uncovered threats to causal interpretation of DID estimates and the solutions the literature has proposed, relying on a decomposition that shows how the more complex DIDs are an average of simpler 2 × 2 DID subexperiments.
- Health Services
Innovation in the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 507–525More LessSeveral factors motivate the need for innovation to improve the delivery of behavioral health services, including increased rates of mental health and substance use disorders, limited access to services, inconsistent use of evidence-based practices, and persistent racial and ethnic disparities. This narrative review identifies promising innovations that address these challenges, assesses empirical evidence for the effectiveness of these innovations and the extent to which they have been adopted and implemented, and suggests next steps for research. We review five categories of innovations: organizational models, including a range of novel locations for providing services and new ways of organizing services within and across sites; information and communication technologies; workforce; treatment technologies; and policy and regulatory changes. We conclude by discussing the need to strengthen and accelerate the contributions of implementation science to close the gap between the launch of innovative behavioral health services and their widespread use.
The Economics of Treatment for Depression
Vol. 45 (2024), pp. 527–551More LessThe global prevalence of depression has risen over the past three decades across all socioeconomic groups and geographic regions, with a particularly rapid increase in prevalence among adolescents (aged 12–17 years) in the United States. Depression imposes large health, economic, and societal costs, including reduced life span and quality of life, medical costs, and reduced educational attainment and workplace productivity. A wide range of treatment modalities for depression are available, but socioeconomic disparities in treatment access are driven by treatment costs, lack of culturally tailored options, stigma, and provider shortages, among other barriers. This review highlights the need for comparative research to better understand treatments’ relative efficacy, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and potential heterogeneity in efficacy across socioeconomic groups and country and cultural contexts. To address the growing burden of depression, mental health policy could consider reducing restrictions on the supply of providers, implementing digital interventions, reducing stigma, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Previous Volumes
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Volume 44 (2023)
Volume 43 (2022)
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Volume 41 (2020)
Volume 40 (2019)
Volume 39 (2018)
Volume 38 (2017)
Volume 37 (2016)
Volume 36 (2015)
Volume 35 (2014)
Volume 34 (2013)
Volume 33 (2012)
Volume 32 (2011)
Volume 31 (2010)
Volume 30 (2009)
Volume 29 (2008)
Volume 28 (2007)
Volume 27 (2006)
Volume 26 (2005)
Volume 25 (2004)
Volume 24 (2003)
Volume 23 (2002)
Volume 22 (2001)
Volume 21 (2000)
Volume 20 (1999)
Volume 19 (1998)
Volume 18 (1997)
Volume 17 (1996)
Volume 16 (1995)
Volume 15 (1994)
Volume 14 (1993)
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Volume 12 (1991)
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Volume 2 (1981)
Volume 1 (1980)
Volume 0 (1932)