
An ideal observer is a theoretical model observer that performs a specific sensory-perceptual task optimally, making the best possible use of the available information given physical and biological constraints. An image-computable ideal observer (pixels in, estimates out) is a particularly powerful type of ideal observer that explicitly models the flow of visual information from the stimulus-encoding process to the eventual decoding of a sensory-perceptual estimate. Image-computable ideal observer analyses underlie some of the most important results in vision science. However, most of what we know from ideal observers about visual processing and performance derives from relatively simple tasks and relatively simple stimuli. This review describes recent efforts to develop image-computable ideal observers for a range of tasks with natural stimuli and shows how these observers can be used to predict and understand perceptual and neurophysiological performance. The reviewed results establish principled links among models of neural coding, computational methods for dimensionality reduction, and sensory-perceptual performance in tasks with natural stimuli.


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