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Annual Review of Animal Biosciences - Volume 11, 2023
Volume 11, 2023
Animal Models, Zoonotic Reservoirs, and Cross-Species Transmission of Emerging Human-Infecting Coronaviruses
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 1–31More LessOver the past three decades, coronavirus (CoV) diseases have impacted humans more than any other emerging infectious disease. The recent emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), has resulted in huge economic disruptions and loss of human lives. The SARS-CoV-2 genome was found to mutate more rapidly due to sustained transmission in humans and potentially animals, resulting in variants of concern (VOCs) that threaten global human health. However, the primary difficulties are filling in the current knowledge gaps in terms of the origin and modalities of emergence for these viruses. Because many CoVs threatening human health are suspected to have a zoonotic origin, identifying the animal hosts implicated in the spillover or spillback events would be beneficial for current pandemic management and to prevent future outbreaks. In this review, wesummarize the animal models, zoonotic reservoirs, and cross-species transmission of the emerging human CoVs. Finally, we comment on potential sources of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOCs and the new SARS-CoV-2 recombinants currently under investigation.
Domestic Animals as Potential Reservoirs of Zoonotic Viral Diseases
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 33–55More LessZoonoses are diseases and infections naturally transmitted between humans and vertebrate animals. Over the years, zoonoses have become increasingly significant threats to global health. They form the dominant group of diseases among the emerging infectious diseases (EID) and currently account for 73% of EID. Approximately 25% of zoonoses originate in domestic animals. The etiological agents of zoonoses include different pathogens, with viruses accounting for approximately 30% of all zoonotic infections. Zoonotic diseases can be transmitted directly or indirectly, by contact, via aerosols, through a vector, or vertically in utero. Zoonotic diseases are found in every continent except Antarctica. Numerous factors associated with the pathogen, human activities, and the environment play significant roles in the transmission and emergence of zoonotic diseases. Effective response and control of zoonotic diseases call for multiple-sector involvement and collaboration according to the One Health concept.
Extensive Recoding of the Neural Proteome in Cephalopods by RNA Editing
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 57–75More LessThe coleoid cephalopods have the largest brains, and display the most complex behaviors, of all invertebrates. The molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie these remarkable advancements remain largely unexplored. Early molecular cloning studies of squid ion channel transcripts uncovered an unusually large number of A→I RNA editing sites that recoded codons. Further cloning of other neural transcripts showed a similar pattern. The advent of deep-sequencing technologies and the associated bioinformatics allowed the mapping of RNA editing events across the entire neural transcriptomes of various cephalopods. The results were remarkable: They contained orders of magnitude more recoding editing sites than any other taxon. Although RNA editing sites are abundant in most multicellular metazoans, they rarely recode. In cephalopods, the majority of neural transcripts are recoded. Recent studies have focused on whether these events are adaptive, as well as other noncanonical aspects of cephalopod RNA editing.
Interrogating the Roles of Mutation–Selection Balance, Heterozygote Advantage, and Linked Selection in Maintaining Recessive Lethal Variation in Natural Populations
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 77–91More LessFor nearly a century, evolutionary biologists have observed chromosomes that cause lethality when made homozygous persisting at surprisingly high frequencies (>25%) in natural populations of many species. The evolutionary forces responsible for the maintenance of such detrimental mutations have been heavily debated—are some lethal mutations under balancing selection? We suggest that mutation–selection balance alone cannot explain lethal variation in nature and the possibility that other forces play a role. We review the potential that linked selection in particular may drive maintenance of lethal alleles through associative overdominance or linkage to beneficial mutations or by reducing effective population size. Over the past five decades, investigation into this mystery has tapered. During this time, key scientific advances have provided the ability to collect more accurate data and analyze them in new ways, making the underlying genetic bases and evolutionary forces of lethal alleles timely for study once more.
Deleterious Variation in Natural Populations and Implications for Conservation Genetics
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 93–114More LessDeleterious mutations decrease reproductive fitness and are ubiquitous in genomes. Given that many organisms face ongoing threats of extinction, there is interest in elucidating the impact of deleterious variation on extinction risk and optimizing management strategies accounting for such mutations. Quantifying deleterious variation and understanding the effects of population history on deleterious variation are complex endeavors because we do not know the strength of selection acting on each mutation. Further, the effect of demographic history on deleterious mutations depends on the strength of selection against the mutation and the degree of dominance. Here we clarify how deleterious variation can be quantified and studied in natural populations. We then discuss how different demographic factors, such as small population size, nonequilibrium population size changes, inbreeding, and gene flow, affect deleterious variation. Lastly, we provide guidance on studying deleterious variation in nonmodel populations of conservation concern.
Population Genomics for Insect Conservation
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 115–140More LessInsects constitute vital components of ecosystems. There is alarming evidence for global declines in insect species diversity, abundance, and biomass caused by anthropogenic drivers such as habitat degradation or loss, agricultural practices, climate change, and environmental pollution. This raises important concerns about human food security and ecosystem functionality and calls for more research to assess insect population trends and identify threatened species and the causes of declines to inform conservation strategies. Analysis of genetic diversity is a powerful tool to address these goals, but so far animal conservation genetics research has focused strongly on endangered vertebrates, devoting less attention to invertebrates, such as insects, that constitute most biodiversity. Insects’ shorter generation times and larger population sizes likely necessitate different analytical methods and management strategies. The availability of high-quality reference genome assemblies enables population genomics to address several key issues. These include precise inference of past demographic fluctuations and recent declines, measurement of genetic load levels, delineation of evolutionarily significant units and cryptic species, and analysis of genetic adaptation to stressors. This enables identification of populations that are particularly vulnerable to future threats, considering their potential to adapt and evolve. We review the application of population genomics to insect conservation and the outlook for averting insect declines.
The Biology and Evolution of Fierce Females (Moles and Hyenas)
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 141–162More LessTalpid moles and spotted hyenas have become the paradigms of anatomical and behavioral female masculinization. Females of many mole species develop ovotestes that produce testosterone, show external genitalia that resemble that of males, and close their vaginal orifice after every estrus, and female spotted hyenas lack an external vaginal orifice and develop a pseudoscrotum and a large pseudopenis through which they urinate, mate, and give birth. We review current knowledge about several significant aspects of the biology and evolution of these females, including (a) their specific study methods; (b) their unique anatomical features, and how these peculiarities influence certain physiological functions; and (c) the role that steroid hormones as well as genetic and environmental factors may have in urogenital system development, aggressive behavior, and social dominance. Nevertheless, both mole and hyena females are exceptionally efficient mothers, so their peculiar genitalia should not call into question their femininity.
Evolution of Vertebrate Hormones and Their Receptors: Insights from Non-Osteichthyan Genomes
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 163–182More LessHomeostatic control and reproductive functions of humans are regulated at the molecular levels largely by peptide hormones secreted from endocrine and/or neuroendocrine cells in the central nervous system and peripheral organs. Homologs of those hormones and their receptors function similarly in many vertebrate species distantly related to humans, but the evolutionary history of the endocrine system involving those factors has been obscured by the scarcity of genome DNA sequence information of some taxa that potentially contain their orthologs. Focusing on non-osteichthyan vertebrates, namely jawless and cartilaginous fishes, this article illustrates how investigating genome sequence information assists our understanding of the diversification of vertebrate gene repertoires in four broad themes: (a) the presence or absence of genes, (b) multiplication and maintenance of paralogs, (c) differential fates of duplicated paralogs, and (d) the evolutionary timing of gene origins.
Identification of Genetic Risk Factors for Monogenic and Complex Canine Diseases
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 183–205More LessAdvances in DNA sequencing and other technologies have greatly facilitated the identification of genetic risk factors for inherited diseases in dogs. We review recent technological developments based on selected examples from canine disease genetics. The identification of disease-causing variants in dogs with monogenic diseases may become a widely employed diagnostic approach in clinical veterinary medicine in the not-too-distant future. Diseases with complex modes of inheritance continue to pose challenges to researchers but have also become much more tangible than in the past. In addition to strategies for identifying genetic risk factors, we provide some thoughts on the interpretation of sequence variants that are largely inspired by developments in human clinical genetics.
The Naked Mole-Rat as a Model for Healthy Aging
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 207–226More LessNaked mole-rats (NMRs, Heterocephalus glaber) are the longest-lived rodents with a maximum life span exceeding 37 years. They exhibit a delayed aging phenotype and resistance to age-related functional decline/diseases. Specifically, they do not display increased mortality with age, maintain several physiological functions until nearly the end of their lifetime, and rarely develop cancer and Alzheimer's disease. NMRs live in a hypoxic environment in underground colonies in East Africa and are highly tolerant of hypoxia. These unique characteristics of NMRs have attracted considerable interest from zoological and biomedical researchers. This review summarizes previous studies of the ecology, hypoxia tolerance, longevity/delayed aging, and cancer resistance of NMRs and discusses possible mechanisms contributing to their healthy aging. In addition, we discuss current issues and future perspectives to fully elucidate the mechanisms underlying delayed aging and resistance to age-related diseases in NMRs.
Scientific Validation of Cannabidiol for Management of Dog and Cat Diseases
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 227–246More LessCannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychotropic phytocannabinoid of the plant Cannabis sativa L. CBD is increasingly being explored as an alternative to conventional therapies to treat health disorders in dogs and cats. Mechanisms of action of CBD have been investigated mostly in rodents and in vitro and include modulation of CB1, CB2, 5-HT, GPR, and opioid receptors. In companion animals, CBD appears to have good bioavailability and safety profile with few side effects at physiological doses. Some dog studies have found CBD to improve clinical signs associated with osteoarthritis, pruritus, and epilepsy. However, further studies are needed to conclude a therapeutic action of CBD for each of these conditions, as well as for decreasing anxiety and aggression in dogs and cats. Herein, we summarize the available scientific evidence associated with the mechanisms of action of CBD, including pharmacokinetics, safety, regulation, and efficacy in ameliorating various health conditions in dogs and cats.
Biologging and Biotelemetry: Tools for Understanding the Lives and Environments of Marine Animals
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 247–267More LessAddressing important questions in animal ecology, physiology, and environmental science often requires in situ information from wild animals. This difficulty is being overcome by biologging and biotelemetry, or the use of miniaturized animal-borne sensors. Although early studies recorded only simple parameters of animal movement, advanced devices and analytical methods can now provide rich information on individual and group behavior, internal states, and the surrounding environment of free-ranging animals, especially those in marine systems. We summarize the history of technologies used to track marine animals. We then identify seven major research categories of marine biologging and biotelemetry and explain significant achievements, as well as future opportunities. Big data approaches via international collaborations will be key to tackling global environmental issues (e.g., climate change impacts), and curiosity about the secret lives of marine animals will also remain a major driver of biologging and biotelemetry studies.
Poaching Forensics: Animal Victims in the Courtroom
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 269–286More LessPoaching and the international trade in wildlife are escalating problems driven by poverty and greed and coordinated by increasingly sophisticated criminal networks. Biodiversity loss, caused by habitat change, is exacerbated by poaching, and species globally are facing extinction. Forensic evidence underpins human and animal criminal investigations and is critical in criminal prosecution and conviction. The application of forensic tools, particularly forensic genetics, to animal case work continues to advance, providing the systems to confront the challenges of wildlife investigations. This article discusses some of these tools, their development, and implementations, as well as recent advances. Examples of cases are provided in which forensic evidence played a key role in obtaining convictions, thus laying the foundation for the future application of techniques to disrupt the criminal networks and safeguard biodiversity through species protection.
The Role of Zoos and Aquariums in a Changing World
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 287–306More LessZoos and aquariums have evolved significantly. From their origins as enclosures for the mere entertainment of the public, these institutions have undertaken new functions responding to the biodiversity crisis and social demands. Modern zoos and aquariums have the opportunity to educate people, contribute to species conservation, and produce animal-related research. However, there is increasing criticism toward the outcomes of their actions and the holding of species in their facilities. This review offers an integrated analysis of the state of knowledge about the role that zoos and aquariums play today. It describes their performance regarding their conservation, education, and research functions, highlighting general patterns and offering future perspectives. It identifies some challenges common to all these institutions, concluding that the way they keep up with the ever-growing social and environmental expectations will be decisive hereafter.
A Review of Indigenous Perspectives in Animal Biosciences
Vol. 11 (2023), pp. 307–319More LessThis article addresses the underrepresentation of Indigenous perspectives in animal sciences by challenging the exclusive use of Western scientific paradigms in research and education. Because of the systematic exclusion of Indigenous peoples, Indigenous perspectives have rarely been represented through empirical study, leading us to believe this is a key reason for the underrepresentation of Native people in these fields. We conducted a literature review, searching for Indigenous contributions in animal sciences and finding a handful of articles in three areas: human–animal bonds, genetic testing and breeding programs, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Given the interconnected paradigm of Indigenous worldviews, we suggest that the ongoing siloes of scientific disciplines and the hierarchy of methodology contribute to the dearth of Indigenous perspectives. We suggest increased support for proper tribal consultation, contextualization of the history of research in Native communities, and the creation of scholarly spaces to support these conversations.