Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering - Volume 5, 2003
Volume 5, 2003
- Review Articles
Biomaterials for Mediation of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 1–27More Less▪ AbstractRecent events have emphasized the threat from chemical and biological warfare agents. Within the efforts to counter this threat, the biocatalytic destruction and sensing of chemical and biological weapons has become an important area of focus. The specificity and high catalytic rates of biological catalysts make them appropriate for decommissioning nerve agent stockpiles, counteracting nerve agent attacks, and remediation of organophosphate spills. A number of materials have been prepared containing enzymes for the destruction of and protection against organophosphate nerve agents and biological warfare agents. This review discusses the major chemical and biological warfare agents, decontamination methods, and biomaterials that have potential for the preparation of decontamination wipes, gas filters, column packings, protective wear, and self-decontaminating paints and coatings.
Structural, Functional, and Molecular MR Imaging of the Microvasculature
Michal Neeman, and Hagit DafniVol. 5 (2003), pp. 29–56More Less▪ AbstractMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely applied for functional imaging of the microcirculation and for functional and structural studies of the microvasculature. The interest in the capabilities of MRI in noninvasively monitoring changes in vascular structure and function expanded over the past years, with specific efforts directed toward the development of novel imaging methods for quantification of angiogenesis. Molecular imaging approaches hold promise for further expansion of the ability to characterize the microvasculature. Exciting applications for MRI are emerging in the study of the biology of microvessels and in the evaluation of potential pharmaceutical modulators of vascular function and development, and preclinical MRI tools can serve for the design of mechanism-of-action-based noninvasive clinical methods for monitoring response to therapy. The aim of this review is to provide a current snapshot of recent developments in this rapidly evolving field.
Selected Methods for Imaging Elastic Properties of Biological Tissues
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 57–78More Less▪ AbstractFor millennia, physicians have used palpation as a part of the physical examination to detect pathology. The ubiquitous presence of “stiffer” tissue associated with pathology often represents an early warning sign for disease, as in the cases of breast or prostate cancer. Very often tumors are found at surgery that were occult even with modern imaging instruments. This implies that methods for estimating “hardness” of tissues would add a weapon to the medical armamentarium. To this end, this review discusses several methods of estimating tissue hardness using internal or external means of applying stress (force per unit area) and several associated methods of detecting the resulting strain (fractional length change) in an effort to image a tissue mechanical property, such as Young's modulus (ratio of stress to strain). Some investigators have developed methods of estimating stiffness or modulus, but most methods result in qualitative images of stiffness. Nevertheless, such estimates may add a great deal of information not currently available to the current field of medical imaging.
Mass Transport in Arteries and the Localization of Atherosclerosis
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 79–118More Less▪ AbstractAtherosclerosis is a disease of the large arteries that involves a characteristic accumulation of high-molecular-weight lipoprotein in the arterial wall. This review focuses on the mass transport processes that mediate the focal accumulation of lipid in arteries and places particular emphasis on the role of fluid mechanical forces in modulating mass transport phenomena. In the final analysis, four mass transport mechanisms emerge that may be important in the localization of atherosclerosis: blood phase controlled hypoxia, leaky endothelial junctions, transient intercellular junction remodeling, and convective clearance of the subendothelial intima and media. Further study of these mechanisms may contribute to the development of therapeutic strategies for atherosclerotic diseases.
Temporal Dynamics of Brain Anatomy
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 119–145More Less▪ AbstractThe brain changes profoundly in structure and function during development and as a result of diseases such as the dementias, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, and tumor growth. Strategies to measure, map, and visualize these brain changes are of immense value in basic and clinical neuroscience. Algorithms that map brain change with sufficient spatial and temporal sensitivity can also assess drugs that aim to decelerate or arrest these changes. In neuroscience studies, these tools can reveal subtle brain changes in adolescence and old age and link these changes with measurable differences in brain function and cognition. Early detection of brain change in patients at risk for dementia; tumor recurrence; or relapsing-remitting conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, is also vital for optimizing therapy. We review a variety of mathematical and computational approaches to detect structural brain change with unprecedented sensitivity, both spatially and temporally. The resulting four-dimensional (4-D) maps of brain anatomy are warehoused in population-based brain atlases. Here, statistical tools compare brain changes across subjects and across populations, adjusting for complex differences in brain structure. Brain changes in an individual can be compared with a normative database comprised of subjects matched for age, gender, and other demographic factors. These dynamic brain maps offer key biological markers for understanding disease progression and testing therapeutic response. The early detection of disease-related brain changes is also critical for possible pre-emptive intervention before the ravages of disease have set in.
Modeling Total Heart Function
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 147–177More Less▪ AbstractComputational models of the electrical and mechanical function of the heart are reviewed. These models attempt to explain the integrated function of the heart in terms of ventricular anatomy, the structure and material properties of myocardial tissue, the membrane ion channels, and calcium handling and myofilament mechanics of cardiac myocytes. The models have established the computational framework for linking the structure and function of cardiac cells and tissue to the integrated behavior of the intact heart, but many more aspects of physiological function, including metabolic and signal transduction pathways, need to be included before significant progress can be made in understanding many disease processes.
The Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 179–206More Less▪ AbstractThe rapid accumulation of genetic information and advancement of experimental techniques have opened a new frontier in biomedical engineering. With the availability of well-characterized components from natural gene networks, the stage has been set for the engineering of artificial gene regulatory networks with sophisticated computational and functional capabilities. In these efforts, the ability to construct, analyze, and interpret qualitative and quantitative models is becoming increasingly important. In this review, we consider the current state of gene network engineering from a combined experimental and modeling perspective. We discuss how networks with increased complexity are being constructed from simple modular components and how quantitative deterministic and stochastic modeling of these modules may provide the foundation for accurate in silico representations of gene regulatory network function in vivo.
Cochlear Implants: Some Likely Next Steps*
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 207–249More Less▪ AbstractThe history of cochlear implants is marked by large improvements in performance, especially over the past two decades and especially due to the development of ever-better processing strategies. Although the progress to date has been substantial, present devices still do not restore normal speech reception, even for top performers and particularly for listening to speech in competition with noise or other talkers. In addition, a wide range of outcomes persists, with some patients receiving little benefit using the same devices that support high levels of speech reception for others. The purpose of this review is to describe some likely possibilities for further improvement, including (a) combined electric and acoustic stimulation of the auditory system for patients with significant residual hearing, (b) use of bilateral implants, (c) a closer replication with implants of the processing steps in the normal cochlea, and (d) applications of knowledge about factors that are correlated with outcomes to help patients presently at the low end of the performance scale.
Multiaxial Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials
Michael S. Sacks, and Wei SunVol. 5 (2003), pp. 251–284More Less▪ AbstractFor native and engineered biological tissues, there exist many physiological, surgical, and medical device applications where multiaxial material characterization and modeling is required. Because biological tissues and many biocompatible elastomers are incompressible, planar biaxial testing allows for a two-dimensional (2-D) stress-state that can be used to fully characterize their three-dimensional (3-D) mechanical properties. Biological tissues exhibit complex mechanical behaviors not easily accounted for in classic elastomeric constitutive models. Accounting for these behaviors by careful experimental evaluation and formulation of constitutive models continues to be a challenging area in biomechanical modeling and simulation. The focus of this review is to describe the application of multiaxial testing techniques to soft tissues and their relation to modern biomechanical constitutive theories.
Engineered Nanomaterials for Biophotonics Applications: Improving Sensing, Imaging, and Therapeutics
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 285–292More Less▪ AbstractAdvances in chemistry and physics are providing an expanding array of nanostructured materials with unique and powerful optical properties. These nanomaterials provide a new set of tools that are available to biomedical engineers, biologists, and medical scientists who seek new tools as biosensors and probes of biological fluids, cells, and tissue chemistry and function. Nanomaterials are also being used to develop optically controlled devices for applications such as modulated drug delivery as well as optical therapeutics. This review discusses applications that have been successfully demonstrated using nanomaterials including semiconductor nanocrystals, gold nanoparticles, gold nanoshells, and silver plasmon resonant particles.
Neural Tissue Engineering: Strategies for Repair and Regeneration
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 293–347More Less▪ AbstractNerve regeneration is a complex biological phenomenon. In the peripheral nervous system, nerves can regenerate on their own if injuries are small. Larger injuries must be surgically treated, typically with nerve grafts harvested from elsewhere in the body. Spinal cord injury is more complicated, as there are factors in the body that inhibit repair. Unfortunately, a solution to completely repair spinal cord injury has not been found. Thus, bioengineering strategies for the peripheral nervous system are focused on alternatives to the nerve graft, whereas efforts for spinal cord injury are focused on creating a permissive environment for regeneration. Fortunately, recent advances in neuroscience, cell culture, genetic techniques, and biomaterials provide optimism for new treatments for nerve injuries. This article reviews the nervous system physiology, the factors that are critical for nerve repair, and the current approaches that are being explored to aid peripheral nerve regeneration and spinal cord repair.
Metabolic Engineering: Advances in Modeling and Intervention in Health and Disease
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 349–381More Less▪ AbstractThe field of metabolic engineering encompasses a powerful set of tools that can be divided into (a) methods to model complex metabolic pathways and (b) techniques to manipulate these pathways for a desired metabolic outcome. These tools have recently seen increased utility in the medical arena, and this paper aims to review significant accomplishments made using these approaches. The modeling of metabolic pathways has been applied to better understand disease-state physiology in a variety of cellar, subcellular, and organ systems, including the liver, heart, mitochondria, and cancerous cells. Metabolic pathway engineering has been used to generate cells with novel biochemical functions for therapeutic use, and specific examples are provided in the areas of glycosylation engineering and dopamine-replacement therapy. In order to document the potential of applying both metabolic modeling and pathway manipulation, we describe pertinent advances in the field of diabetes research. Undoubtedly, as the field of metabolic engineering matures and is applied to a wider array of problems, new advances and therapeutic strategies will follow.
Biomonitoring with Wireless Communications
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 383–412More Less▪ AbstractWireless biomonitoring, first used in human beings for fetal heart-rate monitoring more than 30 years ago, has now become a technology for remote sensing of patients' activity, blood pulse pressure, oxygen saturation, internal pressures, orthopedic device loading, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. Technical advances in miniaturization and wireless communications have enabled development of monitoring devices that can be made available for general use by individuals/patients and caregivers. New methods for short-range wireless communications not encumbered by radio spectrum restrictions (e.g., ultra-wideband) will enable applications of wireless monitoring without interference in ambulatory subjects, in home care, and in hospitals.
Blood Vessel Constitutive Models—1995–2002
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 413–439More Less▪ AbstractKnowledge of blood vessel mechanical properties is fundamental to the understanding of vascular function in health and disease. Analytic results can help physicians in the clinic, both in designing and in choosing appropriate therapies. Understanding the mechanical response of blood vessels to physiologic loads is necessary before ideal therapeutic solutions can be realized. For this reason, blood vessel constitutive models are needed. This article provides a critical review of recent blood vessel constitutive models, starting with a brief overview of the structure and function of arteries and veins, followed by a discussion of experimental techniques used in the characterization of material properties. Current models are classified by type, including pseudoelastic, randomly elastic, poroelastic, and viscoelastic. Comparisons are presented between the various models and existing experimental data. Applications of blood vessel constitutive models are also briefly presented, followed by the identification of future directions in research.
The Tissue Engineering Puzzle: A Molecular Perspective
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 441–463More Less▪ AbstractThe inability of biomaterial scaffolds to functionally integrate into surrounding tissue is one of the major roadblocks to developing new biomaterials and tissue-engineering scaffolds. Despite considerable advances, current approaches to engineering cell-surface interactions fall short in mimicking the complexity of signals through which surrounding tissue regulates cell behavior. Cells adhere and interact with their extracellular environment via integrins, and their ability to activate associated downstream signaling pathways depends on the character of adhesion complexes formed between cells and their extracellular matrix. In particular, α5β1 and αvβ3 integrins are central to regulating downstream events, including cell survival and cell-cycle progression. In contrast to previous findings that αvβ3 integrins promote angiogenesis, recent evidence argues that αvβ3 integrins may act as negative regulators of proangiogenic integrins such as α5β1. This suggests that fibronectin is critical for scaffold vascularization because it is the only mammalian adhesion protein that binds and activates α5β1 integrins. Cells are furthermore capable of stretching fibronectin matrices such that the protein partially unfolds, and recent computational simulations provide structural models of how mechanical stretching affects fibronectin function. We propose a model whereby excessive tension generated by cells in contact to biomaterials may in fact render fibronectin fibrils nonangiogenic and potentially inhibit vascularization. The model could explain why current biomaterials independent of their surface chemistries and textures fail to vascularize.
Time-Reversal Acoustics in Biomedical Engineering
Vol. 5 (2003), pp. 465–497More Less▪ AbstractTime reversal is a very powerful method for focusing through complex and heterogeneous media and shows very promising results in biomedical applications. In this paper, we review some of the main applications investigated during the past decade. An iterative implementation of the time-reversal process allows tracking gallstones in real time during lithotripsy treatments. In this application domain, a smart exploitation of the reverberations in solid waveguides permits the focusing of high-amplitude ultrasonic shock waves with a small number of transducers. Finally, because time reversal is able to correct the strong distortions induced by the skull bone on ultrasonic propagation, this adaptive focusing technique is very promising for ultrasonic hyperthermia brain therapy.
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