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Annual Review of Immunology - Volume 36, 2018
Volume 36, 2018
The Way We Walked with Immunology
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 1–18More LessIt has been a little more than 50 years since we discovered IgE, a key molecule for the allergic response and a target for treating allergies and severe asthma. Here, I trace my career, from the kindling of my interest in immunochemistry to groundbreaking discoveries in the biology and chemistry of immunoglobulins. I describe my service to the broader community of immunologists and my role in shaping departments and research institutes. My course starts in Japan and includes Southern California, Baltimore, and Denver.
Evolution of Alternative Adaptive Immune Systems in Vertebrates
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 19–42More LessAdaptive immunity in jawless fishes is based on antigen recognition by three types of variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) composed of variable leucine-rich repeats, which are differentially expressed by two T-like lymphocyte lineages and one B-like lymphocyte lineage. The T-like cells express either VLRAs or VLRCs of yet undefined antigen specificity, whereas the VLRB antibodies secreted by B-like cells bind proteinaceous and carbohydrate antigens. The incomplete VLR germline genes are assembled into functional units by a gene conversion–like mechanism that employs flanking variable leucine-rich repeat sequences as templates in association with lineage-specific expression of cytidine deaminases. B-like cells develop in the hematopoietic typhlosole and kidneys, whereas T-like cells develop in the thymoid, a thymus-equivalent region at the gill fold tips. Thus, the dichotomy between T-like and B-like cells and the presence of dedicated lymphopoietic tissues emerge as ancestral vertebrate features, whereas the somatic diversification of structurally distinct antigen receptor genes evolved independently in jawless and jawed vertebrates.
Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1: Persistence and Pathogenesis
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 43–71More LessHuman T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), also known as human T lymphotropic virus type 1, was the first exogenous human retrovirus discovered. Unlike the distantly related lentivirus HIV-1, HTLV-1 causes disease in only 5–10% of infected people, depending on their ethnic origin. But whereas HIV-1 infection and the consequent diseases can be efficiently contained in most cases by antiretroviral drug treatment, there is no satisfactory treatment for the malignant or inflammatory diseases caused by HTLV-1. The purpose of the present article is to review recent advances in the understanding of the mechanisms by which the virus persists in vivo and causes disabling or fatal diseases.
Autophagy and Inflammation
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 73–101More LessThe cellular degradative pathway of autophagy has a fundamental role in immunity. Here, we review the function of autophagy and autophagy proteins in inflammation. We discuss how the autophagy machinery controls the burden of infectious agents while simultaneously limiting inflammatory pathologies, which often involves processes that are distinct from conventional autophagy. Among the newly emerging processes we describe are LC3-associated phagocytosis and targeting by autophagy proteins, both of which require many of the same proteins that mediate conventional autophagy. We also discuss how autophagy contributes to differentiation of myeloid and lymphoid cell types, coordinates multicellular immunity, and facilitates memory responses. Together, these functions establish an intimate link between autophagy, mucosal immunity, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Finally, we offer our perspective on current challenges and barriers to translation.
Cell Biology of T Cell Receptor Expression and Regulation
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 103–125More LessT cell receptors (TCRs) are protein complexes formed by six different polypeptides. In most T cells, TCRs are composed of αβ subunits displaying immunoglobulin-like variable domains that recognize peptide antigens associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. TCRαβ subunits are associated with the CD3 complex formed by the γ, δ, ε, and ζ subunits, which are invariable and ensure signal transduction. Here, we review how the expression and function of TCR complexes are orchestrated by several fine-tuned cellular processes that encompass (a) synthesis of the subunits and their correct assembly and expression at the plasma membrane as a single functional complex, (b) TCR membrane localization and dynamics at the plasma membrane and in endosomal compartments, (c) TCR signal transduction leading to T cell activation, and (d) TCR degradation. These processes balance each other to ensure efficient T cell responses to a variety of antigenic stimuli while preventing autoimmunity.
ZAP-70 in Signaling, Biology, and Disease
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 127–156More LessT cells possess an array of functional capabilities important for host defense against pathogens and tumors. T cell effector functions require the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). The TCR has no intrinsic enzymatic activity, and thus signal transduction from the receptor relies on additional signaling molecules. One such molecule is the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase ZAP-70, which associates with the TCR complex and is required for initiating the canonical biochemical signal pathways downstream of the TCR. In this article, we describe recent structure-based insights into the regulation and substrate specificity of ZAP-70, and then we review novel methods for determining the role of ZAP-70 catalytic activity–dependent and –independent signals in developing and mature T cells. Lastly, we discuss the disease states in mouse models and humans, which range from immunodeficiency to autoimmunity, that are caused by mutations in ZAP-70.
Host Control of Fungal Infections: Lessons from Basic Studies and Human Cohorts
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 157–191More LessIn the last few decades, the AIDS pandemic and the significant advances in the medical management of individuals with neoplastic and inflammatory conditions have resulted in a dramatic increase in the population of immunosuppressed patients with opportunistic, life-threatening fungal infections. The parallel development of clinically relevant mouse models of fungal disease and the discovery and characterization of several inborn errors of immune-related genes that underlie inherited human susceptibility to opportunistic mycoses have significantly expanded our understanding of the innate and adaptive immune mechanisms that protect against ubiquitous fungal exposures. This review synthesizes immunological knowledge derived from basic mouse studies and from human cohorts and provides an overview of mammalian antifungal host defenses that show promise for informing therapeutic and vaccination strategies for vulnerable patients.
Immune Responses to Retroviruses
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 193–220More LessRetroviruses are genome invaders that have shared a long history of coevolution with vertebrates and their immune system. Found endogenously in genomes as traces of past invasions, retroviruses are also considerable threats to human health when they exist as exogenous viruses such as HIV. The immune response to retroviruses is engaged by germline-encoded sensors of innate immunity that recognize viral components and damage induced by the infection. This response develops with the induction of antiviral effectors and launching of the clonal adaptive immune response, which can contribute to protective immunity. However, retroviruses efficiently evade the immune response, owing to their rapid evolution. The failure of specialized immune cells to respond, a form of neglect, may also contribute to inadequate antiretroviral immune responses. Here, we discuss the mechanisms by which immune responses to retroviruses are mounted at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. We also discuss how intrinsic, innate, and adaptive immunity may cooperate or conflict during the generation of immune responses.
Connections Between Metabolism and Epigenetics in Programming Cellular Differentiation
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 221–246More LessResearchers are intensifying efforts to understand the mechanisms by which changes in metabolic states influence differentiation programs. An emerging objective is to define how fluctuations in metabolites influence the epigenetic states that contribute to differentiation programs. This is because metabolites such as S-adenosylmethionine, acetyl-CoA, α-ketoglutarate, 2-hydroxyglutarate, and butyrate are donors, substrates, cofactors, and antagonists for the activities of epigenetic-modifying complexes and for epigenetic modifications. We discuss this topic from the perspective of specialized CD4+ T cells as well as effector and memory T cell differentiation programs. We also highlight findings from embryonic stem cells that give mechanistic insight into how nutrients processed through pathways such as glycolysis, glutaminolysis, and one-carbon metabolism regulate metabolite levels to influence epigenetic events and discuss similar mechanistic principles in T cells. Finally, we highlight how dysregulated environments, such as the tumor microenvironment, might alter programming events.
Immune Responses in the Liver
Paul Kubes, and Craig JenneVol. 36 (2018), pp. 247–277More LessThe liver is a key, frontline immune tissue. Ideally positioned to detect pathogens entering the body via the gut, the liver appears designed to detect, capture, and clear bacteria, viruses, and macromolecules. Containing the largest collection of phagocytic cells in the body, this organ is an important barrier between us and the outside world. Importantly, as portal blood also transports a large number of foreign but harmless molecules (e.g., food antigens), the liver's default immune status is anti-inflammatory or immunotolerant; however, under appropriate conditions, the liver is able to mount a rapid and robust immune response. This balance between immunity and tolerance is essential to liver function. Excessive inflammation in the absence of infection leads to sterile liver injury, tissue damage, and remodeling; insufficient immunity allows for chronic infection and cancer. Dynamic interactions between the numerous populations of immune cells in the liver are key to maintaining this balance and overall tissue health.
Immune Response to Dengue and Zika
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 279–308More LessFlaviviruses such as dengue (DENV), yellow fever (YFV), West Nile (WNV), and Zika (ZIKV) are human pathogens of global significance. In particular, DENV causes the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral diseases in humans, and ZIKV emerged from obscurity into the spotlight in 2016 as the etiologic agent of congenital Zika syndrome. Owing to the recent emergence of ZIKV as a global pandemic threat, the roles of the immune system during ZIKV infections are as yet unclear. In contrast, decades of DENV research implicate a dual role for the immune system in protection against and pathogenesis of DENV infection. As DENV and ZIKV are closely related, knowledge based on DENV studies has been used to prioritize investigation of ZIKV immunity and pathogenesis, and to accelerate ZIKV diagnostic, therapeutic, and vaccine design. This review discusses the following topics related to innate and adaptive immune responses to DENV and ZIKV: the interferon system as the key mechanism of host defense and viral target for immune evasion, antibody-mediated protection versus antibody-dependent enhancement, and T cell–mediated protection versus original T cell antigenic sin. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate the balance between immune-mediated protection and pathogenesis during DENV and ZIKV infections is critical toward development of safe and effective DENV and ZIKV therapeutics and vaccines.
Complement and the Regulation of T Cell Responses
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 309–338More LessThe complement system is an evolutionarily ancient key component of innate immunity required for the detection and removal of invading pathogens. It was discovered more than 100 years ago and was originally defined as a liver-derived, blood-circulating sentinel system that classically mediates the opsonization and lytic killing of dangerous microbes and the initiation of the general inflammatory reaction. More recently, complement has also emerged as a critical player in adaptive immunity via its ability to instruct both B and T cell responses. In particular, work on the impact of complement on T cell responses led to the surprising discoveries that the complement system also functions within cells and is involved in regulating basic cellular processes, predominantly those of metabolic nature. Here, we review current knowledge about complement's role in T cell biology, with a focus on the novel intracellular and noncanonical activities of this ancient system.
Self-Reactive B Cells in the Germinal Center Reaction
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 339–357More LessMaintenance of immunological self-tolerance requires lymphocytes carrying self-reactive antigen receptors to be selectively prevented from mounting destructive or inflammatory effector responses. Classically, self-tolerance is viewed in terms of the removal, editing, or silencing of B and T cells that have formed self-reactive antigen receptors during their early development. However, B cells activated by foreign antigen can enter germinal centers (GCs), where they further modify their antigen receptor by somatic hypermutation (SHM) of their immunoglobulin genes. The inevitable emergence of activated, self-reactive GC B cells presents a unique challenge to the maintenance of self-tolerance that must be rapidly countered to avoid autoantibody production. Here we discuss current knowledge of the mechanisms that enforce B cell self-tolerance, with particular focus on the control of self-reactive GC B cells. We also consider how self-reactive GC B cells can escape self-tolerance to initiate autoantibody production or instead be redeemed via SHM and used in productive antibody responses.
IgA Function in Relation to the Intestinal Microbiota
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 359–381More LessIgA is the dominant immunoglobulin isotype produced in mammals, largely secreted across the intestinal mucosal surface. Although induction of IgA has been a hallmark feature of microbiota colonization following colonization in germ-free animals, until recently appreciation of the function of IgA in host-microbial mutualism has depended mainly on indirect evidence of alterations in microbiota composition or penetration of microbes in the absence of somatic mutations in IgA (or compensatory IgM). Highly parallel sequencing techniques that enable high-resolution analysis of either microbial consortia or IgA sequence diversity are now giving us new perspectives on selective targeting of microbial taxa and the trajectory of IgA diversification according to induction mechanisms, between different individuals and over time. The prospects are to link the range of diversified IgA clonotypes to specific antigenic functions in modulating the microbiota composition, position and metabolism to ensure host mutualism.
Unfinished Business: Evolution of the MHC and the Adaptive Immune System of Jawed Vertebrates
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 383–409More LessThe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a large genetic region with many genes, including the highly polymorphic classical class I and II genes that play crucial roles in adaptive as well as innate immune responses. The organization of the MHC varies enormously among jawed vertebrates, but class I and II genes have not been found in other animals. How did the MHC arise, and are there underlying principles that can help us to understand the evolution of the MHC? This review considers what it means to be an MHC and the potential importance of genome-wide duplication, gene linkage, and gene coevolution for the emergence and evolution of an adaptive immune system. Then it considers what the original antigen-specific receptor and MHC molecule might have looked like, how peptide binding might have evolved, and finally the importance of adaptive immunity in general.
Signaling and Function of Interleukin-2 in T Lymphocytes
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 411–433More LessThe discovery of interleukin-2 (IL-2) changed the molecular understanding of how the immune system is controlled. IL-2 is a pleiotropic cytokine, and dissecting the signaling pathways that allow IL-2 to control the differentiation and homeostasis of both pro- and anti-inflammatory T cells is fundamental to determining the molecular details of immune regulation. The IL-2 receptor couples to JAK tyrosine kinases and activates the STAT5 transcription factors. However, IL-2 does much more than control transcriptional programs; it is a key regulator of T cell metabolic programs. The development of global phosphoproteomic approaches has expanded the understanding of IL-2 signaling further, revealing the diversity of phosphoproteins that may be influenced by IL-2 in T cells. However, it is increasingly clear that within each T cell subset, IL-2 will signal within a framework of other signal transduction networks that together will shape the transcriptional and metabolic programs that determine T cell fate.
Antigen Presentation by Extracellular Vesicles from Professional Antigen-Presenting Cells
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 435–459More LessThe initiation and maintenance of adaptive immunity require multifaceted modes of communication between different types of immune cells, including direct intercellular contact, secreted soluble signaling molecules, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs can be formed as microvesicles directly pinched off from the plasma membrane or as exosomes secreted by multivesicular endosomes. Membrane receptors guide EVs to specific target cells, allowing directional transfer of specific and complex signaling cues. EVs are released by most, if not all, immune cells. Depending on the type and status of their originating cell, EVs may facilitate the initiation, expansion, maintenance, or silencing of adaptive immune responses. This review focusses on EVs from professional antigen-presenting cells, their demonstrated and speculated roles, and their potential for cancer immunotherapy.
Unraveling the Complex Interplay Between T Cell Metabolism and Function
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 461–488More LessMetabolism drives function, on both an organismal and a cellular level. In T cell biology, metabolic remodeling is intrinsically linked to cellular development, activation, function, differentiation, and survival. After naive T cells are activated, increased demands for metabolic currency in the form of ATP, as well as biomass for cell growth, proliferation, and the production of effector molecules, are met by rewiring cellular metabolism. Consequently, pharmacological strategies are being developed to perturb or enhance selective metabolic processes that are skewed in immune-related pathologies. Here we review the most recent advances describing the metabolic changes that occur during the T cell lifecycle. We discuss how T cell metabolism can have profound effects on health and disease and where it might be a promising target to treat a variety of pathologies.
Apoptosis and Clearance of Apoptotic Cells
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 489–517More LessThe human body generates 10–100 billion cells every day, and the same number of cells die to maintain homeostasis in our body. Cells infected by bacteria or viruses also die. The cell death that occurs under physiological conditions mainly proceeds by apoptosis, which is a noninflammatory, or silent, process, while pathogen infection induces necroptosis or pyroptosis, which activates the immune system and causes inflammation. Dead cells generated by apoptosis are quickly engulfed by macrophages for degradation. Caspases are a large family of cysteine proteases that act in cascades. A cascade that leads to caspase 3 activation mediates apoptosis and is responsible for killing cells, recruiting macrophages, and presenting an “eat me” signal(s). When apoptotic cells are not efficiently engulfed by macrophages, they undergo secondary necrosis and release intracellular materials that represent a damage-associated molecular pattern, which may lead to a systemic lupus-like autoimmune disease.
Genetics of Natural Killer Cells in Human Health, Disease, and Survival
Vol. 36 (2018), pp. 519–548More LessNatural killer (NK) cells have vital functions in human immunity and reproduction. In the innate and adaptive immune responses to infection, particularly by viruses, NK cells respond by secreting inflammatory cytokines and killing infected cells. In reproduction, NK cells are critical for genesis of the placenta, the organ that controls the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus. Controlling NK cell functions are interactions of HLA class I with inhibitory NK cell receptors. First evolved was the conserved interaction of HLA-E with CD94:NKG2A; later established were diverse interactions of HLA-A, -B, and -C with killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors. Characterizing the latter interactions is rapid evolution, which distinguishes human populations and all species of higher primate. Driving this evolution are the different and competing selections imposed by pathogens on NK cell–mediated immunity and by the constraints of human reproduction on NK cell–mediated placentation. Promoting rapid evolution is independent segregation of polymorphic receptors and ligands throughout human populations.
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Volume 1 (1983)
Volume 0 (1932)