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Annual Review of Microbiology - Volume 72, 2018
Volume 72, 2018
The Outer Membrane Took Center Stage
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 1–24More LessMy interest in membranes was piqued during a lecture series given by one of the founders of molecular biology, Max Delbrück, at Caltech, where I spent a postdoctoral year to learn more about protein chemistry. That general interest was further refined to my ultimate research focal point—the outer membrane of Escherichia coli—through the influence of the work of Wolfhard Weidel, who discovered the murein (peptidoglycan) layer and biochemically characterized the first phage receptors of this bacterium. The discovery of lipoprotein bound to murein was completely unexpected and demonstrated that the protein composition of the outer membrane and the structure and function of proteins could be unraveled at a time when nothing was known about outer membrane proteins. The research of my laboratory over the years covered energy-dependent import of proteinaceous toxins and iron chelates across the outer membrane, which does not contain an energy source, and gene regulation by iron, including transmembrane transcriptional regulation.
Control of Specialized Metabolism by Signaling and Transcriptional Regulation: Opportunities for New Platforms for Drug Discovery?
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 25–48More LessSpecialized metabolites are bacterially produced small molecules that have an extraordinary diversity of important biological activities. They are useful as biochemical probes of living systems, and they have been adapted for use as drugs for human afflictions ranging from infectious diseases to cancer. The biosynthetic genes for these molecules are controlled by a dense network of regulatory mechanisms: Cell-cell signaling and nutrient sensing are conspicuous features of this network. While many components of these mechanisms have been identified, important questions about their biological roles remain shrouded in mystery. In addition to identifying new molecules and solving their mechanisms of action (a central preoccupation in this field), we suggest that addressing questions of quorum sensing versus diffusion sensing and identifying the dominant nutritional and environmental cues for specialized metabolism are important directions for research.
Above and Beyond Watson and Crick: Guanine Quadruplex Structures and Microbes
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 49–69More LessAdvances in understanding mechanisms of nucleic acids have revolutionized molecular biology and medicine, but understanding of nontraditional nucleic acid conformations is less developed. The guanine quadruplex (G4) alternative DNA structure was first described in the 1960s, but the existence of G4 structures (G4-S) and their participation in myriads of biological functions are still underappreciated. Despite many tools to study G4s and many examples of roles for G4s in eukaryotic molecular processes and issues with uncontrolled G4-S formation, there is relatively little knowledge about the roles of G4-S in viral or prokaryotic systems. This review summarizes the state of the art with regard to G4-S in eukaryotes and their potential roles in human disease before discussing the evidence that G4-S have equivalent importance in affecting viral and bacterial life.
The Clash of Macromolecular Titans: Replication-Transcription Conflicts in Bacteria
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 71–88More LessWithin the last decade, it has become clear that DNA replication and transcription are routinely in conflict with each other in growing cells. Much of the seminal work on this topic has been carried out in bacteria, specifically, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis; therefore, studies of conflicts in these species deserve special attention. Collectively, the recent findings on conflicts have fundamentally changed the way we think about DNA replication in vivo. Furthermore, new insights on this topic have revealed that the conflicts between replication and transcription significantly influence many key parameters of cellular function, including genome organization, mutagenesis, and evolution of stress response and virulence genes. In this review, we discuss the consequences of replication-transcription conflicts on the life of bacteria and describe some key strategies cells use to resolve them. We put special emphasis on two critical aspects of these encounters: (a) the consequences of conflicts on replisome stability and dynamics, and (b) the resulting increase in spontaneous mutagenesis.
Eco-evolutionary Dynamics Linked to Horizontal Gene Transfer in Vibrios
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 89–110More LessVibrio is a genus of ubiquitous heterotrophic bacteria found in aquatic environments. Although they are a small percentage of the bacteria in these environments, vibrios can predominate during blooms. Vibrios also play important roles in the degradation of polymeric substances, such as chitin, and in other biogeochemical processes. Vibrios can be found as free-living bacteria, attached to particles, or associated with other organisms in a mutualistic, commensal, or pathogenic relationship. This review focuses on vibrio ecology and genome plasticity, which confers an ability to adapt to new niches and is driven, at least in part, by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). The extent of HGT and its role in pathogen emergence are discussed based on genomic studies of environmental and pathogenic vibrios, mobile genetically encoded virulence factors, and mechanistic studies on the different modes of HGT.
The Complex Rcs Regulatory Cascade
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 111–139More LessRcsB, a response regulator of the FixJ/NarL family, is at the center of a complex network of regulatory inputs and outputs. Cell surface stress is sensed by an outer membrane lipoprotein, RcsF, which regulates interactions of the inner membrane protein IgaA, lifting negative regulation of a phosphorelay. In vivo evidence supports a pathway in which histidine kinase RcsC transfers phosphate to phosphotransfer protein RcsD, resulting in phosphorylation of RcsB. RcsB acts either alone or in combination with RcsA to positively regulate capsule synthesis and synthesis of small RNA (sRNA) RprA as well as other genes, and to negatively regulate motility. RcsB in combination with other FixJ/NarL auxiliary proteins regulates yet other functions, independent of RcsB phosphorylation. Proper expression of Rcs and its targets is critical for success of Escherichia coli commensal strains, for proper development of biofilm, and for virulence in some pathogens. New understanding of how the Rcs phosphorelay works provides insight into the flexibility of the two-component system paradigm.
Broadening the Definition of Bacterial Small RNAs: Characteristics and Mechanisms of Action
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 141–161More LessThe first report of trans-acting RNA-based regulation in bacterial cells dates back to 1984. Subsequent studies in diverse bacteria unraveled shared properties of trans-acting small regulatory RNAs, forming a clear definition of these molecules. These shared characteristics have been used extensively to identify new small RNAs (sRNAs) and their interactomes. Recently however, emerging technologies able to resolve RNA-RNA interactions have identified new types of regulatory RNAs. In this review, we present a broader definition of trans-acting sRNA regulators and discuss their newly discovered intrinsic characteristics.
Transcriptional Responses to ppGpp and DksA
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 163–184More LessThe stringent response to nutrient deprivation is a stress response found throughout the bacterial domain of life. Although first described in proteobacteria for matching ribosome synthesis to the cell's translation status and for preventing formation of defective ribosomal particles, the response is actually much broader, regulating many hundreds of genes—some positively, some negatively. Utilization of the signaling molecules ppGpp and pppGpp for this purpose is ubiquitous in bacterial evolution, although the mechanisms employed vary. In proteobacteria, the signaling molecules typically bind to two sites on RNA polymerase, one at the interface of the β′ and ω subunits and one at the interface of the β′ secondary channel and the transcription factor DksA. The β′ secondary channel is targeted by other transcription regulators as well. Although studies on the transcriptional outputs of the stringent response date back at least 50 years, the mechanisms responsible are only now coming into focus.
Context-Specific Action of Ribosomal Antibiotics
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 185–207More LessThe ribosome is a major antibiotic target. Many types of inhibitors can stop cells from growing by binding at functional centers of the ribosome and interfering with its ability to synthesize proteins. These antibiotics were usually viewed as general protein synthesis inhibitors, which indiscriminately stop translation at every codon of every mRNA, preventing the ribosome from making any protein. However, at each step of the translation cycle, the ribosome interacts with multiple ligands (mRNAs, tRNA substrates, translation factors, etc.), and as a result, the properties of the translation complex vary from codon to codon and from gene to gene. Therefore, rather than being indiscriminate inhibitors, many ribosomal antibiotics impact protein synthesis in a context-specific manner. This review presents a snapshot of the growing body of evidence that some, and possibly most, ribosome-targeting antibiotics manifest site specificity of action, which is modulated by the nature of the nascent protein, the mRNA, or the tRNAs.
Antibiotic-Induced Genetic Variation: How It Arises and How It Can Be Prevented
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 209–230More LessBy targeting essential cellular processes, antibiotics provoke metabolic perturbations and induce stress responses and genetic variation in bacteria. Here we review current knowledge of the mechanisms by which these molecules generate genetic instability. They include production of reactive oxygen species, as well as induction of the stress response regulons, which lead to enhancement of mutation and recombination rates and modulation of horizontal gene transfer. All these phenomena influence the evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance. The use of strategies to stop or decrease the generation of resistant variants is also discussed.
Using Cryo-EM to Investigate Bacterial Secretion Systems
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 231–254More LessBacterial secretion systems are responsible for releasing macromolecules to the extracellular milieu or directly into other cells. These membrane complexes are associated with pathogenicity and bacterial fitness. Understanding of these large assemblies has exponentially increased in the last few years thanks to electron microscopy. In fact, a revolution in this field has led to breakthroughs in characterizing the structures of secretion systems and other macromolecular machineries so as to obtain high-resolution images of complexes that could not be crystallized. In this review, we give a brief overview of structural advancements in the understanding of secretion systems, focusing in particular on cryo–electron microscopy, whether tomography or single-particle analysis. We describe how such techniques have contributed to knowledge of the mechanism of macromolecule secretion in bacteria and the impact they will have in the future.
A New Lens for RNA Localization: Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 255–271More LessRNA localization mechanisms have been intensively studied and include localized protection of mRNA from degradation, diffusion-coupled local entrapment of mRNA, and directed transport of mRNAs along the cytoskeleton. While it is well understood how cells utilize these three mechanisms to organize mRNAs within the cytoplasm, a newly appreciated mechanism of RNA localization has emerged in recent years in which mRNAs phase-separate and form liquid-like droplets. mRNAs both contribute to condensation of proteins into liquid-like structures and are themselves regulated by being incorporated into membraneless organelles. This ability to condense into droplets is in many instances contributing to previously appreciated mRNA localization phenomena. Here we review how phase separation enables mRNAs to selectively and efficiently colocalize and be coregulated, allowing control of gene expression in time and space.
The Promise of a Malaria Vaccine—Are We Closer?
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 273–292More LessMalaria vaccine development has rapidly advanced in the past decade. The very first phase 3 clinical trial of the RTS,S vaccine was completed with over 15,000 African infants and children, and pilot implementation studies are underway. Next-generation candidate vaccines using novel antigens, platforms, or approaches targeting different and/or multiple stages of the Plasmodium life cycle are being tested. Many candidates, in various stages of development, promise enhanced efficacy of long duration and broad protection against genetically diverse malaria strains, with a few studies under way in target populations in endemic areas. Malaria vaccines together with other interventions promise interruption and eventual elimination of malaria in endemic areas.
Spo11-Independent Meiosis in Social Amoebae
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 293–307More LessSex in social amoebae (or dictyostelids) has a number of striking features. Dictyostelid zygotes do not proliferate but grow to a large size by feeding on other cells of the same species, each zygote ultimately forming a walled structure called a macrocyst. The diploid macrocyst nucleus undergoes meiosis, after which a single meiotic product survives to restart haploid vegetative growth. Meiotic recombination is generally initiated by the Spo11 enzyme, which introduces DNA double-strand breaks. Uniquely, as far as is known among sexual eukaryotes, dictyostelids lack a SPO11 gene. Despite this, recombination occurs at high frequencies during meiosis in dictyostelids, through unknown mechanisms. The molecular processes underlying these events, and the evolutionary drivers that brought them into being, may shed light on the genetic conflicts that occur within and between genomes, and how they can be resolved.
The Glyoxylate Shunt, 60 Years On
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 309–330More Less2017 marks the 60th anniversary of Krebs’ seminal paper on the glyoxylate shunt (and coincidentally, also the 80th anniversary of his discovery of the citric acid cycle). Sixty years on, we have witnessed substantial developments in our understanding of how flux is partitioned between the glyoxylate shunt and the oxidative decarboxylation steps of the citric acid cycle. The last decade has shown us that the beautifully elegant textbook mechanism that regulates carbon flux through the shunt in E. coli is an oversimplification of the situation in many other bacteria. The aim of this review is to assess how this new knowledge is impacting our understanding of flux control at the TCA cycle/glyoxylate shunt branch point in a wider range of genera, and to summarize recent findings implicating a role for the glyoxylate shunt in cellular functions other than metabolism.
Electron Bifurcation: A Long-Hidden Energy-Coupling Mechanism
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 331–353More LessA decade ago, a novel mechanism to drive thermodynamically unfavorable redox reactions was discovered that is used in prokaryotes to drive endergonic electron transfer reactions by a direct coupling to an exergonic redox reaction in one soluble enzyme complex. This process is referred to as flavin-based electron bifurcation, or FBEB. An important function of FBEB is that it allows the generation of reduced low-potential ferredoxin (Fdred) from comparably high-potential electron donors such as NADH or molecular hydrogen (H2). Fdred is then the electron donor for anaerobic respiratory chains leading to the synthesis of ATP. In many metabolic scenarios, Fd is reduced by metabolic oxidoreductases and Fdred then drives endergonic metabolic reactions such as H2 production by the reverse, electron confurcation. FBEB is energetically more economical than ATP hydrolysis or reverse electron transport as a driving force for endergonic redox reactions; thus, it does “save” cellular ATP. It is essential for autotrophic growth at the origin of life and also allows for heterotrophic growth on certain low-energy substrates.
Epigenetic Variation and Regulation in Malaria Parasites
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 355–375More LessEukaryotic pathogens must survive in different hosts, respond to changing environments, and exploit specialized niches to propagate. Plasmodium parasites cause human malaria during bloodstream infections, where they must persist long enough to be transmitted. Parasites have evolved diverse strategies of variant gene expression that control critical biological processes of blood-stage infections, including antigenic variation, erythrocyte invasion, innate immune evasion, and nutrient acquisition, as well as life-cycle transitions. Epigenetic mechanisms within the parasite are being elucidated, with discovery of epigenomic marks associated with gene silencing and activation, and the identification of epigenetic regulators and chromatin proteins that are required for the switching and maintenance of gene expression. Here, we review the key epigenetic processes that facilitate transition through the parasite life cycle and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms utilized by Plasmodium parasites to survive changing environments and consider epigenetic switching in the context of the outcome of human infections.
Interspecific Gene Exchange as a Driver of Adaptive Evolution in Fungi
Vol. 72 (2018), pp. 377–398More LessThroughout evolutionary history in the kingdom Fungi, taxa have exchanged genetic information among species, as revealed in particular by analyses of genome sequences. In fungi, hybridization can occur by sexual mating or by fusion of vegetative structures giving rise to new species or leaving traces of introgression in the genome. Furthermore, gene exchange can occur by horizontal gene transfer between species and can even include organisms outside the kingdom Fungi. In several cases, interspecific gene exchange has been instrumental in rapid adaptive evolution of fungal species and has notably played a role in the emergence of new pathogens. Here we summarize mechanisms and examples of gene exchange in fungi with a particular focus on the genomic context. We emphasize the need for and potential of applying population genetic approaches to better understand the processes and the impact of interspecific gene exchange in rapid adaptive evolution and species diversification. The broad occurrence of gene exchange among fungal species challenges our species concepts in the kingdom Fungi.
Communication Between the Microbiota and Mammalian Immunity
Kyla S. Ost, and June L. RoundVol. 72 (2018), pp. 399–422More LessMammalian immune systems evolved within a diverse world dominated by microbes, making interactions between these two life-forms inevitable. Adaptive immunity protects against microbes through antigen-specific responses. In classical studies, these responses were investigated in the context of pathogenicity; however, we now know that they have significant effects on our resident microbes. In turn, microbes employ an arsenal of mechanisms to influence development and specificity of host immunity. Understanding these complex reactions will be necessary to develop microbiota-based strategies to prevent or treat disease. Here we review the literature detailing the cross talk between resident microbes with a focus on the specificity of host responses and the microbial molecules that influence them.
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