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Annual Review of Plant Biology - Volume 72, 2021
Volume 72, 2021
Tuber and Tuberous Root Development
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 551–580More LessRoot and tuber crops have been an important part of human nutrition since the early days of humanity, providing us with essential carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. Today, they are especially important in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, where they help to feed an ever-growing population. Early induction and storage organ size are important agricultural traits, as they determine yield over time. During potato tuberization, environmental and metabolic status are sensed, ensuring proper timing of tuberization mediated by phloem-mobile signals. Coordinated cellular restructuring and expansion growth, as well as controlled storage metabolism in the tuber, are executed. This review summarizes our current understanding of potato tuber development and highlights similarities and differences to important tuberous root crop species like sweetpotato and cassava. Finally, we point out knowledge gaps that need to be filled before a complete picture of storage organ development can emerge.
Reproduction Multitasking: The Male Gametophyte
Said Hafidh, and David HonysVol. 72 (2021), pp. 581–614More LessThe gametophyte represents the sexual phase in the alternation of generations in plants; the other, nonsexual phase is the sporophyte. Here, we review the evolutionary origins of the male gametophyte among land plants and, in particular, its ontogenesis in flowering plants. The highly reduced male gametophyte of angiosperm plants is a two- or three-celled pollen grain. Its task is the production of two male gametes and their transport to the female gametophyte, the embryo sac, where double fertilization takes place. We describe two phases of pollen ontogenesis—a developmental phase leading to the differentiation of the male germline and the formation of a mature pollen grain and a functional phase representing the pollen tube growth, beginning with the landing of the pollen grain on the stigma and ending with double fertilization. We highlight recent advances in the complex regulatory mechanisms involved, including posttranscriptional regulation and transcript storage, intracellular metabolic signaling, pollen cell wall structure and synthesis, protein secretion, and phased cell–cell communication within the reproductive tissues.
Pollen-Pistil Interactions as Reproductive Barriers
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 615–639More LessPollen-pistil interactions serve as important prezygotic reproductive barriers that play a critical role in mate selection in plants. Here, we highlight recent progress toward understanding the molecular basis of pollen-pistil interactions as reproductive isolating barriers. These barriers can be active systems of pollen rejection, or they can result from a mismatch of required male and female factors. In some cases, the barriers are mechanistically linked to self-incompatibility systems, while others represent completely independent processes. Pollen-pistil reproductive barriers can act as soon as pollen is deposited on a stigma, where penetration of heterospecific pollen tubes is blocked by the stigma papillae. As pollen tubes extend, the female transmitting tissue can selectively limit growth by producing cell wall–modifying enzymes and cytotoxins that interact with the growing pollen tube. At ovules, differential pollen tube attraction and inhibition of sperm cell release can act as barriers to heterospecific pollen tubes.
Comparative Embryogenesis in Angiosperms: Activation and Patterning of Embryonic Cell Lineages
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 641–676More LessFollowing fertilization in flowering plants (angiosperms), egg and sperm cells unite to form the zygote, which generates an entire new organism through a process called embryogenesis. In this review, we provide a comparative perspective on early zygotic embryogenesis in flowering plants by using the Poaceae maize and rice as monocot grass and crop models as well as Arabidopsis as a eudicot model of the Brassicaceae family. Beginning with the activation of the egg cell, we summarize and discuss the process of maternal-to-zygotic transition in plants, also taking recent work on parthenogenesis and haploid induction into consideration. Aspects like imprinting, which is mainly associated with endosperm development and somatic embryogenesis, are not considered. Controversial findings about the timing of zygotic genome activation as well as maternal versus paternal contribution to zygote and early embryo development are highlighted. The establishment of zygotic polarity, asymmetric division, and apical and basal cell lineages represents another chapter in which we also examine and compare the role of major signaling pathways, cell fate genes, and hormones in early embryogenesis. Except for the model Arabidopsis, little is known about embryopatterning and the establishment of the basic body plan in angiosperms. Using available in situ hybridization, RNA-sequencing, and marker data, we try to compare how and when stem cell niches are established. Finally, evolutionary aspects of plant embryo development are discussed.
Development and Molecular Genetics of Marchantia polymorpha
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 677–702More LessBryophytes occupy a basal position in the monophyletic evolution of land plants and have a life cycle in which the gametophyte generation dominates over the sporophyte generation, offering a significant advantage in conducting genetics. Owing to its low genetic redundancy and the availability of an array of versatile molecular tools, including efficient genome editing, the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has become a model organism of choice that provides clues to the mechanisms underlying eco-evo-devo biology in plants. Recent analyses of developmental mutants have revealed that key genes in developmental processes are functionally well conserved in plants, despite their morphological differences, and that lineage-specific evolution occurred by neo/subfunctionalization of common ancestral genes. We suggest that M. polymorpha is an excellent platform to uncover the conserved and diversified mechanisms underlying land plant development.
Adaptable and Multifunctional Ion-Conducting Aquaporins
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 703–736More LessAquaporins function as water and neutral solute channels, signaling hubs, disease virulence factors, and metabolon components. We consider plant aquaporins that transport ions compared to some animal counterparts. These are candidates for important, as yet unidentified, cation and anion channels in plasma, tonoplast, and symbiotic membranes. For those individual isoforms that transport ions, water, and gases, the permeability spans 12 orders of magnitude. This requires tight regulation of selectivity via protein interactions and posttranslational modifications. A phosphorylation-dependent switch between ion and water permeation in AtPIP2;1 might be explained by coupling between the gates of the four monomer water channels and the central pore of the tetramer. We consider the potential for coupling between ion and water fluxes that could form the basis of an electroosmotic transducer. A grand challenge in understanding the roles of ion transporting aquaporins is their multifunctional modes that are dependent on location, stress, time, and development.
The Role of Trehalose 6-Phosphate (Tre6P) in Plant Metabolism and Development
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 737–760More LessTrehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P) has a dual function as a signal and homeostatic regulator of sucrose levels in plants. In source leaves, Tre6P regulates the production of sucrose to balance supply with demand for sucrose from growing sink organs. As a signal of sucrose availability, Tre6P influences developmental decisions that will affect future demand for sucrose, such as flowering, embryogenesis, and shoot branching, and links the growth of sink organs to sucrose supply. This involves complex interactions with SUCROSE-NON-FERMENTING1-RELATED KINASE1 that are not yet fully understood. Tre6P synthase, the enzyme that makes Tre6P, plays a key role in the nexus between sucrose and Tre6P, operating in the phloem-loading zone of leaves and potentially generating systemic signals for source-sink coordination. Many plants have large and diverse families of Tre6P phosphatase enzymes that dephosphorylate Tre6P, some of which have noncatalytic functions in plant development.
Salicylic Acid: Biosynthesis and Signaling
Yujun Peng, Jianfei Yang, Xin Li, and Yuelin ZhangVol. 72 (2021), pp. 761–791More LessSalicylic acid (SA) is an essential plant defense hormone that promotes immunity against biotrophic and semibiotrophic pathogens. It plays crucial roles in basal defense and the amplification of local immune responses, as well as the establishment of systemic acquired resistance. During the past three decades, immense progress has been made in understanding the biosynthesis, homeostasis, perception, and functions of SA. This review summarizes the current knowledge regarding SA in plant immunity and other biological processes. We highlight recent breakthroughs that substantially advanced our understanding of how SA is biosynthesized from isochorismate, how it is perceived, and how SA receptors regulate different aspects of plant immunity. Some key questions in SA biosynthesis and signaling, such as how SA is produced via another intermediate, benzoic acid, and how SA affects the activities of its receptors in the transcriptional regulation of defense genes, remain to be addressed.
Perception and Signaling of Ultraviolet-B Radiation in Plants
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 793–822More LessUltraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is an intrinsic fraction of sunlight that plants perceive through the UVR8 photoreceptor. UVR8 is a homodimer in its ground state that monomerizes upon UV-B photon absorption via distinct tryptophan residues. Monomeric UVR8 competitively binds to the substrate binding site of COP1, thus inhibiting its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity against target proteins, which include transcriptional regulators such as HY5. The UVR8–COP1 interaction also leads to the destabilization of PIF bHLH factor family members. Additionally, UVR8 directly interacts with and inhibits the DNA binding of a different set of transcription factors. Each of these UVR8 signaling mechanisms initiates nuclear gene expression changes leading to UV-B-induced photomorphogenesis and acclimation. The two WD40-repeat proteins RUP1 and RUP2 provide negative feedback regulation and inactivate UVR8 by facilitating redimerization. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms of the UVR8 pathway from UV-B perception and signal transduction to gene expression changes and physiological UV-B responses.
Extension of Plant Phenotypes by the Foliar Microbiome
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 823–846More LessThe foliar microbiome can extend the host plant phenotype by expanding its genomic and metabolic capabilities. Despite increasing recognition of the importance of the foliar microbiome for plant fitness, stress physiology, and yield, the diversity, function, and contribution of foliar microbiomes to plant phenotypic traits remain largely elusive. The recent adoption of high-throughput technologies is helping to unravel the diversityand spatiotemporal dynamics of foliar microbiomes, but we have yet to resolve their functional importance for plant growth, development, and ecology. Here, we focus on the processes that govern the assembly of the foliar microbiome and the potential mechanisms involved in extended plant phenotypes. We highlight knowledge gaps and provide suggestions for new research directions that can propel the field forward. These efforts will be instrumental in maximizing the functional potential of the foliar microbiome for sustainable crop production.
Advances and Opportunities in Single-Cell Transcriptomics for Plant Research
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 847–866More LessSingle-cell approaches are quickly changing our view on biological systems by increasing the spatiotemporal resolution of our analyses to the level of the individual cell. The field of plant biology has fully embraced single-cell transcriptomics and is rapidly expanding the portfolio of available technologies and applications. In this review, we give an overview of the main advances in plant single-cell transcriptomics over the past few years and provide the reader with an accessible guideline covering all steps, from sample preparation to data analysis. We end by offering a glimpse of how these technologies will shape and accelerate plant-specific research in the near future.
Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Revives the Functional Analysis of Plant Metabolic Diversity
Vol. 72 (2021), pp. 867–891More LessThe remarkable diversity of specialized metabolites produced by plants has inspired several decades of research and nucleated a long list of theories to guide empirical ecological studies. However, analytical constraints and the lack of untargeted processing workflows have long precluded comprehensive metabolite profiling and, consequently, the collection of the critical currencies to test theory predictions for the ecological functions of plant metabolic diversity. Developments in mass spectrometry (MS) metabolomics have revolutionized the large-scale inventory and annotation of chemicals from biospecimens. Hence, the next generation of MS metabolomics propelled by new bioinformatics developments provides a long-awaited framework to revisit metabolism-centered ecological questions, much like the advances in next-generation sequencing of the last two decades impacted all research horizons in genomics. Here, we review advances in plant (computational) metabolomics to foster hypothesis formulation from complex metabolome data. Additionally, we reflect on how next-generation metabolomics could reinvigorate the testing of long-standing theories on plant metabolic diversity.
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