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Annual Review of Microbiology - Current Issue
Volume 78, 2024
Large Roles of Small Proteins
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 1–22More LessBacterial proteins of ≤50 amino acids, denoted small proteins or microproteins, have been traditionally understudied and overlooked, as standard computational, biochemical, and genetic approaches often do not detect proteins of this size. However, with the realization that small proteins are stably expressed and have important cellular roles, there has been increased identification of small proteins in bacteria and eukaryotes. Gradually, the functions of a few of these small proteins are being elucidated. Many interact with larger protein products to modulate their subcellular localization, stabilities, or activities. Here, we provide an overview of these diverse functions in bacteria, highlighting generalities among bacterial small proteins and similarly sized proteins in eukaryotic organisms and discussing questions for future research.
Metals at the Host–Fungal Pathogen Battleground
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 23–38More LessFungal infections continue to represent a major threat to public health, particularly with the emergence of multidrug-resistant fungal pathogens. As part of the innate immune response, the host modulates the availability of metals as armament against pathogenic microbes, including fungi. The transition metals Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn are essential micronutrients for all life forms, but when present in excess, these same metals are potent toxins. The host exploits the double-edged sword of these metals, and will either withhold metal micronutrients from pathogenic fungi or attack them with toxic doses. In response to these attacks, fungal pathogens cleverly adapt by modulating metal transport, metal storage, and usage of metals as cofactors for enzymes. Here we review the current state of understanding on Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn at the host–fungal pathogen battleground and provide perspectives for future research, including a hope for new antifungals based on metals.
Inside the Host: Understanding the Evolutionary Trajectories of Intracellular Parasitism
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 39–59More LessThis review explores the origins of intracellular parasitism, an intriguing facet of symbiosis, where one organism harms its host, potentially becoming deadly. We focus on three distantly related groups of single-celled eukaryotes, namely Kinetoplastea, Holomycota, and Apicomplexa, which contain multiple species-rich lineages of intracellular parasites. Using comparative analysis of morphological, physiological, and molecular features of kinetoplastids, microsporidians, and sporozoans, as well as their closest free-living relatives, we reveal the evolutionary trajectories and adaptations that enabled the transition to intracellular parasitism. Intracellular parasites have evolved various efficient mechanisms for host acquisition and exploitation, allowing them to thrive in a variety of hosts. Each group has developed unique features related to the parasitic lifestyle, involving dedicated protein families associated with host cell invasion, survival, and exit. Indeed, parallel evolution has led to distinct lineages of intracellular parasites employing diverse traits and approaches to achieve similar outcomes.
Cyanobacteriochromes: A Rainbow of Photoreceptors
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 61–81More LessWidespread phytochrome photoreceptors use photoisomerization of linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophores to measure the ratio of red to far-red light. Cyanobacteria also contain distantly related cyanobacteriochrome (CBCR) proteins that share the bilin-binding GAF domain of phytochromes but sense other colors of light. CBCR photocycles are extremely diverse, ranging from the near-UV to the near-IR. Photoisomerization of the bilin triggers photoconversion of the CBCR input, thereby modulating the biochemical signaling state of output domains such as histidine kinase bidomains that can interface with cellular signal transduction pathways. CBCRs thus can regulate several aspects of cyanobacterial photobiology, including phototaxis, metabolism of cyclic nucleotide second messengers, and optimization of the cyanobacterial light-harvesting apparatus. This review examines spectral tuning, photoconversion, and photobiology of CBCRs and recent developments in understanding their evolution and in applying them in synthetic biology.
Metalation of Extracytoplasmic Proteins and Bacterial Cell Envelope Homeostasis
Bixi He, and John D. HelmannVol. 78 (2024), pp. 83–102More LessCell physiology requires innumerable metalloenzymes supported by the selective import of metal ions. Within the crowded cytosol, most enzymes acquire their cognate cofactors from a buffered labile pool. Metalation of membrane-bound and secreted exoenzymes is more problematic since metal concentrations are highly variable outside the cell. Here, we focus on metalloenzymes involved in cell envelope homeostasis. Peptidoglycan synthesis often relies on Zn-dependent hydrolases, and metal-dependent β-lactamases play important roles in antibiotic resistance. In gram-positive bacteria, lipoteichoic acid synthesis requires Mn, with TerC family Mn exporters in a supporting role. For some exoenzymes, metalation occurs in the cytosol, and metalated enzymes are exported through the TAT secretion system. For others, metalation is facilitated by metal exporters, metallochaperones, or partner proteins that enhance metal affinity. To help ensure function, some metalloenzymes can function with multiple metals. Thus, cells employ a diversity of strategies to ensure metalation of enzymes functioning outside the cytosol.
The Microbe, the Infection Enigma, and the Host
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 103–124More LessHuman infectious diseases are unique in that the discovery of their environmental trigger, the microbe, was sufficient to drive the development of extraordinarily effective principles and tools for their prevention or cure. This unique medical prowess has outpaced, and perhaps even hindered, the development of scientific progress of equal magnitude in the biological understanding of infectious diseases. Indeed, the hope kindled by the germ theory of disease was rapidly subdued by the infection enigma, in need of a host solution, when it was realized that most individuals infected with most infectious agents continue to do well. The root causes of disease and death in the unhappy few remained unclear. While canonical approaches in vitro (cellular microbiology), in vivo (animal models), and in natura (clinical studies) analyzed the consequences of infection with a microbe, considered to be the cause of disease, in cells, tissues, or organisms seen as a uniform host, alternative approaches searched for preexisting causes of disease, particularly human genetic and immunological determinants in populations of diverse individuals infected with a trigger microbe.
Viral Genome Delivery Across Bacterial Cell Surfaces
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 125–145More LessIn 1952, Hershey and Chase used bacteriophage T2 genome delivery inside Escherichia coli to demonstrate that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material. Over 70 years later, our understanding of bacteriophage structure has grown dramatically, mainly thanks to the cryogenic electron microscopy revolution. In stark contrast, phage genome delivery in prokaryotes remains poorly understood, mainly due to the inherent challenge of studying such a transient and complex process. Here, we review the current literature on viral genome delivery across bacterial cell surfaces. We focus on icosahedral bacterial viruses that we arbitrarily sort into three groups based on the presence and size of a tail apparatus. We inventory the building blocks implicated in genome delivery and critically analyze putative mechanisms of genome ejection. Bacteriophage genome delivery into bacteria is a topic of growing interest, given the renaissance of phage therapy in Western medicine as a therapeutic alternative to face the antibiotic resistance crisis.
From Chaos Comes Order: Genetics and Genome Biology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 147–168More LessArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate mutualists that can enhance nutrition and growth of their plant hosts while providing protection against pathogens. AMF produce spores and hyphal networks that can carry thousands of nuclei in a continuous cytoplasm, with no evidence of sexual reproduction. This review examines the impact of genomic technologies on our view of AMF genetics and evolution. We highlight how the genetics, nuclear dynamics, and epigenetics of these prominent symbionts follow trends preserved in distant multinucleate fungal relatives. We also propose new avenues of research to improve our understanding of their nuclear biology and their intricate genetic interactions with plant hosts.
Unpacking Alternative Features of the Bacterial Chemotaxis System
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 169–189More LessThe bacterial chemotaxis system is one of the best-understood cellular pathways and serves as the model for signal transduction systems. Most chemotaxis research has been conducted with transmembrane chemotaxis systems from Escherichia coli and has established paradigms of the system that were thought to be universal. However, emerging research has revealed that many bacteria possess alternative features of their chemotaxis system, demonstrating that these systems are likely more complex than previously assumed. Here, we compare the canonical chemotaxis system of E. coli with systems that diverge in supramolecular architecture, sensory mechanisms, and protein composition. The alternative features have likely evolved to accommodate chemical specificities of natural niches and cell morphologies. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that bacterial chemotaxis systems are a rapidly expanding field that offers many new opportunities to explore this exceedingly diverse system.
Periplasmic Chaperones: Outer Membrane Biogenesis and Envelope Stress
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 191–211More LessEnvelope biogenesis and homeostasis in gram-negative bacteria are exceptionally intricate processes that require a multitude of periplasmic chaperones to ensure cellular survival. Remarkably, these chaperones perform diverse yet specialized functions entirely in the absence of external energy such as ATP, and as such have evolved sophisticated mechanisms by which their activities are regulated. In this article, we provide an overview of the predominant periplasmic chaperones that enable efficient outer membrane biogenesis and envelope homeostasis in Escherichia coli. We also discuss stress responses that act to combat unfolded protein stress within the cell envelope, highlighting the periplasmic chaperones involved and the mechanisms by which envelope homeostasis is restored.
Molecular Mechanisms for Iron Uptake and Homeostasis in Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 213–232More LessThe micronutrient iron is essential for phytoplankton growth due to its central role in a wide variety of key metabolic processes including photosynthesis and nitrate assimilation. As a result of scarce bioavailable iron in seawater, marine primary productivity is often iron-limited with future iron supplies remaining uncertain. Although evolutionary constraints resulted in high cellular iron requirements, phytoplankton evolved diverse mechanisms that enable uptake of multiple forms of iron, storage of iron over short and long timescales, and modulation of their iron requirement under stress. Genomics continues to increase our understanding of iron-related proteins that are homologous to those characterized in other model organisms, while recently, molecular and cell biology have been revealing unique genes and processes with connections to iron acquisition or use. Moreover, there are an increasing number of examples showing the interplay between iron uptake and extracellular processes such as boundary layer chemistry and microbial interactions.
When the Host Encounters the Cell Wall and Vice Versa
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 233–253More LessPeptidoglycan (PGN) and associated surface structures such as secondary polymers and capsules have a central role in the physiology of bacteria. The exoskeletal PGN heteropolymer is the major determinant of cell shape and allows bacteria to withstand cytoplasmic turgor pressure. Thus, its assembly, expansion, and remodeling during cell growth and division need to be highly regulated to avoid compromising cell survival. Similarly, regulation of the assembly impacts bacterial cell shape; distinct shapes enhance fitness in different ecological niches, such as the host. Because bacterial cell wall components, in particular PGN, are exposed to the environment and unique to bacteria, these have been coopted during evolution by eukaryotes to detect bacteria. Furthermore, the essential role of the cell wall in bacterial survival has made PGN an important signaling molecule in the dialog between host and microbes and a target of many host responses. Millions of years of coevolution have resulted in a pivotal role for PGN fragments in shaping host physiology and in establishing a long-lasting symbiosis between microbes and the host. Thus, perturbations of this dialog can lead to pathologies such as chronic inflammatory diseases. Similarly, pathogens have devised sophisticated strategies to manipulate the system to enhance their survival and growth.
Nucleotide Immune Signaling in CBASS, Pycsar, Thoeris, and CRISPR Antiphage Defense
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 255–276More LessBacteria encode an arsenal of diverse systems that defend against phage infection. A common theme uniting many prevalent antiphage defense systems is the use of specialized nucleotide signals that function as second messengers to activate downstream effector proteins and inhibit viral propagation. In this article, we review the molecular mechanisms controlling nucleotide immune signaling in four major families of antiphage defense systems: CBASS, Pycsar, Thoeris, and type III CRISPR immunity. Analyses of the individual steps connecting phage detection, nucleotide signal synthesis, and downstream effector function reveal shared core principles of signaling and uncover system-specific strategies used to augment immune defense. We compare recently discovered mechanisms used by phages to evade nucleotide immune signaling and highlight convergent strategies that shape host–virus interactions. Finally, we explain how the evolutionary connection between bacterial antiphage defense and eukaryotic antiviral immunity defines fundamental rules that govern nucleotide-based immunity across all kingdoms of life.
Apicomplexan Pore-Forming Toxins
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 277–291More LessPore-forming toxins (PFTs) are released by one cell to directly inflict damage on another cell. Hosts use PFTs, including members of the membrane attack complex/perforin protein family, to fight infections and cancer, while bacteria and parasites deploy PFTs to promote infection. Apicomplexan parasites secrete perforin-like proteins as PFTs to egress from infected cells and traverse tissue barriers. Other protozoa, along with helminth parasites, utilize saposin-like PFTs prospectively for nutrient acquisition during infection. This review discusses seminal and more recent advances in understanding how parasite PFTs promote infection and describes how they are regulated and fulfill their roles without causing parasite self-harm. Although exciting progress has been made in defining mechanisms of pore formation by PFTs, many open questions remain to be addressed to gain additional key insights into these remarkable determinants of parasitic infections.
Cell Growth and Division of Staphylococcus aureus
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 293–310More LessBacterial cell growth and division require temporal and spatial coordination of multiple processes to ensure viability and morphogenesis. These mechanisms both determine and are determined by dynamic cellular structures and components, from within the cytoplasm to the cell envelope. The characteristic morphological changes during the cell cycle are largely driven by the architecture and mechanics of the cell wall. A constellation of proteins governs growth and division in Staphylococcus aureus, with counterparts also found in other organisms, alluding to underlying conserved mechanisms. Here, we review the status of knowledge regarding the cell cycle of this important pathogen and describe how this informs our understanding of the action of antibiotics and the specter of antimicrobial resistance.
Cytoskeleton Organization in Formation and Motility of Apicomplexan Parasites
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 311–335More LessApicomplexan parasites are a group of eukaryotic protozoans with diverse biology that have affected human health like no other group of parasites. These obligate intracellular parasites rely on their cytoskeletal structures for giving them form, enabling them to replicate in unique ways and to migrate across tissue barriers. Recent progress in transgenesis and imaging tools allowed detailed insights into the components making up and regulating the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton as well as the alveolate-specific intermediate filament–like cytoskeletal network. These studies revealed interesting details that deviate from the cell biology of canonical model organisms. Here we review the latest developments in the field and point to a number of open questions covering the most experimentally tractable parasites: Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria; Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis; and Cryptosporidium, a major cause of diarrhea.
Innovative Strategies to Study the Pathogenesis of Elusive Spirochetes and Difficulties Managing the Chronic Infections They Cause
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 337–360More LessThe major human spirochetal pathogens (Leptospira, Borrelia, and Treponema) are difficult to diagnose and lack vaccines to prevent infections. Infection by these spirochetes does not generate general protective immunity, allowing reinfection by different strains to occur. These stealth pathogens have uncommon physiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentations and possess unique immune evasion mechanisms to facilitate their host adaptation and persistence. Collectively, host–spirochete interactions orchestrate systemic infections in a manner distinct from organ- and tissue-specific diseases caused by many bacterial pathogens. Difficulties in growing and genetic manipulation of infectious spirochetes have hindered the full understanding of their virulence factors despite decades to centuries of research. This article highlights the current understanding of the intricacies of spirochetal pathogenesis and diseases. Our comprehensive review of the progress versus gaps in knowledge lays a foundation for researchers to direct their studies toward the development of effective diagnostics and vaccines to protect patients from serious, chronic spirochetal diseases.
From Petri Dishes to Patients to Populations: Scales and Evolutionary Mechanisms Driving Antibiotic Resistance
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 361–382More LessTackling the challenge created by antibiotic resistance requires understanding the mechanisms behind its evolution. Like any evolutionary process, the evolution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is driven by the underlying variation in a bacterial population and the selective pressures acting upon it. Importantly, both selection and variation will depend on the scale at which resistance evolution is considered (from evolution within a single patient to the host population level). While laboratory experiments have generated fundamental insights into the mechanisms underlying antibiotic resistance evolution, the technological advances in whole genome sequencing now allow us to probe antibiotic resistance evolution beyond the lab and directly record it in individual patients and host populations. Here we review the evolutionary forces driving antibiotic resistance at each of these scales, highlight gaps in our current understanding of AMR evolution, and discuss future steps toward evolution-guided interventions.
Methanobactins: Structures, Biosynthesis, and Microbial Diversity
Vol. 78 (2024), pp. 383–401More LessMethanobactins (Mbns) are ribosomally synthesized and posttranslationally modified peptide natural products released by methanotrophic bacteria under conditions of copper scarcity. Mbns bind Cu(I) with high affinity via nitrogen-containing heterocycles and thioamide groups installed on a precursor peptide, MbnA, by a core biosynthetic enzyme complex, MbnBC. Additional stabilizing modifications are enacted by other, less universal biosynthetic enzymes. Copper-loaded Mbn is imported into the cell by TonB-dependent transporters called MbnTs, and copper is mobilized by an unknown mechanism. The machinery to biosynthesize and transport Mbn is encoded in operons that are also found in the genomes of nonmethanotrophic bacteria. In this review, we provide an update on the state of the Mbn field, highlighting recent discoveries regarding Mbn structure, biosynthesis, and handling as well as the emerging roles of Mbns in the environment and their potential use as therapeutics.
Previous Volumes
Volume 78 (2024)
Volume 77 (2023)
Volume 76 (2022)
Volume 75 (2021)
Volume 74 (2020)
Volume 73 (2019)
Volume 72 (2018)
Volume 71 (2017)
Volume 70 (2016)
Volume 69 (2015)
Volume 68 (2014)
Volume 67 (2013)
Volume 66 (2012)
Volume 65 (2011)
Volume 64 (2010)
Volume 63 (2009)
Volume 62 (2008)
Volume 61 (2007)
Volume 60 (2006)
Volume 59 (2005)
Volume 58 (2004)
Volume 57 (2003)
Volume 56 (2002)
Volume 55 (2001)
Volume 54 (2000)
Volume 53 (1999)
Volume 52 (1998)
Volume 51 (1997)
Volume 50 (1996)
Volume 49 (1995)
Volume 48 (1994)
Volume 47 (1993)
Volume 46 (1992)
Volume 45 (1991)
Volume 44 (1990)
Volume 43 (1989)
Volume 42 (1988)
Volume 41 (1987)
Volume 40 (1986)
Volume 39 (1985)
Volume 38 (1984)
Volume 37 (1983)
Volume 36 (1982)
Volume 35 (1981)
Volume 34 (1980)
Volume 33 (1979)
Volume 32 (1978)
Volume 31 (1977)
Volume 30 (1976)
Volume 29 (1975)
Volume 28 (1974)
Volume 27 (1973)
Volume 26 (1972)
Volume 25 (1971)
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Volume 23 (1969)
Volume 22 (1968)
Volume 21 (1967)
Volume 20 (1966)
Volume 19 (1965)
Volume 18 (1964)
Volume 17 (1963)
Volume 16 (1962)
Volume 15 (1961)
Volume 14 (1960)
Volume 13 (1959)
Volume 12 (1958)
Volume 11 (1957)
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Volume 1 (1947)
Volume 0 (1932)