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- Volume 56, 2018
Annual Review of Phytopathology - Volume 56, 2018
Volume 56, 2018
Organic Amendments, Beneficial Microbes, and Soil Microbiota: Toward a Unified Framework for Disease Suppression
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 1–20More LessOrganic amendments (OAs) and soilborne biocontrol agents or beneficial microbes (BMs) have been extensively studied and applied worldwide in most agriculturally important plant species. However, poor integration of research and technical approaches has limited the development of effective disease management practices based on the combination of these two bio-based strategies. Insights into the importance of the plant-associated microbiome for crop productivity, which can be modified or modulated by introducing OAs and/or BMs, are providing novel opportunities to achieve the goal of long-term disease control. This review discusses novel ways of functionally characterizing OAs and how they may be used to promote the effect of added biocontrol agents and/or beneficial soil microbiota to support natural suppressiveness of plant pathogens.
The Genome Biology of Effector Gene Evolution in Filamentous Plant Pathogens
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 21–40More LessFilamentous pathogens, including fungi and oomycetes, pose major threats to global food security. Crop pathogens cause damage by secreting effectors that manipulate the host to the pathogen's advantage. Genes encoding such effectors are among the most rapidly evolving genes in pathogen genomes. Here, we review how the major characteristics of the emergence, function, and regulation of effector genes are tightly linked to the genomic compartments where these genes are located in pathogen genomes. The presence of repetitive elements in these compartments is associated with elevated rates of point mutations and sequence rearrangements with a major impact on effector diversification. The expression of many effectors converges on an epigenetic control mediated by the presence of repetitive elements. Population genomics analyses showed that rapidly evolving pathogens show high rates of turnover at effector loci and display a mosaic in effector presence-absence polymorphism among strains. We conclude that effective pathogen containment strategies require a thorough understanding of the effector genome biology and the pathogen's potential for rapid adaptation.
Seeing the Light: The Roles of Red- and Blue-Light Sensing in Plant Microbes
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 41–66More LessPlants collect, concentrate, and conduct light throughout their tissues, thus enhancing light availability to their resident microbes. This review explores the role of photosensing in the biology of plant-associated bacteria and fungi, including the molecular mechanisms of red-light sensing by phytochromes and blue-light sensing by LOV (light-oxygen-voltage) domain proteins in these microbes. Bacteriophytochromes function as major drivers of the bacterial transcriptome and mediate light-regulated suppression of virulence, motility, and conjugation in some phytopathogens and light-regulated induction of the photosynthetic apparatus in a stem-nodulating symbiont. Bacterial LOV proteins also influence light-mediated changes in both symbiotic and pathogenic phenotypes. Although red-light sensing by fungal phytopathogens is poorly understood, fungal LOV proteins contribute to blue-light regulation of traits, including asexual development and virulence. Collectively, these studies highlight that plant microbes have evolved to exploit light cues and that light sensing is often coupled with sensing other environmental signals.
Advances in Wheat and Pathogen Genomics: Implications for Disease Control
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 67–87More LessThe gene pool of wheat and its wild and domesticated relatives contains a plethora of resistance genes that can be exploited to make wheat more resilient to pathogens. Only a few of these genes have been isolated and studied at the molecular level. In recent years, we have seen a shift from classical breeding to genomics-assisted breeding, which makes use of the enormous advancements in DNA sequencing and high-throughput molecular marker technologies for wheat improvement. These genomic advancements have the potential to transform wheat breeding in the near future and to significantly increase the speed and precision at which new cultivars can be bred. This review highlights the genomic improvements that have been made in wheat and its pathogens over the past years and discusses their implications for disease-resistance breeding.
Joining the Crowd: Integrating Plant Virus Proteins into the Larger World of Pathogen Effectors
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 89–110More LessThe first bacterial and viral avirulence (avr) genes were cloned in 1984. Although virus and bacterial avr genes were physically isolated in the same year, the questions associated with their characterization after discovery were very different, and these differences had a profound influence on the narrative of host-pathogen interactions for the past 30 years. Bacterial avr proteins were subsequently shown to suppress host defenses, leading to their reclassification as effectors, whereas research on viral avr proteins centered on their role in the viral infection cycle rather than their effect on host defenses. Recent studies that focus on the multifunctional nature of plant virus proteins have shown that some virus proteins are capable of suppression of the same host defenses as bacterial effectors. This is exemplified by the P6 protein of Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), a multifunctional plant virus protein that facilitates several steps in the infection, including modulation of host defenses. This review highlights the modular structure and multifunctional nature of CaMV P6 and illustrates its similarities to other, well-established pathogen effectors.
The Future of Nanotechnology in Plant Pathology
Wade Elmer, and Jason C. WhiteVol. 56 (2018), pp. 111–133More LessEngineered nanoparticles are materials between 1 and 100 nm and exist as metalloids, metallic oxides, nonmetals, and carbon nanomaterials and as functionalized dendrimers, liposomes, and quantum dots. Their small size, large surface area, and high reactivity have enabled their use as bactericides/ fungicides and nanofertilizers. Nanoparticles can be designed as biosensors for plant disease diagnostics and as delivery vehicles for genetic material, probes, and agrichemicals. In the past decade, reports of nanotechnology in phytopathology have grown exponentially. Nanomaterials have been integrated into disease management strategies and diagnostics and as molecular tools. Most reports summarized herein are directed toward pathogen inhibition using metalloid/metallic oxide nanoparticles as bactericides/fungicides and as nanofertilizers to enhance health. The use of nanoparticles as biosensors in plant disease diagnostics is also reviewed. As global demand for food production escalates against a changing climate, nanotechnology could sustainably mitigate many challenges in disease management by reducing chemical inputs and promoting rapid detection of pathogens.
Mechanisms Underlying Establishment of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbioses
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 135–160More LessMost land plants engage in mutually beneficial interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, the fungus providing phosphate and nitrogen in exchange for fixed carbon. During presymbiosis, both organisms communicate via oligosaccharides and butenolides. The requirement for a rice chitin receptor in symbiosis-induced lateral root development suggests that cell division programs operate in inner root tissues during both AM and nodule symbioses. Furthermore, the identification of transcription factors underpinning arbuscule development and degeneration reemphasized the plant's regulatory dominance in AM symbiosis. Finally, the finding that AM fungi, as lipid auxotrophs, depend on plant fatty acids (FAs) to complete their asexual life cycle revealed the basis for fungal biotrophy. Intriguingly, lipid metabolism is also central for asexual reproduction and interaction of the fungal sister clade, the Mucoromycotina, with endobacteria, indicative of an evolutionarily ancient role for lipids in fungal mutualism.
Antibiotic Resistance in Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 161–180More LessAntibiotics have been used for the management of relatively few bacterial plant diseases and are largely restricted to high-value fruit crops because of the expense involved. Antibiotic resistance in plant-pathogenic bacteria has become a problem in pathosystems where these antibiotics have been used for many years. Where the genetic basis for resistance has been examined, antibiotic resistance in plant pathogens has most often evolved through the acquisition of a resistance determinant via horizontal gene transfer. For example, the strAB streptomycin-resistance genes occur in Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae, and Xanthomonas campestris, and these genes have presumably been acquired from nonpathogenic epiphytic bacteria colocated on plant hosts under antibiotic selection. We currently lack knowledge of the effect of the microbiome of commensal organisms on the potential of plant pathogens to evolve antibiotic resistance. Such knowledge is critical to the development of robust resistance management strategies to ensure the safe and effective continued use of antibiotics in the management of critically important diseases.
Xylella fastidiosa: Insights into an Emerging Plant Pathogen
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 181–202More LessThe bacterium Xylella fastidiosa re-emerged as a plant pathogen of global importance in 2013 when it was first associated with an olive tree disease epidemic in Italy. The current threat to Europe and the Mediterranean basin, as well as other world regions, has increased as multiple X. fastidiosa genotypes have now been detected in Italy, France, and Spain. Although X. fastidiosa has been studied in the Americas for more than a century, there are no therapeutic solutions to suppress disease development in infected plants. Furthermore, because X. fastidiosa is an obligatory plant and insect vector colonizer, the epidemiology and dynamics of each pathosystem are distinct. They depend on the ecological interplay of plant, pathogen, and vector and on how interactions are affected by biotic and abiotic factors, including anthropogenic activities and policy decisions. Our goal with this review is to stimulate discussion and novel research by contextualizing available knowledge on X. fastidiosa and how it may be applicable to emerging diseases.
The Barberry Eradication Program in Minnesota for Stem Rust Control: A Case Study
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 203–223More LessThe Barberry Eradication Program was an unprecedented federal and state cooperative plant disease control campaign between 1918 and the late 1970s to remove common barberry (Berberis vulgaris), the alternate host of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, from the major centers of wheat production in the United States. Eradication of barberry has been credited with helping to reduce stem rust of wheat to a minor problem in the United States by the end of the campaign. The Barberry Eradication Program has also been viewed as a model for successful eradication based on its robust leadership, effective publicity and public cooperation, forceful quarantine laws, and adaptive eradication methods and procedures employed in its field operations. The Barberry Eradication Program was particularly successful because of its leaders’ ability to adapt to changing internal and external conditions over time. The program lasted nearly a century, extending through two world wars and the Great Depression, with each period producing unique challenges. Because of its central role, barberry eradication in Minnesota offers an excellent case study to examine how the program developed over time and ultimately achieved success.
Endosymbionts of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 225–242More LessSome of the most agriculturally important plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) harbor endosymbionts. Extensive work in other systems has shown that endosymbionts can have major effects on host virulence and biology. This review highlights the discovery, development, and diversity of PPN endosymbionts, incorporating inferences from genomic data. Cardinium, reported from five PPN hosts to date, is characterized by its presence in the esophageal glands and other tissues, with a discontinuous distribution across populations, and genomic data suggestive of horizontal gene exchange. Xiphinematobacter occurs in at least 27 species of dagger nematode in the ovaries and gut epithelial cells, where genomic data suggest it may serve in nutritional supplementation. Wolbachia, reported in just three PPNs, appears to have an ancient history in the Pratylenchidae and displays broad tissue distribution and genomic features intermediate between parasitic and reproductive groups. Finally, a model is described that integrates these insights to explain patterns of endosymbiont replacement.
Structural, Functional, and Genomic Diversity of Plant NLR Proteins: An Evolved Resource for Rational Engineering of Plant Immunity
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 243–267More LessPlants employ a diverse intracellular system of NLR (nucleotide binding–leucine-rich repeat) innate immune receptors to detect pathogens of all types. These receptors represent valuable agronomic traits that plant breeders rely on to maximize yield in the face of devastating pathogens. Despite their importance, the mechanistic underpinnings of NLR-based disease resistance remain obscure. The rapidly increasing numbers of plant genomes are revealing a diverse array of NLR-type immune receptors. In parallel, mechanistic studies are describing diverse functions for NLR immune receptors. In this review, we intend to broadly describe how the structural, functional, and genomic diversity of plant immune receptors can provide a valuable resource for rational engineering of plant immunity.
The Changing Face of Bacterial Soft-Rot Diseases
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 269–288More LessBacterial soft rot is a disease complex caused by multiple genera of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, with Dickeya and Pectobacterium being the most widely studied soft-rot bacterial pathogens. In addition to soft rot, these bacteria also cause blackleg of potato, foot rot of rice, and bleeding canker of pear. Multiple Dickeya and Pectobacterium species cause the same symptoms on potato, complicating epidemiology and disease resistance studies. The primary pathogen species present in potato-growing regions differs over time and space, further complicating disease management. Genomics technologies are providing new management possibilities, including improved detection and biocontrol methods that may finally allow effective disease management. The recent development of inbred diploid potato lines is also having a major impact on studying soft-rot pathogens because it is now possible to study soft-rot disease in model plant species that produce starchy vegetative storage organs. Together, these new discoveries have changed how we face diseases caused by these pathogens.
Biology of Fungi and Their Bacterial Endosymbionts
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 289–309More LessHeritable symbioses, in which endosymbiotic bacteria (EB) are transmitted vertically between host generations, are an important source of evolutionary novelties. A primary example of such symbioses is the eukaryotic cell with its EB-derived organelles. Recent discoveries suggest that endosymbiosis-related innovations can be also found in associations formed by early divergent fungi in the phylum Mucoromycota with heritable EB from two classes, Betaproteobacteria and Mollicutes. These symbioses exemplify novel types of host-symbiont interactions. Studies of these partnerships fuel theoretical models describing mechanisms that stabilize heritable symbioses, control the rate of molecular evolution, and enable the establishment of mutualisms. Lastly, by altering host phenotypes and metabolism, these associations represent an important instrument for probing the basic biology of the Mucoromycota hosts, which remain one of the least explored filamentous fungi.
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: An Evaluation of Virulence Theories
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 311–338More LessOxalic acid production in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has long been associated with virulence. Research involving UV-induced, genetically undefined mutants that concomitantly lost oxalate accumulation, sclerotial formation, and pathogenicity supported the conclusion that oxalate is an essential pathogenicity determinant of S. sclerotiorum. However, recent investigations showed that genetically defined mutants that lost oxalic acid production but accumulated fumaric acid could cause disease on many plants and substantiated the conclusion that acidic pH, not oxalic acid per se, is the necessary condition for disease development. Critical evaluation of available evidence showed that the UV-induced mutants harbored previously unrecognized confounding genetic defects in saprophytic growth and pH responsiveness, warranting reevaluation of the conclusions about virulence based on the UV-induced mutants. Furthermore, analyses of the evidence suggested a hypothesis for the existence of an unrecognized regulator responsive to acidic pH. Identifying the unknown pH regulator would offer a new avenue for investigating pH sensing/regulation in S. sclerotiorum and novel targets for intervention in disease control strategies.
Fitness Penalties in the Evolution of Fungicide Resistance
N.J. Hawkins, and B.A. FraaijeVol. 56 (2018), pp. 339–360More LessThe evolution of resistance poses an ongoing threat to crop protection. Fungicide resistance provides a selective advantage under fungicide selection, but resistance-conferring mutations may also result in fitness penalties, resulting in an evolutionary trade-off. These penalties may result from the functional constraints of an evolving target site or from the resource allocation costs of overexpression or active transport. The extent to which such fitness penalties are present has important implications for resistance management strategies, determining whether resistance persists or declines between treatments, and for resistance risk assessments for new modes of action. Experimental results have proven variable, depending on factors such as temperature, nutrient status, osmotic or oxidative stress, and pathogen life-cycle stage. Functional genetics tools allow pathogen genetic background to be controlled, but this in turn raises the question of epistatic interactions. Combining fitness penalties under various conditions into a field-realistic scenario poses an important future challenge.
Multifaceted Impacts of Bacteriophages in the Plant Microbiome
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 361–380More LessPlant-associated bacteria face multiple selection pressures within their environments and have evolved countless adaptations that both depend on and shape bacterial phenotype and their interaction with plant hosts. Explaining bacterial adaptation and evolution therefore requires considering each of these forces independently as well as their interactions. In this review, we examine how bacteriophage viruses (phages) can alter the ecology and evolution of plant-associated bacterial populations and communities. This includes influencing a bacterial population's response to both abiotic and biotic selection pressures and altering ecological interactions within the microbiome and between the bacteria and host plant. We outline specific ways in which phages can alter bacterial phenotype and discuss when and how this might impact plant-microbe interactions, including for plant pathogens. Finally, we highlight key open questions in phage-bacteria-plant research and offer suggestions for future study.
Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 381–403More LessSub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a region beset with challenges, not least its ability to feed itself. Low agricultural productivity, exploding populations, and escalating urbanization have led to declining per capita food availability. In order to reverse this trend, crop production systems must intensify, which brings with it an elevated threat from pests and diseases, including plant-parasitic nematodes. A holistic systems approach to pest management recognizes disciplinary integration. However, a critical under-representation of nematology expertise is a pivotal shortcoming, especially given the magnitude of the threat nematodes pose under more intensified systems. With more volatile climates, efficient use of water by healthy root systems is especially crucial. Within SSA, smallholder farming systems dominate the agricultural landscape, where a limited understanding of nematode problems prevails. This review provides a synopsis of current nematode challenges facing SSA and presents the opportunities to overcome current shortcomings, including a means to increase nematology capacity.
The Rise and Rise of Nicotiana benthamiana: A Plant for All Reasons
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 405–426More LessA decade ago, the value of Nicotiana benthamiana as a tool for plant molecular biologists was beginning to be appreciated. Scientists were using it to study plant-microbe and protein-protein interactions, and it was the species of choice with which to activate plasmid-encoded viruses, screen for gene functions with virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), and transiently express genes by leaf agroinfiltration. However, little information about the species’ origin, diversity, genetics, and genomics was available, and biologists were asking the question of whether N. benthamiana is a second fiddle or virtuoso. In this review, we look at the increased knowledge about the species and its applications over the past decade. Although N. benthamiana may still be the sidekick to Arabidopsis, it shines ever more brightly with realized and yet-to-be-exploited potential.
Wheat Blast: Past, Present, and Future
Vol. 56 (2018), pp. 427–456More LessThe devastating wheat blast disease first emerged in Brazil in 1985. The disease was restricted to South America until 2016, when a series of grain imports from Brazil led to a wheat blast outbreak in Bangladesh. Wheat blast is caused by Pyricularia graminis-tritici (Pygt), a species genetically distinct from the Pyricularia oryzae species that causes rice blast. Pygt has high genetic and phenotypic diversity and a broad host range that enables it to move back and forth between wheat and other grass hosts. Recombination is thought to occur mainly on the other grass hosts, giving rise to the highly diverse Pygt population observed in wheat fields. This review brings together past and current knowledge about the history, etiology, epidemiology, physiology, and genetics of wheat blast and discusses the future need for integrated management strategies. The most urgent current need is to strengthen quarantine and biosafety regulations to avoid additional spread of the pathogen to disease-free countries. International breeding efforts will be needed to develop wheat varieties with more durable resistance.
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