Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering - Volume 4, 2002
Volume 4, 2002
- Review Articles
Roles for Learning Sciences and Learning Technologies in Biomedical Engineering Education: A Review of Recent Advances
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 29–48More Less▪ AbstractEducation in biomedical engineering offers a number of challenges to all constituents of the educational process—faculty, students, and employers of graduates. Although biomedical engineering educational systems have been under development for 40 years, interest in and the pace of development of these programs has accelerated in recent years. New advances in the learning sciences have provided a framework for the reexamination of instructional paradigms in biomedical engineering. This work shows that learning environments should be learner centered, knowledge centered, assessment centered, and community centered. In addition, learning technologies offer the potential to achieve this environment with efficiency. Biomedical engineering educators are in a position to design and implement new learning systems that can take advantage of advances in learning science, learning technology, and reform in engineering education.
Spine Ergonomics
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 49–68More Less▪ AbstractOccupational low back pain (LBP) is an immense burden for both industry and medicine. Ergonomic and personal risk factors result in LBP, but psychosocial factors can influence LBP disability. Epidemiologic studies clearly indicate the role of mechanical loads on the etiology of occupational LBP. Occupational exposures such as lifting, particularly in awkward postures; heavy lifting; or repetitive lifting are related to LBP. Fixed postures and prolonged seating are also risk factors. LBP is found in both sedentary occupations and in drivers as well as those involved in manual materials handling. Any prolonged posture will lead to static loading of the soft tissues and cause discomfort. Standing and sitting have specific advantages and disadvantages for mobility, exertion of force, energy consumption, circulatory demands, coordination, and motion control. The seated posture leads to inactivity causing an accumulation of metabolites, accelerating disk degeneration and leading to disk herniation. Driver's postures can also lead to musculoskeletal problems. Workers in a driving environment are often subjected to postural stress leading to back, neck, and upper extremity pain. This exacerbates the problems due to the vibration. Prevention is by far the treatment of choice. Improved muscle function can be preventative. Poor coordination and motor control systems are as important as endurance and strength. Fixed postures should be avoided. Seats offering good lumbar support should be used in the office. A suspension seat should be used in vehicles whenever possible. Heavy and awkward lifting should be avoided and lifting aids should be made available. Workers should report LBP as early as possible and seek medical advice if they think occupational exposure is harming them. The combined effects of the medical community, labor, and management are required to cause some impact on this problem.
Three-Dimensional Confocal Microscopy of the Living Human Eye
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 69–91More Less▪ AbstractThree-dimensional confocal microscopy of the living eye is a major development in instrumentation for biomicroscopy of the eye. This noninvasive optical technology has its roots in the application of optics to reflected light imaging of the eye. These instrument developments began with Leeuwenhoek's use of his single lens microscope to investigate the structure of the eye. There followed a series of connected instruments: the ophthalmoscope, the slit lamp, the specular microscope, and the clinical confocal microscope. In vivo confocal microscopy produces high contrast, reflected light images or optical sections through the depth of living ocular tissue. Stacks of registered optical sections can be transformed by computer visualization techniques into three-dimensional volume images of ocular tissues: cornea, ocular lens, retina, and optic nerve. The clinical confocal microscope has resulted in new diagnostic techniques and new cellular descriptions of ocular disorders and pathology.
Bioengineering of Therapeutic Aerosols
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 93–107More Less▪ AbstractThe new field of therapeutic aerosol bioengineering (TAB), driven primarily by the medical need for inhaled insulin, is now expanding to address medical needs ranging from respiratory to systemic diseases, including asthma, growth deficiency, and pain. Bioengineering of therapeutic aerosols involves a level of aerosol particle design absent in traditional therapeutic aerosols, which are created by conventionally spraying a liquid solution or suspension of drug or milling and mixing a dry drug form into respirable particles. Bioengineered particles may be created in liquid form from devices specially designed to create an unusually fine size distribution, possibly with special purity properties, or solid particles that possess a mixture of drug and excipient, with designed shape, size, porosity, and drug release characteristics. Such aerosols have enabled several high-visibility clinical programs of inhaled insulin, as well as earlier-stage programs involving inhaled morphine, growth hormone, beta-interferon, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and several asthma drugs. The design of these aerosols, limited by partial knowledge of the lungs' physiological environment, and driven largely at this stage by market forces, relies on a mixture of new and old science, pharmaceutical science intuition, and a degree of biological-impact empiricism that speaks to the importance of an increased level of academic involvement.
Denaturation of Collagen Via Heating: An Irreversible Rate Process
N.T. Wright, and J.D. HumphreyVol. 4 (2002), pp. 109–128More Less▪ AbstractHeating therapies are increasingly used in cardiology, dermatology, gynecology, neurosurgery, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, and urology, among other medical specialties. This widespread use of heating is driven primarily by the availability of new technology, not by a detailed understanding of the biothermomechanics. Without basic quantification of the underlying physical and chemical processes in terms of parameters that can be controlled clinically, identification of preferred interventions will continue to be based primarily on trial and error, thus necessitating large clinical studies and years of accumulative experience. Perusal of the literature reveals that much has been learned over the past century about the response of cells, proteins, and tissues to supra-physiologic temperatures; yet, the associated findings are reported in diverse journals and the underlying basic processes remain unidentified. In this review, we seek to contrast various findings on the kinetics of the thermal denaturation of collagen and to encourage investigators to consider the many open problems in part via a synthesis of results from the diverse literatures.
DNA Microarray Technology: Devices, Systems, and Applications
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 129–153More Less▪ AbstractIn this review, recent advances in DNA microarray technology and their applications are examined. The many varieties of DNA microarray or DNA chip devices and systems are described along with their methods for fabrication and their use. This includes both high-density microarrays for high-throughput screening applications and lower-density microarrays for various diagnostic applications. The methods for microarray fabrication that are reviewed include various inkjet and microjet deposition or spotting technologies and processes, in situ or on-chip photolithographic oligonucleotide synthesis processes, and electronic DNA probe addressing processes. The DNA microarray hybridization applications reviewed include the important areas of gene expression analysis and genotyping for point mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and short tandem repeats (STRs). In addition to the many molecular biological and genomic research uses, this review covers applications of microarray devices and systems for pharmacogenomic research and drug discovery, infectious and genetic disease and cancer diagnostics, and forensic and genetic identification purposes. Additionally, microarray technology being developed and applied to new areas of proteomic and cellular analysis are reviewed.
Peptide Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Disease
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 155–174More Less▪ AbstractIn the not-so-distant past, insoluble aggregated protein was considered as uninteresting and bothersome as yesterday's trash. More recently, protein aggregates have enjoyed considerable scientific interest, as it has become clear that these aggregates play key roles in many diseases. In this review, we focus attention on three polypeptides: beta-amyloid, prion, and huntingtin, which are linked to three feared neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer's, “mad cow,” and Huntington's disease, respectively. These proteins lack any significant primary sequence homology, yet their aggregates possess very similar features, specifically, high β-sheet content, fibrillar morphology, relative insolubility, and protease resistance. Because the aggregates are noncrystalline, secrets of their structure at nanometer resolution are only slowly yielding to X-ray diffraction, solid-state NMR, and other techniques. Besides structure, the aggregates may possess similar pathways of assembly. Two alternative assembly pathways have been proposed: the nucleation-elongation and the template-assisted mode. These two modes may be complementary, not mutually exclusive. Strategies for interfering with aggregation, which may provide novel therapeutic approaches, are under development. The structural similarities between protein aggregates of dissimilar origin suggest that therapeutic strategies successful against one disease may have broad utility in others.
Mechano-Electrochemical Properties Of Articular Cartilage: Their Inhomogeneities and Anisotropies
Van C. Mow, and X. Edward GuoVol. 4 (2002), pp. 175–209More Less▪ AbstractIn this chapter, the recent advances in cartilage biomechanics and electromechanics are reviewed and summarized. Our emphasis is on the new experimental techniques in cartilage mechanical testing, new experimental and theoretical findings in cartilage biomechanics and electromechanics, and emerging theories and computational modeling of articular cartilage. The charged nature and depth-dependent inhomogeneity in mechano-electrochemical properties of articular cartilage are examined, and their importance in the normal and/or pathological structure-function relationships with cartilage is discussed, along with their pathophysiological implications. Developments in theoretical and computational models of articular cartilage are summarized, and their application in cartilage biomechanics and biology is reviewed. Future directions in cartilage biomechanics and mechano-biology research are proposed.
Electromagnetic Fields: Human Safety Issues
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 211–234More Less▪ AbstractMost of the recently revised safety standards worldwide are set in terms of internal rates of electromagnetic energy deposition (specific absorption rates or SAR) at radio frequencies (RF) and microwave frequencies, and of induced electric fields or current densities at lower frequencies up to 10 MHz. Numerical methods have been developed that use millimeter resolution anatomically based models of the human body to determine SAR or the induced electric fields and current densities for real-life EM exposure conditions. A popular method for use at RF and microwave frequencies is the finite-difference time-domain method. This method is described and illustrated for SAR distributions due to cellular telephones for head models based on human anatomy. A method often used for calculations of induced electric fields and current densities at low frequencies is the impedance method. Use of this method is illustrated by an example of an electronic article surveillance (EAS) system for anatomic models of an adult and 10- and 5-year-old children. Experimental phantoms using a fluid to simulate the dielectric properties of the brain may be used for determination of peak 1- or 10-g SAR needed for compliance with the various safety standards.
Advances in In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of Gene Expression
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 235–260More Less▪ AbstractTo advance our understanding of biological processes as they occur in living animals, imaging strategies have been developed and refined that reveal cellular and molecular features of biology and disease in real time. One rapid and accessible technology for in vivo analysis employs internal biological sources of light emitted from luminescent enzymes, luciferases, to label genes and cells. Combining this reporter system with the new generation of charge coupled device (CCD) cameras that detect the light transmitted through the animal's tissues has opened the door to sensitive in vivo measurements of mammalian gene expression in living animals. Here, we review the development and application of this imaging strategy, in vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI), together with in vivo fluorescence imaging methods, which has enabled the real-time study of immune cell trafficking, of various genetic regulatory elements in transgenic mice, and of in vivo gene transfer. BLI has been combined with fluorescence methods that together offer access to in vivo measurements that were not previously available. Such studies will greatly facilitate the functional analysis of a wide range of genes for their roles in health and disease.
Physics and Applications of Microfluidics in Biology
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 261–286More Less▪ AbstractFluid flow at the microscale exhibits unique phenomena that can be leveraged to fabricate devices and components capable of performing functions useful for biological studies. The physics of importance to microfluidics are reviewed. Common methods of fabricating microfluidic devices and systems are described. Components, including valves, mixers, and pumps, capable of controlling fluid flow by utilizing the physics of the microscale are presented. Techniques for sensing flow characteristics are described and examples of devices and systems that perform bioanalysis are presented. The focus of this review is microscale phenomena and the use of the physics of the scale to create devices and systems that provide functionality useful to the life sciences.
Telerehabilitation Research: Emerging Opportunities
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 287–320More Less▪ AbstractThe field of clinical rehabilitation is rooted in the premise that carefully planned and delivered therapeutic intervention enhances patient outcomes. Underlying this statement is a deeper scientific reality: The field exists because biosystems (e.g., tissues, cells, organs, persons) are inherently adaptive and can dynamically change as a function of a sequence of inputs (e.g., exercise, pharmaceuticals). The tools of telerehabilitation help minimize the barrier of distance, both of patients to rehabilitative services and of researchers to subject populations. This enhanced access opens up new possibilities for discovering and implementing optimized intervention strategies across the continuum of care. Telecommunications technologies are reviewed from the perspective of systems models of the telerehabilitation process, with a focus on human-technology interface design and a special emphasis on emerging home and mobile technologies. Approaches for providing clinical rehabilitation services through telerehabilitation are addressed, including innovative consumer-centered approaches. Finally, telerehabilitation is proposed as a tool for reinvigorating the rehabilitative bioengineering research enterprise.
Biomechanical Dynamics of the Heart with MRI
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 321–347More Less▪ AbstractMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a noninvasive way to evaluate the biomechanical dynamics of the heart. MRI can provide spatially registered tomographic images of the heart in different phases of the cardiac cycle, which can be used to assess global cardiac function and regional endocardial surface motion. In addition, MRI can provide detailed information on the patterns of motion within the heart wall, permitting calculation of the evolution of regional strain and related motion variables within the wall. These show consistent patterns of spatial and temporal variation in normal subjects, which are affected by alterations of function due to disease. Although still an evolving technique, MRI shows promise as a new method for research and clinical evaluation of cardiac dynamics.
Advances in Proteomic Technologies
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 349–373More Less▪ AbstractProteomics is a rapidly emerging set of key technologies that are being used to identify proteins and map their interactions in a cellular context. With the sequencing of the human genome, the scope of proteomics has shifted from protein identification and characterization to include protein structure, function and protein-protein interactions. Technologies used in proteomic research include two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, yeast two-hybrids screens, and computational prediction programs. While some of these technologies have been in use for a long time, they are currently being applied to study physiology and cellular processes in high-throughput formats. It is the high-throughput approach that defines and characterizes modern proteomics. In this review, we discuss the current status of these experimental and computational technologies relevant to the three major aspects of proteomics—characterization of proteomes, identification of proteins, and determination of protein function. We also briefly discuss the development of new proteomic technologies that are based on recent advances in analytical and biochemical techniques, engineering, microfabrication, and computational prowess. The integration of these advances with established technologies is invaluable for the drive toward a comprehensive understanding of protein structure and function in the cellular milieu.
On the Metrics and Euler-Lagrange Equations of Computational Anatomy
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 375–405More Less▪ AbstractThis paper reviews literature, current concepts and approaches in computational anatomy (CA). The model of CA is a Grenander deformable template, an orbit generated from a template under groups of diffeomorphisms. The metric space of all anatomical images is constructed from the geodesic connecting one anatomical structure to another in the orbit. The variational problems specifying these metrics are reviewed along with their associated Euler-Lagrange equations. The Euler equations of motion derived by Arnold for the geodesics in the group of divergence-free volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of incompressible fluids are generalized for the larger group of diffeomorphisms used in CA with nonconstant Jacobians. Metrics that accommodate photometric variation are described extending the anatomical model to incorporate the construction of neoplasm. Metrics on landmarked shapes are reviewed as well as Joshi's diffeomorphism metrics, Bookstein's thin-plate spline approximate-metrics, and Kendall's affine invariant metrics. We conclude by showing recent experimental results from the Toga & Thompson group in growth, the Van Essen group in macaque and human cortex mapping, and the Csernansky group in hippocampus mapping for neuropsychiatric studies in aging and schizophrenia.
Selective Electrical Interfaces with the Nervous System
Vol. 4 (2002), pp. 407–452More Less▪ AbstractTo achieve selective electrical interfacing to the neural system it is necessary to approach neuronal elements on a scale of micrometers. This necessitates microtechnology fabrication and introduces the interdisciplinary field of neurotechnology, lying at the juncture of neuroscience with microtechnology. The neuroelectronic interface occurs where the membrane of a cell soma or axon meets a metal microelectrode surface. The seal between these may be narrow or may be leaky. In the latter case the surrounding volume conductor becomes part of the interface. Electrode design for successful interfacing, either for stimulation or recording, requires good understanding of membrane phenomena, natural and evoked action potential generation, volume conduction, and electrode behavior. Penetrating multimicroelectrodes have been produced as one-, two-, and three-dimensional arrays, mainly in silicon, glass, and metal microtechnology. Cuff electrodes circumvent a nerve; their selectivity aims at fascicles more than at nerve fibers. Other types of electrodes are regenerating sieves and cone-ingrowth electrodes. The latter may play a role in brain-computer interfaces. Planar substrate-embedded electrode arrays with cultured neural cells on top are used to study the activity and plasticity of developing neural networks. They also serve as substrates for future so-called cultured probes.
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