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Annual Review of Immunology - Volume 18, 2000
Volume 18, 2000
- Review Articles
Discovering the Role of the Major Histocompatibility Complex in the Immune Response
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 1–17More LessThe discovery that genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play an important role in the immune response depended on the chance interaction of several unrelated events. The first, and most important, was the decision by Michael Sela to synthesize a series of branched, multichain, synthetic polypeptides based on a backbone of poly-l-lysine. The prototype compound, (T,G)-A–L, was tipped with short random sequences of tyrosine and glutamic acid. This resulted in a restricted range of antigenic determinants composed of only two or three amino acids with a variable length—ideal for binding to the peptide binding groove of MHC class II molecules.The second was the decision by John Humphrey to immunize various strains of rabbits with this synthetic polypeptide. Two of these rabbit strains showed very large quantitative differences in antibody response to (T,G)-A–L. In transferring this system to inbred mouse strains, the third bit of good fortune was the availability at the National Institute of Medical Research, in Mill Hill (London), of the CBA (H2k) and C57 (H2b) strains. The H2b haplotype is the only one mediating a uniform high antibody response to (T,G)-A–L. The fourth critical ingredient was the availability of numerous congenic and H2 recombinant inbred strains of mice produced earlier by Snell, Stimpfling, Shreffler, and Klein. A search for congenic pairs of mice expressing the responder and nonresponder H2 haplotypes on the same background revealed that these strains responded as a function of their H2 haplotype, not of their inbred background. Extensive studies in a variety of inbred strains carrying recombinant H2 haplotypes, as well as a four-point linkage cross, mapped immune response to (T,G)A–L within the murine MHC, between the K and Ss loci.
The demonstration that stimulation in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) mapped to the same region quickly led to attempts to produce antisera in congenic H2 recombinant strain combinations. These antisera identified I-region associated (Ia) antigens. Immunoprecipitation and blocking studies showed that the gene products controlling specific immune responses, the mixed lymphocyte reaction, and the structure of Ia antigens were one and the same—now designated as the I-A MHC class II molecules. These antisera and inbred strains enabled Unanue to demonstrate the peptide binding function of class II MHC molecules.
Receptor Selection in B and T Lymphocytes
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 19–51More LessThe process of clonal selection is a central feature of the immune system, but immune specificity is also regulated by receptor selection, in which the fate of a lymphocyte’s antigen receptor is uncoupled from that of the cell itself. Whereas clonal selection controls cell death or survival in response to antigen receptor signaling, receptor selection regulates the process of V(D)J recombination, which can alter or fix antigen receptor specificity. Receptor selection is carried out in both T and B cells and can occur at different stages of lymphocyte differentiation, in which it plays a key role in allelic exclusion, positive selection, receptor editing, and the diversification of the antigen receptor repertoire. Thus, the immune system takes advantage of its control of V(D)J recombination to modify antigen receptors in such a way that self/non-self discrimination is enhanced. New information about receptor editing in T cells and B-1 B cells is also discussed.
Molecular Basis of Celiac Disease
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 53–81More LessCeliac disease (CD) is an intestinal disorder with multifactorial etiology. HLA and non-HLA genes together with gluten and possibly additional environmental factors are involved in disease development. Evidence suggests that CD4+ T cells are central in controlling an immune response to gluten that causes the immunopathology, but the actual mechanisms responsible for the tissue damage are as yet only partly characterized. CD provides a good model for HLA-associated diseases, and insight into the mechanism of this disease may well shed light on oral tolerance in humans. The primary HLA association in the majority of CD patients is with DQ2 and in the minority of patients with DQ8. Gluten-reactive T cells can be isolated from small intestinal biopsies of celiac patients but not of non-celiac controls. DQ2 or DQ8, but not other HLA molecules carried by patients, are the predominant restriction elements for these T cells. Lesion-derived T cells predominantly recognize deamidated gluten peptides. A number of distinct T cell epitopes within gluten exist. DQ2 and DQ8 bind the epitopes so that the glutamic acid residues created by deamidation are accommodated in pockets that have a preference for negatively charged side chains. Evidence indicates that deamidation in vivo is mediated by the enzyme tissue transglutaminase (tTG). Notably, tTG can also cross-link glutamine residues of peptides to lysine residues in other proteins including tTG itself. This may result in the formation of complexes of gluten-tTG. These complexes may permit gluten-reactive T cells to provide help to tTG-specific B cells by a mechanism of intramolecular help, thereby explaining the occurrence of gluten-dependent tTG autoantibodies that is a characteristic feature of active CD.
Population Biology of Lymphocytes: The Flight for Survival
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 83–111More LessIn this essay we suggest that the primary goal of the cells of the immune system is to ensure their own growth and survival. In adults, in steady-state conditions, the number and distribution of lymphocyte populations is under homeostatic control. New lymphocytes that are continuously produced in primary and secondary lymphoid organs must compete with resident cells for survival. We discuss recent findings supporting lymphocyte survival as a continuous active process and implicating cognate receptor engagement as fundamental survival signals for both T and B lymphocytes. The conflict of survival interests between different cell types gives rise to a pattern of interactions that mimics the behavior of complex ecological systems. In their flight for survival and in response to competition, lymphocytes use different survival signals within different ecological niches during cell differentiation. This is the case for T and B lymphocytes and also for naive and memory/activated T and B cells. We discuss how niche differentiation allows the co-existence of different cell types and guarantees both repertoire diversity and efficient immune responses.
Nonclassical MHC Class II Molecules
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 113–142More LessMajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules are cell surface proteins that present peptides to CD4+ T cells. In addition to these wellcharacterized molecules, two other class II–like proteins are produced from the class II region of the MHC, HLA-DM (DM) and HLA-DO (DO) (called H2-M, or H2-DM and H2-O in the mouse). The function of DM is well established; it promotes peptide loading of class II molecules in the endosomal/lysosomal system by catalyzing the release of CLIP peptides (derived from the class II–associated invariant chain) in exchange for more stably binding peptides. While DM is present in all class II– expressing antigen presenting cells, DO is expressed mainly in B cells. In this cell type the majority of DM molecules are not present as free heterodimers but are instead associated with DO in tight heterotetrameric complexes. The association with DM is essential for the intracellular transport of DO, and the two molecules remain associated in the endosomal system. DO can clearly modify the peptide exchange activity of DM both in vitro and in vivo, but the physiological relevance of this interaction is still only partly understood.
Negative Regulation of Cytokine Signaling Pathways
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 143–164More LessThe Janus family of protein tyrosine kinases (JAKs) and STAT transcription factors regulate cellular processes involved in cell growth, differentiation, and transformation through their association with cytokine receptors. The CIS family of proteins (also referred to as the SOCS or SSI family) has been implicated in the regulation of signal transduction by a variety of cytokines. Most of them appear to be induced after stimulation with several different cytokines, and at least three of them (CIS1, CIS3/SOCS3, and JAB/SOCS1) negatively regulate cytokine signal transduction by various means: CIS1 inhibits STAT5 activation by binding to cytokine receptors that recruit STAT5, whereas JAB/SOCS-1 and CIS3/SOCS-3 directly bind to the kinase domain of JAKs, thereby inhibiting tyrosine-kinase activity. Therefore, these CIS family members seem to function in a classical negative feedback loop of cytokine signaling. Biochemical characterization as well as gene disruption studies indicate that JAB/SOCS1/SSI-1 is an important negative regulator of interferon γ signaling. The mechanisms by which these inhibitors of cytokine signal transduction exert their effects have been extensively studied and will provide useful information for regulating tyrosine-kinase activity.
T Cell Activation and the Cytoskeleton
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 165–184More LessLigation of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) stimulates protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs), which regulate intracellular calcium and control the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes. PTKs activated by antigen receptors and costimulatory molecules also couple to phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and control the activity of Ras- and Rho-family GTPases. T cell signal transduction is triggered physiologically by antigen in the context of antigen presenting cells (APC). The formation of stable and prolonged contacts between T cells and APCs is not neccessary to initiate T cell signaling but is required for effective T cell proliferation and differentiation. The stabilization of the T cell/ APC conjugate is regulated by intracellular signals induced by antigen receptors and costimulators. These coordinate the regulation of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and organize a specialized signaling zone that allows sustained TCR signaling.
The Specific Regulation Of Immune Responses By CD8+ T Cells Restricted By The MHC Class Ib Molecule, Qa-1
Hong Jiang, and Leonard ChessVol. 18 (2000), pp. 185–216More LessOver the last three decades considerable evidence has accumulated that CD8+ T cells regulate peripheral immune responses, in part, by specifically controlling the outgrowth of antigen-triggered CD4+ T cells. This regulatory function of CD8+ T cells has been shown, in vivo, to control the emergence of autoreactive CD4+ T cells as well as CD4+ T cells reactive to conventional antigens, including alloantigens. In this review, we summarize the evidence that this immune suppression mediated by CD8+ T cells is dependent, in part, on specific cognate interactions between MHC class I–restricted regulatory CD8+ cells and antigen-activated CD4+ T cells. Moreover, we review the evidence that regulatory CD8+ T cells recognize antigen-activated CD4+ T cells in a TCR specific manner restricted by the MHC class Ib molecule, Qa-1. The Qa-1 molecule may be uniquely qualified to serve this MHC restrictive function because, unlike conventional MHC molecules, it is preferentially and transiently expressed on activated and not resting CD4+ T cells. This may assure that only recently antigen-activated CD4+ T cells expressing Qa-1/TCR peptide complexes will induce regulatory CD8+ T cells and subsequently become susceptible to regulation. Because Qa-1 also binds to self Qdm peptides that trigger NK (CD94/ NKG2) receptors on CD8+ T cells, the machinery for homeostatic regulation of regulatory CD8+ T cells can be envisioned. Finally, we propose a model by which these TCR specific, Qa-1-restricted regulatory CD8+ T cells selectively downregulate antigen-activated T cells expressing TCRs of certain affinities. Ultimately these regulatory CD8+ T cells control the peripheral TCR repertoire during the course of immune responses to both self and foreign antigens.
The Biology of Chemokines and their Receptors
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 217–242More LessDuring the last five years, the development of bioinformatics and EST databases has been primarily responsible for the identification of many new chemokines and chemokine receptors. The chemokine field has also received considerable attention since chemokine receptors were found to act as co-receptors for HIV infection (1). In addition, chemokines, along with adhesion molecules, are crucial during inflammatory responses for a timely recruitment of specific leukocyte subpopulations to sites of tissue damage. However, chemokines and their receptors are also important in dendritic cell maturation (2), B (3), and T (4) cell development, Th1 and Th2 responses, infections, angiogenesis, and tumor growth as well as metastasis (5). Furthermore, an increase in the number of chemokine/receptor transgenic and knock-out mice has helped to define the functions of chemokines in vivo. In this review we discuss some of the chemokines’ biological effects in vivo and in vitro, described in the last few years, and the implications of these findings when considering chemokine receptors as therapeutic targets.
Dendritic Cells in Cancer Immunotherapy
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 245–273More LessThe potential to harness the potency and specificity of the immune system underlies the growing interest in cancer immunotherapy. One such approach uses bone marrow–derived dendritic cells, phenotypically distinct and extremely potent antigen-presenting cells, to present tumor-associated antigens and thereby generate tumor-specific immunity. Support for this strategy comes from animal studies that have demonstrated that dendritic cells, when loaded ex vivo with tumor antigens and administered to tumor-bearing hosts, can elicit T cell–mediated tumor destruction. These observations have led to clinical trials designed to investigate the immunologic and clinical effects of antigen-loaded dendritic cells administered as a therapeutic vaccine to patients with cancer. In the design and conduct of such trials, important considerations include antigen selection, methods for introducing the antigen into MHC class I and II processing pathways, methods for isolating and activating dendritic cells, and route of administration. Although current dendritic cell–based vaccination methods are cumbersome, promising results from clinical trials in patients with malignant lymphoma, melanoma, and prostate cancer suggest that immunotherapeutic strategies that take advantage of the antigen presenting properties of dendritic cells may ultimately prove both efficacious and widely applicable to human tumors.
CD8+ T Cell Effector Mechanisms in Resistance to Infection
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 275–308More LessBased on T cell subset depletion studies and the analysis of gene knockout mice, it is evident that CD8+ T cells contribute to resistance against intracellular infections with certain viral, protozoan, and bacterial pathogens. Although they are known primarily for their capacity to kill infected cells, CD8+ T cells elaborate a variety of effector mechanisms with the potential to defend against infection. Microbes use multiple strategies to cause infection, and the nature of the pathogenhost interaction may determine which CD8+ T cell effector mechanisms are required for immunity. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the effector functions used by CD8+ T cells in resistance to pathogens. Analyses of mice deficient in perforin and/or Fas demonstrate that cytolysis is critical for immunity against some, but not all, infections and also reveal the contribution of cytolysis to the pathogenesis of disease. The role of CD8+ T cell–derived cytokines in resistance to infection has been analyzed by systemic treatment with neutralizing antibodies and cytokine gene knockout mice. These studies are complicated by the fact that few, if any, cytokines are uniquely produced by CD8+ T cells. Thus, the requirement for CD8+ T cell– derived cytokines in resistance against most pathogens remains to be defined. Finally, recent studies of human CD8+ T cells reveal the potential for novel effector mechanisms in resistance to infection.
Glucocorticoids in T Cell Development and Function*
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 309–345More LessGlucocorticoids are small lipophilic compounds that mediate their many biological effects by binding an intracellular receptor (GR) that, in turn, translocates to the nucleus and directly or indirectly regulates gene transcription. Perhaps the most recognized biologic effect of glucocorticoids on peripheral T cells is immunosuppression, which is due to inhibition of expression of a wide variety of activationinduced gene products. Glucocorticoids have also been implicated in Th lineage development (favoring the generation of Th2 cells) and, by virtue of their downregulation of fasL expression, the inhibition of activation-induced T cell apoptosis. Glucocorticoids are also potent inducers of apoptosis, and even glucocorticoid concentrations achieved during a stress response can cause the death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Perhaps surprisingly, thymic epithelial cells produce glucocorticoids, and based upon in vitro and in vivo studies of T cell development it has been proposed that these locally produced glucocorticoids participate in antigen-specific thymocyte development by inhibiting activation-induced gene transcription and thus increasing the TCR signaling thresholds required to promote positive and negative selection. It is anticipated that studies in animals with tissue-specific GR-deficiency will further elucide how glucocorticoids affect T cell development and function.
Molecular Genetics of Allergic Diseases
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 347–366More LessAllergic diseases affect approximately one third of the general population. This class of disease, characterized by elevated serum IgE levels and hypersensitivity to normally innocuous antigen, can manifest in practically any mucosal tissue or as a systemic response. A few examples of serious allergic diseases include asthma, dermatitis, bee sting allergy, food allergy, conjunctivitis, and severe systemic anaphylaxis. Taken together, allergic diseases constitute one of the major problems of modern day medicine. A considerable portion of the healthcare budget is expended in the treatment of allergic disease, and morbidity rates of inner city asthmatics are rising steadily. Due to the enormity of the problem, there has been a worldwide effort to identify factors that contribute to the etiology of allergic diseases. Epidemiologic studies of multigeneration families and large numbers of twins clearly indicate a strong genetic component to atopic diseases. At least two independently segregating diseasesusceptibility genes are thought to come together with environmental factors to result in allergic inflammation in a particular tissue. On the basis of the strong genetic studies, multiple groups have attempted to identify disease-susceptibility genes via either a candidate gene approach or by genome-wide scans. Both of these approaches have implicated multiple regions in the human and mouse genomes, which are currently being evaluated as harboring putative atopy genes.
Immunology at the Maternal-Fetal Interface: Lessons for T Cell Tolerance and Suppression
A. L. Mellor, and D. H. MunnVol. 18 (2000), pp. 367–391More LessMammalian reproduction poses an immunological paradox because fetal alloantigens encoded by genes inherited from the father should provoke responses by maternal T cells leading to fetal loss. Current understanding of T cell immunobiology and the critical role of inflammatory processes during pregnancy is reviewed and discussed. Lessons derived from studies on the regulation of T cell responsiveness during mammalian gestation are considered in the wider context of T cell tolerance toward some microbial infections and tumors, avoidance of autoimmunity, and tissue allograft rejection.
Regulation of B Lymphocyte Responses to Foreign and Self-Antigens by the CD19/CD21 Complex
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 393–422More LessThe membrane protein complex CD19/CD21 couples the innate immune recognition of microbial antigens by the complement system to the activation of B cells. CD21 binds the C3d fragment of activated C3 that becomes covalently attached to targets of complement activation, and CD19 co-stimulates signaling through the antigen receptor, membrane immunoglobulin. CD21 is also expressed by follicular dendritic cells and mediates the long-term retention of antigen that is required for the maintenance of memory B cells. Understanding of the biology of this receptor complex has been enriched by analyses of genetically modified mice; these analyses have uncovered roles not only in positive responses to foreign antigens, but also in the development of tolerance to self-antigens. Studies of signal transduction have begun to determine the basis for the coreceptor activities of CD19. The integration of innate and adaptive immune recognition at this molecular site on the B cell guides the appropriate selection of antigen by adaptive immunity and emphasizes the importance of this coreceptor complex.
Regulatory T Cells in Autoimmmunity*
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 423–449More LessClonal deletion of autoreactive T cells in the thymus is not the sole mechanism for the induction of tolerance to self-antigens since partial depletion of peripheral CD4+ T cells from neonatal and adult animals results in the development of organ-specific autoimmunity. Reconstitution of these immunodeficient animals with populations of regulatory CD4+T cells prevents the development of autoimmunity. The lineage of regulatory CD4+ T cells is generated in the thymus and can be distinguished from effector cells by the expression of unique membrane antigens. The target antigens for these suppressor populations and their mechanisms of action remain poorly defined. Depletion of regulatory T cells may be useful in the induction of immunity to weak antigens, such as tumor-specific antigens. Conversely, enhancement of regulatory T cell function may be a useful adjunct to the therapy of autoimmune diseases and for prevention of allograft rejection.
Signaling and Transcription in T Helper Development
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 451–494More LessThe recognition of polarized T cell subsets defined by cytokine production was followed by a search to define the factors controlling this phenomenon. Suitable in vitro systems allowed the development of cytokine “recipes” that induced rapid polarization of naïve T cells into Th1 or Th2 populations. The next phase of work over the past several years has begun to define the intracellular processes set into motion during Th1/Th2 development, particularly by the strongly polarizing cytokines IL-12 and IL-4. Although somewhat incomplete, what has emerged is a richly detailed tapestry of signaling and transcription, controlling an important T cell developmental switch. In addition several new mediators of control have emerged, including IL-18, the intriguing Th2-selective T1/ST2 product, and heterogeneity in dendritic cells capable of directing cytokine-independent Th development.
The RAG Proteins and V(D)J Recombination: Complexes, Ends, and Transposition
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 495–527More LessV(D)J recombination proceeds through a series of protein:DNA complexes mediated in part by the RAG1 and RAG2 proteins. These proteins are responsible for sequence-specific DNA recognition and DNA cleavage, and they appear to perform multiple postcleavage roles in the reaction as well. Here we review the interaction of the RAG proteins with DNA, the chemistry of the cleavage reaction, and the higher order complexes in which these events take place. We also discuss postcleavage functions of the RAG proteins, including recent evidence indicating that they initiate the process of coding end processing by nicking hairpin DNA termini. Finally, we discuss the evolutionary and functional implications of the finding that RAG1 and RAG2 constitute a transposase, and we consider RAG protein biochemistry in the context of several bacterial transposition systems. This suggests a model of the RAG protein active site in which two divalent metal ions serve alternating and opposite roles as activators of attacking hydroxyl groups and stabilizers of oxyanion leaving groups.
The Role of the Thymus in Immune Reconstitution in Aging, Bone Marrow Transplantation, and HIV-1 Infection
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 529–560More LessThe human thymus is a complex chimeric organ comprised of central (thymic epithelial space) and peripheral (perivascular space) components that functions well into adult life to produce naive T lymphocytes. Recent advances in identifying thymic emigrants and development of safe methods to study thymic function in vivo in adults have provided new opportunities to understand the role that the human thymus plays in immune reconstitution in aging, in bone marrow transplantation, and in HIV-1 infection. The emerging concept is that there are age-dependent contributions of thymic emigrants and proliferation of postthymic T cells to maintain the peripheral T cell pool and to contribute to T cell regeneration, with the thymus contributing more at younger ages and peripheral T cell expansion contributing more in older subjects. New studies have revealed a dynamic interplay between postnatal thymus output and peripheral T cell pool proliferation, which play important roles in determining the nature of immune reconstitution in congenital immunodeficiency diseases, in bone marrow transplantation, and in HIV-1 infection. In this paper, we review recent data on human postnatal thymus function that, taken together, support the notion that the human thymus is functional well into the sixth decade and plays a role throughout life to optimize human immune system function.
Accessing Complexity: The Dynamics of Virus-Specific T Cell Responses
Vol. 18 (2000), pp. 561–592More LessThe cellular dynamics of the immune system are complex and difficult to measure. Access to this problematic area has been greatly enhanced by the recent development of tetrameric complexes of MHC class I glycoprotein + peptide (tetramers) for the direct staining of freshly isolated, antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Analysis to date with both naturally acquired and experimentally induced infections has established that the numbers of virus-specific CD8+ T cells present during both the acute and memory phases of the host response are more than tenfold in excess of previously suspected values. The levels are such that the virus-specific CD8+ set is readily detected in the human peripheral blood lymphocyte compartment, particularly during persistent infections. Experimentally, it is now possible to measure the extent of cycling for tetramer +CD8+ T cells during the acute and memory phases of the host response to viruses. Dissection of the phenotypic, functional, and molecular diversity of CD8+ T cell populations has been greatly facilitated. It is hoped it will also soon be possible to analyze CD4+ T cell populations in this way. Though these are early days and there is an enormous amount to be done, our perceptions of the shape of virus-specific cell-mediated immunity are changing rapidly.
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