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Annual Review of Virology - Current Issue
Volume 11, 2024
- Education
SEA-PHAGES and SEA-GENES: Advancing Virology and Science Education
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 1–20More LessResearch opportunities for undergraduate students are strongly advantageous, but implementation at a large scale presents numerous challenges. The enormous diversity of the bacteriophage population and a supportive programmatic structure provide opportunities to engage early-career undergraduates in phage discovery, genomics, and genetics. The Science Education Alliance (SEA) is an inclusive Research-Education Community (iREC) providing centralized programmatic support for students and faculty without prior experience in virology at institutions from community colleges to research-active universities to participate in two course-based projects, SEA-PHAGES (SEA Phage Hunters Advancing Genomic and Evolutionary Science) and SEA-GENES (SEA Gene-function Exploration by a Network of Emerging Scientists). Since 2008, the SEA has supported more than 50,000 undergraduate researchers who have isolated more than 23,000 bacteriophages of which more than 4,500 are fully sequenced and annotated. Students have functionally characterized hundreds of phage genes, and the phage collection has fueled the therapeutic use of phages for treatment of Mycobacterium infections. Participation in the SEA promotes student persistence in science education, and its inclusivity promotes a more equitable scientific community.
- Ecology and Evolution
The Emergence and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 21–42More LessThe origin of SARS-CoV-2 has evoked heated debate and strong accusations, yet seemingly little resolution. I review the scientific evidence on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and its subsequent spread through the human population. The available data clearly point to a natural zoonotic emergence within, or closely linked to, the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. There is no direct evidence linking the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 to laboratory work conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The subsequent global spread of SARS-CoV-2 was characterized by a gradual adaptation to humans, with dual increases in transmissibility and virulence until the emergence of the Omicron variant. Of note has been the frequent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to other animals, marking it as a strongly host generalist virus. Unless lessons from the origin of SARS-CoV-2 are learned, it is inevitable that more zoonotic events leading to more epidemics and pandemics will plague human populations.
The Risk of Virus Emergence in South America: A Subtle Balance Between Increasingly Favorable Conditions and a Protective Environment
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 43–65More LessSouth American ecosystems host astonishing biodiversity, with potentially great richness in viruses. However, these ecosystems have not yet been the source of any widespread, epidemic viruses. Here we explore a set of putative causes that may explain this apparent paradox. We discuss that human presence in South America is recent, beginning around 14,000 years ago; that few domestications of native species have occurred; and that successive immigration events associated with Old World virus introductions reduced the likelihood of spillovers and adaptation of local viruses into humans. Also, the diversity and ecological characteristics of vertebrate hosts might serve as protective factors. Moreover, although forest areas remained well preserved until recently, current brutal, sudden, and large-scale clear cuts through the forest have resulted in nearly no ecotones, which are essential for creating an adaptive gradient of microbes, hosts, and vectors. This may be temporarily preventing virus emergence. Nevertheless, the mid-term effect of such drastic changes in habitats and landscapes, coupled with explosive urbanization and climate changes, must not be overlooked by health authorities.
Embracing Complexity: What Novel Sequencing Methods Are Teaching Us About Herpesvirus Genomic Diversity
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 67–87More LessThe arrival of novel sequencing technologies throughout the past two decades has led to a paradigm shift in our understanding of herpesvirus genomic diversity. Previously, herpesviruses were seen as a family of DNA viruses with low genomic diversity. However, a growing body of evidence now suggests that herpesviruses exist as dynamic populations that possess standing variation and evolve at much faster rates than previously assumed. In this review, we explore how strategies such as deep sequencing, long-read sequencing, and haplotype reconstruction are allowing scientists to dissect the genomic composition of herpesvirus populations. We also discuss the challenges that need to be addressed before a detailed picture of herpesvirus diversity can emerge.
- Virus Cell Biology
From Entry to the Nucleus: How Retroviruses Commute
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 89–104More LessOnce inside host cells, retroviruses generate a double-stranded DNA copy of their RNA genomes via reverse transcription inside a viral core, and this viral DNA is subsequently integrated into the genome of the host cell. Before integration can occur, the core must cross the cell cortex, be transported through the cytoplasm, and enter the nucleus. Retroviruses have evolved different mechanisms to accomplish this journey. This review examines the various mechanisms retroviruses, especially HIV-1, have evolved to commute throughout the cell. Retroviruses cross the cell cortex while modulating actin dynamics and use microtubules as roads while connecting with microtubule-associated proteins and motors to reach the nucleus. Although a clearer picture exists for HIV-1 compared with other retroviruses, there is still much to learn about how retroviruses accomplish their commute.
Experimental Considerations for the Evaluation of Viral Biomolecular Condensates
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 105–124More LessBiomolecular condensates are nonmembrane-bound assemblies of biological polymers such as protein and nucleic acids. An increasingly accepted paradigm across the viral tree of life is (a) that viruses form biomolecular condensates and (b) that the formation is required for the virus. Condensates can promote viral replication by promoting packaging, genome compaction, membrane bending, and co-opting of host translation. This review is primarily concerned with exploring methodologies for assessing virally encoded biomolecular condensates. The goal of this review is to provide an experimental framework for virologists to consider when designing experiments to (a) identify viral condensates and their components, (b) reconstitute condensation cell free from minimal components, (c) ask questions about what conditions lead to condensation, (d) map these questions back to the viral life cycle, and (e) design and test inhibitors/modulators of condensation as potential therapeutics. This experimental framework attempts to integrate virology, cell biology, and biochemistry approaches.
Studying Retroviral Life Cycles Using Visible Viruses and Live Cell Imaging
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 125–146More LessViruses exploit key host cell factors to accomplish each individual stage of the viral replication cycle. To understand viral pathogenesis and speed the development of new antiviral strategies, high-resolution visualization of virus-host interactions is needed to define where and when these events occur within cells. Here, we review state-of-the-art live cell imaging techniques for tracking individual stages of viral life cycles, focusing predominantly on retroviruses and especially human immunodeficiency virus type 1, which is most extensively studied. We describe how visible viruses can be engineered for live cell imaging and how nonmodified viruses can, in some instances, be tracked and studied indirectly using cell biosensor systems. We summarize the ways in which live cell imaging has been used to dissect the retroviral life cycle. Finally, we discuss select challenges for the future including the need for better labeling strategies, increased resolution, and multivariate systems that will allow for the study of full viral replication cycles.
- Genome Replication, Regulation of Gene Expression, and Biosynthesis
The Molecular Maze of Potyviral and Host Protein Interactions
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 147–170More LessThe negative effects of potyvirus diseases on the agricultural industry are extensive and global. Understanding how protein-protein interactions contribute to potyviral infections is imperative to developing resistant varieties that help counter the threat potyviruses pose. While many protein-protein interactions have been reported, only a fraction are essential for potyviral infection. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that potyviral infection processes are interconnected. For instance, the interaction between the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and viral protein genome-linked (VPg) is crucial for both viral translation and protecting viral RNA (vRNA). Additionally, recent evidence for open reading frames on the reverse-sense vRNA and for nonequimolar expression of viral proteins has challenged the previous polyprotein expression model. These discoveries will surely reveal more about the potyviral protein interactome. In this review, we present a synthesis of the potyviral infection cycle and discuss influential past discoveries and recent work on protein-protein interactions in various infection processes.
Controlling Much? Viral Control of Host Chromatin Dynamics
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 171–191More LessViruses are exemplary molecular biologists and have been integral to scientific discovery for generations. It is therefore no surprise that nuclear replicating viruses have evolved to systematically take over host cell function through astoundingly specific nuclear and chromatin hijacking. In this review, we focus on nuclear replicating DNA viruses—herpesviruses and adenoviruses—as key examples of viral invasion in the nucleus. We concentrate on critical features of nuclear architecture, such as chromatin and the nucleolus, to illustrate the complexity of the virus-host battle for resources in the nucleus. We conclude with a discussion of the technological advances that have enabled the discoveries we describe and upcoming steps in this burgeoning field.
Abortive Infection of Animal Cells: What Goes Wrong
Aaron Embry, and Don B. GammonVol. 11 (2024), pp. 193–213More LessEven if a virus successfully binds to a cell, defects in any of the downstream steps of the viral life cycle can preclude the production of infectious virus particles. Such abortive infections are likely common in nature and can provide fundamental insights into the cell and host tropism of viral pathogens. Research over the past 60 years has revealed an incredible diversity of abortive infections by DNA and RNA viruses in various animal cell types. Here we discuss the general causes of abortive infections and provide specific examples from the literature to illustrate the range of abortive infections that have been reported. We also discuss how abortive infections can have critical roles in shaping host immune responses and in the development of virus-induced cancers. Finally, we describe how abortive infections can be applied to basic and clinical research, underscoring the importance of understanding these fascinating aspects of virus biology.
- Assembly and Egress
A Hitchhiker's Guide Through the Cell: The World According to the Capsids of Alphaherpesviruses
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 215–238More LessThe nucleoplasm, the cytosol, the inside of virions, and again the cytosol comprise the world in which the capsids of alphaherpesviruses encounter viral and host proteins that support or limit them in performing their tasks. Here, we review the fascinating conundrum of how specific protein-protein interactions late in alphaherpesvirus infection orchestrate capsid nuclear assembly, nuclear egress, and cytoplasmic envelopment, but target incoming capsids to the nuclear pores in naive cells to inject the viral genomes into the nucleoplasm for viral transcription and replication. Multiple capsid interactions with viral and host proteins have been characterized using viral mutants and assays that reconstitute key stages of the infection cycle. Keratinocytes, fibroblasts, mucosal epithelial cells, neurons, and immune cells employ cell type–specific intrinsic and cytokine-induced resistance mechanisms to restrict several stages of the viral infection cycle. However, concomitantly, alphaherpesviruses have evolved countermeasures to ensure efficient capsid function during infection.
- Transformation and Oncogenesis
Are There More Human Cancer Viruses Left to Be Found?
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 239–259More LessOf the thousands of viruses infecting humans, only seven cause cancer in the general population. Tumor sequencing is now a common cancer medicine procedure, and so it seems likely that more human cancer viruses already would have been found if they exist. Here, we review cancer characteristics that can inform a dedicated search for new cancer viruses, focusing on Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus and Merkel cell polyomavirus as the most recent examples of successful genomic and transcriptomic searches. We emphasize the importance of epidemiology in determining which cancers to examine and describe approaches to virus discovery. Barriers to virus discovery, such as novel genomes and viral suppression of messenger RNA expression, may exist that prevent virus discovery using existing approaches. Optimally virus hunting should be performed in such a way that if no virus is found, the tumor can be reasonably excluded from having an infectious etiology and new information about the biology of the tumor can be found.
False Alarm: XMRV, Cancer, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 261–281More LessXenotropic murine leukemia virus (MLV)-related virus (XMRV) was first described in 2006 in some human prostate cancers. But it drew little attention until 2009, when it was also found, as infectious virus and as MLV-related DNA, in samples from people suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This discovery was rapidly followed by efforts of the international research community to understand the significance of the association and its potential to spread widely as an important human pathogen. Within a few years, efforts by researchers worldwide failed to repeat these findings, and mounting evidence for laboratory contamination with mouse-derived virus and viral DNA sequences became accepted as the explanation for the initial findings. As researchers engaged in these studies, we present here a historical review of the rise and fall of XMRV as a human pathogen, and we discuss the lessons learned from these events.
- Pathogenesis
Expanding the Plant Virome: Umbra-Like Viruses Use Host Proteins for Movement
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 283–308More LessBefore the very recent discovery of umbra-like viruses (ULVs), the signature defining feature of all plant RNA viruses was the encoding of specialized RNA-binding movement proteins (MPs) for transiting their RNA genomes through gated plasmodesmata to establish systemic infections. The vast majority of ULVs share umbravirus-like RNA-dependent RNA polymerases and 3′-terminal structures, but they differ by not encoding cell-to-cell and long-distance MPs and by not relying on a helper virus for trans-encapsidation and plant-to-plant transmission. The recent finding that two groups of ULVs do not necessarily encode MPs is expanding our understanding of the minimum requirements for modern plant RNA viruses. ULV CY1 from citrus uses host protein PHLOEM PROTEIN 2 (PP2) for systemic movement, and related ULVs encode a capsid protein, thereby providing an explanation for the lack of helper viruses present in many ULV-infected plants. ULVs thus resemble the first viruses that infected plants, which were likely deposited from feeding organisms and would have similarly required the use of host proteins such as PP2 to exit initially infected cells.
Rift Valley Fever Virus Encephalitis: Viral and Host Determinants of Pathogenesis
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 309–325More LessRift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne virus endemic to Africa and the Middle East. RVFV infection can cause encephalitis, which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Studies of RVFV encephalitis following percutaneous inoculation, as would occur following a mosquito bite, have historically been limited by a lack of consistent animal models. In this review, we describe new insights into the pathogenesis of RVFV and the opportunities provided by new mouse models. We underscore the need to consider viral strain and route of inoculation when interpreting data obtained using animal models. We discuss the trafficking of RVFV and the role of host genetics and immunity in modulating the pathogenesis of RVFV encephalitis. We also explore potential strategies to prevent and treat central nervous system disease caused by RVFV and discuss remaining knowledge gaps.
The Spectrum of Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 in Children: From MIS-C to Long COVID
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 327–341More LessThe effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on children continue to evolve following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although life-threatening multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) has become rare, long-standing symptoms stemming from persistent immune activation beyond the resolution of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection contribute to major health sequelae and continue to pose an economic burden. Shared pathophysiologic mechanisms place MIS-C and long COVID within a vast spectrum of postinfectious conditions characterized by intestinal dysbiosis, increased gut permeability, and varying degrees of immune dysregulation. Insights obtained from MIS-C will help shape our understanding of the more indolent and prevalent postacute sequelae of COVID and ultimately guide efforts to improve diagnosis and management of postinfectious complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.
- Immunity
Diverse Antiphage Defenses Are Widespread Among Prophages and Mobile Genetic Elements
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 343–362More LessBacterial viruses known as phages rely on their hosts for replication and thus have developed an intimate partnership over evolutionary time. The survival of temperate phages, which can establish a chronic infection in which their genomes are maintained in a quiescent state known as a prophage, is tightly coupled with the survival of their bacterial hosts. As a result, prophages encode a diverse antiphage defense arsenal to protect themselves and the bacterial host in which they reside from further phage infection. Similarly, the survival and success of prophage-related elements such as phage-inducible chromosomal islands are directly tied to the survival and success of their bacterial host, and they also have been shown to encode numerous antiphage defenses. Here, we describe the current knowledge of antiphage defenses encoded by prophages and prophage-related mobile genetic elements.
Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Effects of Interferon Lambda at the Maternal-Fetal Interface
Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 363–379More LessInterferon lambda (IFN-λ, type III IFN, IL-28/29) is a family of antiviral cytokines that are especially important at barrier sites, including the maternal-fetal interface. Recent discoveries have identified important roles for IFN-λ during pregnancy, particularly in the context of congenital infections. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the activity of IFN-λ at the maternal-fetal interface, highlighting cell types that produce and respond to IFN-λ in the placenta, decidua, and endometrium. Further, we discuss the role of IFN-λ during infections with congenital pathogens including Zika virus, human cytomegalovirus, rubella virus, and Listeria monocytogenes. We discuss advances in experimental models that can be used to fill important knowledge gaps about IFN-λ-mediated immunity.