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- Volume 13, 1997
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology - Volume 13, 1997
Volume 13, 1997
- Preface
- Review Articles
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 1–23More Less▪ AbstractTranscriptional regulation is important in all eukaryotic organisms for cell growth, development, and responses to environmental change. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or bakers' yeast, has provided a powerful system for genetic analysis of transcriptional regulation, and findings from the study of this model system have proven broadly applicable to higher organisms. Transcriptional regulation requires the interactions of regulatory proteins with various components of the transcription machinery. Recently, genetic analysis of a diverse set of transcriptional regulatory responses has converged with studies of the function of the RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) to reveal regulatory roles for proteins associated with the CTD. These proteins, designated Srb/mediator proteins, are broadly involved in both positive and negative regulatory responses in vivo. This review focuses on the connections between genetic analysis of transcriptional regulation and the functions of the Srb/mediator proteins associated with the RNA polymerase II CTD.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 25–51More Less▪ AbstractMitochondria import most of their proteins from the cytosol. Dynamic protein complexes in the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes are responsible for the specific recognition and membrane translocation of preproteins. The preprotein translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane contains several import receptors and a general import pore. The preprotein translocase of the inner membrane consists of a channel interacting with preproteins in transit and an import motor that includes the matrix heat shock protein Hsp70. Acidic patches of import components are thought to guide the import of positively charged signal sequences (acid chain hypothesis). Energy input is derived from the inner membrane potential and ATP. Proteins in the mitochondrial matrix are required for proteolytic processing and folding of imported proteins. The dynamic nature of the membrane translocase permits sorting of preproteins at distinct stages of the import pathway.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 53–82More Less▪ AbstractMost animal species exhibit left-right asymmetry in their body plans and show a strong bias for one handedness over the other. The mechanism of handedness choice, recognized as an intriguing problem over a century ago, is still a mystery. However, from recent advances in understanding when and how asymmetry arises in both invertebrates and vertebrates, developmental pathways for establishment and maintenance of left-right differences are beginning to take shape, and speculations can be made on the initial choice mechanism.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 83–117More Less▪ AbstractThe polymerization dynamics of microtubules are central to their biological functions. Polymerization dynamics allow microtubules to adopt spatial arrangements that can change rapidly in response to cellular needs and, in some cases, to perform mechanical work. Microtubules utilize the energy of GTP hydrolysis to fuel a unique polymerization mechanism termed dynamic instability. In this review, we first describe progress toward understanding the mechanism of dynamic instability of pure tubulin and then discuss the function and regulation of microtubule dynamic instability in living cells.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 119–146More Less▪ AbstractAdherens junctions are specialized forms of cadherin-based adhesive contacts important for tissue organization in developing and adult organisms. Cadherins form protein complexes with cytoplasmic proteins (catenins) that convert the specific, homophilic-binding capacity of the extracellular domain into stable cell adhesion. The extracellular domains of cadherins form parallel dimers that possess intrinsic homophilic-binding activity. Cytoplasmic interactions can influence the function of the ectodomain by a number of potential mechanisms, including redistribution of binding sites into clusters, providing cytoskeletal anchorage, and mediating physiological regulation of cadherin function. Adherens junctions are likely to serve specific, specialized functions beyond the basic adhesive process. These functions include coupling cytoskeletal force generation to strongly adherent sites on the cell surface and the regulation of intracellular signaling events.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 147–170More Less▪ AbstractThe Drosophila ovary provides a favorable model system in which to study cellular morphogenesis. The development of a mature egg involves a syncytium of 16 germline cells and over 1000 somatically derived follicle cells. Intercellular transport, stable intercellular bridges, cell migrations, cell shape changes, and specific subcellular localization of many embryonic patterning determinants contribute to egg development and require a dynamic cytoskeleton. We discuss many of the recent genetic and cell biological studies that have led to insights into how the actin cytoskeleton is assembled and regulated during the morphogenesis of the Drosophila egg.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 171–201More Less▪ AbstractGrowing plant cells are shaped by an extensible wall that is a complex amalgam of cellulose microfibrils bonded noncovalently to a matrix of hemicelluloses, pectins, and structural proteins. Cellulose is synthesized by complexes in the plasma membrane and is extruded as a self-assembling microfibril, whereas the matrix polymers are secreted by the Golgi apparatus and become integrated into the wall network by poorly understood mechanisms. The growing wall is under high tensile stress from cell turgor and is able to enlarge by a combination of stress relaxation and polymer creep. A pH-dependent mechanism of wall loosening, known as acid growth, is characteristic of growing walls and is mediated by a group of unusual wall proteins called expansins. Expansins appear to disrupt the noncovalent bonding of matrix hemicelluloses to the microfibril, thereby allowing the wall to yield to the mechanical forces generated by cell turgor. Other wall enzymes, such as (1 → 4) β-glucanases and pectinases, may make the wall more responsive to expansin-mediated wall creep, whereas pectin methylesterases and peroxidases may alter the wall so as to make it resistant to expansin-mediated creep.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 203–229More Less▪ AbstractTo grow and develop optimally, all organisms need to perceive and process information from both their biotic and abiotic surroundings. A particularly important environmental cue is light, to which organisms respond in many different ways. Because they are photosynthetic and non-motile, plants need to be especially plastic in response to their light environment. The diverse responses of plants to light require sophisticated sensing of its intensity, direction, duration, and wavelength. The action spectra of light responses provided assays to identify three photoreceptor systems absorbing in the red/far-red, blue/near-ultraviolet, and ultraviolet spectral ranges. Following absorption of light, photoreceptors interact with other signal transduction elements, which eventually leads to many molecular and morphological responses. While a complete signal transduction cascade is not known yet, molecular genetic studies using the model plant Arabidopsis have led to substantial progress in dissecting the signal transduction network. Important gains have been made in determining the function of the photoreceptors, the terminal response pathways, and the intervening signal transduction components.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 231–259More Less▪ AbstractAdipose tissue has long been known to house the largest energy reserves in the animal body. Recent research indicates that in addition to this role, the adipocyte functions as a global regulator of energy metabolism. Adipose tissue is exquisitely sensitive to a variety of endocrine and paracrine signals, e.g. insulin, glucagon, glucocorticoids, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), that combine to control both the secretion of other regulatory factors and the recruitment and differentiation of new adipocytes. The process of adipocyte differentiation is controlled by a cascade of transcription factors, most notably those of the C/EBP and PPAR families, which combine to regulate each other and to control the expression of adipocyte-specific genes. One such gene, i.e. the obese gene, was recently identified and found to encode a hormone, referred to as leptin, that plays a major role in the regulation of energy intake and expenditure. The hormonal and transcriptional control of adipocyte differentiation is discussed, as is the role of leptin and other factors secreted by the adipocyte that participate in the regulation of adipose homeostasis.
CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASES: Engines, Clocks, and Microprocessors
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 261–291More Less▪ AbstractCyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) play a well-established role in the regulation of the eukaryotic cell division cycle and have also been implicated in the control of gene transcription and other processes. Cdk activity is governed by a complex network of regulatory subunits and phosphorylation events whose precise effects on Cdk conformation have been revealed by recent crystallographic studies. In the cell, these regulatory mechanisms generate an interlinked series of Cdk oscillators that trigger the events of cell division.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 293–332More Less▪ AbstractThe recent identification of proteins that recognize origins of DNA replication and control the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication has provided critical molecular tools to dissect this process. Dynamic changes in the assembly and disassembly of protein complexes at origins are important for the initiation of DNA replication and occur throughout the cell cycle. Herein, we review the key proteins required for the initiation of DNA replication, their involvement in the protein complex assembly at replication origins, and how the cell cycle machinery regulates this process.
Judith Kimble, and Pat SimpsonVol. 13 (1997), pp. 333–361More Less▪ AbstractNotch, LIN-12, and GLP-1 are receptors that mediate a broad range of cell interactions during Drosophila and nematode development. Signaling by these receptors relies on a conserved pathway with three core components: DSL ligand, LNG receptor, and a CSL effector that links the receptor to its transcriptional response. Although key functional regions have been identified in each class of proteins, the mechanism for signal transduction is not yet understood. Diverse regulatory mechanisms influence signaling by the LIN-12/Notch pathway. Inductive signaling relies on the synthesis of ligand and receptor in distinct but neighboring cells. By contrast, lateral signaling leads to the transformation of equivalent cells that express both ligand and receptor into nonequivalent cells that express either ligand or receptor. This transformation appears to rely on regulatory feedback loops within the LIN-12/Notch pathway. In addition, the pathway can be regulated by intrinsic factors that are asymmetrically segregated during cell division or by extrinsic cues via other signaling pathways. Specificity in the pathway does not appear to reside in the particular ligand or receptor used for a given cell-cell interaction. The existence of multiple ligands and receptors may have evolved from the stringent demands placed upon the regulation of genes encoding them.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 363–393More Less▪ AbstractMolecules involved in cell adhesion processes are often both structurally and functionally modular, with subdomains that are members of large protein families. Recently, high-resolution structures have been determined for representative members of many of these families including fragments of integrins, cadherins, fibronectin-like domains, and immunoglobulin-like domains. These structures have enhanced our understanding of cell adhesion processes at several levels. In almost all cases, ligand-binding sites have been visualized and provide insight into how these molecules mediate biologically important interactions. Metal-binding sites have been identified and characterized, allowing assessment of the role of bound ions in cell adhesion processes. Many of these structures serve as templates for modeling homologous domains in other proteins or, when the structure of a fragment consisting of more than one domain is determined, the structure of multidomain arrays of homologous domains. Knowledge of atomic structure also allows rational design of drugs that either mimic or target specific binding sites. In many cases, high-resolution structures have revealed unexpected relationships that pose questions about the evolutionary origin of specific domains. This review briefly describes several recently determined structures of cell adhesion molecules, summarizes some of the main results of each structure, and highlights common features of different systems.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 395–424More Less▪ AbstractBacteria usually divide by building a central septum across the middle of the cell. This review focuses on recent results indicating that the tubulin-like FtsZ protein plays a central role in cytokinesis as a major component of a contractile cytoskeleton. Assembly of this cytoskeletal element abutting the membrane is a key point for regulation. The characterization of FtsZ homologues in Mycoplasmas, Archaea, and chloroplasts implies that the constriction mechanism is conserved and that FtsZ can constrict in the absence of peptidoglycan synthesis. In most Eubacteria, the internal cytoskeleton must also regulate synthesis of septal peptidoglycan. The Escherichia coli septum-specific penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3) forms a complex with other enzymes involved in murein metabolism, suggesting a centrally located transmembrane complex capable of splicing multiple new strands of peptidoglycan into the cell wall. Important questions remain about the spatial and temporal control of bacterial division.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 425–456More Less▪ AbstractNCAM, L1, and DCC—immunoglobulin cell adhesion molecules (Ig CAMs)—are widely expressed during development. Many workers have dismissed a role for such molecules in the control of axonal growth and guidance because they do not show highly restricted expression patterns. Yet evidence from a number of model systems suggests all three CAMs play a role in the development of specific projections in the nervous system. For example, there is a reduction in mossy fiber tracts in the hippocampus of mice that lack NCAM, a requirement for DCC in the response of commissural neurons to a floor plate–derived chemoattractant, and a loss of corticospinal tracts in humans who carry mutations in the L1 gene. The above paradox might be explained by the observation that differential post-translational processing can modulate CAMs function and that alternative splicing can generate functionally distinct isoforms of a CAM. Activation of the FGF tyrosine kinase receptor is required for the responses stimulated by NCAM and L1, and the importance of regulated tyrosine phosphorylation for growth and guidance is underscored by the involvement of receptor tyrosine phosphatases in this process.
THE TWO-COMPONENT SIGNALING PATHWAY OF BACTERIAL CHEMOTAXIS: A Molecular View of Signal Transduction by Receptors, Kinases, and Adaptation Enzymes
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 457–512More Less▪ AbstractThe chemosensory pathway of bacterial chemotaxis has become a paradigm for the two-component superfamily of receptor-regulated phosphorylation pathways. This simple pathway illustrates many of the fundamental principles and unanswered questions in the field of signaling biology. A molecular description of pathway function has progressed rapidly because it is accessible to diverse structural, biochemical, and genetic approaches. As a result, structures are emerging for most of the pathway elements, biochemical studies are elucidating the mechanisms of key signaling events, and genetic methods are revealing the intermolecular interactions that transmit information between components. Recent advances include (a) the first molecular picture of a conformational transmembrane signal in a cell surface receptor, (b) four new structures of kinase domains and adaptation enzymes, and (c) significant new insights into the mechanisms of receptor-mediated kinase regulation, receptor adaptation, and the phospho-activation of signaling proteins. Overall, the chemosensory pathway and the propulsion system it regulates provide an ideal system in which to probe molecular principles underlying complex cellular signaling and behavior.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 513–609More Less▪ AbstractSrc family protein tyrosine kinases are activated following engagement of many different classes of cellular receptors and participate in signaling pathways that control a diverse spectrum of receptor-induced biological activities. While several of these kinases have evolved to play distinct roles in specific receptor pathways, there is considerable redundancy in the functions of these kinases, both with respect to the receptor pathways that activate these kinases and the downstream effectors that mediate their biological activities. This chapter reviews the evidence implicating Src family kinases in specific receptor pathways and describes the mechanisms leading to their activation, the targets that interact with these kinases, and the biological events that they regulate.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 611–667More Less▪ AbstractThe organizer is formed in an equatorial sector of the blastula stage amphibian embryo by cells that have responded to two maternal agents: a general meso-endoderm inducer (involving the TFG-β signaling pathway) and a dorsal modifier (probably involving the Wnt signaling pathway). The meso-endoderm inducer is secreted by most vegetal cells, those containing maternal materials that had been localized in the vegetal hemisphere of the oocyte during oogenesis. As a consequence of the inducer's distribution and action, the competence domains of prospective ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm are established in an animal-to-vegetal order in the blastula. The dorsal modifier signal is secreted by a sector of cells of the animal and vegetal hemispheres on one side of the blastula. These cells contain maternal materials transported there in the first cell cycle from the vegetal pole of the egg along microtubules aligned by cortical rotation. The Nieuwkoop center is the region of blastula cells secreting both maternal signals, and hence specifying the organizer in an equatorial sector. Final steps of organizer formation at the late blastula or early gastrula stage may involve locally secreted zygotic signals as well. At the gastrula stage, the organizer secretes a variety of zygotic proteins that act as antagonists to various members of the BMP and Wnt families of ligands, which are secreted by cells of the competence domains surrounding the organizer. BMPs and Wnts favor ventral development, and cells near the organizer are protected from these agents by the organizer's inducers. The nearby cells are derepressed in their inherent capacity for dorsal development, which is apparent in the neural induction of the ectoderm, dorsalization of the mesoderm, and anteriorization of the endoderm. The organizer also engages in extensive specialized morphogenesis, which brings it within range of responsive cell groups. It also self-differentiates to a variety of axial tissues of the body.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 669–695More Less▪ AbstractWe review old and new insights into the structure of the nuclear envelope and the components responsible for its dynamic reassembly during mitosis. New information is coming to light about several of the proteins that mediate nuclear reassembly. These proteins include the lamins and their emerging relationship with proteins such as otefin and the MAN antigens: peripheral proteins that might participate in lamina structure. There are four identified proteins localized to the inner nuclear membrane: the lamina-associated proteins LAP1 and LAP2, emerin, and the lamin B receptor (LBR). LBR can interact independently with lamin B and a chromodomain protein, Hp1, and appears to be a central player in targeting nuclear membranes to chromatin. Intermediates in the assembly of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) can now be studied biochemically and visualized by high resolution scanning electron microscopy. We discuss the possibility that the filament-forming proteins Tpr/p270, NuMA, and perhaps actin may have roles in nuclear assembly.
PLANT CELL MORPHOGENESIS: Plasma Membrane Interactions with the Cytoskeleton and Cell Wall
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 697–743More Less▪ AbstractBecause plants are composed of immobile cells, plant morphogenesis requires mechanisms allowing precise control of cell expansion and cell division patterns. Cortical domains, localized in response to directional cues, are of central importance in establishing cell polarity, orienting cell division, and determining daughter cell fates in a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Such domains consist of localized macromolecular complexes that, in plant cells, provide spatial control of cell expansion and cell division functions. The role of the cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, and targeted secretion to the cell wall in the spatial regulation of cell morphogenesis in plants is discussed in light of recent results from model organisms, including brown algal zygotes (e.g. Fucus). A general model, emphasizing the importance of cortical sites and targeted secretion, is proposed for morphogenesis in higher plant cells based on current knowledge and principles derived from analysis of the establishment of a stable cortical asymmetry in Fucus. The model illustrates mechanisms to direct the orientation of an asymmetric division resulting in daughter cells with different fates.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 745–777More Less▪ AbstractThe kinesin superfamily comprises a large and structurally diverse group of microtubule-based motor proteins that produce a variety of force-generating activities within cells. This review addresses how the structures of kinesin proteins provide clues as to their biological functions and motile properties. We discuss structural features common to all kinesin motors, as well as specialized features that enable subfamilies of related motors to carry out specialized activities. We also discuss how the kinesin motor domain uses chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis to move along microtubules.
Vol. 13 (1997), pp. 779–808More Less▪ AbstractThe vacuolar (H+)-ATPases (or V-ATPases) function in the acidification of intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells. The V-ATPases are multisubunit complexes composed of two functional domains. The peripheral V1 domain, a 500-kDa complex responsible for ATP hydrolysis, contains at least eight different subunits of molecular weight 70-13 (subunits A-H). The integral V0 domain, a 250-kDa complex, functions in proton translocation and contains at least five different subunits of molecular weight 100-17 (subunits a-d). Biochemical and genetic analysis has been used to identify subunits and residues involved in nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, proton translocation, and coupling of these activities.
Several mechanisms have been implicated in the regulation of vacuolar acidification in vivo, including control of pump density, regulation of assembly of V1 and V0 domains, disulfide bond formation, activator or inhibitor proteins, and regulation of counterion conductance. Recent information concerning targeting and regulation of V-ATPases has also been obtained.
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