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- Volume 20, 2002
Annual Review of Immunology - Volume 20, 2002
Volume 20, 2002
- Preface
- Review Articles
A Trip Through my Life With an Immunological Theme
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 1–28More LessIn this essay, I make four points about the operation of the immune system. First, thanks to the innate immune system's regulation of the main costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, the immune system rarely mistakes a pathogen for a self-antigen. Second, the adaptive immune system consisting of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes can mistake self for non-self because adaptive immunity is selected in single somatic cells. Third, the adaptive immune system of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes is always referential to self, as it is selected on self-ligands; it persists in the periphery on self-ligands; and at least for T cells, it is dependent on self-ligands to be able to mount a response. Fourth, it is becoming clear that regulatory or suppressor T cells are our main defense against autoimmunity, as my first boss, Richard Gershon, had predicted. These cells recognize antigen as do all T cells, but they secrete the immunoregulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGFβ.
The B7 Family of Ligands and Its Receptors: New Pathways for Costimulation and Inhibition of Immune Responses
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 29–53More LessT cell activation is dependent upon signals delivered through the antigen-specific T cell receptor and accessory receptors on the T cell. A primary costimulatory signal is delivered through the CD28 receptor after engagement of its ligands, B7-1 (CD80) or B7-2 (CD86). Engagement of CTLA-4 (CD152) by the same B7-1 or B7-2 ligands results in attenuation of T cells responses. Recently, molecular homologs of CD28 and CTLA-4 receptors and their B7-like ligands have been identified. ICOS is a CD28-like costimulatory receptor with a unique B7-like ligand. PD-1 is an inhibitory receptor, with two B7-like ligands. Additional members of B7 and CD28 gene families have been proposed. Integration of signals through this family of costimulatory and inhibitory receptors and their ligands is critical for activation of immune responses and tolerance. Understanding these pathways will allow development of new strategies for therapeutic intervention in immune-mediated diseases.
MAP Kinases in the Immune Response
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 55–72More LessMAP kinases are among the most ancient signal transduction pathways and are widely used throughout evolution in many physiological processes. In mammalian species, MAP kinases are involved in all aspects of immune responses, from the initiation phase of innate immunity, to activation of adaptive immunity, and to cell death when immune function is complete. In this review, we summarize recent progress in understanding the function and regulation of MAP kinase pathways in these phases of immune responses.
Prospects for Vaccine Protection Against HIV-1 Infection and AIDS
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 73–99More LessThe rapid and devastating spread of the AIDS epidemic in the developing world as well as the difficulties associated with delivering antiretroviral drugs in affected countries underscore the urgent need for the development of a safe and effective AIDS vaccine. In this review, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of the cellular and humoral immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. We then describe vaccine strategies that have been explored and discuss the evidence suggesting that cellular immune responses elicited by novel vaccine modalities may attenuate clinical disease caused by HIV-1.
T Cell Response in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE): Role of Self and Cross-Reactive Antigens in Shaping, Tuning, and Regulating the Autopathogenic T Cell Repertoire
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 101–123More LessT cells that can respond to self-antigens are present in the peripheral immune repertoire of all healthy individuals. Recently we have found that unmanipulated SJL mice that are highly susceptible to EAE also maintain a very high frequency of T cells responding to an encephalitogenic epitope of a myelin antigen proteolipid protein (PLP) 139-151 in the peripheral repertoire. This is not due to lack of expression of myelin antigens in the thymus resulting in escape of PLP 139-151 reactive cells from central tolerance, but is due to expression of a splice variant of PLP named DM20, which lacks the residues 116-150. In spite of this high frequency, the PLP 139-151 reactive cells remain undifferentiated in the periphery and do not induce spontaneous EAE. In contrast, SJL TCR transgenic mice expressing a receptor derived from a pathogenic T cell clone do develop spontaneous disease. This may be because in normal mice, autoreactive cells are kept in check by an alternate PLP 139-151 reactive nonpathogenic repertoire, which maintains a balance that keeps them healthy. If this is the case, selective activation of one repertoire or the other may alter susceptibility to autoimmune disease. Since T cells are generally cross-reactive, besides responding to nonself-antigens, they also maintain significant responses to self-antigens. Based on the PLP 139-151 system, we propose a model in which activation with foreign antigens can result in the generation of pathogenic memory T cells that mediate autoimmunity. We also outline circumstances under which activation of self-reactive T cells with foreign antigens can generate selective tolerance and thus generate protective/regulatory memory against self while still maintaining significant responses against foreign antigens. This provides a mechanism by which the fidelity and specificity of the immune system against foreign antigens is improved without increasing the potential for developing an autoimmune disease.
Neuroendocrine Regulation of Immunity*
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 125–163More LessA reciprocal regulation exists between the central nervous and immune systems through which the CNS signals the immune system via hormonal and neuronal pathways and the immune system signals the CNS through cytokines. The primary hormonal pathway by which the CNS regulates the immune system is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, through the hormones of the neuroendocrine stress response. The sympathetic nervous system regulates the function of the immune system primarily via adrenergic neurotransmitters released through neuronal routes. Neuroendocrine regulation of immune function is essential for survival during stress or infection and to modulate immune responses in inflammatory disease. Glucocorticoids are the main effector end point of this neuroendocrine system and, through the glucocorticoid receptor, have multiple effects on immune cells and molecules. This review focuses on the regulation of the immune response via the neuroendocrine system. Particular details are presented on the effects of interruptions of this regulatory loop at multiple levels in predisposition and expression of immune diseases and on mechanisms of glucocorticoid effects on immune cells and molecules.
Molecular Mechanism of Class Switch Recombination: Linkage with Somatic Hypermutation
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 165–196More LessClass switch recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM) have been considered to be mediated by different molecular mechanisms because both target DNAs and DNA modification products are quite distinct. However, involvement of activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) in both CSR and SHM has revealed that the two genetic alteration mechanisms are surprisingly similar. Accumulating data led us to propose the following scenario: AID is likely to be an RNA editing enzyme that modifies an unknown pre-mRNA to generate mRNA encoding a nicking endonuclease specific to the stem-loop structure. Transcription of the S and V regions, which contain palindromic sequences, leads to transient denaturation, forming the stem-loop structure that is cleaved by the AID-regulated endonuclease. Cleaved single-strand tails will be processed by error-prone DNA polymerase-mediated gap-filling or exonuclease-mediated resection. Mismatched bases will be corrected or fixed by mismatch repair enzymes. CSR ends are then ligated by the NHEJ system while SHM nicks are repaired by another ligation system.
Innate Immune Recognition
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 197–216More LessThe innate immune system is a universal and ancient form of host defense against infection. Innate immune recognition relies on a limited number of germline-encoded receptors. These receptors evolved to recognize conserved products of microbial metabolism produced by microbial pathogens, but not by the host. Recognition of these molecular structures allows the immune system to distinguish infectious nonself from noninfectious self. Toll-like receptors play a major role in pathogen recognition and initiation of inflammatory and immune responses. Stimulation of Toll-like receptors by microbial products leads to the activation of signaling pathways that result in the induction of antimicrobial genes and inflammatory cytokines. In addition, stimulation of Toll-like receptors triggers dendritic cell maturation and results in the induction of costimulatory molecules and increased antigen-presenting capacity. Thus, microbial recognition by Toll-like receptors helps to direct adaptive immune responses to antigens derived from microbial pathogens.
KIR: Diverse, Rapidly Evolving Receptors of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 217–251More LessKIR genes have evolved in primates to generate a diverse family of receptors with unique structures that enable them to recognize MHC-class I molecules with locus and allele-specificity. Their combinatorial expression creates a repertoire of NK cells that surveys the expression of almost every MHC molecule independently, thus antagonizing the spread of pathogens and tumors that subvert innate and adaptive defense by selectively downregulating certain MHC class I molecules. The genes encoding KIR that recognize classical MHC molecules have diversified rapidly in human and primates; this contrasts with conservation of immunoglobulin- and lectin-like receptors for nonclassical MHC molecules. As a result of the variable KIR-gene content in the genome and the polymorphism of the HLA system, dissimilar numbers and qualities of KIR:HLA pairs function in different humans. This diversity likely contributes variability to the function of NK cells and T-lymphocytes by modulating innate and adaptive immune responses to specific challenges.
Origins and Functions of B-1 Cells with Notes on the Role of CD5
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 253–300More LessWhether B-1a (CD5+) cells are a distinct lineage derived from committed fetal/neonatal precursors or arise from follicular B-2 cells in response to BCR ligation and other, unknown signals remains controversial. Recent evidence indicates that B-1a cells can derive from adult precursors expressing an appropriate specificity when the (self-) antigen is present. Antibody specificity determines whether a B cell expressing immunoglobulin transgenes has a B-2, B-1a or marginal zone (MZ) phenotype. MZ cells share many phenotypic characteristics of B-1 cells and, like them, appear to develop in response to T independent type 2 antigens. Because fetal-derived B cell progenitors fail to express terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and for other reasons, they are likely to express a repertoire that allows selection into the B-1a population. As it is selected by self-antigen, the B-1 repertoire tends to be autoreactive. This potentially dangerous repertoire is also useful, as B-1 cells are essential for resistance to several pathogens and they play an important role in mucosal immunity. The CD5 molecule can function as a negative regulator of BCR signaling that may help prevent inappropriate activation of autoreactive B-1a cells.
E Protein Function in Lymphocyte Development
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 301–322More LessLymphocytes arise from hematopoietic stem cells through the coordinated action of transcription factors. The E proteins (E12, E47, HEB and E2-2) have emerged as key regulators of both B and T lymphocyte differentiation. This review summarizes the current data and examines the various functions of E proteins and their antagonists, Id2 and Id3, throughout lymphoid maturation. Beyond an established role in B and T lineage commitment, E proteins continue to be essential at subsequent stages of development. E protein activity regulates the expression of surrogate and antigen receptor genes, promotes Ig and TCR rearrangements, and coordinates cell survival and proliferation with developmental progression in response to TCR signaling. Finally, this review also discusses the role of E47 as a tumor suppressor.
Lymphocyte-Mediated Cytotoxicity
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 323–370More LessVirtually all of the measurable cell-mediated cytotoxicity delivered by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells comes from either the granule exocytosis pathway or the Fas pathway. The granule exocytosis pathway utilizes perforin to traffic the granzymes to appropriate locations in target cells, where they cleave critical substrates that initiate DNA fragmentation and apoptosis; granzymes A and B induce death via alternate, nonoverlapping pathways. The Fas/FasL system is responsible for activation-induced cell death but also plays an important role in lymphocyte-mediated killing under certain circumstances. The interplay between these two cytotoxic systems provides opportunities for therapeutic interventions to control autoimmune diseases and graft vs. host disease, but oversuppression of these pathways may also lead to increased viral susceptibility and/or decreased tumor cell killing.
Signal Transduction Mediated by the T Cell Antigen Receptor: The Role of Adapter Proteins*
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 371–394More LessEngagement of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) leads to a complex series of molecular changes at the plasma membrane, in the cytoplasm, and at the nucleus that lead ultimately to T cell effector function. Activation at the TCR of a set of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) is an early event in this process. This chapter reviews some of the critical substrates of these PTKs, the adapter proteins that, following phosphorylation on tyrosine residues, serve as binding sites for many of the critical effector enzymes and other adapter proteins required for T cell activation. The role of these adapters in binding various proteins, the interaction of adapters with plasma membrane microdomains, and the function of adapter proteins in control of the cytoskeleton are discussed.
Interaction of Heat Shock Proteins with Peptides and Antigen Presenting Cells: Chaperoning of the Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 395–425More LessHeat shock proteins are abundant soluble intracellular proteins, present in all cells. Members of the heat shock protein family bind peptides including antigenic peptides generated within cells. Heat shock proteins also interact with antigen presenting cells through CD91 and other receptors, eliciting a cascade of events including re-presentation of heat shock protein-chaperoned peptides by MHC, translocation of NFκB into the nuclei and maturation of dendritic cells. These consequences point to a key role of heat shock proteins in fundamental immunological phenomena such as activation of antigen presenting cells, indirect presentation (or cross-priming), and chaperoning of peptides during antigen presentation. Heat shock proteins appear to have been involved in innate immune responses since the emergence of phagocytes in early multicellular organisms and to have been commandeered for adaptive immune responses with the advent of specificity. These properties of heat shock proteins also allow them to be used for immunotherapy of cancers and infections in novel ways.
Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation in the Immune System
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 427–462More LessThe development of the immune system and the host response to microbial infection rely on the activation and silencing of numerous, differentially expressed genes. Since the mid-1980s, a primary goal has been to identify transcription factors that regulate specific genes and specific immunological processes. More recently, there has been a growing appreciation of the role of chromatin structure in gene regulation. Before most activators of a gene access their binding sites, a transition from a condensed to a decondensed chromatin structure appears to take place. The activation of transcription is then accompanied by the remodeling of specific nucleosomes. Conversely, the acquisition of a more condensed chromatin structure is often associated with gene silencing. Chromatin structure is a particularly significant contributor to gene regulation because it is likely to be a major determinant of cell identity and cell memory. That is, the propagation of decondensed chromatin at specific loci through DNA replication and cell division helps a cell remember which genes are expressed constitutively in that cell type or are poised for expression upon exposure to a stimulus. Here we review recent progress toward understanding the role of chromatin in the immune system. The interleukin-4 gene serves as a primary model for exploring the events involved in the acquisition and heritable maintenance of a decondensed chromatin structure. Studies of the interleukin-12 p40 and interferon-β genes are then reviewed for insight into the mechanisms by which the remodeling of specific nucleosomes in the vicinity of a promoter can contribute to rapid activation following cell stimulation. Finally, basic principles of gene silencing are discussed.
Producing Nature’s Gene-Chips: The Generation of Peptides for Display by MHC Class I Molecules
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 463–493More LessGene-chips contain thousands of nucleotide sequences that allow simultaneous analysis of the complex mixture of RNAs transcribed in cells. Like these gene-chips, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules display a large array of peptides on the cell surface for probing by the CD8+ T cell repertoire. The peptide mixture represents fragments of most, if not all, intracellular proteins. The antigen processing machinery accomplishes the daunting task of sampling these proteins and cleaving them into the precise set of peptides displayed by MHC I molecules. It has long been believed that antigenic peptides arose as by-products of normal protein turnover. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the primary source of peptides is newly synthesized proteins that arise from conventional as well as cryptic translational reading frames. It is increasingly clear that for many peptides the C-terminus is generated in the cytoplasm, and N-terminal trimming occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum in an MHC I–dependent manner. Nature's gene-chips are thus both parsimonious and elegant.
The Immunology of Mucosal Models of Inflammation1
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 495–549More LessIn recent years the status of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) as canonical autoimmune diseases has risen steadily with the recognition that these diseases are, at their crux, abnormalities in mucosal responses to normally harmless antigens in the mucosal microflora and therefore responses to antigens that by their proximity and persistence are equivalent to self-antigens. This new paradigm is in no small measure traceable to the advent of multiple models of mucosal inflammation whose very existence is indicative of the fact that many types of immune imbalance can lead to loss of tolerance for mucosal antigens and thus inflammation centered in the gastrointestinal tract. We analyze the immunology of the IBDs through the lens of the murine models, first by drawing attention to their common features and then by considering individual models at a level of detail necessary to reveal their individual capacities to provide insight into IBD pathogenesis. What emerges is that murine models of mucosal inflammation have given us a road map that allows us to begin to define the immunology of the IBDs in all its complexity and to find unexpected ways to treat these diseases.
T Cell Memory
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 551–579More LessTypical immune responses lead to prominent clonal expansion of antigen-specific T and B cells followed by differentiation into effector cells. Most effector cells die at the end of the immune response but some of these cells survive and form long-lived memory cells. The factors controlling the formation and survival of memory T cells are reviewed.
Genetic Dissection of Immunity to Mycobacteria: The Human Model
Vol. 20 (2002), pp. 581–620More LessHumans are exposed to a variety of environmental mycobacteria (EM), and most children are inoculated with live Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. In addition, most of the world's population is occasionally exposed to human-borne mycobacterial species, which are less abundant but more virulent. Although rarely pathogenic, mildly virulent mycobacteria, including BCG and most EM, may cause a variety of clinical diseases. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. leprae, and EM M. ulcerans are more virulent, causing tuberculosis, leprosy, and Buruli ulcer, respectively. Remarkably, only a minority of individuals develop clinical disease, even if infected with virulent mycobacteria. The interindividual variability of clinical outcome is thought to result in part from variability in the human genes that control host defense. In this well-defined microbiological and clinical context, the principles of mouse immunology and the methods of human genetics can be combined to facilitate the genetic dissection of immunity to mycobacteria. The natural infections are unique to the human model, not being found in any of the animal models of experimental infection. We review current genetic knowledge concerning the simple and complex inheritance of predisposition to mycobacterial diseases in humans. Rare patients with Mendelian disorders have been found to be vulnerable to BCG, a few EM, and M. tuberculosis. Most cases of presumed Mendelian susceptibility to these and other mycobacterial species remain unexplained. In the general population leprosy and tuberculosis have been shown to be associated with certain human genetic polymorphisms and linked to certain chromosomal regions. The causal vulnerability genes themselves have yet to be identified and their pathogenic alleles immunologically validated. The studies carried out to date have been fruitful, initiating the genetic dissection of protective immunity against a variety of mycobacterial species in natural conditions of infection. The human model has potential uses beyond the study of mycobacterial infections and may well become a model of choice for the investigation of immunity to infectious agents.
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