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- Volume 43, 1998
Annual Review of Entomology - Volume 43, 1998
Volume 43, 1998
- Review Articles
G. Poinar Jr., and R. PoinarVol. 43 (1998), pp. 449–469More Less▪ AbstractMites are an ancient group of arachnids that have had some 400 million years to adapt to a variety of conditions on Earth. Microorganisms have had the same amount of time to form symbiotic relationships with mites, with results ranging from phoresy to parasitism. This review covers the still fragmentary information on the groups of parasites and pathogens that are associated with mites. The known mite-associated bacteria, rickettsiae, fungi, Protozoa, viruses, and nematodes represent the tip of the iceberg, and few details of their host-parasite relationships have been recorded. Mites offer an opportunity to investigate new pathogens and new types of associations. Pathogens can be a boon when they affect mites that are detrimental to crops, livestock, or ourselves, and the diseases they cause probably play an important role in controlling mites, at least under certain conditions. However, pathogens can also cause crop failure and economic loss when they occur in biological control agents of pests.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 471–491More Less▪ AbstractEradication is the elimination of every single individual of a species from an area to which recolonization is unlikely to occur. Cost-benefit analyses of eradication programs involve biases that tend to underestimate the costs and overestimate the benefits. In this review, we (a) highlight limitations of current cost-benefit analyses, (b) assess eradication strategies from biological and sociological perspectives by discussing particular cases of successful and failed eradication efforts, and (c) briefly contrast eradication and ongoing area-wide control as pest management strategies. Two successful eradication programs involve the screwworm and cattle ticks. Gypsy moth and medfly eradication programs have not been successful, and subsequent captures of insects recur in eradication areas. In situations where heterogeneity of land use patterns make it difficult to prevent reinvasion of the pest, education and area-wide suppression are probably more realistic goals than eradication.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 493–517More Less▪ AbstractThe history of baculoviruses in insect control and the current status of recombinant baculovirus (recBV) insecticides in the laboratory and the field are briefly outlined. A conceptual model for impact evaluation is described that distinguishes between scientific impact evaluation and regulatory risk assessment. Its components are identified and reviewed in the light of existing ecological theory and experimental study under the categories of impact identification, exposure identification, and impact evaluation. Impact identification aims to identify species and populations sensitive to direct or indirect impacts by a recBV. Exposure identification examines how susceptible populations may be exposed to a recBV. Impact evaluation combines these data to predict the potential for recBV impacts in the environment.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 519–543More Less▪ AbstractMosquitoes of the genus Anopheles transmit malaria parasites to humans. Anopheles mosquito species vary in their vector potential because of environmental conditions and factors affecting their abundance, blood-feeding behavior, survival, and ability to support malaria parasite development. In the complex life cycle of the parasite in female mosquitoes, a process termed sporogony, mosquitoes acquire gametocyte-stage parasites from blood-feeding on an infected host. The parasites carry out fertilization in the midgut, transform to ookinetes, then oocysts, which produce sporozoites. Sporozoites invade the salivary glands and are transmitted when the mosquito feeds on another host. Most individual mosquitoes that ingest gametocytes do not support development to the sporozoite stage. Bottlenecks occur at every stage of the cycle in the mosquito. Powerful new techniques and approaches exist for evaluating malaria parasite development and for identifying mechanisms regulating malaria parasite–vector interactions. This review focuses on those interactions that are important for the development of new approaches for evaluating and blocking transmission in nature.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 545–569More Less▪ AbstractAgrochemical research over the last two decades has resulted in the discovery of chemically novel insecticides that mimic the action of the two insect growth and developmental hormones, the steroidal 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and the sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone (JH). Bisacylhydrazines are non-steroidal agonists of 20E and exhibit their insecticidal activity via interaction with the ecdysteroid receptor proteins. Interestingly, two of the bisacylhydrazine (tebufenozide and RH-2485) insecticides are very selectively toxic to lepidopteran pests. These insecticides are safe to beneficial insects and have a benign ecotoxicological profile. Aromatic non-terpenoidal insecticides (fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen) mimic the action of JHs. However, like the JHs, their exact mode of action is not well understood. These insecticides are toxic to a broad spectrum of insects during their embryonic, last larval, or reproductive stages. The insecticidal, ecotoxicological properties and the mode of action of the two groups of insecticides are reviewed in this article.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 571–594More Less▪ AbstractBehavioral responses of insect herbivores to toxins are examined in managed and natural systems with reference to two important but largely ignored factors: heterogeneity in toxin distributions and the nature of the relationship between behavioral responses and physiological adaptation to the same toxins. Heterogeneous toxin distributions, which provide the opportunity for behavioral responses, are ubiquitous in managed and natural systems. Insect herbivores have evolved a wide variety of behavioral responses to such toxins. The nature of behavioral responses reflects toxin apparency, mode of action, and the extent to which sublethal effects influence behavior. The interaction between these behavioral responses to heterogeneously distributed toxins and physiological mechanisms of tolerance has influenced the evolution of insecticide resistance in managed systems and the evolution of plant defensive strategies in natural systems. An understanding of this interaction could lead to more evolutionarily stable methods of crop protection.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 595–618More Less▪ AbstractBurying beetles conceal small vertebrate carcasses underground and prepare them for consumption by their young. This review places their complex social behavior in an ecological context that focuses on the evolution of biparental care and communal breeding. Both males and females provide extensive parental care, and the major benefit of male assistance is to help defend the brood and carcass from competitors. As intensity and type of competition vary, so do the effectiveness and duration of male care. In many species, a single brood may be reared on large carcasses by more than one male and/or female. Limited reproductive opportunities, the greater effectiveness of groups in preventing the probability of brood failure (especially that caused by competing flies), and the superabundance of food on large carcasses have contributed to the evolution of this cooperative behavior.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 619–643More Less▪ AbstractGenetic color variation provides a tangible link between the external phenotype of an organism and its underlying genetic determination and thus furnishes a tractable system with which to explore fundamental evolutionary phenomena. Here we examine the basis of color variation in spiders and its evolutionary and ecological implications. Reversible color changes, resulting from several mechanisms, are surprisingly widespread in the group and must be distinguished from true genetic variation for color to be used as an evolutionary tool. Genetic polymorphism occurs in a large number of families and is frequently sex limited: Sex linkage has not yet been demonstrated, nor have the forces promoting sex limitation been elucidated. It is argued that the production of color is metabolically costly and is principally maintained by the action of sight-hunting predators. Key avenues for future research are suggested.
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 645–669More Less▪ AbstractEncarsia formosa is a parasitoid used worldwide for the biological control of whiteflies on vegetables and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses. Because of outstanding success in controlling Trialeurodes vaporariorum on tomatoes, the biology and behavior of this wasp have been intensively studied to identify attributes that contribute to successful biological control and how best to manipulate augmentative releases into greenhouses to suppress whitefly population growth. In this article, we review the biology of adult and immature E. formosa, population dynamics of whitefly-parasitoid interactions, and commercial use in greenhouses. Deficits in knowledge of aspects of E. formosa's biology and use are noted.
Differential Gene Expression in Insects: Transcriptional Control
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 671–700More Less▪ AbstractStudies on transcriptional control of gene expression play a pivotal role in many areas of biology. In non-Drosophilid insects, the cuticle, chorion, immune response, silk gland, storage proteins, and vitellogenin are foci for advances in basic research on promoter elements and transcription factors. Insects offer other advantages for gene regulation studies, including the availability of applied problems. In non-Drosophilid insects, the most serious problem for transcriptional control studies is the lack of homologous in vivo expression systems. Once this deficiency is addressed, the full impact of research on transcription control will be realized throughout the field of entomology.
Sustainability of Transgenic Insecticidal Cultivars: Integrating Pest Genetics and Ecology
Vol. 43 (1998), pp. 701–726More Less▪ AbstractThis review examines potential impacts of transgenic cultivars on insect population dynamics and evolution. Experience with classically bred, insecticidal cultivars has demonstrated that a solid understanding of both the target insect's ecology and the cultivar's performance under varied field conditions will be essential for predicting area-wide effects of transgenic cultivars on pest and natural enemy dynamics. This experience has also demonstrated the evolutionary capacity of pests for adaptive response to insecticidal traits in crops. Biochemical and genetic studies of insect adaptation to the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins expressed by currently marketed transgenic cultivars indicate a high risk for rapid adaptation if these cultivars are misused. Theoretical and practical issues involved in implementing strategies to delay pest adaptation to insecticidal cultivars are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on examining the “high dose”/refuge strategy that has become the goal of industry and regulatory authorities.
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