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Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology - Volume 37, 2021
Volume 37, 2021
Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Bacterial Rod Shape Formation and Regulation
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 1–21More LessOne of the most common bacterial shapes is a rod, yet we have a limited understanding of how this simple shape is constructed. While only six proteins are required for rod shape, we are just beginning to understand how they self-organize to build the micron-sized enveloping structures that define bacterial shape out of nanometer-sized glycan strains. Here, we detail and summarize the insights gained over the last 20 years into this complex problem that have been achieved with a wide variety of different approaches. We also explain and compare both current and past models of rod shape formation and maintenance and then highlight recent insights into how the Rod complex might be regulated.
Self-Organization of Cellular Units
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 23–41More LessThe purpose of this review is to explore self-organizing mechanisms that pattern microtubules (MTs) and spatially organize animal cell cytoplasm, inspired by recent experiments in frog egg extract. We start by reviewing conceptual distinctions between self-organizing and templating mechanisms for subcellular organization. We then discuss self-organizing mechanisms that generate radial MT arrays and cell centers in the absence of centrosomes. These include autocatalytic MT nucleation, transport of minus ends, and nucleation from organelles such as melanosomes and Golgi vesicles that are also dynein cargoes. We then discuss mechanisms that partition the cytoplasm in syncytia, in which multiple nuclei share a common cytoplasm, starting with cytokinesis, when all metazoan cells are transiently syncytial. The cytoplasm of frog eggs is partitioned prior to cytokinesis by two self-organizing modules, protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1)-kinesin family member 4A (KIF4A) and chromosome passenger complex (CPC)-KIF20A. Similar modules may partition longer-lasting syncytia, such as early Drosophila embryos. We end by discussing shared mechanisms and principles for the MT-based self-organization of cellular units.
Biophysical and Quantitative Principles of Centrosome Biogenesis and Structure
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 43–63More LessThe centrosome is a main orchestrator of the animal cellular microtubule cytoskeleton. Dissecting its structure and assembly mechanisms has been a goal of cell biologists for over a century. In the last two decades, a good understanding of the molecular constituents of centrosomes has been achieved. Moreover, recent breakthroughs in electron and light microscopy techniques have enabled the inspection of the centrosome and the mapping of its components with unprecedented detail. However, we now need a profound and dynamic understanding of how these constituents interact in space and time. Here, we review the latest findings on the structural and molecular architecture of the centrosome and how its biogenesis is regulated, highlighting how biophysical techniques and principles as well as quantitative modeling are changing our understanding of this enigmatic cellular organelle.
Mechanobiology of T Cell Activation: To Catch a Bond
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 65–87More LessT cell activation is a critical event in the adaptive immune response, indispensable for cell-mediated and humoral immunity as well as for immune regulation. Recent years have witnessed an emerging trend emphasizing the essential role that physical force and mechanical properties play at the T cell interface. In this review, we integrate current knowledge of T cell antigen recognition and the different models of T cell activation from the perspective of mechanobiology, focusing on the interaction between the T cell receptor (TCR) and the peptide–major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) antigen. We address the shortcomings of TCR affinity alone in explaining T cell functional outcomes and the rising status of force-regulated TCR bond lifetimes, most notably the TCR catch bond. Ultimately, T cell activation and the ensuing physiological responses result from mechanical interaction between TCRs and the pMHC.
Promoters and Antagonists of Phagocytosis: A Plastic and Tunable Response
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 89–114More LessRecent observations indicate that, rather than being an all-or-none response, phagocytosis is finely tuned by a host of developmental and environmental factors. The expression of key phagocytic determinants is regulated via transcriptional and epigenetic means that confer memory on the process. Membrane traffic, the cytoskeleton, and inside-out signaling control the activation of phagocytic receptors and their ability to access their targets. An exquisite extra layer of complexity is introduced by the coexistence of distinct “eat-me” and “don't-eat-me” signals on targets and of corresponding “eat” and “don't-eat” receptors on the phagocyte surface. Moreover, assorted physical barriers constitute “don't-come-close-to-me” hurdles that obstruct the engagement of ligands by receptors. The expression, mobility, and accessibility of all these determinants can be modulated, conferring extreme plasticity on phagocytosis and providing attractive targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer, atherosclerosis, and dementia.
The Genomics and Cell Biology of Host-Beneficial Intracellular Infections
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 115–142More LessMicrobes gain access to eukaryotic cells as food for bacteria-grazing protists, for host protection by microbe-killing immune cells, or for microbial benefit when pathogens enter host cells to replicate. But microbes can also gain access to a host cell and become an important—often required—beneficial partner. The oldest beneficial microbial infections are the ancient eukaryotic organelles now called the mitochondrion and plastid. But numerous other host-beneficial intracellular infections occur throughout eukaryotes. Here I review the genomics and cell biology of these interactions with a focus on intracellular bacteria. The genomes of host-beneficial intracellular bacteria have features that span a previously unfilled gap between pathogens and organelles. Host cell adaptations to allow the intracellular persistence of beneficial bacteria are found along with evidence for the microbial manipulation of host cells, but the cellular mechanisms of beneficial bacterial infections are not well understood.
Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 143–169More LessSelective autophagy is the lysosomal degradation of specific intracellular components sequestered into autophagosomes, late endosomes, or lysosomes through the activity of selective autophagy receptors (SARs). SARs interact with autophagy-related (ATG)8 family proteins via sequence motifs called LC3-interacting region (LIR) motifs in vertebrates and Atg8-interacting motifs (AIMs) in yeast and plants. SARs can be divided into two broad groups: soluble or membrane bound. Cargo or substrate selection may be independent or dependent of ubiquitin labeling of the cargo. In this review, we discuss mechanisms of mammalian selective autophagy with a focus on the unifying principles employed in substrate recognition, interaction with the forming autophagosome via LIR-ATG8 interactions, and the recruitment of core autophagy components for efficient autophagosome formation on the substrate.
A New Infectious Unit: Extracellular Vesicles Carrying Virus Populations
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 171–197More LessViral egress and transmission have long been described to take place through single free virus particles. However, viruses can also shed into the environment and transmit as populations clustered inside extracellular vesicles (EVs), a process we had first called vesicle-mediated en bloc transmission. These membrane-cloaked virus clusters can originate from a variety of cellular organelles including autophagosomes, plasma membrane, and multivesicular bodies. Their viral cargo can be multiples of nonenveloped or enveloped virus particles or even naked infectious genomes, but egress is always nonlytic, with the cell remaining intact. Here we put forth the thesis that EV-cloaked viral clusters are a distinct form of infectious unit as compared to free single viruses (nonenveloped or enveloped) or even free virus aggregates. We discuss how efficient and prevalent these infectious EVs are in the context of virus-associated diseases and highlight the importance of their proper detection and disinfection for public health.
Spatial Organization of Chromatin: Emergence of Chromatin Structure During Development
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 199–232More LessNuclei are central hubs for information processing in eukaryotic cells. The need to fit large genomes into small nuclei imposes severe restrictions on genome organization and the mechanisms that drive genome-wide regulatory processes. How a disordered polymer such as chromatin, which has vast heterogeneity in its DNA and histone modification profiles, folds into discernibly consistent patterns is a fundamental question in biology. Outstanding questions include how genomes are spatially and temporally organized to regulate cellular processes with high precision and whether genome organization is causally linked to transcription regulation. The advent of next-generation sequencing, super-resolution imaging, multiplexed fluorescent in situ hybridization, and single-molecule imaging in individual living cells has caused a resurgence in efforts to understand the spatiotemporal organization of the genome. In this review, we discuss structural and mechanistic properties of genome organization at different length scales and examine changes in higher-order chromatin organization during important developmental transitions.
Components and Mechanisms of Nuclear Mechanotransduction
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 233–256More LessThe cell nucleus is best known as the container of the genome. Its envelope provides a barrier for passive macromolecule diffusion, which enhances the control of gene expression. As its largest and stiffest organelle, the nucleus also defines the minimal space requirements of a cell. Internal or external pressures that deform a cell to its physical limits cause a corresponding nuclear deformation. Evidence is consolidating that the nucleus, in addition to its genetic functions, serves as a physical sensing device for critical cell body deformation. Nuclear mechanotransduction allows cells to adapt their acute behaviors, mechanical stability, paracrine signaling, and fate to their physical surroundings. This review summarizes the basic chemical and mechanical properties of nuclear components, and how these properties are thought to be utilized for mechanosensing.
Glycocalyx Curving the Membrane: Forces Emerging from the Cell Exterior
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 257–283More LessMorphological transitions are typically attributed to the actions of proteins and lipids. Largely overlooked in membrane shape regulation is the glycocalyx, a pericellular membrane coat that resides on all cells in the human body. Comprised of complex sugar polymers known as glycans as well as glycosylated lipids and proteins, the glycocalyx is ideally positioned to impart forces on the plasma membrane. Large, unstructured polysaccharides and glycoproteins in the glycocalyx can generate crowding pressures strong enough to induce membrane curvature. Stress may also originate from glycan chains that convey curvature preference on asymmetrically distributed lipids, which are exploited by binding factors and infectious agents to induce morphological changes. Through such forces, the glycocalyx can have profound effects on the biogenesis of functional cell surface structures as well as the secretion of extracellular vesicles. In this review, we discuss recent evidence and examples of these mechanisms in normal health and disease.
Nonmuscle Myosin II Regulation Directs Its Multiple Roles in Cell Migration and Division
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 285–310More LessNonmuscle myosin II (NMII) is a multimeric protein complex that generates most mechanical force in eukaryotic cells. NMII function is controlled at three main levels. The first level includes events that trigger conformational changes that extend the complex to enable its assembly into filaments. The second level controls the ATPase activity of the complex and its binding to microfilaments in extended NMII filaments. The third level includes events that modulate the stability and contractility of the filaments. They all work in concert to finely control force generation inside cells. NMII is a common endpoint of mechanochemical signaling pathways that control cellular responses to physical and chemical extracellular cues. Specific phosphorylations modulate NMII activation in a context-dependent manner. A few kinases control these phosphorylations in a spatially, temporally, and lineage-restricted fashion, enabling functional adaptability to the cellular microenvironment. Here, we review mechanisms that control NMII activity in the context of cell migration and division.
Calcium Signaling Mechanisms Across Kingdoms
Sheng Luan, and Chao WangVol. 37 (2021), pp. 311–340More LessCalcium (Ca2+) is a unique mineral that serves as both a nutrient and a signal in all eukaryotes. To maintain Ca2+ homeostasis for both nutrition and signaling purposes, the tool kit for Ca2+ transport has expanded across kingdoms of eukaryotes to encode specific Ca2+ signals referred to as Ca2+ signatures. In parallel, a large array of Ca2+-binding proteins has evolved as specific sensors to decode Ca2+ signatures. By comparing these coding and decoding mechanisms in fungi, animals, and plants, both unified and divergent themes have emerged, and the underlying complexity will challenge researchers for years to come. Considering the scale and breadth of the subject, instead of a literature survey, in this review we focus on a conceptual framework that aims to introduce readers to the principles and mechanisms of Ca2+ signaling. We finish with several examples of Ca2+-signaling pathways, including polarized cell growth, immunity and symbiosis, and systemic signaling, to piece together specific coding and decoding mechanisms in plants versus animals.
Dynamic Nutrient Signaling Networks in Plants
Lei Li, Kun-hsiang Liu, and Jen SheenVol. 37 (2021), pp. 341–367More LessNutrients are vital to life through intertwined sensing, signaling, and metabolic processes. Emerging research focuses on how distinct nutrient signaling networks integrate and coordinate gene expression, metabolism, growth, and survival. We review the multifaceted roles of sugars, nitrate, and phosphate as essential plant nutrients in controlling complex molecular and cellular mechanisms of dynamic signaling networks. Key advances in central sugar and energy signaling mechanisms mediated by the evolutionarily conserved master regulators HEXOKINASE1 (HXK1), TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR), and SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE1 (SNRK1) are discussed. Significant progress in primary nitrate sensing, calcium signaling, transcriptome analysis, and root–shoot communication to shape plant biomass and architecture are elaborated. Discoveries on intracellular and extracellular phosphate signaling and the intimate connections with nitrate and sugar signaling are examined. This review highlights the dynamic nutrient, energy, growth, and stress signaling networks that orchestrate systemwide transcriptional, translational, and metabolic reprogramming, modulate growth and developmental programs, and respond to environmental cues.
Cell Biology of Canonical Wnt Signaling
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 369–389More LessWnt signaling has multiple functions beyond the transcriptional effects of β-catenin stabilization. We review recent investigations that uncover new cell physiological effects through the regulation of Wnt receptor endocytosis, Wnt-induced stabilization of proteins (Wnt-STOP), macropinocytosis, increase in lysosomal activity, and metabolic changes. Many of these growth-promoting effects of canonical Wnt occur within minutes and are independent of new protein synthesis. A key element is the sequestration of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) inside multivesicular bodies and lysosomes. Twenty percent of human proteins contain consecutive GSK3 phosphorylation motifs, which in the absence of Wnt can form phosphodegrons for polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Wnt signaling by either the pharmacological inhibition of GSK3 or the loss of tumor-suppressor proteins, such as adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and Axin1, increases lysosomal acidification, anabolic metabolites, and macropinocytosis, which is normally repressed by the GSK3-Axin1-APC destruction complex. The combination of these cell physiological effects drives cell growth.
The Fertilization Enigma: How Sperm and Egg Fuse
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 391–414More LessFertilization is a multistep process that culminates in the fusion of sperm and egg, thus marking the beginning of a new organism in sexually reproducing species. Despite its importance for reproduction, the molecular mechanisms that regulate this singular event, particularly sperm–egg fusion, have remained mysterious for many decades. Here, we summarize our current molecular understanding of sperm–egg interaction, focusing mainly on mammalian fertilization. Given the fundamental importance of sperm–egg fusion yet the lack of knowledge of this process in vertebrates, we discuss hallmarks and emerging themes of cell fusion by drawing from well-studied examples such as viral entry, placenta formation, and muscle development. We conclude by identifying open questions and exciting avenues for future studies in gamete fusion.
Beyond Casual Resemblance: Rigorous Frameworks for Comparing Regeneration Across Species
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 415–440More LessThe majority of animal phyla have species that can regenerate. Comparing regeneration across animals can reconstruct the molecular and cellular evolutionary history of this process. Recent studies have revealed some similarity in regeneration mechanisms, but rigorous comparative methods are needed to assess whether these resemblances are ancestral pathways (homology) or are the result of convergent evolution (homoplasy). This review aims to provide a framework for comparing regeneration across animals, focusing on gene regulatory networks (GRNs), which are substrates for assessing process homology. The homology of the wound-induced activation of Wnt signaling and of adult stem cells provides examples of ongoing studies of regeneration that enable comparisons in a GRN framework. Expanding the study of regeneration GRNs in currently studied species and broadening taxonomic sampling for these approaches will identify processes that are unifying principles of regeneration biology across animals. These insights are important both for evolutionary studies of regeneration and for human regenerative medicine.
The Visual Opsin Gene Repertoires of Teleost Fishes: Evolution, Ecology, and Function
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 441–468More LessVisual opsin genes expressed in the rod and cone photoreceptor cells of the retina are core components of the visual sensory system of vertebrates. Here, we provide an overview of the dynamic evolution of visual opsin genes in the most species-rich group of vertebrates, teleost fishes. The examination of the rich genomic resources now available for this group reveals that fish genomes contain more copies of visual opsin genes than are present in the genomes of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The expansion of opsin genes in fishes is due primarily to a combination of ancestral and lineage-specific gene duplications. Following their duplication, the visual opsin genes of fishes repeatedly diversified at the same key spectral-tuning sites, generating arrays of visual pigments sensitive to the ultraviolet to red spectrum of light. Species-specific opsin gene repertoires correlate strongly with underwater light habitats, ecology, and color-based sexual selection.
Mechanical Patterning in Animal Morphogenesis
Vol. 37 (2021), pp. 469–493More LessMorphogenesis is one of the most remarkable examples of biological pattern formation. Despite substantial progress in the field, we still do not understand the organizational principles responsible for the robust convergence of the morphogenesis process across scales to form viable organisms under variable conditions. Achieving large-scale coordination requires feedback between mechanical and biochemical processes, spanning all levels of organization and relating the emerging patterns with the mechanisms driving their formation. In this review, we highlight the role of mechanics in the patterning process, emphasizing the active and synergistic manner in which mechanical processes participate in developmental patterning rather than merely following a program set by biochemical signals. We discuss the value of applying a coarse-grained approach that considers the large-scale dynamics and feedback and complements the reductionist approach focused on molecular detail. A central challenge in this approach is identifying relevant coarse-grained variables and developing effective theories that can serve as a basis for an integrated framework toward understanding this remarkable pattern-formation process.
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Volume 0 (1932)