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Annual Review of Biochemistry - Volume 86, 2017
Volume 86, 2017
Engineering and In Vivo Applications of Riboswitches
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 515–539More LessRiboswitches are common gene regulatory units mostly found in bacteria that are capable of altering gene expression in response to a small molecule. These structured RNA elements consist of two modular subunits: an aptamer domain that binds with high specificity and affinity to a target ligand and an expression platform that transduces ligand binding to a gene expression output. Significant progress has been made in engineering novel aptamer domains for new small molecule inducers of gene expression. Modified expression platforms have also been optimized to function when fused with both natural and synthetic aptamer domains. As this field expands, the use of these privileged scaffolds has permitted the development of tools such as RNA-based fluorescent biosensors. In this review, we summarize the methods that have been developed to engineer new riboswitches and highlight applications of natural and synthetic riboswitches in enzyme and strain engineering, in controlling gene expression and cellular physiology, and in real-time imaging of cellular metabolites and signals.
Cyclic GMP–AMP as an Endogenous Second Messenger in Innate Immune Signaling by Cytosolic DNA
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 541–566More LessThe innate immune system functions as the first line of defense against invading bacteria and viruses. In this context, the cGAS/STING [cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP)–adenosine monophosphate (AMP) synthase/STING] signaling axis perceives the nonself DNA associated with bacterial and viral infections, as well as the leakage of self DNA by cellular dysfunction and stresses, to elicit the host's immune responses. In this pathway, the noncanonical cyclic dinucleotide 2′,3′-cyclic GMP–AMP (2′,3′-cGAMP) functions as a second messenger for signal transduction: 2′,3′-cGAMP is produced by the enzyme cGAS upon its recognition of double-stranded DNA, and then the 2′,3′-cGAMP is recognized by the receptor STING to induce the phosphorylation of downstream factors, including TBK1 (TANK binding kinase 1) and IRF3 (interferon regulatory factor 3). Numerous crystal structures of the components of this cGAS/STING signaling axis have been reported and these clarify the structural basis for their signal transduction mechanisms. In this review, we summarize recent progress made in the structural dissection of this signaling pathway and indicate possible directions of forthcoming research.
A Bright Future for Antibiotics?
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 567–583More LessMultidrug resistance is a global threat as the clinically available potent antibiotic drugs are becoming exceedingly scarce. For example, increasing drug resistance among gram-positive bacteria is responsible for approximately one-third of nosocomial infections. As ribosomes are a major target for these drugs, they may serve as suitable objects for novel development of next-generation antibiotics. Three-dimensional structures of ribosomal particles from Staphylococcus aureus obtained by X-ray crystallography have shed light on fine details of drug binding sites and have revealed unique structural motifs specific for this pathogenic strain, which may be used for the design of novel degradable pathogen-specific, and hence, environmentally friendly drugs.
Molecular Characteristics and Biological Functions of Surface-Active and Surfactant Proteins
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 585–608More LessMany critical biological processes take place at hydrophobic:hydrophilic interfaces, and a wide range of organisms produce surface-active proteins and peptides that reduce surface and interfacial tension and mediate growth and development at these boundaries. Microorganisms produce both small lipid–associated peptides and amphipathic proteins that allow growth across water:air boundaries, attachment to surfaces, predation, and improved bioavailability of hydrophobic substrates. Higher-order organisms produce surface-active proteins with a wide variety of functions, including the provision of protective foam environments for vulnerable reproductive stages, evaporative cooling, and gas exchange across airway membranes. In general, the biological functions supported by these diverse polypeptides require them to have an amphipathic nature, and this is achieved by a diverse range of molecular structures, with some proteins undergoing significant conformational change or intermolecular association to generate the structures that are surface active.
How α-Helical Motifs Form Functionally Diverse Lipid-Binding Compartments
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 609–636More LessLipids are produced site-specifically in cells and then distributed nonrandomly among membranes via vesicular and nonvesicular trafficking mechanisms. The latter involves soluble amphitropic proteins extracting specific lipids from source membranes to function as molecular solubilizers that envelope their insoluble cargo before transporting it to destination sites. Lipid-binding and lipid transfer structural motifs range from multi-β-strand barrels, to β-sheet cups and baskets covered by α-helical lids, to multi-α-helical bundles and layers. Here, we focus on how α-helical proteins use amphipathic helical layering and bundling to form modular lipid-binding compartments and discuss the functional consequences. Preformed compartments generally rely on intramolecular disulfide bridging to maintain conformation (e.g., albumins, nonspecific lipid transfer proteins, saposins, nematode polyprotein allergens/antigens). Insights into nonpreformed hydrophobic compartments that expand and adapt to accommodate a lipid occupant are few and provided mostly by the three-layer, α-helical ligand-binding domain of nuclear receptors. The simple but elegant and nearly ubiquitous two-layer, α-helical glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP)-fold now further advances understanding.
The Evolution of Organellar Coat Complexes and Organization of the Eukaryotic Cell
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 637–657More LessEukaryotic cells possess a remarkably diverse range of organelles that provide compartmentalization for distinct cellular functions and are likely responsible for the remarkable success of these organisms. The origins and subsequent elaboration of these compartments represent a key aspect in the transition between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular forms. The protein machinery required to build, maintain, and define many membrane-bound compartments is encoded by several paralog families, including small GTPases, coiled-bundle proteins, and proteins with β-propeller and α-solenoid secondary structures. Together these proteins provide the membrane coats and control systems to structure and coordinate the endomembrane system. Mechanistically and evolutionarily, they unite not only secretory and endocytic organelles but also the flagellum and nucleus. The ancient origins for these families have been revealed by recent findings, providing new perspectives on the deep evolutionary processes and relationships that underlie eukaryotic cell structure.
Endoplasmic Reticulum–Plasma Membrane Contact Sites
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 659–684More LessThe endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a broad localization throughout the cell and forms direct physical contacts with all other classes of membranous organelles, including the plasma membrane (PM). A number of protein tethers that mediate these contacts have been identified, and study of these protein tethers has revealed a multiplicity of roles in cell physiology, including regulation of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics and signaling as well as control of lipid traffic and homeostasis. In this review, we discuss the cross talk between the ER and the PM mediated by direct contacts. We review factors that tether the two membranes, their properties, and their dynamics in response to the functional state of the cell. We focus in particular on the role of ER–PM contacts in nonvesicular lipid transport between the two bilayers mediated by lipid transfer proteins.
Mitochondrial Machineries for Protein Import and Assembly
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 685–714More LessMitochondria are essential organelles with numerous functions in cellular metabolism and homeostasis. Most of the >1,000 different mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as precursors in the cytosol and are imported into mitochondria by five transport pathways. The protein import machineries of the mitochondrial membranes and aqueous compartments reveal a remarkable variability of mechanisms for protein recognition, translocation, and sorting. The protein translocases do not operate as separate entities but are connected to each other and to machineries with functions in energetics, membrane organization, and quality control. Here, we discuss the versatility and dynamic organization of the mitochondrial protein import machineries. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial protein translocation is crucial for understanding the integration of protein translocases into a large network that controls organelle biogenesis, function, and dynamics.
Oxidative Stress
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 715–748More LessOxidative stress is two sided: Whereas excessive oxidant challenge causes damage to biomolecules, maintenance of a physiological level of oxidant challenge, termed oxidative eustress, is essential for governing life processes through redox signaling. Recent interest has focused on the intricate ways by which redox signaling integrates these converse properties. Redox balance is maintained by prevention, interception, and repair, and concomitantly the regulatory potential of molecular thiol-driven master switches such as Nrf2/Keap1 or NF-κB/IκB is used for system-wide oxidative stress response. Nonradical species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or singlet molecular oxygen, rather than free-radical species, perform major second messenger functions. Chemokine-controlled NADPH oxidases and metabolically controlled mitochondrial sources of H2O2 as well as glutathione- and thioredoxin-related pathways, with powerful enzymatic back-up systems, are responsible for fine-tuning physiological redox signaling. This makes for a rich research field spanning from biochemistry and cell biology into nutritional sciences, environmental medicine, and molecular knowledge-based redox medicine.
Multiple Functions and Regulation of Mammalian Peroxiredoxins
Sue Goo Rhee, and In Sup KilVol. 86 (2017), pp. 749–775More LessPeroxiredoxins (Prxs) constitute a major family of peroxidases, with mammalian cells expressing six Prx isoforms (PrxI to PrxVI). Cells produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at various intracellular locations where it can serve as a signaling molecule. Given that Prxs are abundant and possess a structure that renders the cysteine (Cys) residue at the active site highly sensitive to oxidation by H2O2, the signaling function of this oxidant requires extensive and highly localized regulation. Recent findings on the reversible regulation of PrxI through phosphorylation at the centrosome and on the hyperoxidation of the Cys at the active site of PrxIII in mitochondria are described in this review as examples of such local regulation of H2O2 signaling. Moreover, their high affinity for and sensitivity to oxidation by H2O2 confer on Prxs the ability to serve as sensors and transducers of H2O2 signaling through transfer of their oxidation state to bound effector proteins.
Redox-Based Regulation of Bacterial Development and Behavior
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 777–797More LessSevere changes in the environmental redox potential, and resulting alterations in the oxidation states of intracellular metabolites and enzymes, have historically been considered negative stressors, requiring responses that are strictly defensive. However, recent work in diverse organisms has revealed that more subtle changes in the intracellular redox state can act as signals, eliciting responses with benefits beyond defense and detoxification. Changes in redox state have been shown to influence or trigger chromosome segregation, sporulation, aerotaxis, and social behaviors, including luminescence as well as biofilm establishment and dispersal. Connections between redox state and complex behavior allow bacteria to link developmental choices with metabolic state and coordinate appropriate responses. Promising future directions for this area of study include metabolomic analysis of species- and condition-dependent changes in metabolite oxidation states and elucidation of the mechanisms whereby the redox state influences circadian regulation.
Extracellular Heme Uptake and the Challenge of Bacterial Cell Membranes
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 799–823More LessIron is essential for the survival of most bacteria but presents a significant challenge given its limited bioavailability. Furthermore, the toxicity of iron combined with the need to maintain physiological iron levels within a narrow concentration range requires sophisticated systems to sense, regulate, and transport iron. Most bacteria have evolved mechanisms to chelate and transport ferric iron (Fe3+) via siderophore receptor systems, and pathogenic bacteria have further lowered this barrier by employing mechanisms to utilize the host's hemoproteins. Once internalized, heme is cleaved by both oxidative and nonoxidative mechanisms to release iron. Heme, itself a lipophilic and toxic molecule, presents a significant challenge for transport into the cell. As such, pathogenic bacteria have evolved sophisticated cell surface signaling and transport systems to obtain heme from the host. In this review, we summarize the structure and function of the heme-sensing and transport systems of pathogenic bacteria and the potential of these systems as antimicrobial targets.
Teaching Old Dyes New Tricks: Biological Probes Built from Fluoresceins and Rhodamines
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 825–843More LessSmall-molecule fluorophores, such as fluorescein and rhodamine derivatives, are critical tools in modern biochemical and biological research. The field of chemical dyes is old; colored molecules were first discovered in the 1800s, and the fluorescein and rhodamine scaffolds have been known for over a century. Nevertheless, there has been a renaissance in using these dyes to create tools for biochemistry and biology. The application of modern chemistry, biochemistry, molecular genetics, and optical physics to these old structures enables and drives the development of novel, sophisticated fluorescent dyes. This critical review focuses on an important example of chemical biology—the melding of old and new chemical knowledge—leading to useful molecules for advanced biochemical and biological experiments.
Microbial Rhodopsins: Diversity, Mechanisms, and Optogenetic Applications
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 845–872More LessMicrobial rhodopsins are a family of photoactive retinylidene proteins widespread throughout the microbial world. They are notable for their diversity of function, using variations of a shared seven-transmembrane helix design and similar photochemical reactions to carry out distinctly different light-driven energy and sensory transduction processes. Their study has contributed to our understanding of how evolution modifies protein scaffolds to create new protein chemistry, and their use as tools to control membrane potential with light is fundamental to optogenetics for research and clinical applications. We review the currently known functions and present more in-depth assessment of three functionally and structurally distinct types discovered over the past two years: (a) anion channelrhodopsins (ACRs) from cryptophyte algae, which enable efficient optogenetic neural suppression; (b) cryptophyte cation channelrhodopsins (CCRs), structurally distinct from the green algae CCRs used extensively for neural activation and from cryptophyte ACRs; and (c) enzymerhodopsins, with light-gated guanylyl cyclase or kinase activity promising for optogenetic control of signal transduction.
Cellular Electron Cryotomography: Toward Structural Biology In Situ
Vol. 86 (2017), pp. 873–896More LessElectron cryotomography (ECT) provides three-dimensional views of macromolecular complexes inside cells in a native frozen–hydrated state. Over the last two decades, ECT has revealed the ultrastructure of cells in unprecedented detail. It has also allowed us to visualize the structures of macromolecular machines in their native context inside intact cells. In many cases, such machines cannot be purified intact for in vitro study. In other cases, the function of a structure is lost outside the cell, so that the mechanism can be understood only by observation in situ. In this review, we describe the technique and its history and provide examples of its power when applied to cell biology. We also discuss the integration of ECT with other techniques, including lower-resolution fluorescence imaging and higher-resolution atomic structure determination, to cover the full scale of cellular processes.
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