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Annual Review of Biophysics - Volume 35, 2006
Volume 35, 2006
SPINACH ON THE CEILING: A Theoretical Chemist's Return to Biology
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 1–47More LessAbstractI was born in Vienna and came to the United States as a refugee in October 1938. This experience played an important role in my view of the world and my approach to science: It contributed to my realization that it was safe to stop working in fields that I felt I understood and to focus on different areas of research by asking questions that would teach me and others something new. I describe my experiences that led me from chemistry and physics back to my first love, biology, and outline some of the contributions I have made as part of my ongoing learning experience.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 49–65More LessAbstractOver the past 10 years there has been tremendous success in the area of computational protein design. Protein design software has been used to stabilize proteins, solubilize membrane proteins, design intermolecular interactions, and design new protein structures. A key motivation for these studies is that they test our understanding of protein energetics and structure. De novo design of novel structures is a particularly rigorous test because the protein backbone must be designed in addition to the amino acid side chains. A priori it is not guaranteed that the target backbone is even designable. To address this issue, researchers have developed a variety of methods for generating protein-like scaffolds and for optimizing the protein backbone in conjunction with the amino acid sequence. These protocols have been used to design proteins from scratch and to explore sequence space for naturally occurring protein folds.
Lan Guan, and H. Ronald KabackVol. 35 (2006), pp. 67–91More LessAbstractAn X-ray structure of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY) in an inward-facing conformation has been solved. LacY contains N- and C-terminal domains, each with six transmembrane helices, positioned pseudosymmetrically. Ligand is bound at the apex of a hydrophilic cavity in the approximate middle of the molecule. Residues involved in substrate binding and H+ translocation are aligned parallel to the membrane at the same level and may be exposed to a water-filled cavity in both the inward- and outward-facing conformations, thereby allowing both sugar and H+ release directly into either cavity. These structural features may explain why LacY catalyzes galactoside/H+ symport in both directions utilizing the same residues. A working model for the mechanism is presented that involves alternating access of both the sugar- and H+-binding sites to either side of the membrane.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 93–114More LessAbstractComplex cellular events commonly depend on the activity of molecular “machines” that efficiently couple enzymatic and regulatory functions within a multiprotein assembly. An essential and expanding subset of these assemblies comprises proteins of the ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+) family. The defining feature of AAA+ proteins is a structurally conserved ATP-binding module that oligomerizes into active arrays. ATP binding and hydrolysis events at the interface of neighboring subunits drive conformational changes within the AAA+ assembly that direct translocation or remodeling of target substrates. In this review, we describe the critical features of the AAA+ domain, summarize our current knowledge of how this versatile element is incorporated into larger assemblies, and discuss specific adaptations of the AAA+ fold that allow complex molecular manipulations to be carried out for a highly diverse set of macromolecular targets.
SYMMETRY, FORM, AND SHAPE: Guiding Principles for Robustness in Macromolecular Machines
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 115–133More LessAbstractComputational studies of large macromolecular assemblages have come a long way during the past 10 years. With the explosion of computer power and parallel computing, timescales of molecular dynamics simulations have been extended far beyond the hundreds of picoseconds timescale. However, limitations remain for studies of large-scale conformational changes occurring on timescales beyond nanoseconds, especially for large macromolecules. In this review, we describe recent methods based on normal mode analysis that have enabled us to study dynamics on the microsecond timescale for large macromolecules using different levels of coarse graining, from atomically detailed models to those employing only low-resolution structural information. Emerging from such studies is a control principle for robustness in Nature's machines. We discuss this idea in the context of large-scale functional reorganization of the ribosome, virus particles, and the muscle protein myosin.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 135–160More LessAbstractExocytosis is initiated within a highly localized region of contact between two biological membranes. Small areas of these membranes draw close, molecules on the two surfaces interact, and structural transformations take place. Membrane fusion requires the action of proteins specialized for this task, and these proteins act as a fusion machine. At a critical point in this process, a fusion pore forms within the membrane contact site and then expands as the spherical vesicle merges with the flat target membrane. Hence, the operation of a fusion machine must be realized through the formation and expansion of a fusion pore. Delineating the relation between the fusion machine and the fusion pore thus emerges as a central goal in elucidating the mechanisms of membrane fusion. We summarize present knowledge of fusion machines and fusion pores studied in vitro, in neurons, and in neuroendocrine cells, and synthesize this knowledge into some specific and detailed hypotheses for exocytosis.
Tao Pan, and Tobin SosnickVol. 35 (2006), pp. 161–175More LessAbstractThe evolution of RNA sequence needs to satisfy three requirements: folding, structure, and function. Studies on folding during transcription are related directly to folding in the cell. Understanding RNA folding during transcription requires the elucidation of structure formation and structural changes of the RNA, and the consideration of intrinsic properties of the RNA polymerase and other proteins that interact with the RNA. This review summarizes the research progress in this area and outlines the enormous challenges facing this field. Significant advancement requires the development of new experimental methods and theoretical considerations in all aspects of transcription and RNA folding.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 177–198More LessAbstractStructural, compositional, and material (elastic) properties of lipid bilayers exert strong influences on the interactions of water-soluble proteins and peptides with membranes, the distribution of transmembrane proteins in the plane of the membrane, and the function of specific membrane channels. Theoretical and experimental studies show that the binding of either cytoplasmic proteins or extracellular peptides to membranes is regulated by the presence of charged lipids and that the sorting of transmembrane proteins into or out of membrane microdomains (rafts) depends on several factors, including bilayer material properties governed by the presence of cholesterol. Recent studies have also shown that bilayer material properties modify the permeability of membrane pores, formed either by protein channels or by cell-lytic peptides.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 199–224More LessAbstractElectron microscope tomography produces three-dimensional reconstructions and has been used to image organelles both isolated and in situ, providing new insight into their structure and function. It is analogous to the various tomographies used in medical imaging. Compared with light microscopy, electron tomography offers an improvement in resolution of 30- to 80-fold and currently ranges from 3 to 8 nm, thus filling the gap between high-resolution structure determinations of isolated macromolecules and larger-scale studies on cells and tissues by light microscopy. Here, we provide an introduction to electron tomography and applications of the method in characterizing organelle architecture that also show its power for suggesting functional significance. Further improvements in labeling modalities, imaging tools, specimen preparation, and reconstruction algorithms promise to increase the quality and breadth of reconstructions by electron tomography and eventually to allow the mapping of the cellular proteomes onto detailed three-dimensional models of cellular structure.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 225–249More LessAbstractRecently, a general method was developed that makes it possible to genetically encode unnatural amino acids with diverse physical, chemical, or biological properties in Escherichia coli, yeast, and mammalian cells. More than 30 unnatural amino acids have been incorporated into proteins with high fidelity and efficiency by means of a unique codon and corresponding tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair. These include fluorescent, glycosylated, metal-ion-binding, and redox-active amino acids, as well as amino acids with unique chemical and photochemical reactivity. This methodology provides a powerful tool both for exploring protein structure and function in vitro and in vivo and for generating proteins with new or enhanced properties.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 251–276More LessAbstractStructural proteomics approaches using mass spectrometry are increasingly used in biology to examine the composition and structure of macromolecules. Hydroxyl radical–mediated protein footprinting using mass spectrometry has recently been developed to define structure, assembly, and conformational changes of macromolecules in solution based on measurements of reactivity of amino acid side chain groups with covalent modification reagents. Accurate measurements of side chain reactivity are achieved using quantitative liquid-chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry, whereas the side chain modification sites are identified using tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, the use of footprinting data in conjunction with computational modeling approaches is a powerful new method for testing and refining structural models of macromolecules and their complexes. In this review, we discuss the basic chemistry of hydroxyl radical reactions with peptides and proteins, highlight various approaches to map protein structure using radical oxidation methods, and describe state-of-the-art approaches to combine computational and footprinting data.
THE ESCRT COMPLEXES: Structure and Mechanism of a Membrane-Trafficking Network*
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 277–298More LessAbstractThe ESCRT complexes and associated proteins comprise a major pathway for the lysosomal degradation of transmembrane proteins and are critical for receptor downregulation, budding of the HIV virus, and other normal and pathological cell processes. The ESCRT system is conserved from yeast to humans. The ESCRT complexes form a network that recruits monoubiquitinated proteins and drives their internalization into lumenal vesicles within a type of endosome known as a multivesicular body. The structures and interactions of many of the components have been determined over the past three years, revealing mechanisms for membrane and cargo recruitment and for complex assembly.
RIBOSOME DYNAMICS: Insights from Atomic Structure Modeling into Cryo-Electron Microscopy Maps
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 299–317More LessAbstractSingle-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is the method of choice for studying the dynamics of macromolecular machines both at a phenomenological and, increasingly, at the molecular level, with the advent of high-resolution component X-ray structures and of progressively improving fitting algorithms. Cryo-EM has shed light on the structure of the ribosome during the four steps of translation: initiation, elongation, termination, and recycling. Interpretation of cryo-EM reconstructions of the ribosome in quasi-atomic detail reveals a picture in which the ribosome uses RNA not only to catalyze chemical reactions, but also as a means for signal transduction over large distances.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 319–342More LessAbstractThree-dimensional structure determination of small proteins and oligonucleotides by solution NMR is established. With the development of novel NMR and labeling techniques, structure determination is now feasible for proteins with a molecular mass of up to ∼100 kDa and RNAs of up to 35 kDa. Beyond these molecular masses special techniques and approaches are required for applying NMR as a multiprobe method for structural investigations of proteins and RNAs. It is the aim of this review to summarize the NMR techniques and approaches available to advance the molecular mass limit of NMR both for proteins (up to 1 MDa) and RNAs (up to 100 kDa). Physical pictures of the novel techniques, their experimental applications, as well as labeling and assignment strategies are discussed and accompanied by future perspectives.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 343–360More LessAbstractThe kinetics and mechanisms of transcription are now being investigated by a repertoire of single-molecule techniques, including optical and magnetic tweezers, high-sensitivity fluorescence techniques, and atomic force microscopy. Single-molecule techniques complement traditional biochemical and crystallographic approaches, are capable of detecting the motions and dynamics of individual RNAP molecules and transcription complexes in real time, and make it possible to directly measure RNAP binding to and unwinding of template DNA, as well as RNAP translocation along the DNA during transcript synthesis.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 361–387More LessAbstractFluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) is a technology used to analyze the dynamics of macromolecular assemblies in vivo and in vitro. Speckle formation by random association of fluorophores with a macromolecular structure was originally discovered for microtubules. Since then FSM has been expanded to study other cytoskeleton and cytoskeleton-binding proteins. Specialized software has been developed to convert the stochastic speckle image signal into spatiotemporal maps of polymer transport and turnover in living cells. These maps serve as a unique quantitative readout of the dynamic steady state of the cytoskeleton and its responses to molecular and genetic interventions, allowing a systematic study of the mechanisms of cytoskeleton regulation and its effect on cell function. Here, we explain the principles of FSM imaging and signal analysis, outline the biological questions and corresponding methodological advances that have led to the current state of FSM, and give a glimpse of new FSM modalities under development.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 389–415More LessAbstractWater is essential for life in many ways, and without it biomolecules might no longer truly be biomolecules. In particular, water is important to the structure, stability, dynamics, and function of biological macromolecules. In protein folding, water mediates the collapse of the chain and the search for the native topology through a funneled energy landscape. Water actively participates in molecular recognition by mediating the interactions between binding partners and contributes to either enthalpic or entropic stabilization. Accordingly, water must be included in recognition and structure prediction codes to capture specificity. Thus water should not be treated as an inert environment, but rather as an integral and active component of biomolecular systems, where it has both dynamic and structural roles. Focusing on water sheds light on the physics and function of biological machinery and self-assembly and may advance our understanding of the natural design of proteins and nucleic acids.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 417–434More LessAbstractThe plasma membrane of most animal cells conforms to the cytoskeleton and only occasionally separates to form blebs. Previous studies indicated that many weak interactions between cytoskeleton and the lipid bilayer kept the surfaces together to counteract the normal outward pressure of cytoplasm. Either the loss of adhesion strength or the formation of gaps in the cytoskeleton enables the pressure to form blebs. Membrane-associated cytoskeleton proteins, such as spectrin and filamin, can control the movement and aggregation of membrane proteins and lipids, e.g., phosphoinositol phospholipids (PIPs), as well as blebbing. At the same time, lipids (particularly PIPs) and membrane proteins affect cytoskeleton and signaling dynamics. We consider here the roles of the major phosphatidylinositol-4,5-diphosphate (PIP2) binding protein, MARCKS, and PIP2 levels in controlling cytoskeleton dynamics. Further understanding of dynamics will provide important clues about how membrane-cytoskeleton adhesion rapidly adjusts to cytoskeleton and membrane dynamics.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 435–457More LessAbstractSplicing is an essential step of gene expression in which introns are removed from pre-mRNA to generate mature mRNA that can be translated by the ribosome. This reaction is catalyzed by a large and dynamic macromolecular RNP complex called the spliceosome. The spliceosome is formed by the stepwise integration of five snRNPs composed of U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNAs and more than 150 proteins binding sequentially to pre-mRNA. To study the structure of this particularly dynamic RNP machine that undergoes many changes in composition and conformation, single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is currently the method of choice. In this review, we present the results of these cryo-EM studies along with some new perspectives on structural and functional aspects of splicing, and we outline the perspectives and limitations of the cryo-EM technique in obtaining structural information about macromolecular complexes, such as the spliceosome, involved in splicing.
Vol. 35 (2006), pp. 459–488More LessAbstractCells can sense and transduce a broad range of mechanical forces into distinct sets of biochemical signals that ultimately regulate cellular processes, including adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Deciphering at the nanoscale the design principles by which sensory elements are integrated into structural protein motifs whose conformations can be switched mechanically is crucial to understand the process of transduction of force into biochemical signals that are then integrated to regulate mechanoresponsive pathways. While the major focus in the search for mechanosensory units has been on membrane proteins such as ion channels, integrins, and associated cytoplasmic complexes, a multimodular design of tandem repeats of various structural motifs is ubiquitously found among extracellular matrix proteins, as well as cell adhesion molecules, and among many intracellular players that physically link transmembrane proteins to the contractile cytoskeleton. Single-molecule studies have revealed an unexpected richness of mechanosensory motifs, including force-regulated conformational changes of loop-exposed molecular recognition sites, intermediate states in the unraveling pathway that might either expose cryptic binding or phosphorylation sites, or regions that display enzymatic activity only when unmasked by force. Insights into mechanochemical signal conversion principles will also affect various technological fields, from biotechnology to tissue engineering and drug development.
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