
The visual system must recover important properties of the external environment if its host is to survive. Because the retinae are effectively two-dimensional but the world is three-dimensional (3D), the patterns of stimulation both within and across the eyes must be used to infer the distal stimulus—the environment—in all three dimensions. Moreover, animals and elements in the environment move, which means the input contains rich temporal information. Here, in addition to reviewing the literature, we discuss how and why prior work has focused on purported isolated systems (e.g., stereopsis) or cues (e.g., horizontal disparity) that do not necessarily map elegantly on to the computations and complex patterns of stimulation that arise when visual systems operate within the real world. We thus also introduce the binoptic flow field (BFF) as a description of the 3D motion information available in realistic environments, which can foster the use of ecologically valid yet well-controlled stimuli. Further, it can help clarify how future studies can more directly focus on the computations and stimulus properties the visual system might use to support perception and behavior in a dynamic 3D world.


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