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Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology - Volume 31, 2015
Volume 31, 2015
Metabolism and Epigenetics
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 473–496More LessEpigenetic mechanisms by which cells inherit information are, to a large extent, enabled by DNA methylation and posttranslational modifications of histone proteins. These modifications operate both to influence the structure of chromatin per se and to serve as recognition elements for proteins with motifs dedicated to binding particular modifications. Each of these modifications results from an enzyme that consumes one of several important metabolites during catalysis. Likewise, the removal of these marks often results in the consumption of a different metabolite. Therefore, these so-called epigenetic marks have the capacity to integrate the expression state of chromatin with the metabolic state of the cell. This review focuses on the central roles played by acetyl-CoA, S-adenosyl methionine, NAD+, and a growing list of other acyl-CoA derivatives in epigenetic processes. We also review how metabolites that accumulate as a result of oncogenic mutations are thought to subvert the epigenetic program.
Stress Signaling Between Organs in Metazoa
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 497–522More LessMany organisms have developed a robust ability to adapt and survive in the face of environmental perturbations that threaten the integrity of their genome, proteome, or metabolome. Studies in multiple model organisms have shown that, in general, when exposed to stress, cells activate a complex prosurvival signaling network that includes immune and DNA damage response genes, chaperones, antioxidant enzymes, structural proteins, metabolic enzymes, and noncoding RNAs. The manner of activation runs the gamut from transcriptional induction of genes to increased stability of transcripts to posttranslational modification of important biosynthetic proteins within the stressed tissue. Superimposed on these largely autonomous effects are nonautonomous responses in which the stressed tissue secretes peptides and other factors that stimulate tissues in different organs to embark on processes that ultimately help the organism as a whole cope with stress. This review focuses on the mechanisms by which tissues in one organ adapt to environmental challenges by regulating stress responses in tissues of different organs.
Placenta: The Forgotten Organ
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 523–552More LessThe placenta sits at the interface between the maternal and fetal vascular beds where it mediates nutrient and waste exchange to enable in utero existence. Placental cells (trophoblasts) accomplish this via invading and remodeling the uterine vasculature. Amazingly, despite being of fetal origin, trophoblasts do not trigger a significant maternal immune response. Additionally, they maintain a highly reliable hemostasis in this extremely vascular interface. Decades of research into how the placenta differentiates itself from embryonic tissues to accomplish these and other feats have revealed a previously unappreciated level of complexity with respect to the placenta's cellular composition. Additionally, novel insights with respect to roles played by the placenta in guiding fetal development and metabolism have sparked a renewed interest in understanding the interrelationship between fetal and placental well-being. Here, we present an overview of emerging research in placental biology that highlights these themes and the importance of the placenta to fetal and adult health.
Lung Endoderm Morphogenesis: Gasping for Form and Function
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 553–573More LessThe respiratory endoderm develops from a small cluster of cells located on the ventral anterior foregut. This population of progenitors generates the myriad epithelial lineages required for proper lung function in adults through a complex and delicately balanced series of developmental events controlled by many critical signaling and transcription factor pathways. In the past decade, understanding of this process has grown enormously, helped in part by cell lineage fate analysis and deep sequencing of the transcriptomes of various progenitors and differentiated cell types. This review explores how these new techniques, coupled with more traditional approaches, have provided a detailed picture of development of the epithelial lineages in the lung and insight into how aberrant development can lead to lung disease.
Polarized Protein Transport and Lumen Formation During Epithelial Tissue Morphogenesis
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 575–591More LessOne of the major challenges in biology is to explain how complex tissues and organs arise from the collective action of individual polarized cells. The best-studied model of this process is the cross talk between individual epithelial cells during their polarization to form the multicellular epithelial lumen during tissue morphogenesis. Multiple mechanisms of apical lumen formation have been proposed. Some epithelial lumens form from preexisting polarized epithelial structures. However, de novo lumen formation from nonpolarized cells has recently emerged as an important driver of epithelial tissue morphogenesis, especially during the formation of small epithelial tubule networks. In this review, we discuss the latest findings regarding the mechanisms and regulation of de novo lumen formation in vitro and in vivo.
Structure, Regulation, and Functional Diversity of Microvilli on the Apical Domain of Epithelial Cells
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 593–621More LessMicrovilli are actin-based structures found on the apical aspect of many epithelial cells. In this review, we discuss different types of microvilli, as well as comparisons with actin-based sensory stereocilia and filopodia. Much is known about the actin-bundling proteins of these structures; we summarize recent studies that focus on the components of the microvillar membrane. We pay special attention to mechanisms of membrane microfilament attachment by the ezrin/radixin/moesin family and regulation of this protein family. We also discuss the NHERF family of scaffolding proteins that are found in microvilli and their role in microvilli regulation. Microvilli on cultured cells are not static structures, and their dynamics and those of their components are discussed. Finally, we mention diseases related to microvilli and outline questions that our current knowledge will allow the field to address in the near future.
Wnt-Frizzled/Planar Cell Polarity Signaling: Cellular Orientation by Facing the Wind (Wnt)
Yingzi Yang, and Marek MlodzikVol. 31 (2015), pp. 623–646More LessThe establishment of planar cell polarity (PCP) in epithelial and mesenchymal cells is a critical, evolutionarily conserved process during development and organogenesis. Analyses in Drosophila and several vertebrate model organisms have contributed a wealth of information on the regulation of PCP. A key conserved pathway regulating PCP, the so-called core Wnt-Frizzled PCP (Fz/PCP) signaling pathway, was initially identified through genetic studies of Drosophila. PCP studies in vertebrates, most notably mouse and zebrafish, have identified novel factors in PCP signaling and have also defined cellular features requiring PCP signaling input. These studies have shifted focus to the role of Van Gogh (Vang)/Vangl genes in this molecular system. This review focuses on new insights into the core Fz/Vangl/PCP pathway and recent advances in Drosophila and vertebrate PCP studies. We attempt to integrate these within the existing core Fz/Vangl/PCP signaling framework.
The Ins and Outs of Polarized Axonal Domains
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 647–667More LessMyelinated axons are divided into polarized subdomains including axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier. These domains initiate and propagate action potentials and regulate the trafficking and localization of somatodendritic and axonal proteins. Formation of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier depends on intrinsic (neuronal) and extrinsic (glial) interactions. Several levels of redundancy in both mechanisms and molecules also exist to ensure efficient node formation. Furthermore, the establishment of polarized domains at and near nodes of Ranvier reflects the intrinsic polarity of the myelinating glia responsible for node assembly. Here, we discuss the various polarized domains of myelinated axons, how they are established by both intrinsic and extrinsic interactions, and the polarity of myelinating glia.
Assembly and Function of Spinal Circuits for Motor Control
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 669–698More LessControl of movement is a fundamental and complex task of the vertebrate nervous system, which relies on communication between circuits distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord. Many of the networks essential for the execution of basic locomotor behaviors are composed of discrete neuronal populations residing within the spinal cord. The organization and connectivity of these circuits is established through programs that generate functionally diverse neuronal subtypes, each contributing to a specific facet of motor output. Significant progress has been made in deciphering how neuronal subtypes are specified and in delineating the guidance and synaptic specificity determinants at the core of motor circuit assembly. Recent studies have shed light on the basic principles linking locomotor circuit connectivity with function, and they are beginning to reveal how more sophisticated motor behaviors are encoded. In this review, we discuss the impact of developmental programs in specifying motor behaviors governed by spinal circuits.
Generating Neuronal Diversity in the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 699–720More LessThe neocortex is the part of the brain responsible for execution of higher-order brain functions, including cognition, sensory perception, and sophisticated motor control. During evolution, the neocortex has developed an unparalleled neuronal diversity, which still remains partly unclassified and unmapped at the functional level. Here, we broadly review the structural blueprint of the neocortex and discuss the current classification of its neuronal diversity. We then cover the principles and mechanisms that build neuronal diversity during cortical development and consider the impact of neuronal class-specific identity in shaping cortical connectivity and function.
Monoallelic Expression of Olfactory Receptors
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 721–740More LessThe sense of smell collects vital information about the environment by detecting a multitude of chemical odorants. Breadth and sensitivity are provided by a huge number of chemosensory receptor proteins, including more than 1,400 olfactory receptors (ORs). Organizing the sensory information generated by these receptors so that it can be processed and evaluated by the central nervous system is a major challenge. This challenge is overcome by monogenic and monoallelic expression of OR genes. The single OR expressed by each olfactory sensory neuron determines the neuron's odor sensitivity and the axonal connections it will make to downstream neurons in the olfactory bulb. The expression of a single OR per neuron is accomplished by coupling a slow chromatin-mediated activation process to a fast negative-feedback signal that prevents activation of additional ORs. Singular OR activation is likely orchestrated by a network of interchromosomal enhancer interactions and large-scale changes in nuclear architecture.
Development of Dendritic Form and Function
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 741–777More LessThe nervous system is populated by numerous types of neurons, each bearing a dendritic arbor with a characteristic morphology. These type-specific features influence many aspects of a neuron's function, including the number and identity of presynaptic inputs and how inputs are integrated to determine firing properties. Here, we review the mechanisms that regulate the construction of cell type–specific dendrite patterns during development. We focus on four aspects of dendrite patterning that are particularly important in determining the function of the mature neuron: (a) dendrite shape, including branching pattern and geometry of the arbor; (b) dendritic arbor size; (c) targeting of dendrites to particular locations; and (d) subdivision of dendrites into compartments with unique electrical properties or synaptic inputs.
Sculpting Neural Circuits by Axon and Dendrite Pruning
Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 779–805More LessThe assembly of functional neural circuits requires the combined action of progressive and regressive events. Regressive events encompass a variety of inhibitory developmental processes, including axon and dendrite pruning, which facilitate the removal of exuberant neuronal connections. Most axon pruning involves the removal of axons that had already made synaptic connections; thus, axon pruning is tightly associated with synapse elimination. In many instances, these developmental processes are regulated by the interplay between neurons and glial cells that act instructively during neural remodeling. Owing to the importance of axon and dendritic pruning, these remodeling events require precise spatial and temporal control, and this is achieved by a range of distinct molecular mechanisms. Disruption of these mechanisms results in abnormal pruning, which has been linked to brain dysfunction. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of axon and dendritic pruning will be instrumental in advancing our knowledge of neural disease and mental disorders.
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