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Annual Review of Nutrition - Volume 39, 2019
Volume 39, 2019
Maintaining Balance
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 1–19More LessWriting this biography forced me to look back over my career as a scientist, teacher, wife, and mother. To my surprise, a lifelong theme emerged that I was unaware of, that is, the role of maintaining balance between work and family, science and teaching, mentorship and administration, and personal values and challenges. My primary mentor, Dr. Doris Calloway, demonstrated the importance of maintaining balance. My interest in nutrition started as a preschooler living on a farm where I learned firsthand the importance of balancing the expense of providing good nutrition to the livestock with potential income. In our small high school, I became acquainted with the fascinating field of chemistry, but found it critical to balance that interest with a politically correct field of study for a woman in the early 1960s. I chose dietetics for its strong roots in chemistry. As a US Army dietitian, I learned firsthand how to conduct metabolic studies and knew, immediately, that I had to balance that interest with future opportunities feasible for a dietitian. I chose the University of California, Berkeley, for my PhD because it needed to train dietitians in research to balance an emerging need to offer undergraduates a practicum in dietetics. My subsequent faculty appointment there enabled me to develop novel isotopic approaches for studying zinc and prenatal nutrition, and balance my research with teaching and administrative responsibilities. During the next 40 years, my work as a Berkeley professor led to appointments at the Western Human Nutrition Research Center and Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, while balancing my responsibilities as a wife and a mother to my two sons. Balance is defined as a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. It is extremely satisfying to look back and see evidence of successfully balancing the disparate elements of my career.
FADS1 and FADS2 Polymorphisms Modulate Fatty Acid Metabolism and Dietary Impact on Health
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 21–44More LessVariants in the FADS gene cluster modify the activity of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) desaturation and the lipid composition in human blood and tissue. FADS variants have been associated with plasma lipid concentrations, risk of cardiovascular diseases, overweight, eczema, pregnancy outcomes, and cognitive function. Studies on variations in the FADS genecluster provided some of the first examples for marked gene–diet interactions in modulating complex phenotypes, such as eczema, asthma, and cognition. Genotype distribution differs markedly among ethnicities, apparently reflecting an evolutionary advantage of genotypes enabling active long-chain PUFA synthesis when the introduction of agriculture provided diets rich in linoleic acid but with little arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids. Discovering differential effects of PUFA supply that depend on variation of FADS genotypes could open new opportunities for developing precision nutrition strategies based either on an individual's genotype or on genotype distributions in specific populations.
Dietary Fuels in Athletic Performance
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 45–73More LessFocusing on daily nutrition is important for athletes to perform and adapt optimally to exercise training. The major roles of an athlete's daily diet are to supply the substrates needed to cover the energy demands for exercise, to ensure quick recovery between exercise bouts, to optimize adaptations to exercise training, and to stay healthy. The major energy substrates for exercising skeletal muscles are carbohydrate and fat stores. Optimizing the timing and type of energy intake and the amount of dietary macronutrients is essential to ensure peak training and competition performance, and these strategies play important roles in modulating skeletal muscle adaptations to endurance and resistance training. In this review, recent advances in nutritional strategies designed to optimize exercise-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle are discussed, with an emphasis on mechanistic approaches, by describing the physiological mechanisms that provide the basis for different nutrition regimens.
Copper Transport and Disease: What Can We Learn from Organoids?
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 75–94More LessMany metals have biological functions and play important roles in human health. Copper (Cu) is an essential metal that supports normal cellular physiology. Significant research efforts have focused on identifying the molecules and pathways involved in dietary Cu uptake in the digestive tract. The lack of an adequate in vitro model for assessing Cu transport processes in the gut has led to contradictory data and gaps in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in dietary Cu acquisition. The recent development of organoid technology has provided a tractable model system for assessing the detailed mechanistic processes involved in Cu utilization and transport in the context of nutrition. Enteroid (intestinal epithelial organoid)-based studies have identified new links between intestinal Cu metabolism and dietary fat processing. Evidence for a metabolic coupling between the dietary uptake of Cu and uptake of fat (which were previously thought to be independent) is a new and exciting finding that highlights the utility of these three-dimensional primary culture systems. This review has three goals: (a) to critically discuss the roles of key Cu transport enzymes in dietary Cu uptake; (b) to assess the use, utility, and limitations of organoid technology in research into nutritional Cu transport and Cu-based diseases; and (c) to highlight emerging connections between nutritional Cu homeostasis and fat metabolism.
Ocular Carotenoid Status in Health and Disease
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 95–120More LessRetinal carotenoids are dietary nutrients that uniquely protect the eye from light damage and various retinal pathologies. Their antioxidative properties protect the eye from many retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration. As many retinal diseases are accompanied by low carotenoid levels, accurate noninvasive assessment of carotenoid status can help ophthalmologists identify the patients most likely to benefit from carotenoid supplementation. This review focuses on the different methods available to assess carotenoid status and highlights disease-related changes and potential nutritional interventions.
The Benefits and Risks of Iron Supplementation in Pregnancy and Childhood
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 121–146More LessIron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world and disproportionately affects pregnant women and young children. Iron deficiency has negative effects on pregnancy outcomes in women and on immune function and neurodevelopment in children. Iron supplementation programs have been successful in reducing this health burden. However, iron supplementation of iron-sufficient individuals is likely not necessary and may carry health risks for iron-sufficient and potentially some iron-deficient populations. This review considers the physiology of iron as a nutrient and how this physiology informs decision-making about weighing the benefits and risks of iron supplementation in iron-deficient, iron-sufficient, and iron-overloaded pregnant women and children.
The Role of Brain Barriers in Maintaining Brain Vitamin Levels
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 147–173More LessIt is increasingly recognized that tissue-specific nutrient deficiencies can exist in the absence of whole-body deficiency and that these deficiencies may result from disease or disease-related physiological processes. Brain and central nervous system tissues require adequate nutrient levels to function. Many nutrients are concentrated in the cerebrospinal fluid relative to the serum in healthy individuals, and other nutrients resist depletion in the presence of whole-body nutrient depletion. The endothelial, epithelial, and arachnoid brain barriers work in concert to selectively transport, concentrate, and maintain levels of the specific nutrients required by the brain while also blocking the passage of blood-borne toxins and pathogens to brain and central nervous system tissues. These barriers preserve nutrient levels within the brain and actively concentrate nutrients within the cerebrospinal fluid and brain. The roles of physical and energetic barriers, including the blood–brain and blood–nerve barriers, in maintaining brain nutrient levels in health and disease are discussed.
Bile Acids as Metabolic Regulators and Nutrient Sensors
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 175–200More LessBile acids facilitate nutrient absorption and are endogenous ligands for nuclear receptors that regulate lipid and energy metabolism. The brain–gut–liver axis plays an essential role in maintaining overall glucose, bile acid, and immune homeostasis. Fasting and feeding transitions alter nutrient content in the gut, which influences bile acid composition and pool size. In turn, bile acid signaling controls lipid and glucose use and protection against inflammation. Altered bile acid metabolism resulting from gene mutations, high-fat diets, alcohol, or circadian disruption can contribute to cholestatic and inflammatory diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Bile acids and their derivatives are valuable therapeutic agents for treating these inflammatory metabolic diseases.
Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, Diseases, and Nutrient-Regulated Mitophagy
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 201–226More LessA wide spectrum of human diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic disorders, have been shown to be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction through multiple molecular mechanisms. Mitochondria are particularly susceptible to nutrient deficiencies, and nutritional intervention is an essential way to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis. Recent advances in genetic manipulation and next-generation sequencing reveal the crucial roles of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in various pathophysiological conditions. Mitophagy, a term coined to describe autophagy that targets dysfunctional mitochondria, has emerged as an important cellular process to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis and has been shown to be regulated by various nutrients and nutritional stresses. Given the high prevalence of mtDNA mutations in humans and their impact on mitochondrial function, it is important to investigate the mechanisms that regulate mtDNA mutation. Here, we discuss mitochondrial genetics and mtDNA mutations and their implications for human diseases. We also examine the role of mitophagy as a therapeutic target, highlighting how nutrients may eliminate mtDNA mutations through mitophagy.
Evidence Collection and Evaluation for the Development of Dietary Guidelines and Public Policy on Nutrition
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 227–247More LessDietary guidelines and recommendations, usually developed by government bodies or large authoritative organizations, have major downstream effects on public policy. A growing body of evidence supports the notion that there are serious deficiencies in the methods used to develop dietary guidelines. Such deficiencies include the failure to access or conduct comprehensive systematic reviews, a lack of systematic or rigorous evaluation of the quality of the evidence, a failure to acknowledge the limitations of the evidence base underlying recommendations, and insufficiently stringent management of conflicts of interest. These issues may be addressed by adhering to international standards for guideline development, including adopting systematic review methodology and using rigorous systems to evaluate the certainty of the evidence and to move from evidence to recommendations, of which the GRADE approach (Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation) is the most rigorous and fully developed. Improving the methods by which dietary guidelines are produced has considerable potential to substantially improve public policy decision-making.
Pancreas–Microbiota Cross Talk in Health and Disease
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 249–266More LessThe pancreas controls metabolism through endocrine and exocrine functions. Pancreatic diseases comprise a spectrum of mild to life-threatening conditions, including acute and chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, and pancreatic cancer, which affect endocrine and exocrine pancreatic function and impose a substantial disease burden on individuals. Increasing experimental evidence demonstrates that the intestinal microbiota has an important impact on pancreatic function and diseases. This influence may be conferred by bacterial metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids, or the modulation of immune responses. In turn, pancreatic factors, such as the excretion of antimicrobials, might have a substantial impact on the composition and functional properties of the gut microbiota. Here, we summarize experimental and clinical approaches used to untie the intricate pancreas–microbiota cross talk. Future advances will allow clinicians to manipulate the intestinal microbiota and guide patient management in pancreatic diseases.
The Microbiota and Malnutrition: Impact of Nutritional Status During Early Life
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 267–290More LessAccording to the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis, our health is determined by events experienced in utero and during early infancy. Indeed, both our prenatal and postnatal nutrition conditions have an impact on the initial architecture and activity of our microbiota. Recent evidence has underlined the importance of the composition of the early gut microbiota in relation to malnutrition, whether it be undernutrition or overnutrition, that is, in terms of both stunted and overweight development. It remains unclear how early microbial contact is linked to the risk of disease, as well as whether alterations in the microbiome underlie the pathogenesis of malnutrition or are merely the end result of it, which indicates that thequestion of causality must urgently be answered. This review provides information on the complex interaction between the microbiota and nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life, taking into account the impact of both undernutrition and overnutrition on the microbiota and on infants’ health outcomes in the short- and long-term.
Time-Restricted Eating to Prevent and Manage Chronic Metabolic Diseases
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 291–315More LessMolecular clocks are present in almost every cell to anticipate daily recurring and predictable changes, such as rhythmic nutrient availability, and to adapt cellular functions accordingly. At the same time, nutrient-sensing pathways can respond to acute nutrient imbalance and modulate and orient metabolism so cells can adapt optimally to a declining or increasing availability of nutrients. Organismal circadian rhythms are coordinated by behavioral rhythms such as activity–rest and feeding–fasting cycles to temporally orchestrate a sequence of physiological processes to optimize metabolism. Basic research in circadian rhythms has largely focused on the functioning of the self-sustaining molecular circadian oscillator, while research in nutrition science has yielded insights into physiological responses to caloric deprivation or to specific macronutrients. Integration of these two fields into actionable new concepts in the timing of food intake has led to the emerging practice of time-restricted eating. In this paradigm, daily caloric intake is restricted to a consistent window of 8–12 h. This paradigm has pervasive benefits on multiple organ systems.
The Economics of Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: A Review of the Effects on Prices, Sales, Cross-Border Shopping, and Consumption
Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 317–338More LessDuring the past decade, dozens of countries, regions, and cities have enacted taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). They have been primarily motivated by a desire to raise prices, reduce sales and consumption, improve population health, and raise revenue. This review outlines the economic rationale for SSB taxes and illustrates their predicted effects. It reviews the research on the effects of these taxes on retail prices, sales, cross-border shopping, consumption, and product availability. The evidence indicates that the amount by which taxes increase retail prices (also called the pass-through of the tax) varies by jurisdiction, ranging from less than 50% to 100% of the tax. Sales tend to decrease significantly in the taxing jurisdiction, although this seems to be partly offset by residents increasingly shopping outside of the taxing jurisdiction (i.e., engaging in cross-border shopping).Overall, taxes lower consumption of the taxed beverages by adults, although not for all types of beverages or all groups of consumers. We conclude with suggestions for improving the design of such taxes and directions for future research.
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Volume 1 (1981)
Volume 0 (1932)