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Annual Review of Virology - Volume 9, 2022
Volume 9, 2022
Systems Biology of Virus-Host Protein Interactions: From Hypothesis Generation to Mechanisms of Replication and Pathogenesis
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 397–415More LessAs obligate intracellular parasites, all viruses must co-opt cellular machinery to facilitate their own replication. Viruses often co-opt these cellular pathways and processes through physical interactions between viral and host proteins. In addition to facilitating fundamental aspects of virus replication cycles, these virus-host protein interactions can also disrupt physiological functions of host proteins, causing disease that can be advantageous to the virus or simply a coincidence. Consequently, unraveling virus-host protein interactions can serve as a window into molecular mechanisms of virus replication and pathogenesis. Identifying virus-host protein interactions using unbiased systems biology approaches provides an avenue for hypothesis generation. This review highlights common systems biology approaches for identification of virus-host protein interactions and the mechanistic insights revealed by these methods. We also review conceptual innovations using comparative and integrative systems biology that can leverage global virus-host protein interaction data sets to more rapidly move from hypothesis generation to mechanism.
Citrus Tristeza Virus: From Pathogen to Panacea
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 417–435More LessCitrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the most destructive viral pathogen of citrus. During the past century, CTV induced grave epidemics in citrus-growing areas worldwide that have resulted in a loss of more than 100 million trees. At present, the virus continues to threaten citrus production in many different countries. Research on CTV is accompanied by distinctive challenges stemming from the large size of its RNA genome, the narrow host range limited to slow-growing Citrus species and relatives, and the complexity of CTV populations. Despite these hurdles, remarkable progress has been made in understanding the CTV-host interactions and in converting the virus into a tool for crop protection and improvement. This review focuses on recent advances that have shed light on the mechanisms underlying CTV infection. Understanding these mechanisms is pivotal for the development of means to control CTV diseases and, ultimately, turn this virus into an ally.
Advances in Understanding Neuropathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever Virus
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 437–450More LessRift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an emerging arboviral pathogen that causes disease in both livestock and humans. Severe disease manifestations of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in humans include hemorrhagic fever, ocular disease, and encephalitis. This review describes the current understanding of the pathogenesis of RVF encephalitis. While some data from human studies exist, the development of several animal models has accelerated studies of the neuropathogenesis of RVFV. We review current animal models and discuss what they have taught us about RVFV encephalitis. We briefly describe alternative models that have been used to study other neurotropic arboviruses and how these models may help contribute to our understanding RVFV encephalitis. We conclude with some unanswered questions and future directions.
Cyclic Nucleotide Signaling in Phage Defense and Counter-Defense
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 451–468More LessAdvances in our understanding of prokaryotic antiphage defense mechanisms in the past few years have revealed a multitude of new cyclic nucleotide signaling molecules that play a crucial role in switching infected cells into an antiviral state. Defense pathways including type III CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats), CBASS (cyclic nucleotide-based antiphage signaling system), PYCSAR (pyrimidine cyclase system for antiphage resistance), and Thoeris all use cyclic nucleotides as second messengers to activate a diverse range of effector proteins. These effectors typically degrade or disrupt key cellular components such as nucleic acids, membranes, or metabolites, slowing down viral replication kinetics at great cost to the infected cell. Mechanisms to manipulate the levels of cyclic nucleotides are employed by cells to regulate defense pathways and by viruses to subvert them. Here we review the discovery and mechanism of the key pathways, signaling molecules and effectors, parallels and differences between the systems, open questions, and prospects for future research in this area.
Shifting the Immune Memory Paradigm: Trained Immunity in Viral Infections
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 469–489More LessTrained immunity is defined as the de facto memory characteristics induced in innate immune cells after exposure to microbial stimuli after infections or certain types of vaccines. Through epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming of innate immune cells after exposure to these stimuli, trained immunity induces an enhanced nonspecific protection by improving the inflammatory response upon restimulation with the same or different pathogens. Recent studies have increasingly shown that trained immunity can, on the one hand, be induced by exposure to viruses; on the other hand, when induced, it can also provide protection against heterologous viral infections. In this review we explore current knowledge on trained immunity and its relevance for viral infections, as well as its possible future uses.
Lessons from Acquired Natural Immunity and Clinical Trials to Inform Next-Generation Human Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Development
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 491–520More LessHuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection, the most common cause of congenital disease globally, affecting an estimated 1 million newborns annually, can result in lifelong sequelae in infants, such as sensorineural hearing loss and brain damage. HCMV infection also leads to a significant disease burden in immunocompromised individuals. Hence, an effective HCMV vaccine is urgently needed to prevent infection and HCMV-associated diseases. Unfortunately, despite more than five decades of vaccine development, no successful HCMV vaccine is available. This review summarizes what we have learned from acquired natural immunity, including innate and adaptive immunity; the successes and failures of HCMV vaccine human clinical trials; the progress in related animal models; and the analysis of protective immune responses during natural infection and vaccination settings. Finally, we propose novel vaccine strategies that will harness the knowledge of protective immunity and employ new technology and vaccine concepts to inform next-generation HCMV vaccine development.
RNA-Based Vaccination of Plants for Control of Viruses
Vol. 9 (2022), pp. 521–548More LessPlant viruses cause nearly half of the emerging plant diseases worldwide, contributing to 10–15% of crop yield losses. Control of plant viral diseases is mainly accomplished by extensive chemical applications targeting the vectors (i.e., insects, nematodes, fungi) transmitting these viruses. However, these chemicals have a significant negative effect on human health and the environment. RNA interference is an endogenous, cellular, sequence-specific RNA degradation mechanism in eukaryotes induced by double-stranded RNA molecules that has been exploited as an antiviral strategy through transgenesis. Because genetically modified crop plants are not accepted for cultivation in several countries globally, there is an urgent demand for alternative strategies. This has boosted research on exogenous application of the RNA-based biopesticides that are shown to exhibit significant protective effect against viral infections. Such environment-friendly and efficacious antiviral agents for crop protection will contribute to global food security, without adverse effects on human health.