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- Volume 31, 2002
Annual Review of Biophysics - Volume 31, 2002
Volume 31, 2002
- Preface
- Review Articles
The Natural History of Protein Domains
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 45–71More Less▪ AbstractGenome sequencing and structural genomics projects are providing new insights into the evolutionary history ofprote in domains. As methods for sequence and structure comparison improve, more distantly related domains are shown to be homologous. Thus there is a need for domain families to be classified within a hierarchy similar to Linnaeus' Systema Naturae, the classification of species. With such a hierarchy in mind, we discuss the evolution of domains, their combination into proteins, and evidence as to the likely origin of protein domains. We also discuss when and how analysis of domains can be used to understand details of protein function. Unconventional features of domain evolution such as intragenomic competition, domain insertion, horizontal gene transfer, and convergent evolution are seen as analogs of organismal evolutionary events. These parallels illustrate how the concept of domains can be applied to provide insights into evolutionary biology.
Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Bacteriorhodopsin Pump Cycle
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 73–95More Less▪ AbstractActive transport requires the alternation of substrate uptake and release with a switch in the access of the substrate binding site to the two sides of the membrane. Both the transfer and switch aspects of the photocycle have been subjects of magnetic resonance studies in bacteriorhodopsin. The results for ion transfer indicate that the Schiff base of the chromophore is hydrogen bonded before, during, and after its deprotonation. This suggests that the initial complex counterion of the Schiff base decomposes in such a way that the Schiff base carries its immediate hydrogen-bonding partner with it as it rotates during the first half of the photocycle. If so, bacteriorhodopsin acts as an inward-directed hydroxide pump rather than as an outward-directed proton pump. The studies of the access switch explore both protein-based and chromophore-based mechanisms. Combined with evidence from functional studies of mutants and other forms of spectroscopy, the results suggest that maintaining access to the extracellular side of the protein after photoisomerization involves twisting of the chromophore and that the decisive switch in access to the cytoplasmic side results from relaxation of the chromophore when the constraints on the Schiff base are released by decomposition of the complex counterion.
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Ligand-Receptor Interactions and Molecular Assemblies*
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 97–119More Less▪ AbstractFlow cytometers make homogeneous real-time measurements of ligand-receptor interactions and, simultaneously, the physiological responses of cells. Their multiparameter capabilities are also useful in resolving multicomponent assemblies or in developing multiplexed assays. Recent advances suggest that these approaches can be extended in several important ways. Sample delivery in the millisecond time domain is applicable to the analysis of complex binding kinetics and reaction mechanisms. The homogeneous discrimination of free components and particle-based assemblies can be extended into the micromolar concentration range. Measurements can be made of molecular assemblies among proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids, and carbohydrates on beads. The topography and assembly of components within cells can be evaluated with resonance energy transfer. Temperature dependence can be evaluated with Peltier temperature control. Many assembly endpoints can be assessed through new tools for high-throughput flow cytometry using plate-based assay formats and small volume samples.
Structural and Thermodynamic Correlates of T Cell Signaling
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 121–149More Less▪ AbstractThe first crystal structures of intact T cell receptors (TCRs) bound to class I peptide-MHC (pMHCs) antigens were determined in 1996. Since then, further structures of class I TCR/pMHC complexes have explored the degree of structural variability in the TCR-pMHC system and the structural basis for positive and negative selection. The recent determination of class II and allogeneic class I TCR/pMHC structures, as well as those of accessory molecules (e.g., CD3), has pushed our knowledge of TCR/pMHC interactions into new realms, shedding light on clinical pathologies, such as graft rejection and graft-versus-host disease. Furthermore, the determination of coreceptor structures lays the foundation for a more comprehensive structural description of the supramolecular TCR signaling events and those assemblies that arise in the immunological synapse. While these telling photodocumentaries of the TCR/pMHC interaction are composed mainly from static crystal structures, a full description of the biological snapshots in T cell signaling requires additional analytical methods that record the dynamics of the process. To this end, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and ultracentrifugation (UC) have furnished both affinities and kinetics of the TCR/pMHC association. In the past year, structural, biochemical, and molecular biological data describing TCR/pMHC interactions have sublimely coalesced into a burgeoning well of understanding that promises to deliver further insights into T cell recognition. The coming years will, through a more intimate union of structural and kinetic data, allow many pressing questions to be addressed, such as how TCR/pMHC ligation is affected by coreceptor binding and what is the mechanism of TCR signaling in both early and late stages of T cell engagement with antigen-presenting cells.
PIP2 and Proteins: Interactions, Organization, and Information Flow
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 151–175More Less▪ AbstractWe review the physical properties of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) that determine both its specific interactions with protein domains of known structure and its nonspecific electrostatic sequestration by unstructured domains. Several investigators have postulated the existence of distinct pools of PIP2 within the cell to account for the myriad functions of this lipid. Recent experimental work indicates certain regions of the plasma membrane—membrane ruffles and nascent phagosomes—do indeed concentrate PIP2. We consider two mechanisms that could account for this phenomenon: local synthesis and electrostatic sequestration. We conclude by considering the hypothesis that proteins such as MARCKS bind a significant fraction of the PIP2 in a cell, helping to sequester it in lateral membrane domains, then release this lipid in response to local signals such as an increased concentration of Ca++/calmodulin or activation of protein kinase C.
NMR Studies of Lipoprotein Structure
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 177–206More Less▪ AbstractEarly NMR structural studies of serum lipoproteins were based on 1H, 13C, 31P, and 2H studies of lipid components. From the early studies information on composition, lipid chain dynamics and order parameters, and monolayer organization resulted. More recently, selective or complete isotopic labeling techniques, combined with multidimensional NMR spectroscopy, have resulted in structural information of apoprotein fragments. Finally, use of heteronuclear three- and four-dimensional experiments have yielded solution structures and protein-lipid interactions of intact apolipoproteins C-I, C-II, and A-I.
The α-Helix and the Organization and Gating of Channels
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 207–233More Less▪ AbstractThe structures of an increasing number of channels and other α-helical membrane proteins have been determined recently, including the KcsA potassium channel, the MscL mechanosensitive channel, and the AQP1 and GlpF members of the aquaporin family. In this chapter, the orientation and packing characteristics of bilayer-spanning helices are surveyed in integral membrane proteins. In the case of channels, α-helices create the sealed barrier that separates the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer from the permeation pathway for solutes. The helices surrounding the permeation pathway tend to be rather steeply tilted relative to the membrane normal and are consistently arranged in a right-handed bundle. The helical framework further provides a supporting scaffold for nonmembrane-spanning structures associated with channel selectivity. Although structural details remain scarce, the conformational changes associated with gating transitions between closed and open states of channels are reviewed, emphasizing the potential roles of helix-helix interactions in this process.
The Linkage Between Protein Folding and Functional Cooperativity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 235–256More Less▪ AbstractDuring the course of their biological function, proteins undergo different types of structural rearrangements ranging from local to large-scale conformational changes. These changes are usually triggered by their interactions with small-molecular-weight ligands or other macromolecules. Because binding interactions occur at specific sites and involve only a small number of residues, a chain of cooperative interactions is necessary for the propagation of binding signals to distal locations within the protein structure. This process requires an uneven structural distribution of protein stability and cooperativity as revealed by NMR-detected hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments under native conditions. The distribution of stabilizing interactions does not only provide the architectural foundation to the three-dimensional structure of a protein, but it also provides the required framework for functional cooperativity. In this review, the statistical thermodynamic linkage between protein stability, functional cooperativity, and ligand binding is discussed.
The Search and Its Outcome: High-Resolution Structures of Ribosomal Particles from Mesophilic, Thermophilic, and Halophilic Bacteria at Various Functional States
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 257–273More Less▪ AbstractWe determined the high-resolution structures of large and small ribosomal subunits from mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria and compared them with those of the thermophilic ribosome and the halophilic large subunit. We confirmed that the elements involved in intersubunit contacts and in substrate binding are inherently flexible and that a common ribosomal strategy is to utilize this conformational variability for optimizing its functional efficiency and minimizing nonproductive interactions. Under close-to-physiological conditions, these elements maintain well-ordered characteristic conformations. In unbound subunits, the features creating intersubunit bridges within associated ribosomes lie on the interface surface, and the features that bind factors and substrates reach toward the binding site only when conditions are ripe.
Principles and Biophysical Applications of Lanthanide-Based Probes
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 275–302More Less▪ AbstractUsing luminescent lanthanides, instead of conventional fluorophores, as donor molecules in resonance energy transfer measurements offers many technical advantages and opens up a wide range of new applications. Advantages include farther measurable distances (∼100 Å) with greater accuracy, insensitivity to incomplete labeling, and the ability to use generic relatively large labels, when necessary. Applications highlighted include the study of ion channels in living cells, protein-protein interaction in cells, DNA-protein complexes, and high-throughput screening assays to measure peptide dimerization associated with DNA transcription factors and ligand-receptor interactions.
Single-Particle Imaging of Macromolecules by Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 303–319More Less▪ AbstractCryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of biological molecules in single-particle (i.e., unordered, nonaggregated) form is a new approach to the study of molecular assemblies, which are often too large and flexible to be amenable to X-ray crystallography. New insights into biological function on the molecular level are expected from cryo-EM applied to the study of such complexes “trapped” at different stages of their conformational changes and dynamical interactions. Important molecular machines involved in the fundamental processes of transcription, mRNA splicing, and translation are examples for successful applications of the new technique, combined with structural knowledge gained by conventional techniques of structure determination, such as X-ray crystallography and NMR.
Force Exertion in Fungal Infection
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 321–341More Less▪ AbstractFungal pathogens of plants or animals invade their hosts either by secretion of lytic enzymes, exerting force, or by a combination of both. Although many fungi are thought to rely mostly on lysis of the host tissue, some plant pathogenic fungi differentiate complex infection cells that develop enormous turgor pressure, which in turn is translated into force used for invasion. In order to understand mechanisms of fungal infection in detail, methods have been developed that indirectly or directly measure turgor pressure and force. In this article, these methods are described and critically discussed, and their importance in analysis of fungal infection are outlined.
The Papillomavirus E2 Proteins: Structure, Function, and Biology
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 343–360More Less▪ AbstractNearly twenty years after the first high-resolution crystal structures of specific protein-DNA complexes were determined, the stereo-chemical basis for protein-DNA recognition remains an active area of investigation. One outstanding question is, how are proteins able to detect noncontacted sequences in their binding sites? The papillomavirus E2 proteins represent a particularly suitable group of proteins in which to examine the mechanisms of “indirect readout.” Coordinated structural and thermodynamic studies of the E2-DNA interaction conducted over the past five years are summarized in this review. The data support a model in which the electrostatic properties of the individual E2 proteins correlate with their affinities for intrinsically flexible or rigidly prebent DNA targets.
Conformational Dynamics of the Chromatin Fiber in Solution: Determinants, Mechanisms, and Functions
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 361–392More Less▪ AbstractChromatin fibers are dynamic macromolecular assemblages that are intimately involved in nuclear function. This review focuses on recent advances centered on the molecular mechanisms and determinants of chromatin fiber dynamics in solution. Major points of emphasis are the functions of the core histone tail domains, linker histones, and a new class of proteins that assemble supramolecular chromatin structures. The discussion of important structural issues is set against a background of possible functional significance.
Paramagnetic Resonance of Biological Metal Centers
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 393–422More Less▪ AbstractThe review deals with recent advances in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (hf EPR and NMR) of paramagnetic metal centers in biological macromolecules. In the first half of our chapter, we present an overview of recent technical developments in the NMR of paramagnetic bio-macromolecules. These are illustrated by a variety of examples deriving mainly from the spectroscopy of metalloproteins and their complexes. The second half focuses on recent developments in high-frequency EPR spectroscopy and the application of the technique to copper, iron, and manganese proteins. Special attention is given to the work on single crystals of copper proteins.
Computational Cell Biology: Spatiotemporal Simulation of Cellular Events
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 423–441More Less▪ AbstractThe field of computational cell biology has emerged within the past 5 years because of the need to apply disciplined computational approaches to build and test complex hypotheses on the interacting structural, physical, and chemical features that underlie intracellular processes. To meet this need, newly developed software tools allow cell biologists and biophysicists to build models and generate simulations from them. The construction of general-purpose computational approaches is especially challenging if the spatial complexity of cellular systems is to be explicitly treated. This review surveys some of the existing efforts in this field with special emphasis on a system being developed in the authors' laboratory, Virtual Cell. The theories behind both stochastic and deterministic simulations are discussed. Examples of respective applications to cell biological problems in RNA trafficking and neuronal calcium dynamics are provided to illustrate these ideas.
Rhodopsin: Insights from Recent Structural Studies
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 443–484More Less▪ AbstractThe recent report of the crystal structure of rhodopsin provides insights concerning structure-activity relationships in visual pigments and related G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs). The seven transmembrane helices of rhodopsin are interrupted or kinked at multiple sites. An extensive network of interhelical interactions stabilizes the ground state of the receptor. The ligand-binding pocket of rhodopsin is remarkably compact, and several chromophore-protein interactions were not predicted from mutagenesis or spectroscopic studies. The helix movement model of receptor activation, which likely applies to all GPCRs of the rhodopsin family, is supported by several structural elements that suggest how light-induced conformational changes in the ligand-binding pocket are transmitted to the cytoplasmic surface. The cytoplasmic domain of the receptor includes a helical domain extending from the seventh transmembrane segment parallel to the bilayer surface. The cytoplasmic surface appears to be approximately large enough to bind to the transducin heterotrimer in a one-to-one complex. The structural basis for several unique biophysical properties of rhodopsin, including its extremely low dark noise level and high quantum efficiency, can now be addressed using a combination of structural biology and various spectroscopic methods. Future high-resolution structural studies of rhodopsin and other GPCRs will form the basis to elucidate the detailed molecular mechanism of GPCR-mediated signal transduction.
Conformational Regulation of Integrin Structure and Function
Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 485–516More Less▪ AbstractIntegrins are a structurally elaborate family of heterodimers that mediate divalent cation-dependent cell adhesion in a wide range of biological contexts. The inserted (I) domain binds ligand in the subset of integrins in which it is present. Its structure has been determined in two alternative conformations, termed open and closed. In striking similarity to signaling G proteins, rearrangement of a Mg2+-binding site is linked to large conformational movements in distant backbone regions. Mutations have been used to stabilize either the closed or open structures. These show that the snapshots of the open conformation seen only in the presence of a ligand or a ligand mimetic represent a high-affinity, ligand-binding conformation, whereas those of the closed conformation correspond to a low-affinity conformation. The C-terminal α-helix moves 10 Å down the side of the domain in the open conformation. Locking in the conformation of the preceding loop is sufficient to increase affinity for ligand 9000-fold. This C-terminal “bell-rope” provides a mechanism for linkage to conformational movements in other domains. The transition from the closed to open conformation has been implicated in fast (<1 s) regulation of integrin affinity in response to activation signals from inside the cell. Recent integrin structures and functional studies reveal interactions between β-propeller, I, and I-like domains in the headpiece, and a critical role for integrin EGF domains in the stalk region. These studies suggest that the headpiece of the integrin faces down toward the membrane in the inactive conformation and extends upward in a “switchblade”-like opening motion upon activation. These long-range structural rearrangements of the entire integrin molecule involving multiple interdomain contacts appear closely linked to conformational changes in the I domain, which result in increased affinity and competence for ligand binding.
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