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Annual Review of Biochemistry - Volume 89, 2020
Volume 89, 2020
Christopher Dobson, 1949–2019: Mentor, Friend, Scientist Extraordinaire
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 1–19More LessIt is impossible to do justice in one review article to a researcher of the stature of Christopher Dobson. His career spanned almost five decades, resulting in more than 870 publications and a legacy that will continue to influence the lives of many for decades to come. In this review, I have attempted to capture Chris's major contributions: his early work, dedicated to understanding protein-folding mechanisms; his collaborative work with physicists to understand the process of protein aggregation; and finally, his later career in which he developed strategies to prevent misfolding. However, it is not only this body of work but also the man himself who inspired an entire generation of scientists through his patience, ability to mentor, and innate generosity. These qualities remain a hallmark of the way in which he conducted his research—research that will leave a lasting imprint on science.
Standing on the Shoulders of Viruses
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 21–43More LessMy coworkers and I have used animal viruses and their interaction with host cells to investigate cellular processes difficult to study by other means. This approach has allowed us to branch out in many directions, including membrane protein characterization, endocytosis, secretion, protein folding, quality control, and glycobiology. At the same time, our aim has been to employ cell biological approaches to expand the fundamental understanding of animal viruses and their pathogenic lifestyles. We have studied mechanisms of host cell entry and the uncoating of incoming viruses as well as the synthesis, folding, maturation, and intracellular movement of viral proteins and molecular assemblies. I have had the privilege to work in institutions in four different countries. The early years in Finland (the University of Helsinki) were followed by 6 years in Germany (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), 16 years in the United States (Yale School of Medicine), and 16 years in Switzerland (ETH Zurich).
Ribonucleotide Reductases: Structure, Chemistry, and Metabolism Suggest New Therapeutic Targets
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 45–75More LessRibonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze the de novo conversion of nucleotides to deoxynucleotides in all organisms, controlling their relative ratios and abundance. In doing so, they play an important role in fidelity of DNA replication and repair. RNRs’ central role in nucleic acid metabolism has resulted in five therapeutics that inhibit human RNRs. In this review, we discuss the structural, dynamic, and mechanistic aspects of RNR activity and regulation, primarily for the human and Escherichia coli class Ia enzymes. The unusual radical-based organic chemistry of nucleotide reduction, the inorganic chemistry of the essential metallo-cofactor biosynthesis/maintenance, the transport of a radical over a long distance, and the dynamics of subunit interactions all present distinct entry points toward RNR inhibition that are relevant for drug discovery. We describe the current mechanistic understanding of small molecules that target different elements of RNR function, including downstream pathways that lead to cell cytotoxicity. We conclude by summarizing novel and emergent RNR targeting motifs for cancer and antibiotic therapeutics.
Synthetic Genomes
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 77–101More LessDNA synthesis technology has progressed to the point that it is now practical to synthesize entire genomes. Quite a variety of methods have been developed, first to synthesize single genes but ultimately to massively edit or write from scratch entire genomes. Synthetic genomes can essentially be clones of native sequences, but this approach does not teach us much new biology. The ability to endow genomes with novel properties offers special promise for addressing questions not easily approachable with conventional gene-at-a-time methods. These include questions about evolution and about how genomes are fundamentally wired informationally, metabolically, and genetically. The techniques and technologies relating to how to design, build, and deliver big DNA at the genome scale are reviewed here. A fuller understanding of these principles may someday lead to the ability to truly design genomes from scratch.
Checkpoint Responses to DNA Double-Strand Breaks
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 103–133More LessCells confront DNA damage in every cell cycle. Among the most deleterious types of DNA damage are DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which can cause cell lethality if unrepaired or cancers if improperly repaired. In response to DNA DSBs, cells activate a complex DNA damage checkpoint (DDC) response that arrests the cell cycle, reprograms gene expression, and mobilizes DNA repair factors to prevent the inheritance of unrepaired and broken chromosomes. Here we examine the DDC, induced by DNA DSBs, in the budding yeast model system and in mammals.
Role of Mammalian DNA Methyltransferases in Development
Zhiyuan Chen, and Yi ZhangVol. 89 (2020), pp. 135–158More LessDNA methylation at the 5-position of cytosine (5mC) plays vital roles in mammalian development. DNA methylation is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), and the two DNMT families, DNMT3 and DNMT1, are responsible for methylation establishment and maintenance, respectively. Since their discovery, biochemical and structural studies have revealed the key mechanisms underlying how DNMTs catalyze de novo and maintenance DNA methylation. In particular, recent development of low-input genomic and epigenomic technologies has deepened our understanding of DNA methylation regulation in germ lines and early stage embryos. In this review, we first describe the methylation machinery including the DNMTs and their essential cofactors. We then discuss how DNMTs are recruited to or excluded from certain genomic elements. Lastly, we summarize recent understanding of the regulation of DNA methylation dynamics in mammalian germ lines and early embryos with a focus on both mice and humans.
Imaging of DNA and RNA in Living Eukaryotic Cells to Reveal Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Gene Expression
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 159–187More LessThis review focuses on imaging DNA and single RNA molecules in living cells to define eukaryotic functional organization and dynamic processes. The latest advances in technologies to visualize individual DNA loci and RNAs in real time are discussed. Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy provides the spatial and temporal resolution to reveal mechanisms regulating fundamental cell functions. Novel insights into the regulation of nuclear architecture, transcription, posttranscriptional RNA processing, and RNA localization provided by multicolor fluorescence microscopy are reviewed. A perspective on the future use of live imaging technologies and overcoming their current limitations is provided.
Transcription in Living Cells: Molecular Mechanisms of Bursting
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 189–212More LessTranscription in several organisms from certain bacteria to humans has been observed to be stochastic in nature: toggling between active and inactive states. Periods of active nascent RNA synthesis known as bursts represent individual gene activation events in which multiple polymerases are initiated. Therefore, bursting is the single locus illustration of both gene activation and repression. Although transcriptional bursting was originally observed decades ago, only recently have technological advances enabled the field to begin elucidating gene regulation at the single-locus level. In this review, we focus on how biochemical, genomic, and single-cell data describe the regulatory steps of transcriptional bursts.
Evaluating Enhancer Function and Transcription
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 213–234More LessCell-type- and condition-specific profiles of gene expression require coordination between protein-coding gene promoters and cis-regulatory sequences called enhancers. Enhancers can stimulate gene activity at great genomic distances from their targets, raising questions about how enhancers communicate with specific gene promoters and what molecular mechanisms underlie enhancer function. Characterization of enhancer loci has identified the molecular features of active enhancers that accompany the binding of transcription factors and local opening of chromatin. These characteristics include coactivator recruitment, histone modifications, and noncoding RNA transcription. However, it remains unclear which of these features functionally contribute to enhancer activity. Here, we discuss what is known about how enhancers regulate their target genes and how enhancers and promoters communicate. Further, we describe recent data demonstrating many similarities between enhancers and the gene promoters they control, and we highlight unanswered questions in the field, such as the potential roles of transcription at enhancers.
Dynamic Competition of Polycomb and Trithorax in Transcriptional Programming
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 235–253More LessPredicting regulatory potential from primary DNA sequences or transcription factor binding patterns is not possible. However, the annotation of the genome by chromatin proteins, histone modifications, and differential compaction is largely sufficient to reveal the locations of genes and their differential activity states. The Polycomb Group (PcG) and Trithorax Group (TrxG) proteins are the central players in this cell type–specific chromatin organization. PcG function was originally viewed as being solely repressive and irreversible, as observed at the homeotic loci in flies and mammals. However, it is now clear that modular and reversible PcG function is essential at most developmental genes. Focusing mainly on recent advances, we review evidence for how PcG and TrxG patterns change dynamically during cell type transitions. The ability to implement cell type–specific transcriptional programming with exquisite fidelity is essential for normal development.
Molecular Mechanisms of Facultative Heterochromatin Formation: An X-Chromosome Perspective
Jan J. Żylicz, and Edith HeardVol. 89 (2020), pp. 255–282More LessFacultative heterochromatin (fHC) concerns the developmentally regulated heterochromatinization of different regions of the genome and, in the case of the mammalian X chromosome and imprinted loci, of only one allele of a homologous pair. The formation of fHC participates in the timely repression of genes, by resisting strong trans activators. In this review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of fHC in mammals using a mouse model. We focus on X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) as a paradigm for fHC but also relate it to genomic imprinting and homeobox (Hox) gene cluster repression. A vital role for noncoding transcription and/or transcripts emerges as the general principle of triggering XCI and canonical imprinting. However, other types of fHC are established through an unknown mechanism, independent of noncoding transcription (Hox clusters and noncanonical imprinting). We also extensively discuss polycomb-group repressive complexes (PRCs), which frequently play a vital role in fHC maintenance.
Long Noncoding RNAs: Molecular Modalities to Organismal Functions
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 283–308More LessWe have known for decades that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) can play essential functions across most forms of life. The maintenance of chromosome length requires an lncRNA (e.g., hTERC) and two lncRNAs in the ribosome that are required for protein synthesis. Thus, lncRNAs can represent powerful RNA machines. More recently, it has become clear that mammalian genomes encode thousands more lncRNAs. Thus, we raise the question: Which, if any, of these lncRNAs could also represent RNA-based machines? Here we synthesize studies that are beginning to address this question by investigating fundamental properties of lncRNA genes, revealing new insights into the RNA structure–function relationship, determining cis- and trans-acting lncRNAs in vivo, and generating new developments in high-throughput screening used to identify functional lncRNAs. Overall, these findings provide a context toward understanding the molecular grammar underlying lncRNA biology.
Anti-CRISPRs: Protein Inhibitors of CRISPR-Cas Systems
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 309–332More LessClustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) together with their accompanying cas (CRISPR-associated) genes are found frequently in bacteria and archaea, serving to defend against invading foreign DNA, such as viral genomes. CRISPR-Cas systems provide a uniquely powerful defense because they can adapt to newly encountered genomes. The adaptive ability of these systems has been exploited, leading to their development as highly effective tools for genome editing. The widespread use of CRISPR-Cas systems has driven a need for methods to control their activity. This review focuses on anti-CRISPRs (Acrs), proteins produced by viruses and other mobile genetic elements that can potently inhibit CRISPR-Cas systems. Discovered in 2013, there are now 54 distinct families of these proteins described, and the functional mechanisms of more than a dozen have been characterized in molecular detail. The investigation of Acrs is leading to a variety of practical applications and is providing exciting new insight into the biology of CRISPR-Cas systems.
How Is Precursor Messenger RNA Spliced by the Spliceosome?
Ruixue Wan, Rui Bai, Xiechao Zhan, and Yigong ShiVol. 89 (2020), pp. 333–358More LessSplicing of the precursor messenger RNA, involving intron removal and exon ligation, is mediated by the spliceosome. Together with biochemical and genetic investigations of the past four decades, structural studies of the intact spliceosome at atomic resolution since 2015 have led to mechanistic delineation of RNA splicing with remarkable insights. The spliceosome is proven to be a protein-orchestrated metalloribozyme. Conserved elements of small nuclear RNA (snRNA) constitute the splicing active site with two catalytic metal ions and recognize three conserved intron elements through duplex formation, which are delivered into the splicing active site for branching and exon ligation. The protein components of the spliceosome stabilize the conformation of the snRNA, drive spliceosome remodeling, orchestrate the movement of the RNA elements, and facilitate the splicing reaction. The overall organization of the spliceosome and the configuration of the splicing active site are strictly conserved between human and yeast.
RNA Splicing by the Spliceosome
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 359–388More LessThe spliceosome removes introns from messenger RNA precursors (pre-mRNA). Decades of biochemistry and genetics combined with recent structural studies of the spliceosome have produced a detailed view of the mechanism of splicing. In this review, we aim to make this mechanism understandable and provide several videos of the spliceosome in action to illustrate the intricate choreography of splicing. The U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) mark an intron and recruit the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP. Transfer of the 5′ splice site (5′SS) from U1 to U6 snRNA triggers unwinding of U6 snRNA from U4 snRNA. U6 folds with U2 snRNA into an RNA-based active site that positions the 5′SS at two catalytic metal ions. The branch point (BP) adenosine attacks the 5′SS, producing a free 5′ exon. Removal of the BP adenosine from the active site allows the 3′SS to bind, so that the 5′ exon attacks the 3′SS to produce mature mRNA and an excised lariat intron.
How Does the Ribosome Fold the Proteome?
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 389–415More LessFolding of polypeptides begins during their synthesis on ribosomes. This process has evolved as a means for the cell to maintain proteostasis, by mitigating the risk of protein misfolding and aggregation. The capacity to now depict this cellular feat at increasingly higher resolution is providing insight into the mechanistic determinants that promote successful folding. Emerging from these studies is the intimate interplay between protein translation and folding, and within this the ribosome particle is the key player. Its unique structural properties provide a specialized scaffold against which nascent polypeptides can begin to form structure in a highly coordinated, co-translational manner. Here, we examine how, as a macromolecular machine, the ribosome modulates the intrinsic dynamic properties of emerging nascent polypeptide chains and guides them toward their biologically active structures.
Detection and Degradation of Stalled Nascent Chains via Ribosome-Associated Quality Control
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 417–442More LessStalled protein synthesis produces defective nascent chains that can harm cells. In response, cells degrade these nascent chains via a process called ribosome-associated quality control (RQC). Here, we review the irregularities in the translation process that cause ribosomes to stall as well as how cells use RQC to detect stalled ribosomes, ubiquitylate their tethered nascent chains, and deliver the ubiquitylated nascent chains to the proteasome. We additionally summarize how cells respond to RQC failure.
Single-Molecule Studies of Protein Folding with Optical Tweezers
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 443–470More LessManipulation of individual molecules with optical tweezers provides a powerful means of interrogating the structure and folding of proteins. Mechanical force is not only a relevant quantity in cellular protein folding and function, but also a convenient parameter for biophysical folding studies. Optical tweezers offer precise control in the force range relevant for protein folding and unfolding, from which single-molecule kinetic and thermodynamic information about these processes can be extracted. In this review, we describe both physical principles and practical aspects of optical tweezers measurements and discuss recent advances in the use of this technique for the study of protein folding. In particular, we describe the characterization of folding energy landscapes at high resolution, studies of structurally complex multidomain proteins, folding in the presence of chaperones, and the ability to investigate real-time cotranslational folding of a polypeptide.
Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Iron-Sulfur Protein Biogenesis
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 471–499More LessMitochondria are essential in most eukaryotes and are involved in numerous biological functions including ATP production, cofactor biosyntheses, apoptosis, lipid synthesis, and steroid metabolism. Work over the past two decades has uncovered the biogenesis of cellular iron-sulfur (Fe/S) proteins as the essential and minimal function of mitochondria. This process is catalyzed by the bacteria-derived iron-sulfur cluster assembly (ISC) machinery and has been dissected into three major steps: de novo synthesis of a [2Fe-2S] cluster on a scaffold protein; Hsp70 chaperone–mediated trafficking of the cluster and insertion into [2Fe-2S] target apoproteins; and catalytic conversion of the [2Fe-2S] into a [4Fe-4S] cluster and subsequent insertion into recipient apoproteins. ISC components of the first two steps are also required for biogenesis of numerous essential cytosolic and nuclear Fe/S proteins, explaining the essentiality of mitochondria. This review summarizes the molecular mechanisms underlying the ISC protein–mediated maturation of mitochondrial Fe/S proteins and the importance for human disease.
Mitochondrial Proteases: Multifaceted Regulators of Mitochondrial Plasticity
Vol. 89 (2020), pp. 501–528More LessMitochondria are essential metabolic hubs that dynamically adapt to physiological demands. More than 40 proteases residing in different compartments of mitochondria, termed mitoproteases, preserve mitochondrial proteostasis and are emerging as central regulators of mitochondrial plasticity. These multifaceted enzymes limit the accumulation of short-lived, regulatory proteins within mitochondria, modulate the activity of mitochondrial proteins by protein processing, and mediate the degradation of damaged proteins. Various signaling cascades coordinate the activity of mitoproteases to preserve mitochondrial homeostasis and ensure cell survival. Loss of mitoproteases severely impairs the functional integrity of mitochondria, is associated with aging, and causes pleiotropic diseases. Understanding the dual function of mitoproteases as regulatory and quality control enzymes will help unravel the role of mitochondrial plasticity in aging and disease.
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