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Annual Review of Immunology - Volume 32, 2014
Volume 32, 2014
Endless Fascination*
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 1–24More LessEach of us fortunate enough to have had a career in experimental science has a tale to tell, often one with surprising twists and turns, full of lessons that can help guide those embarking on a similar journey. At the very least, a well-written recounting of a career can be entertaining. I offer my memory's version of my career in immunology and hope the readers will find it of value or at least of interest.
The Interaction Between Signal Regulatory Protein Alpha (SIRPα) and CD47: Structure, Function, and Therapeutic Target
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 25–50More LessCD47 is a broadly expressed membrane protein that interacts with the myeloid inhibitory immunoreceptor SIRPα (also termed CD172a or SHPS-1). SIRPα is the prototypic member of the SIRP paired receptor family of closely related SIRP proteins. Engagement of SIRPα by CD47 provides a downregulatory signal that inhibits host cell phagocytosis, and CD47 therefore functions as a “don't-eat-me” signal. Here, we discuss recent structural analysis of CD47-SIRPα interactions and implications of this for the function and evolution of SIRPα and paired receptors in general. Furthermore, we review the proposed roles of CD47-SIRPα interactions in phagocytosis, (auto)immunity, and host defense, as well as its potential significance as a therapeutic target in cancer and inflammation and for improving graft survival in xenotransplantation.
TGF-β Activation and Function in Immunity
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 51–82More LessThe cytokine TGF-β plays an integral role in regulating immune responses. TGF-β has pleiotropic effects on adaptive immunity, especially in the regulation of effector and regulatory CD4+ T cell responses. Many immune and nonimmune cells can produce TGF-β, but it is always produced as an inactive complex that must be activated to exert functional effects. Thus, activation of latent TGF-β provides a crucial layer of regulation that controls TGF-β function. In this review, we highlight some of the important functional roles for TGF-β in immunity, focusing on its context-specific roles in either dampening or promoting T cell responses. We also describe how activation of TGF-β controls its function in the immune system, with a focus on the key roles for members of the integrin family in this process.
Tyrosine Phosphatase PTPN22: Multifunctional Regulator of Immune Signaling, Development, and Disease
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 83–119More LessInheritance of a coding variant of the protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene is associated with increased susceptibility to autoimmunity and infection. Efforts to elucidate the mechanisms by which the PTPN22-C1858T variant modulates disease risk revealed that PTPN22 performs a signaling function in multiple biochemical pathways and cell types. Capable of both enzymatic activity and adaptor functions, PTPN22 modulates signaling through antigen and innate immune receptors. PTPN22 plays roles in lymphocyte development and activation, establishment of tolerance, and innate immune cell–mediated host defense and immunoregulation. The disease-associated PTPN22-R620W variant protein is likely involved in multiple stages of the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. Establishment of a tolerant B cell repertoire is disrupted by PTPN22-R620W action during immature B cell selection, and PTPN22-R620W alters mature T cell responsiveness. However, after autoimmune attack has initiated tissue injury, PTPN22-R620W may foster inflammation through modulating the balance of myeloid cell–produced cytokines.
γδ T Cells: First Line of Defense and Beyond
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 121–155More Lessγδ T cells, αβ T cells, and B cells are present together in all but the most primitive vertebrates, suggesting that each population contributes to host immune competence uniquely and that all three are necessary for maintaining immune competence. Functional and molecular analyses indicate that in infections, γδ T cells respond earlier than αβ T cells do and that they emerge late after pathogen numbers start to decline. Thus, these cells may be involved in both establishing and regulating the inflammatory response. Moreover, γδ T cells and αβ T cells are clearly distinct in their antigen recognition and activation requirements as well as in the development of their antigen-specific repertoire and effector function. These aspects allow γδ T cells to occupy unique temporal and functional niches in host immune defense. We review these and other advances in γδ T cell biology in the context of their being the major initial IL-17 producers in acute infection.
Malaria Immunity in Man and Mosquito: Insights into Unsolved Mysteries of a Deadly Infectious Disease*
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 157–187More LessMalaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by parasites of the obligate intracellular Apicomplexa phylum the most deadly of which, Plasmodium falciparum, prevails in Africa. Malaria imposes a huge health burden on the world's most vulnerable populations, claiming the lives of nearly one million children and pregnant women each year. Although there is keen interest in eradicating malaria, we do not yet have the necessary tools to meet this challenge, including an effective malaria vaccine and adequate vector control strategies. Here we review what is known about the mechanisms at play in immune resistance to malaria in both the human and mosquito hosts at each step in the parasite's complex life cycle with a view toward developing the tools that will contribute to the prevention of disease and death and, ultimately, to the goal of malaria eradication. In so doing, we hope to inspire immunologists to participate in defeating this devastating disease.
Adoptive Immunotherapy for Cancer or Viruses
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 189–225More LessAdoptive immunotherapy, or the infusion of lymphocytes, is a promising approach for the treatment of cancer and certain chronic viral infections. The application of the principles of synthetic biology to enhance T cell function has resulted in substantial increases in clinical efficacy. The primary challenge to the field is to identify tumor-specific targets to avoid off-tumor, on-target toxicity. Given recent advances in efficacy in numerous pilot trials, the next steps in clinical development will require multicenter trials to establish adoptive immunotherapy as a mainstream technology.
Immunology of Psoriasis
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 227–255More LessThe skin is the front line of defense against insult and injury and contains many epidermal and immune elements that comprise the skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT). The reaction of these components to injury allows an effective cutaneous response to restore homeostasis. Psoriasis vulgaris is the best-understood and most accessible human disease that is mediated by T cells and dendritic cells. Inflammatory myeloid dendritic cells release IL-23 and IL-12 to activate IL-17-producing T cells, Th1 cells, and Th22 cells to produce abundant psoriatic cytokines IL-17, IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-22. These cytokines mediate effects on keratinocytes to amplify psoriatic inflammation. Therapeutic studies with anticytokine antibodies have shown the importance of the key cytokines IL-23, TNF, and IL-17 in this process. We discuss the genetic background of psoriasis and its relationship to immune function, specifically genetic mutations, key PSORS loci, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and the skin transcriptome. The association between comorbidities and psoriasis is reviewed by correlating the skin transcriptome and serum proteins. Psoriasis-related cytokine-response pathways are considered in the context of the transcriptome of different mouse models. This approach offers a model for other inflammatory skin and autoimmune diseases.
Immunology of Relapse and Remission in Multiple Sclerosis
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 257–281More LessEighty percent of individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) initially develop a clinical pattern with periodic relapses followed by remissions, called relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). This period of fluctuating disease may last for a decade or more. Clinical relapses reflect acute inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS), composed of the brain and spinal cord. Often, different anatomic areas in the CNS are involved each time a relapse occurs, resulting in varied clinical manifestations in each instance. Relapses are nearly always followed by some degree of remission, though recovery to baseline status before the flare is often incomplete. There are nine approved drugs for treatment of RRMS. The most potent drug for inhibiting relapses, the humanized anti-α4 integrin antibody known as Natalizumab, blocks homing of mononuclear cells to the CNS. The mechanisms of action of the approved drugs for RRMS provide a strong foundation for understanding the pathobiology of the relapse. Despite substantial progress in controlling relapses with the current armamentarium of medications, there is much to learn and ever more effective and safe therapies to develop.
Transcriptional Control of Early T and B Cell Developmental Choices
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 283–321More LessT and B cells share a common somatic gene rearrangement mechanism for assembling the genes that code for their antigen receptors; they also have developmental pathways with many parallels. Shared usage of basic helix-loop-helix E proteins as transcriptional drivers underlies these common features. However, the transcription factor networks in which these E proteins are embedded are different both in membership and in architecture for T and B cell gene regulatory programs. These differences permit lineage commitment decisions to be made in different hierarchical orders. Furthermore, in contrast to B cell gene networks, the T cell gene network architecture for effector differentiation is sufficiently modular so that E protein inputs can be removed. Complete T cell–like effector differentiation can proceed without T cell receptor rearrangement or selection when E proteins are neutralized, yielding natural killer and other innate lymphoid cells.
Biology of CD1- and MR1-Restricted T Cells
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 323–366More LessOver the past 15 years, investigators have shown that T lymphocytes can recognize not only peptides in the context of MHC class I and class II molecules but also foreign and self-lipids in association with the nonclassical MHC class I–like molecules, CD1 proteins. In this review, we describe the most recent events in the field, with particular emphasis on (a) structural and functional aspects of lipid presentation by CD1 molecules, (b) the development of CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells and transcription factors required for their differentiation, (c) the ability of iNKT cells to modulate innate and adaptive immune responses through their cross talk with lymphoid and myeloid cells, and (d) MR1-restricted and group I (CD1a, CD1b, and CD1c)–restricted T cells.
Microglia Development and Function*
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 367–402More LessProper development and function of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) depend critically on the activity of parenchymal sentinels referred to as microglia. Although microglia were first described as ramified brain-resident phagocytes, research conducted over the past century has expanded considerably upon this narrow view and ascribed many functions to these dynamic CNS inhabitants. Microglia are now considered among the most versatile cells in the body, possessing the capacity to morphologically and functionally adapt to their ever-changing surroundings. Even in a resting state, the processes of microglia are highly dynamic and perpetually scan the CNS. Microglia are in fact vital participants in CNS homeostasis, and dysregulation of these sentinels can give rise to neurological disease. In this review, we discuss the exciting developments in our understanding of microglial biology, from their developmental origin to their participation in CNS homeostasis and pathophysiological states such as neuropsychiatric disorders, neurodegeneration, sterile injury responses, and infectious diseases. We also delve into the world of microglial dynamics recently uncovered using real-time imaging techniques.
The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: Multitasking in the Immune System
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 403–432More LessThe aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), for many years almost exclusively studied by the pharmacology/toxicology field for its role in mediating the toxicity of xenobiotics such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), has more recently attracted the attention of immunologists. The evolutionary conservation of this transcription factor and its widespread expression in the immune system point to important physiological functions that are slowly being unraveled. In particular, the emphasis is now shifting from the role of AhR in the xenobiotic pathway toward its mode of action in response to physiological ligands. In this article, we review the current understanding of the molecular interactions and functions of AhR in the immune system in steady state and in the presence of infection and inflammation, with a focus on barrier organs such as the skin, the gut, and the lung.
Complement and Its Receptors: New Insights into Human Disease
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 433–459More LessAlthough new activation and regulatory mechanisms are still being identified, the basic architecture of the complement system has been known for decades. Two major roles of complement are to control certain bacterial infections and to promote clearance of apoptotic cells. In addition, although inappropriate complement activation has long been proposed to cause tissue damage in human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whether this is indeed true has been uncertain. However, recent studies in humans, especially those using newly available biological therapeutics, have now clearly demonstrated the pathophysiologic importance of the complement system in several rare diseases. Beyond these conditions, recent genetic studies have strongly supported an injurious role for complement in a wide array of human inflammatory, degenerative, and autoimmune diseases. This review includes an overview of complement activation, regulatory, and effector mechanisms. It then focuses on new understandings gained from genetic studies, ex vivo analyses, therapeutic trials, and animal models as well as on new research opportunities.
Innate Immune Sensing and Signaling of Cytosolic Nucleic Acids
Jiaxi Wu, and Zhijian J. ChenVol. 32 (2014), pp. 461–488More LessThe innate immune system utilizes pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) to detect the invasion of pathogens and initiate host antimicrobial responses such as the production of type I interferons and proinflammatory cytokines. Nucleic acids, which are essential genetic information carriers for all living organisms including viral, bacterial, and eukaryotic pathogens, are major structures detected by the innate immune system. However, inappropriate detection of self nucleic acids can result in autoimmune diseases. PRRs that recognize nucleic acids in cells include several endosomal members of the Toll-like receptor family and several cytosolic sensors for DNA and RNA. Here, we review the recent advances in understanding the mechanism of nucleic acid sensing and signaling in the cytosol of mammalian cells as well as the emerging role of cytosolic nucleic acids in autoimmunity.
Chromatin Contributions to the Regulation of Innate Immunity
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 489–511More LessA fundamental property of cells of the innate immune system is their ability to elicit a transcriptional response to a microbial stimulus or danger signal with a high degree of cell type and stimulus specificity. The selective response activates effector pathways to control the insult and plays a central role in regulating adaptive immunity through the differential regulation of cytokine genes. Selectivity is dictated by signaling pathways and their transcription factor targets. However, a growing body of evidence supports models in which different subsets of genes exhibit distinct chromatin features that play active roles in shaping the response. Chromatin also participates in innate memory mechanisms that can promote tolerance to a stimulus or prime cells for a more robust response. These findings have generated interest in the capacity to modulate chromatin regulators with small-molecule compounds for the treatment of diseases associated with innate or adaptive immunity.
Interferon-Stimulated Genes: A Complex Web of Host Defenses
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 513–545More LessInterferon-stimulated gene (ISG) products take on a number of diverse roles. Collectively, they are highly effective at resisting and controlling pathogens. In this review, we begin by introducing interferon (IFN) and the JAK-STAT signaling pathway to highlight features that impact ISG production. Next, we describe ways in which ISGs both enhance innate pathogen-sensing capabilities and negatively regulate signaling through the JAK-STAT pathway. Several ISGs that directly inhibit virus infection are described with an emphasis on those that impact early and late stages of the virus life cycle. Finally, we describe ongoing efforts to identify and characterize antiviral ISGs, and we provide a forward-looking perspective on the ISG landscape.
Systems-Level Analysis of Innate Immunity
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 547–577More LessSystems-level analysis of biological processes strives to comprehensively and quantitatively evaluate the interactions between the relevant molecular components over time, thereby enabling development of models that can be employed to ultimately predict behavior. Rapid development in measurement technologies (omics), when combined with the accessible nature of the cellular constituents themselves, is allowing the field of innate immunity to take significant strides toward this lofty goal. In this review, we survey exciting results derived from systems biology analyses of the immune system, ranging from gene regulatory networks to influenza pathogenesis and systems vaccinology.
Antigen Presentation in the Autoimmune Diabetes of the NOD Mouse
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 579–608More LessThis paper reviews the presentation of peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules in the autoimmune diabetes of the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse. Islets of Langerhans contain antigen-presenting cells that capture the proteins and peptides of the beta cells' secretory granules. Peptides bound to I-Ag7, the unique MHC class II molecule of NOD mice, are presented in islets and in pancreatic lymph nodes. The various beta cell–derived peptides interact with selected CD4 T cells to cause inflammation and beta cell demise. Many autoreactive T cells are found in NOD mice, but not all have a major role in the initiation of the autoimmune process. I emphasize here the evidence pointing to insulin autoreactivity as a seminal component in the diabetogenic process.
Metabolic Regulation of Immune Responses
Vol. 32 (2014), pp. 609–634More LessThe immune system defends against pathogens and maintains tissue homeostasis for the life of the organism. These diverse functions are bioenergetically expensive, requiring precise control of cellular metabolic pathways. Although initial observations in this area were made almost a century ago, studies over the past decade have elucidated the molecular basis for how extracellular signals control the uptake and catabolism of nutrients in quiescent and activated immune cells. Collectively, these studies have revealed that the metabolic pathways of oxidative metabolism, glycolysis, and glutaminolysis preferentially fuel the cell fate decisions and effector functions of immune cells. Here, we discuss these findings and provide a general framework for understanding how metabolism fuels and regulates the maturation of immune responses. A better understanding of the metabolic checkpoints that control these transitions might provide new insights for modulating immunity in infection, cancer, or inflammatory disorders.
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