Annual Review of Food Science and Technology - Volume 12, 2021
Volume 12, 2021
Building a Resilient, Sustainable, and Healthier Food Supply Through Innovation and Technology
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 1–28More LessThe modern food supply faces many challenges. The global population continues to grow and people are becoming wealthier, so the food production system must respond by creating enough high-quality food to feed everyone with minimal damage to our environment. The number of people suffering or dying from diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, continues to rise, which is partly linked to overconsumption of highly processed foods, especially high-calorie or rapidly digestible foods. After falling for many years, the number of people suffering from starvation or malnutrition is rising, and thishas been exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The highly integrated food supply chains that spread around the world are susceptible to disruptions due to policy changes, economic stresses, and natural disasters, as highlighted by the recent pandemic. In this perspective article, written by members of the Editorial Committee of the Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, we highlight some of the major challenges confronting the modern food supply chain as well as how innovations in policy and technology can be used to address them. Pertinent technological innovations include robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, advanced diagnostics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, gene editing, vertical farming, and soft matter physics. Many of these technologies are already being employed across the food chain by farmers, distributors, manufacturers, and consumers to improve the quality, nutrition, safety, and sustainability of the food supply. These innovations are required to stimulate the development and implementation of new technologies to ensure a more equitable, resilient, and efficient food production system. Where appropriate, these technologies should be carefully tested before widespread implementation so that proper risk–benefit analyses can be carried out. They can then be employed without causing unforeseen adverse consequences. Finally, it is important to actively engage all stakeholders involved in the food supply chain throughout the development and testing of these new technologies to support their adoption if proven safe and effective.
Alternatives to Meat and Dairy
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 29–50More LessThe increasing size and affluence of the global population have led to a rising demand for high-protein foods such as dairy and meat. Because it will be impossible to supply sufficient protein to everyone solely with dairy and meat, we need to transition at least part of our diets toward protein foods that are more sustainable to produce. The best way to convince consumers to make this transition is to offer products that easily fit into their current habits and diets by mimicking the original foods. This review focuses on methods of creating an internal microstructure close to that of the animal-based originals. One can directly employ plant products, use intermediates such as cell factories, or grow cultured meat by using nutrients of plant origin. We discuss methods of creating high-quality alternatives to meat and dairy foods, describe their relative merits, and provide an outlook toward the future.
Cellular Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 51–73More LessCellular agriculture is the controlled and sustainable manufacture of agricultural products with cells and tissues without plant or animal involvement. Today, microorganisms cultivated in bioreactors already produce egg and milk proteins, sweeteners, and flavors for human nutrition as well as leather and fibers for shoes, bags, and textiles. Furthermore, plant cell and tissue cultures provide ingredients that stimulate the immune system and improve skin texture, with another precommercial cellular agriculture product, in vitro meat, currently receiving a great deal of attention. All these approaches could assist traditional agriculture in continuing to provide for the dietary requirements of a growing world population while freeing up important resources such as arable land. Despite early successes, challenges remain and are discussed in this review, with a focus on production processes involving plant and animal cell and tissue cultures.
Opportunities and Challenges for the Introduction of New Food Proteins
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 75–91More LessNew forms of protein are being developed at a rapid rate as older forms of protein, particularly meat and poultry, are coming under attack for nutritional, environmental, food safety, and animal welfare issues. To date, the FDA and USDA have split oversight of the new technologies that include genetic engineering and precision fermentation. Because these new products address the problems associated with traditional proteins, consumer demand appears to be overcoming fundamental fears associated with innovative foods. Currently, agencies are struggling with naming issues for the new proteins and, in some cases, possibly being forced to use costly and lengthy premarket approvals. Because of the complexity of new production methods, the speed of development, and the potential benefits, a new system of regulation may be necessary. It would consist of one of the existing agencies becoming a super regulator overseeing private companies that specialize and compete with each other and are regulated quickly and competently.
Alternative Protein Sources as Technofunctional Food Ingredients
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 93–117More LessProteins obtained from alternative sources such as plants, microorganisms, and insects have attracted considerable interest in the formulation of new food products that have a lower environmental footprint and offer means to feed a growing world population. In contrast to many established proteins, and protein fractions for which a substantial amount of knowledge has accumulated over the years, much less information is available on these emerging proteins. This article reviews the current state of knowledge on alternative proteins and their sources, highlighting gaps that currently pose obstacles to their more widespread application in the food industry. The compositional, structural, and functional properties of alternative proteins from various sources, including plants, algae, fungi, and insects, are critically reviewed. In particular, we focus on the factors associated with the creation of protein-rich functional ingredients from alternative sources. The various protein fractions in these sources are described as well as their behavior under different environmental conditions (e.g., pH, ionic strength, and temperature). The extraction approaches available to produce functional protein ingredients from these alternative sources are introduced as well as challenges associated with designing large-scale commercial processes. The key technofunctional properties of alternative proteins, such as solubility, interfacial activity, emulsification, foaming, and gelation properties, are introduced. In particular, we focus on the formation of isotropic and anisotropic structures suitablefor creating meat and dairy product analogs using various structuring techniques. Finally, selected studies on consumer acceptance and sustainability of alternative protein products are considered.
Soy Protein: Molecular Structure Revisited and Recent Advances in Processing Technologies
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 119–147More LessRising health concerns and increasing obesity levels in human society have led some consumers to cut back on animal protein consumption and switch to plant-based proteins as an alternative. Soy protein is a versatile protein supplement and contains well-balanced amino acids, making it comparable to animal protein. With sufficient processing and modification, the quality of soy protein can be improved above that of animal-derived proteins, if desired. The modern food industry is undergoing a dynamic change, with advanced processing technologies that can produce a multitude of foods and ingredients with functional properties from soy proteins, providing consumers with a wide variety of foods. This review highlights recent progress in soy protein processing technologies. Using the current literature, the processing-induced structural changes in soy protein are also explored. Furthermore, the molecular structure of soy protein, particularly the crystal structures of β-conglycinin and glycinin, is comprehensively revisited.
Physiologically Based Modeling of Food Digestion and Intestinal Microbiota: State of the Art and Future Challenges. An INFOGEST Review
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 149–167More LessThis review focuses on modeling methodologies of the gastrointestinal tract during digestion that have adopted a systems-view approach and, more particularly, on physiologically based compartmental models of food digestion and host–diet–microbiota interactions. This type of modeling appears very promising for integrating the complex stream of mechanisms that must be considered and retrieving a full picture of the digestion process from mouth to colon. We may expect these approaches to become more and more accurate in the future and to serve as a useful means of understanding the physicochemical processes occurring in the gastrointestinaltract, interpreting postprandial in vivo data, making relevant predictions, and designing healthier foods. This review intends to provide a scientific and historical background of this field of research, before discussing the future challenges and potential benefits of the establishment of such a model to study and predict food digestion and absorption in humans.
Food Matrix Effects for Modulating Starch Bioavailability
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 169–191More LessAs the prevalence of obesity and diabetes has continued to increase rapidly in recent years, dietary approaches to regulating glucose homeostasis have gained more attention. Starch is the major source of glucose in the human diet and can have diverse effects, depending on its rate and extent of digestion in the small intestine, on postprandial glycemic response, which over time is associated with blood glucose abnormalities, insulin sensitivity, and even appetitive response and food intake. The classification of starch bioavailability into rapidly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch, and resistant starch highlights the nutritional values of different starches. As starch is the main structure-building macroconstituent of foods, its bioavailability can be manipulated by selection of food matrices with varying degrees of susceptibility to amylolysis and food processing to retain or develop new matrices. In this review, the food factors that may modulate starch bioavailability, with a focus on food matrices, are assessed for a better understanding of their potential contribution to human health. Aspects affecting starch nutritional properties as well as production strategies for healthy foods are also reviewed, e.g., starch characteristics (different type, structure, and modification), food physical properties (food form, viscosity, and integrity), food matrix interactions (lipid, protein, nonstarch polysaccharide, phytochemicals, organic acid, and enzyme inhibitor), and food processing (milling, cooking, and storage).
Food Matrix and Macronutrient Digestion
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 193–212More LessFood digestion may be regarded as a physiological interface between food and health. During digestion, the food matrix is broken down and the component nutrients and bioactive compounds are absorbed through a synergy of mechanical, chemical, and biochemical processes. The food matrix modulates the extent and kinetics to which nutrients and bioactive compounds make themselves available for absorption, hence regulating their concentration profile in the blood and their utilization in peripheral tissues. In this review, we discuss the structural and compositional aspects of food that modulate macronutrient digestibility in each step of digestion. We also discuss in silico modeling approaches to describe the effect of the food matrix on macronutrient digestion. The detailed knowledge of how the food matrix is digested can provide a mechanistic basis to elucidate the complex effect of food on human health and design food with improved functionality.
Gut Colonization Mechanisms of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium: An Argument for Personalized Designs
Yue Xiao, Qixiao Zhai, Hao Zhang, Wei Chen, and Colin HillVol. 12 (2021), pp. 213–233More LessLactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp. are best understood for their applications as probiotics, which are often transient, but as commensals it is probable that stable colonization in the gut is important for their beneficial roles. Recent research suggests that the establishment and persistence of strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the gut are species- and strain-specific and affected by natural history, genomic adaptability, and metabolic interactions of the bacteria and the microbiome and immune aspects of the host but also regulated by diet. This provides new perspectives on the underlying molecular mechanisms. With an emphasis on host–microbe interaction, this review outlines how the characteristics of individual Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria, the host genotype and microbiome structure,diet, and host–microbe coadaptation during bacterial gut transition determine and influence the colonization process. The diet-tuned and personally tailored colonization can be achieved via a machine learning prediction model proposed here.
Food Processing, Dysbiosis, Gastrointestinal Inflammatory Diseases, and Antiangiogenic Functional Foods or Beverages
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 235–258More LessFoods and beverages provide nutrients and alter the gut microbiota, resulting in eubiosis or dysbiosis. Chronic consumption of a diet that is high in saturated or trans fats, meat proteins, reducing sugars, and salt and low in fiber induces dysbiosis. Dysbiosis, loss of redox homeostasis, mast cells, hypoxia, angiogenesis, the kynurenine pathway, transglutaminase 2, and/or the Janus kinase pathway are implicated in the pathogenesis and development of inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and gastrointestinal malignancy. This review discusses the effects of oxidative, carbonyl, or glycative stress–inducing dietary ingredients or food processing–derived compounds on gut microbiota and gastrointestinal epithelial and mast cells as well as on the development of associated angiogenic diseases, including key signaling pathways. The preventive or therapeutic potential and the biochemical pathways of antiangiogenic or proangiogenic foods or beverages are also described. The outcomes of the interactions between disease pathways and components of food are critical for the design of foods and beverages for healthy lives.
Adverse Effects of Thermal Food Processing on the Structural, Nutritional, and Biological Properties of Proteins
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 259–286More LessThermal processing is one of the most important processing methods in the food industry. However, many studies have revealed that thermal processing can have detrimental effects on the nutritional and functional properties of foods because of the complex interactions among food components. Proteins are essential nutrients for humans, and changes in the structure and nutritional properties of proteins can substantially impact the biological effects of foods. This review focuses on the interactions among proteins, sugars, and lipids during thermal food processing and the effects of these interactions on the structure, nutritional value, and biological effects of proteins. In particular, the negative effects of modified proteins on human health and strategies for mitigating these detrimental effects from two perspectives, namely, reducing the formation of modified proteins during thermal processing and dietary intervention in vivo, are discussed.
Thermal Decontamination Technologies for Microorganisms and Mycotoxins in Low-Moisture Foods
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 287–305More LessThe contamination risks of microorganisms and mycotoxins in low-moisture foods have heightened public concern. Developing novel decontamination technologies to improve the safety of low-moisture foods is of great interest in both economics and public health. This review summarizes the working principles and applications of novel thermal decontamination technologies such as superheated steam, infrared, microwave, and radio-frequency heating as well as extrusion cooking. These methods of decontamination can effectively reduce the microbial load on products andmoderately destruct the mycotoxins. Meanwhile, several integrated technologies have been developed that take advantage of synergistic effects to achieve the maximum destruction of contaminants and minimize the deterioration of products.
Effect of Food Processing on Antioxidant Potential, Availability, and Bioavailability
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 307–329More LessAntioxidants are understood to play a key role in disease prevention; because of this, research and interest in these compounds are ever increasing. Antioxidative phytochemicals from natural sources are preferred, as some negative implications have been associated with synthetic antioxidants. Beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, to name a few, are important sources of phytochemicals, which have purported health benefits. The aforementioned plant sources are reportedly rich in bioactive compounds, most of which undergo some form of processing (boiling, steaming, soaking) prior to consumption. This article briefly reviews selected plants (beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables) and the effects of processing on the antioxidant potential, availability, and bioavailability of phytochemicals, with research from our laboratory and other studies determining the health benefits of and processing effects on bioactive compounds.
Feruloylated Arabinoxylan and Oligosaccharides: Chemistry, Nutritional Functions, and Options for Enzymatic Modification
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 331–354More LessCereal brans and grain endosperm cell walls are key dietary sources of different types of arabinoxylan. Arabinoxylan is the main group of hemicellulosic polysaccharides that are present in the cell walls of monocot grass crops and hence in cereal grains. The arabinoxylan polysaccharides consist of a backbone of β-(1→4)-linked xylopyranosyl residues, which carry arabinofuranosyl moieties, hence the term arabinoxylan. Moreover, the xylopyranosyl residues can be acetylated or substituted by 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid. The arabinofuranosyls may be esterified with a feruloyl group. Feruloylated arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides exert beneficial bioactivities via prebiotic, immunomodulatory, and/or antioxidant effects. New knowledge on microbial enzymes that catalyze specific structural modifications of arabinoxylans can help us understand how these complex fibers are converted in the gut and provide a foundation for the production of feruloylated arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides from brans or other cereal grain processing sidestreams as functional food ingredients. There is a gap between the structural knowledge, bioactivity data, and enzymology insight. Our goal with this review is to present an overview of the structures and bioactivities of feruloylated arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides and review the enzyme reactions that catalyze specific changes in differentially substituted arabinoxylans.
Hormesis Mediates Acquired Resilience: Using Plant-Derived Chemicals to Enhance Health
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 355–381More LessThis review provides an assessment of hormesis, a highly conserved evolutionary dose-response adaptive strategy that leads to the development of acquired resilience within well-defined temporal windows. The hormetic-based acquired resilience has a central role in affecting healthy aging, slowing the onset and progression of numerous neurodegenerative and other age-related diseases, and reducing risks and damage due to heart attacks, stroke, and other serious conditions of public health and medical importance. The review provides the historical foundations of hormesis, its dose-response features, its capacity for generalization across biological models and endpoints measured, and its mechanistic foundations. The review also provides a focus on the adaptive features of hormesis, i.e., its capacity to upregulate acquired resilience and how this can be mediated by numerous plant-derived extracts, such as curcumin, ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, resveratrol, and green tea, that induce a broad spectrum of chemopreventive effects via hormesis.
Recent Advances in Food Emulsions and Engineering Foodstuffs Using Plant-Based Nanocelluloses
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 383–406More LessIn this article, the application of nanocelluloses, especially cellulose nanofibrils and cellulose nanocrystals, as functional ingredients in foods is reviewed. These ingredients offer a sustainable and economic source of natural plant-based nanoparticles. Nanocelluloses are particularly suitable for altering the physicochemical, sensory, and nutritional properties of foods because of their ability to create novel structures. For instance, they can adsorb to air–water or oil–water interfaces and stabilize foams or emulsions, self-assemble in aqueous solutions to form gel networks, and act as fillers or fat replacers. The functionality of nanocelluloses can be extended by chemical functionalization of their surfaces or by using them in combination with other natural food ingredients, such as biosurfactants or biopolymers. As a result, it is possible to create stimuli-responsive, tailorable, and/or active functional biomaterials suitable for a range of foodapplications. In this article, we describe the chemistry, structure, and physicochemical properties of cellulose as well as their relevance for the application of nanocelluloses as functional ingredients in foods. Special emphasis is given to their use as particle stabilizers in Pickering emulsions, but we also discuss their potential application for creating innovative biomaterials with novel functional attributes, such as edible films and packaging. Finally, some of the challenges associated with using nanocelluloses in foods are critically evaluated, including their potential safety and consumer acceptance.
Chitosan and Derivatives: Bioactivities and Application in Foods
Vol. 12 (2021), pp. 407–432More LessChitosan is a biodegradable, biocompatible, and nontoxic aminopolysaccharide. This review summarizes and discusses the structural modifications, including substitution, grafting copolymerization, cross-linking, and hydrolysis, utilized to improve the physicochemical properties and enhance the bioactivity and functionality of chitosan and related materials. This manuscript also reviews the current progress and potential of chitosan and its derivatives in body-weight management and antihyperlipidemic, antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulatory activities as well as their ability to interact with gut microbiota. In addition, the potential of chitosan and its derivatives as functional ingredients in food systems, such as film and coating materials, and delivery systems is discussed. This manuscript aims to provide up-to-date information to stimulate future discussion and research to promote the value-added utilization of chitosan in improving the safety, quality, nutritional value and health benefits, and sustainability of our food system while reducing the environmental hazards.