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Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology - Volume 36, 2020
Volume 36, 2020
Structural Biology of RNA Polymerase II Transcription: 20 Years On
Sara Osman, and Patrick CramerVol. 36 (2020), pp. 1–34More LessGene transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is the first step in the expression of the eukaryotic genome and a focal point for cellular regulation during development, differentiation, and responses to the environment. Two decades after the determination of the structure of Pol II, the mechanisms of transcription have been elucidated with studies of Pol II complexes with nucleic acids and associated proteins. Here we provide an overview of the nearly 200 available Pol II complex structures and summarize how these structures have elucidated promoter-dependent transcription initiation, promoter-proximal pausing and release of Pol II into active elongation, and the mechanisms that Pol II uses to navigate obstacles such as nucleosomes and DNA lesions. We predict that future studies will focus on how Pol II transcription is interconnected with chromatin transitions, RNA processing, and DNA repair.
F-Actin Cytoskeleton Network Self-Organization Through Competition and Cooperation
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 35–60More LessMany fundamental cellular processes such as division, polarization, endocytosis, and motility require the assembly, maintenance, and disassembly of filamentous actin (F-actin) networks at specific locations and times within the cell. The particular function of each network is governed by F-actin organization, size, and density as well as by its dynamics. The distinct characteristics of different F-actin networks are determined through the coordinated actions of specific sets of actin-binding proteins (ABPs). Furthermore, a cell typically assembles and uses multiple F-actin networks simultaneously within a common cytoplasm, so these networks must self-organize from a common pool of shared globular actin (G-actin) monomers and overlapping sets of ABPs. Recent advances in multicolor imaging and analysis of ABPs and their associated F-actin networks in cells, as well as the development of sophisticated in vitro reconstitutions of networks with ensembles of ABPs, have allowed the field to start uncovering the underlying principles by which cells self-organize diverse F-actin networks to execute basic cellular functions.
Integrating Chemistry and Mechanics: The Forces Driving Axon Growth
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 61–83More LessThe brain is our most complex organ. During development, neurons extend axons, which may grow over long distances along well-defined pathways to connect to distant targets. Our current understanding of axon pathfinding is largely based on chemical signaling by attractive and repulsive guidance cues. These cues instruct motile growth cones, the leading tips of growing axons, where to turn and where to stop. However, it is not chemical signals that cause motion—motion is driven by forces. Yet our current understanding of the mechanical regulation of axon growth is very limited. In this review, I discuss the origin of the cellular forces controlling axon growth and pathfinding, and how mechanical signals encountered by growing axons may be integrated with chemical signals. This mechanochemical cross talk is an important but often overlooked aspect of cell motility that has major implications for many physiological and pathological processes involving neuronal growth.
Nuclear Membrane Rupture and Its Consequences
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 85–114More LessThe nuclear envelope is often depicted as a static barrier that regulates access between the nucleus and the cytosol. However, recent research has identified many conditions in cultured cells and in vivo in which nuclear membrane ruptures cause the loss of nuclear compartmentalization. These conditions include some that are commonly associated with human disease, such as migration of cancer cells through small spaces and expression of nuclear lamin disease mutations in both cultured cells and tissues undergoing nuclear migration. Nuclear membrane ruptures are rapidly repaired in the nucleus but persist in nuclear compartments that form around missegregated chromosomes called micronuclei. This review summarizes what is known about the mechanisms of nuclear membrane rupture and repair in both the main nucleus and micronuclei, and highlights recent work connecting the loss of nuclear integrity to genome instability and innate immune signaling. These connections link nuclear membrane rupture to complex chromosome alterations, tumorigenesis, and laminopathy etiologies.
Protein Quality Control and Lipid Droplet Metabolism
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 115–139More LessLipid droplets (LDs) are endoplasmic reticulum–derived organelles that consist of a core of neutral lipids encircled by a phospholipid monolayer decorated with proteins. As hubs of cellular lipid and energy metabolism, LDs are inherently involved in the etiology of prevalent metabolic diseases such as obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The functions of LDs are regulated by a unique set of associated proteins, the LD proteome, which includes integral membrane and peripheral proteins. These proteins control key activities of LDs such as triacylglycerol synthesis and breakdown, nutrient sensing and signal integration, and interactions with other organelles. Here we review the mechanisms that regulate the composition of the LD proteome, such as pathways that mediate selective and bulk LD protein degradation and potential connections between LDs and cellular protein quality control.
Msp1/ATAD1 in Protein Quality Control and Regulation of Synaptic Activities
Lan Wang, and Peter WalterVol. 36 (2020), pp. 141–164More LessMitochondrial function depends on the efficient import of proteins synthesized in the cytosol. When cells experience stress, the efficiency and faithfulness of the mitochondrial protein import machinery are compromised, leading to homeostatic imbalances and damage to the organelle. Yeast Msp1 (mitochondrial sorting of proteins 1) and mammalian ATAD1 (ATPase family AAA domain–containing 1) are orthologous AAA proteins that, fueled by ATP hydrolysis, recognize and extract mislocalized membrane proteins from the outer mitochondrial membrane. Msp1 also extracts proteins that have become stuck in the import channel. The extracted proteins are targeted for proteasome-dependent degradation or, in the case of mistargeted tail-anchored proteins, are given another chance to be routed correctly. In addition, ATAD1 is implicated in the regulation of synaptic plasticity, mediating the release of neurotransmitter receptors from postsynaptic scaffolds to allow their trafficking. Here we discuss how structural and functional specialization imparts the unique properties that allow Msp1/ATAD1 ATPases to fulfill these diverse functions and also highlight outstanding questions in the field.
Developing Therapies for Neurodegenerative Disorders: Insights from Protein Aggregation and Cellular Stress Responses
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 165–189More LessAs the world's population ages, neurodegenerative disorders are poised to become the commonest cause of death. Despite this, they remain essentially untreatable. Characterized pathologically both by the aggregation of disease-specific misfolded proteins and by changes in cellular stress responses, to date, therapeutic approaches have focused almost exclusively on reducing misfolded protein load—notably amyloid beta (Aβ) in Alzheimer's disease. The repeated failure of clinical trials has led to despondency over the possibility that these disorders will ever be treated. We argue that this is in fact a time for optimism: Targeting various generic stress responses is emerging as an increasingly promising means of modifying disease progression across these disorders. New treatments are approaching clinical trials, while novel means of targeting aggregates could eventually act preventively in early disease.
Cellular Mechanisms of NETosis
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 191–218More LessNeutrophils are critical to innate immunity, including host defense against bacterial and fungal infections. They achieve their host defense role by phagocytosing pathogens, secreting their granules full of cytotoxic enzymes, or expelling neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) during the process of NETosis. NETs are weblike DNA structures decorated with histones and antimicrobial proteins released by activated neutrophils. Initially described as a means for neutrophils to neutralize pathogens, NET release also occurs in sterile inflammation, promotes thrombosis, and can mediate tissue damage. To effectively manipulate this double-edged sword to fight a particular disease, researchers must work toward understanding the mechanisms driving NETosis. Such understanding would allow the generation of new drugs to promote or prevent NETosis as needed. While knowledge regarding the (patho)physiological roles of NETosis is accumulating, little is known about the cellular and biophysical bases of this process. In this review, we describe and discuss our current knowledge of the molecular, cellular, and biophysical mechanisms mediating NET release as well as open questions in the field.
Scaling of Subcellular Structures
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 219–236More LessAs cells grow, the size and number of their internal organelles increase in order to keep up with increased metabolic requirements. Abnormal size of organelles is a hallmark of cancer and an important aspect of diagnosis in cytopathology. Most organelles vary in either size or number, or both, as a function of cell size, but the mechanisms that create this variation remain unclear. In some cases, organelle size appears to scale with cell size through processes of relative growth, but in others the size may be set by either active measurement systems or genetic programs that instruct organelle biosynthetic activities to create organelles of a size appropriate to a given cell type.
Parkinson's: A Disease of Aberrant Vesicle Trafficking
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 237–264More LessParkinson's disease (PD) is a leading cause of neurodegeneration that is defined by the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons and the accumulation of protein aggregates called Lewy bodies (LBs). The unequivocal identification of Mendelian inherited mutations in 13 genes in PD has provided transforming insights into the pathogenesis of this disease. The mechanistic analysis of several PD genes, including α-synuclein (α-syn), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), and Parkin, has revealed central roles for protein aggregation, mitochondrial damage, and defects in endolysosomal trafficking in PD neurodegeneration. In this review, we outline recent advances in our understanding of these gene pathways with a focus on the emergent role of Rab (Ras analog in brain) GTPases and vesicular trafficking as a common mechanism that underpins how mutations in PD genes lead to neuronal loss. These advances have led to previously distinct genes such as vacuolar protein–sorting-associated protein 35 (VPS35) and LRRK2 being implicated in a common signaling pathway. A greater understanding of these common nodes of vesicular trafficking will be crucial for linking other PD genes and improving patient stratification in clinical trials underway against α-syn and LRRK2 targets.
Mitochondrial Quality Control and Restraining Innate Immunity
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 265–289More LessMaintaining mitochondrial health is essential for the survival and function of eukaryotic organisms. Misfunctioning mitochondria activate stress-responsive pathways to restore mitochondrial network homeostasis, remove damaged or toxic proteins, and eliminate damaged organelles via selective autophagy of mitochondria, a process termed mitophagy. Failure of these quality control pathways is implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Impairment of mitochondrial quality control has been demonstrated to activate innate immune pathways, including inflammasome-mediated signaling and the antiviral cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)/stimulator of interferon genes (STING)–regulated interferon response. Immune system malfunction is a common hallmark in many neurodegenerative diseases; however, whether inflammation suppresses or exacerbates disease pathology is still unclear. The goal of this review is to provide a historical overview of the field, describe mechanisms of mitochondrial quality control, and highlight recent advances on the emerging role of mitochondria in innate immunity and inflammation.
Combinatorial Control of Plant Specialized Metabolism: Mechanisms, Functions, and Consequences
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 291–313More LessPlants constantly perceive internal and external cues, many of which they need to address to safeguard their proper development and survival. They respond to these cues by selective activation of specific metabolic pathways involving a plethora of molecular players that act and interact in complex networks. In this review, we illustrate and discuss the complexity in the combinatorial control of plant specialized metabolism. We hereby go beyond the intuitive concept of combinatorial control as exerted by modular-acting complexes of transcription factors that govern expression of specialized metabolism genes. To extend this discussion, we also consider all known hierarchical levels of regulation of plant specialized metabolism and their interfaces by referring to reported regulatory concepts from the plant field. Finally, we speculate on possible yet-to-be-discovered regulatory principles of plant specialized metabolism that are inspired by knowledge from other kingdoms of life and areas of biological research.
Cellular, Molecular, and Physiological Adaptations of Hibernation: The Solution to Environmental Challenges
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 315–338More LessThriving in times of resource scarcity requires an incredible flexibility of behavioral, physiological, cellular, and molecular functions that must change within a relatively short time. Hibernation is a collection of physiological strategies that allows animals to inhabit inhospitable environments, where they experience extreme thermal challenges and scarcity of food and water. Many different kinds of animals employ hibernation, and there is a spectrum of hibernation phenotypes. Here, we focus on obligatory mammalian hibernators to identify the unique challenges they face and the adaptations that allow hibernators to overcome them. This includes the cellular and molecular strategies used to combat low environmental and body temperatures and lack of food and water. We discuss metabolic, neuronal, and hormonal cues that regulate hibernation and how they are thought to be coordinated by internal clocks. Last, we touch on questions that are left to be addressed in the field of hibernation research. Studies from the last century and more recent work reveal that hibernation is not simply a passive reduction in body temperature and vital parameters but rather an active process seasonally regulated at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.
Synthetic Developmental Biology: Understanding Through Reconstitution
Gavin Schlissel, and Pulin LiVol. 36 (2020), pp. 339–357More LessReconstitution is an experimental strategy that seeks to recapitulate biological events outside their natural contexts using a reduced set of components. Classically, biochemical reconstitution has been extensively applied to identify the minimal set of molecules sufficient for recreating the basic chemistry of life. By analogy, reconstitution approaches to developmental biology recapitulate aspects of developmental events outside an embryo, with the goal of revealing the basic genetic circuits or physical cues sufficient for recreating developmental decisions. The rapidly growing repertoire of genetic, molecular, microscopic, and bioengineering tools is expanding the complexity and precision of reconstitution experiments. We review the emerging field of synthetic developmental biology, with a focus on the ways in which reconstitution strategies and new biological tools have enhanced our modern understanding of fundamental questions in developmental biology.
Processing Temporal Growth Factor Patterns by an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Network Dynamically Established in Space
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 359–383More LessThe proto-oncogenic epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) is a tyrosine kinase whose sensitivity and response to growth factor signals that vary over time and space determine cellular behavior within a developing tissue. The molecular reorganization of the receptors on the plasma membrane and the enzyme-kinetic mechanisms of phosphorylation are key determinants that couple growth factor binding to EGFR signaling. To enable signal initiation and termination while simultaneously accounting for suppression of aberrant signaling, a coordinated coupling of EGFR kinase and protein tyrosine phosphatase activity is established through space by vesicular dynamics. The dynamical operation mode of this network enables not only time-varying growth factor sensing but also adaptation of the response depending on cellular context. By connecting spatially coupled enzymatic kinase/phosphatase processes and the corresponding dynamical systems description of the EGFR network, we elaborate on the general principles necessary for processing complex growth factor signals.
Shaping Organs: Shared Structural Principles Across Kingdoms
O. Hamant, and T.E. SaundersVol. 36 (2020), pp. 385–410More LessDevelopment encapsulates the morphogenesis of an organism from a single fertilized cell to a functional adult. A critical part of development is the specification of organ forms. Beyond the molecular control of morphogenesis, shape in essence entails structural constraints and thus mechanics. Revisiting recent results in biophysics and development, and comparing animal and plant model systems, we derive key overarching principles behind the formation of organs across kingdoms. In particular, we highlight how growing organs are active rather than passive systems and how such behavior plays a role in shaping the organ. We discuss the importance of considering different scales in understanding how organs form. Such an integrative view of organ development generates new questions while calling for more cross-fertilization between scientific fields and model system communities.
Human Embryogenesis: A Comparative Perspective
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 411–440More LessUnderstanding human embryology has historically relied on comparative approaches using mammalian model organisms. With the advent of low-input methods to investigate genetic and epigenetic mechanisms and efficient techniques to assess gene function, we can now study the human embryo directly. These advances have transformed the investigation of early embryogenesis in nonrodent species, thereby providing a broader understanding of conserved and divergent mechanisms. Here, we present an overview of the major events in human preimplantation development and place them in the context of mammalian evolution by comparing these events in other eutherian and metatherian species. We describe the advances of studies on postimplantation development and discuss stem cell models that mimic postimplantation embryos. A comparative perspective highlights the importance of analyzing different organisms with molecular characterization and functional studies to reveal the principles of early development. This growing field has a fundamental impact in regenerative medicine and raises important ethical considerations.
The Role of Immune Factors in Shaping Fetal Neurodevelopment
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 441–468More LessFetal neurodevelopment in utero is profoundly shaped by both systemic maternal immunity and local processes at the maternal–fetal interface. Immune pathways are a critical participant in the normal physiology of pregnancy and perturbations of maternal immunity due to infections during this period have been increasingly linked to a diverse array of poor neurological outcomes, including diseases that manifest much later in postnatal life. While experimental models of maternal immune activation (MIA) have provided groundbreaking characterizations of the maternal pathways underlying pathogenesis, less commonly examined are the immune factors that serve pathogen-independent developmental functions in the embryo and fetus. In this review, we explore what is known about the in vivo role of immune factors in fetal neurodevelopment during normal pregnancy and provide an overview of how MIA perturbs the proper orchestration of this sequence of events. Finally, we discuss how the dysregulation of immune factors may contribute to the manifestation of a variety of neurological disorders.
The Lineage Before Time: Circadian and Nonclassical Clock Influences on Development
Vol. 36 (2020), pp. 469–509More LessDiverse factors including metabolism, chromatin remodeling, and mitotic kinetics influence development at the cellular level. These factors are well known to interact with the circadian transcriptional-translational feedback loop (TTFL) after its emergence. What is only recently becoming clear, however, is how metabolism, mitosis, and epigenetics may become organized in a coordinated cyclical precursor signaling module in pluripotent cells prior to the onset of TTFL cycling. We propose that both the precursor module and the TTFL module constrain cellular identity when they are active during development, and that the emergence of these modules themselves is a key lineage marker. Here we review the component pathways underlying these ideas; how proliferation, specification, and differentiation decisions in both developmental and adult stem cell populations are or are not regulated by the classical TTFL; and emerging evidence that we propose implies a primordial clock that precedes the classical TTFL and influences early developmental decisions.
Previous Volumes
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Volume 9 (1993)
Volume 8 (1992)
Volume 7 (1991)
Volume 6 (1990)
Volume 5 (1989)
Volume 4 (1988)
Volume 3 (1987)
Volume 2 (1986)
Volume 1 (1985)
Volume 0 (1932)