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Annual Review of Immunology - Volume 19, 2001
Volume 19, 2001
- Review Articles
Specificity and Degeneracy in Antigen Recognition: Yin and Yang in the Immune System
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 1–21More LessOne of the hallmarks of the immune system is specificity, a concept based on innumerable observations that antibodies react with the substance that elicited their production and only a few other structurally similar substances. The study of T cells has begun to suggest, however, that in responses mediated by their antibody-like receptors (T cell receptor or TCR) an individual T cell, expressing a singular TCR, can discriminate as exquisitely among antigens as the most specific antibodies but also exhibit “degeneracy”: i.e., it can react with many disparate antigens (peptide-MHC complexes). An explanation for this duality (specificity and degeneracy) can be found in (i) the powerful amplifying signal transduction cascades that allow a T cell to respond to the stable engagement of very few TCR molecules, initially perhaps only one or two out of around 100,000 per cell, by their natural ligands (peptide-MHC complexes or epitopes on antigen-presenting cells—or APC) and (ii) the inverse relationship between TCR affinity for epitopes and epitope density (the number of copies of an epitope per APC). Older observations on the excess of total globulin production over specific antibody production in response to conventional immunization procedures suggest that B cells also exhibit degeneracy, as well as specificity. These views are developed against a backdrop describing how the author became interested in the immune system and has pursued that interest.
“…a concept of science drawn from … [textbooks] … is no more likely to fit the enterprise that produced them than an image of a national culture drawn from a tourist brochure.”
Thomas Kuhn, Structure Of Scientific Revolutions
In Vivo Activation of Antigen-Specific CD4 T Cells
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 23–45More LessPhysical detection of antigen-specific CD4 T cells has revealed features of the in vivo immune response that were not appreciated from in vitro studies. In vivo, antigen is initially presented to naïve CD4 T cells exclusively by dendritic cells within the T cell areas of secondary lymphoid tissues. Anatomic constraints make it likely that these dendritic cells acquire the antigen at the site where it enters the body. Inflammation enhances in vivo T cell activation by stimulating dendritic cells to migrate to the T cell areas and display stable peptide-MHC complexes and costimulatory ligands. Once stimulated by a dendritic cell, antigen-specific CD4 T cells produce IL-2 but proliferate in an IL-2–independent fashion. Inflammatory signals induce chemokine receptors on activated T cells that direct their migration into the B cell areas to interact with antigen-specific B cells. Most of the activated T cells then die within the lymphoid tissues. However, in the presence of inflammation, a population of memory T cells survives. This population is composed of two functional classes. One recirculates through nonlymphoid tissues and is capable of immediate effector lymphokine production. The other recirculates through lymph nodes and quickly acquires the capacity to produce effector lymphokines if stimulated. Therefore, antigenic stimulation in the presence of inflammation produces an increased number of specific T cells capable of producing effector lymphokines throughout the body.
Cross-Presentation, Dendritic Cells, Tolerance and Immunity
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 47–64More LessThis review examines the role of cross-presentation in tolerance and immunity. We discuss (a) the antigenic requirements for cross-presentation, (b) the phenotype of the antigen presenting cell (APC), (c) the cellular interactions and molecular signals involved in cross-priming, and (d) the factors that direct the immune system toward tolerance or immunity. A large part of this review is dedicated to summarizing our current knowledge of the cross-presenting APC.
Noncytolytic Control of Viral Infections by the Innate and Adaptive ImmuneResponse
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 65–91More LessThis review describes the contribution of noncytolytic mechanisms to the control of viral infections with a particular emphasis on the role of cytokines in these processes. It has long been known that most cell types in the body respond to an incoming viral infection by rapidly secreting antiviral cytokines such as interferon alpha/beta (IFN-α/β). After binding to specific receptors on the surface of infected cells, IFN-α/β has the potential to trigger the activation of multiple noncytolytic intracellular antiviral pathways that can target many steps in the viral life cycle, thereby limiting the amplification and spread of the virus and attenuating the infection. Clearance of established viral infections, however, requires additional functions of the immune response. The accepted dogma is that complete clearance of intracellular viruses by the immune response depends on the destruction of infected cells by the effector cells of the innate and adaptive immune system [natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T cells (CTLs)]. This notion, however, has been recently challenged by experimental evidence showing that much of the antiviral potential of these cells reflects their ability to produce antiviral cytokines such as IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α at the site of the infection. Indeed, these cytokines can purge viruses from infected cells noncytopathically as long as the cell is able to activate antiviral mechanisms and the virus is sensitive to them. Importantly, the same cytokines also control viral infections indirectly, by modulating the induction, amplification, recruitment, and effector functions of the immune response and by upregulating antigen processing and display of viral epitopes at the surface of infected cells. In keeping with these concepts, it is not surprising that a number of viruses encode proteins that have the potential to inhibit the antiviral activity of cytokines.
Immunology of Tuberculosis
JoAnne L. Flynn, and John ChanVol. 19 (2001), pp. 93–129More LessThe resurgence of tuberculosis worldwide has intensified research efforts directed at examining the host defense and pathogenic mechanisms operative in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. This review summarizes our current understanding of the host immune response, with emphasis on the roles of macrophages, T cells, and the cytokine/chemokine network in engendering protective immunity. Specifically, we summarize studies addressing the ability of the organism to survive within macrophages by controlling phagolysosome fusion. The recent studies on Toll-like receptors and the impact on the innate response to M. tuberculosis are discussed. We also focus on the induction, specificity, and effector functions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and the roles of cytokines and chemokines in the induction and effector functions of the immune response. Presentation of mycobacterial antigens by MHC class I, class II, and CD1 as well as the implications of these molecules sampling various compartments of the cell for presentation to T cells are discussed. Increased attention to this disease and the integration of animal models and human studies have afforded us a greater understanding of tuberculosis and the steps necessary to combat this infection. The pace of this research must be maintained if we are to realize an effective vaccine in the next decades.
Tolerance to Islet Autoantigens in Type 1 Diabetes
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 131–161More LessTolerance to β cell autoantigens represents a fragile equilibrium. Autoreactive T cells specific to these autoantigens are present in most normal individuals but are kept under control by a number of peripheral tolerance mechanisms, among which CD4+ CD25+ CD62L+ T cell–mediated regulation probably plays a central role. The equilibrium may be disrupted by inappropriate activation of autoantigen-specific T cells, notably following to local inflammation that enhances the expression of the various molecules contributing to antigen recognition by T cells. Even when T cell activation finally overrides regulation, stimulation of regulatory cells by CD3 antibodies may reset the control of autoimmunity. Other procedures may also lead to disease prevention. These procedures are essentially focused on Th2 cytokines, whether used systemically or produced by Th2 cells after specific stimulation by autoantigens. Protection can also be obtained by NK T cell stimulation. Administration of β cell antigens or CD3 antibodies is now being tested in clinical trials in prediabetics and/or recently diagnosed diabetes.
Anti-TNFα Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis: What Have We Learned?
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 163–196More LessRheumatoid arthritis (RA), a systemic disease, is characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction in the synovium of joints and is associated with degeneration of cartilage and erosion of juxta-articular bone. Many pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNFα, chemokines, and growth factors are expressed in diseased joints. The rationale that TNFα played a central role in regulating these molecules, and their pathophysiological potential, was initially provided by the demonstration that anti-TNFα antibodies added to in vitro cultures of a representative population of cells derived from diseased joints inhibited the spontaneous production of IL-1 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines. Systemic administration of anti-TNFα antibody or sTNFR fusion protein to mouse models of RA was shown to be anti-inflammatory and joint protective. Clinical investigations in which the activcity of TNFα in RA patients was blocked with intravenously administered infliximab, a chimeric anti-TNFα monoclonal antibody (mAB), has provided evidence that TNF regulates IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, and VEGF production, recruitment of immune and inflammatory cells into joints, angiogenesis, and reduction of blood levels of matrix metalloproteinases-1 and -3. Randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-center clinical trials of human TNFα inhibitors have demonstrated their consistent and remarkable efficacy in controlling signs and symptoms, with a favorable safety profile, in approximately two thirds of patients for up to 2 years, and their ability to retard joint damage. Infliximab (a mAB), and etanercept (a sTNF-R-Fc fusion protein) have been approved by regulatory authorities in the United States and Europe for treating RA, and they represent a significant new addition to available therapeutic options.
Activating Receptors and Coreceptors Involved in Human Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytolysis
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 197–223More LessNatural killer cells can discriminate between normal cells and cells that do not express adequate amounts of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. The discovery, both in mouse and in human, of MHC-specific inhibitory receptors clarified the molecular basis of this important NK cell function. However, the triggering receptors responsible for positive NK cell stimulation remained elusive until recently. Some of these receptors have now been identified in humans, thus shedding some light on the molecular mechanisms involved in NK cell activation during the process of natural cytotoxicity. Three novel, NK-specific, triggering surface molecules (NKp46, NKp30, and NKp44) have been identified. They represent the first members of a novel emerging group of receptors collectively termed natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCR). Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to NCR block to differing extents the NK-mediated lysis of various tumors. Moreover, lysis of certain tumors can be virtually abrogated by the simultaneous masking of the three NCRs. There is a coordinated surface expression of the three NCRs, their surface density varying in different individuals and also in the NK cells isolated from a given individual. A direct correlation exists between the surface density of NCR and the ability of NK cells to kill various tumors. NKp46 is the only NCR involved in human NK-mediated killing of murine target cells. Accordingly, a homologue of NKp46 has been detected in mouse. Molecular cloning of NCR revealed novel members of the Ig superfamily displaying a low degree of similarity to each other and to known human molecules. NCRs are coupled to different signal transducing adaptor proteins, including CD3ζ, Fc∍RIγ, and KARAP/DAP12. Another triggering NK receptor is NKG2D. It appears to play either a complementary or a synergistic role with NCRs. Thus, the triggering of NK cells in the process of tumor cell lysis may often depend on the concerted action of NCR and NKG2D. In some instances, however, it may uniquely depend upon the activity of NCR or NKG2D only. Strict NKG2D-dependency can be appreciated using clones that, in spite of their NCRdull phenotype, efficiently lyse certain epithelial tumors or leukemic cell lines. Other triggering surface molecules including 2B4 and the novel NKp80 appear to function as coreceptors rather than as true receptors. Indeed, they can induce natural cytotoxicity only when co-engaged with a triggering receptor. While an altered expression or function of NCR or NKG2D is being explored as a possible cause of immunological disorders, 2B4 dysfunction has already been associated with a severe form of immunodeficiency. Indeed, in patients with the X-linked lymphoproliferative disease, the inability to control Epstein-Barr virus infections may be consequent to a major dysfunction of 2B4 that exerts inhibitory instead of activating functions.
Complexities of CD28/B7: CTLA-4 Costimulatory Pathways in Autoimmunity and Transplantation
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 225–252More LessRecent advances in the understanding of T cell activation have led to new therapeutic approaches in the treatment of immunological disorders. One attractive target of intervention has been the blockade of T cell costimulatory pathways, which result in more selective effects on only those T cells that have encountered specific antigen. In fact, in some instances, costimulatory pathway antagonists can induce antigen-specific tolerance that prevents the progression of autoimmune diseases and organ graft rejection. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of these complex costimulatory pathways including the individual roles of the CD28, CTLA-4, B7-1 (CD80), and B7-2 (CD86) molecules. We present evidence that suggests that multiple mechanisms contribute to CD28/B7-mediated T cell costimulation in disease settings that include expansion of activated pathogenic T cells, differentiation of Th1/Th2 cells, and the migration of T cells into target tissues. Additionally, the negative regulatory role of CTLA-4 in autoimmune diseases and graft rejection supports a dynamic but complex process of immune regulation that is prominent in the control of self-reactivity. This is most apparent in regulation of the CD4+CD25+CTLA-4+ immunoregulatory T cells that control multiple autoimmune diseases. The implications of these complexities and the potential for use of these therapies in clinical immune intervention are discussed.
GP120: Biologic Aspects of Structural Features
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 253–274More Less▪ AbstractHIV-1 particles are decorated with a network of densely arranged envelope spikes on their surface. Each spike is formed of a trimer of heterodimers of the gp120 surface and the gp41 transmembrane glycoproteins. These molecules mediate HIV-1 entry into target cells, initiating the HIV-1 replication cycle. They are a target for entry-blocking drugs and for neutralizing Abs that could contribute to vaccine protection. The crystal structure of the core of gp120 has been recently solved. It reveals the structure of the conserved HIV-1 receptor binding sites and some of the mechanisms evolved by HIV-1 to escape Ab responses. The gp120 consists of three faces. One is largely inaccessible on the native trimer, and two faces are exposed but apparently have low immunogenicity, particularly on primary viruses. We have modeled HIV-1 neutralization by a CD4 binding site monoclonal Ab, and we propose that neutralization takes place by inhibition of the interaction between gp120 and the target cell membrane receptors as a result of steric hindrance. Knowledge of gp120 structure and function should assist in the design of new drugs as well as of an effective vaccine. In the latter case, circumventing the low immunogenicity of the HIV-1 envelope spike is a major challenge.
IgG Fc Receptors
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 275–290More LessSince the description of the first mouse knockout for an IgG Fc receptor seven years ago, considerable progress has been made in defining the in vivo functions of these receptors in diverse biological systems. The role of activating FcγRs in providing a critical link between ligands and effector cells in type II and type III inflammation is now well established and has led to a fundamental revision of the significance of these receptors in initiating cellular responses in host defense, in determining the efficacy of therapeutic antibodies, and in pathological autoimmune conditions. Considerable progress has been made in the last two years on the in vivo regulation of these responses, through the appreciation of the importance of balancing activation responses with inhibitory signaling. The inhibitory FcR functions in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance, in regulating the threshold of activation responses, and ultimately in terminating IgG mediated effector stimulation. The consequences of deleting the inhibitory arm of this system are thus manifested in both the afferent and efferent immune responses. The hyperresponsive state that results leads to greatly magnified effector responses by cytotoxic antibodies and immune complexes and can culminate in autoimmunity and autoimmune disease when modified by environmental or genetic factors. FcγRs offer a paradigm for the biological significance of balancing activation and inhibitory signaling in the expanding family of activation/inhibitory receptor pairs found in the immune system.
Regulation of the Natural Killer Cell Receptor Repertoire
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 291–330More LessNatural killer cells express inhibitory receptors specific for MHC class I proteins and stimulatory receptors with diverse specificities. The MHC-specific receptors discriminate among different MHC class I alleles and are expressed in a variegated, overlapping fashion, such that each NK cell expresses several inhibitory and stimulatory receptors. Evidence suggests that individual developing NK cells initiate expression of inhibitory receptor genes in a sequential, cumulative, and stochastic fashion. Superimposed on the receptor acquisition process are multiple education mechanisms, which act to coordinate the stimulatory and inhibitory specificities of developing NK cells. One process influences the complement of receptors expressed by individual NK cells. Other mechanisms may prevent NK cell autoaggression even when the developing NK cell fails to express self-MHC-specific inhibitory receptors. Together, these mechanisms ensure a self-tolerant and maximally discriminating NK cell population. Like NK cells, a fraction of memory phenotype CD8+ T cells, as well as other T cell subsets, express inhibitory class I–specific receptors in a variegated, overlapping fashion. The characteristics of these cells suggest that inhibitory receptor expression may be a response to prior antigenic stimulation as well as to poorly defined additional signals. A unifying hypothesis is that both NK cells and certain T cell subsets initiate expression of inhibitory receptors in response to stimulation.
The Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome and the Regulation of MHC Expression
Walter Reith, and Bernard MachVol. 19 (2001), pp. 331–373More LessThe bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS) is a hereditary immunodeficiency resulting from the absence of major istocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) expression. Considering the central role of MHCII molecules in the development and activation of CD4+ T cells, it is not surprising that the immune system of the patients is severely impaired. BLS is the prototype of a “disease of gene regulation.” The affected genes encode RFXANK, RFX5, RFXAP, and CIITA, four regulatory factors that are highly specific and essential for MHCII genes. The first three are subunits of RFX, a trimeric complex that binds to all MHCII promoters. CIITA is a non-DNA-binding coactivator that functions as the master control factor for MHCII expression. The study of RFX and CIITA has made major contributions to our comprehension of the molecular mechanisms controlling MHCII genes and has made this system into a textbook model for the regulation of gene expression.
The Immunological Synapse
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 375–396More LessThe adaptive immune response is initiated by the interaction of T cell antigen receptors with major histocompatibility complex molecule-peptide complexes in the nanometer scale gap between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell, referred to as an immunological synapse. In this review we focus on the concept of immunological synapse formation as it relates to membrane structure, T cell polarity, signaling pathways, and the antigen-presenting cell. Membrane domains provide an organizational principle for compartmentalization within the immunological synapse. T cell polarization by chemokines increases T cell sensitivity to antigen. The current model is that signaling and formation of the immunological synapse are tightly interwoven in mature T cells. We also extend this model to natural killer cell activation, where the inhibitory NK synapse provides a striking example in which inhibition of signaling leaves the synapse in its nascent, inverted state. The APC may also play an active role in immunological synapse formation, particularly for activation of naïve T cells.
Chemokine Signaling and Functional Responses: The Role of Receptor Dimerization and TK Pathway Activation
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 397–421More LessA broad array of biological responses, including cell polarization, movement, immune and inflammatory responses, and prevention of HIV-1 infection, are triggered by the chemokines, a family of structurally related chemoattractant proteins that bind to specific seven-transmembrane receptors linked to G proteins. Here we discuss one of the early signaling pathways activated by chemokines, the JAK/STAT pathway. Through this pathway, and possibly in conjunction with other signaling pathways, the chemokines promote changes in cellular morphology, collectively known as polarization, required for chemotactic responses. The polarized cell expresses the chemokine receptors at the leading cell edge, to which they are conveyed by rafts, a cholesterol-enriched membrane fraction fundamental to the lateral organization of the plasma membrane. Finally, the mechanisms through which the chemokines promote their effect are discussed in the context of the prevention of HIV-1 infection.
Interleukin-18 Regulates Both Th1 and Th2 Responses
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 423–474More LessAlthough interleukin-18 is structurally homologous to IL-1 and its receptor belongs to the IL-1R/Toll-like receptor (TLR) superfamily, its function is quite different from that of IL-1. IL-18 is produced not only by types of immune cells but also by non-immune cells. In collaboration with IL-12, IL-18 stimulates Th1-mediated immune responses, which play a critical role in the host defense against infection with intracellular microbes through the induction of IFN-γ. However, the overproduction of IL-12 and IL-18 induces severe inflammatory disorders, suggesting that IL-18 is a potent proinflammatory cytokine that has pathophysiological roles in several inflammatory conditions. IL-18 mRNA is expressed in a wide range of cells including Kupffer cells, macrophages, T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, osteoblasts, keratinocytes, astrocytes, and microglias. Thus, the pathophysiological role of IL-18 has been extensively tested in the organs that contain these cells. Somewhat surprisingly, IL-18 alone can stimulate Th2 cytokine production as well as allergic inflammation. Therefore, the functions of IL-18 in vivo are very heterogeneous and complicated. In principle, IL-18 enhances the IL-12-driven Th1 immune responses, but it can also stimulate Th2 immune responses in the absence of IL-12.
Multiple Viral Strategies of HTLV-1 for Dysregulation of Cell Growth Control
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 475–496More LessThe human T cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus that causes adult T cell leukemia (ATL) and neurological disorder, the tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). The pathogenesis apparently results from the pleiotropic function of Tax protein, which is a key regulator of viral replication. Tax exerts (a) trans-activation and -repression of transcription of different sets of cellular genes through binding to groups of transcription factors and coactivators, (b) dysregulation of cell cycle through binding to inhibitors of CDK4/6, and (c) inhibition of some tumor suppressor proteins. These effects on a wide variety of cellular targets seem to cooperate in promoting cell proliferation. This is an effective viral strategy to amplify its proviral genome through replication of infected cells; ultimately it results in cell transformation and leukemogenesis.
Calcium Signaling Mechanisms in T Lymphocytes
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 497–521More LessElevation of intracellular free Ca2+ is one of the key triggering signals for T-cell activation by antigen. A remarkable variety of Ca2+ signals in T cells, ranging from infrequent spikes to sustained oscillations and plateaus, derives from the interactions of multiple Ca2+ sources and sinks in the cell. Following engagement of the T cell receptor, intracellular channels (IP3 and ryanodine receptors) release Ca2+ from intracellular stores, and by depleting the stores trigger prolonged Ca2+ influx through store-operated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels in the plasma membrane. The amplitude and dynamics of the Ca2+ signal are shaped by several mechanisms, including K+ channels and membrane potential, slow modulation of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, and mitochondria that buffer Ca2+ and prevent the inactivation of CRAC channels. Ca2+ signals have a number of downstream targets occurring on multiple time scales. At short times, Ca2+ signals help to stabilize contacts between T cells and antigen-presenting cells through changes in motility and cytoskeletal reorganization. Over periods of minutes to hours, the amplitude, duration, and kinetic signature of Ca2+ signals increase the efficiency and specificity of gene activation events. The complexity of Ca2+ signals contains a wealth of information that may help to instruct lymphocytes to choose between alternate fates in response to antigenic stimulation.
The Design of Vaccines Against Helicobacter Pylori and Their Development
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 523–563More LessHelicobacter pylori is a gram negative, spiral, microaerophylic bacterium that infects the stomach of more than 50% of the human population worldwide. It is mostly acquired during childhood and, if not treated, persists chronically, causing chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and in some individuals, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric B cell lymphoma. The current therapy, based on the use of a proton-pump inhibitor and antibiotics, is efficacious but faces problems such as patient compliance, antibiotic resistance, and possible recurrence of infection. The development of an efficacious vaccine against H. pylori would thus offer several advantages. Various approaches have been followed in the development of vaccines against H. pylori, most of which have been based on the use of selected antigens known to be involved in the pathogenesis of the infection, such as urease, the vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA), the cytotoxin-associated antigen (CagA), the neutrophil-activating protein (NAP), and others, and intended to confer protection prophylactically and/or therapeutically in animal models of infection. However, very little is known of the natural history of H. pylori infection and of the kinetics of the induced immune responses. Several lines of evidence suggest that H. pylori infection is accompanied by a pronounced Th1-type CD4+ T cell response. It appears, however, that after immunization, the antigen-specific response is predominantly polarized toward a Th2-type response, with production of cytokines that can inhibit the activation of Th1 cells and of macrophages, and the production of proinflammatory cytokines. The exact effector mechanisms of protection induced after immunization are still poorly understood. The next couple of years will be crucial for the development of vaccines against H. pylori. Several trials are foreseen in humans, and expectations are that most of the questions being asked now on the host-microbe interactions will be answered.
CTLA-4-Mediated Inhibition in Regulation of T Cell Responses: Mechanisms and Manipulation in Tumor Immunotherapy
Vol. 19 (2001), pp. 565–594More LessThe T cell compartment of adaptive immunity provides vertebrates with the potential to survey for and respond specifically to an incredible diversity of antigens. The T cell repertoire must be carefully regulated to prevent unwanted responses to self. In the periphery, one important level of regulation is the action of costimulatory signals in concert with T cell antigen-receptor (TCR) signals to promote full T cell activation. The past few years have revealed that costimulation is quite complex, involving an integration of activating signals and inhibitory signals from CD28 and CTLA-4 molecules, respectively, with TCR signals to determine the outcome of a T cell's encounter with antigen. Newly emerging data suggest that inhibitory signals mediated by CTLA-4 not only can determine whether T cells become activated, but also can play a role in regulating the clonal representation in a polyclonal response. This review primarily focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of regulation by CTLA-4 and its manipulation as a strategy for tumor immunotherapy.
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