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Annual Review of Physiology - Volume 82, 2020
Volume 82, 2020
New Approaches to Target Inflammation in Heart Failure: Harnessing Insights from Studies of Immune Cell Diversity
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 1–20More LessDespite mounting evidence implicating inflammation in cardiovascular diseases, attempts at clinical translation have shown mixed results. Recent preclinical studies have reenergized this field and provided new insights into how to favorably modulate cardiac macrophage function in the context of acute myocardial injury and chronic disease. In this review, we discuss the origins and roles of cardiac macrophage populations in the steady-state and diseased heart, focusing on the human heart and mouse models of ischemia, hypertensive heart disease, and aortic stenosis. Specific attention is given to delineating the roles of tissue-resident and recruited monocyte-derived macrophage subsets. We also highlight emerging concepts of monocyte plasticity and heterogeneity among monocyte-derived macrophages, describe possible mechanisms by which infiltrating monocytes acquire unique macrophage fates, and discuss the putative impact of these populations on cardiac remodeling. Finally, we discuss strategies to target inflammatory macrophage populations.
Cardiac Pacemaker Activity and Aging
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 21–43More LessA progressive decline in maximum heart rate (mHR) is a fundamental aspect of aging in humans and other mammals. This decrease in mHR is independent of gender, fitness, and lifestyle, affecting in equal measure women and men, athletes and couch potatoes, spinach eaters and fast food enthusiasts. Importantly, the decline in mHR is the major determinant of the age-dependent decline in aerobic capacity that ultimately limits functional independence for many older individuals. The gradual reduction in mHR with age reflects a slowing of the intrinsic pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node of the heart, which results from electrical remodeling of individual pacemaker cells along with structural remodeling and a blunted β-adrenergic response. In this review, we summarize current evidence about the tissue, cellular, and molecular mechanisms that underlie the reduction in pacemaker activity with age and highlight key areas for future work.
Cardiomyocyte Polyploidy and Implications for Heart Regeneration
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 45–61More LessIn mammals, most cardiomyocytes (CMs) become polyploid (they have more than two complete sets of chromosomes). The purpose of this review is to evaluate assumptions about CM ploidy that are commonly discussed, even if not experimentally demonstrated, and to highlight key issues that are still to be resolved. Topics discussed here include (a) technical and conceptual difficulties in defining a polyploid CM, (b) the candidate role of reactive oxygen as a proximal trigger for the onset of polyploidy, (c) the relationship between polyploidization and other aspects of CM maturation, (d) recent insights related to the regenerative role of the subpopulation of CMs that are not polyploid, and (e) speculations as to why CMs become polyploid at all. New approaches to experimentally manipulate CM ploidy may resolve some of these long-standing and fundamental questions.
Cardiac Fibroblast Diversity
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 63–78More LessCardiac fibrosis is a pathological condition that occurs after injury and during aging. Currently, there are limited means to effectively reduce or reverse fibrosis. Key to identifying methods for curbing excess deposition of extracellular matrix is a better understanding of the cardiac fibroblast, the cell responsible for collagen production. In recent years, the diversity and functions of these enigmatic cells have been gradually revealed. In this review, I outline current approaches for identifying and classifying cardiac fibroblasts. An emphasis is placed on new insights into the heterogeneity of these cells as determined by lineage tracing and single-cell sequencing in development, adult, and disease states. These recent advances in our understanding of the fibroblast provide a platform for future development of novel therapeutics to combat cardiac fibrosis.
Circadian Regulation of Cardiac Physiology: Rhythms That Keep the Heart Beating
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 79–101More LessOn Earth, all life is exposed to dramatic changes in the environment over the course of the day; consequently, organisms have evolved strategies to both adapt to and anticipate these 24-h oscillations. As a result, time of day is a major regulator of mammalian physiology and processes, including transcription, signaling, metabolism, and muscle contraction, all of which oscillate over the course of the day. In particular, the heart is subject to wide fluctuations in energetic demand throughout the day as a result of waking, physical activity, and food intake patterns. Daily rhythms in cardiovascular function ensure that increased delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and endocrine factors to organs during the active period and the removal of metabolic by-products are in balance. Failure to maintain these physiologic rhythms invariably has pathologic consequences. This review highlights rhythms that underpin cardiac physiology. More specifically, we summarize the key aspects of cardiac physiology that oscillate over the course of the day and discuss potential mechanisms that regulate these 24-h rhythms.
The Acidic Tumor Microenvironment as a Driver of Cancer
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 103–126More LessAcidic metabolic waste products accumulate in the tumor microenvironment because of high metabolic activity and insufficient perfusion. In tumors, the acidity of the interstitial space and the relatively well-maintained intracellular pH influence cancer and stromal cell function, their mutual interplay, and their interactions with the extracellular matrix. Tumor pH is spatially and temporally heterogeneous, and the fitness advantage of cancer cells adapted to extracellular acidity is likely particularly evident when they encounter less acidic tumor regions, for instance, during invasion. Through complex effects on genetic stability, epigenetics, cellular metabolism, proliferation, and survival, the compartmentalized pH microenvironment favors cancer development. Cellular selection exacerbates the malignant phenotype, which is further enhanced by acid-induced cell motility, extracellular matrix degradation, attenuated immune responses, and modified cellular and intercellular signaling. In this review, we discuss how the acidity of the tumor microenvironment influences each stage in cancer development, from dysplasia to full-blown metastatic disease.
Physiology of the Carotid Body: From Molecules to Disease
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 127–149More LessThe carotid body (CB) is an arterial chemoreceptor organ located in the carotid bifurcation and has a well-recognized role in cardiorespiratory regulation. The CB contains neurosecretory sensory cells (glomus cells), which release transmitters in response to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidemia to activate afferent sensory fibers terminating in the respiratory and autonomic brainstem centers. Knowledge of the physiology of the CB has progressed enormously in recent years. Herein we review advances concerning the organization and function of the cellular elements of the CB, with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of acute oxygen sensing by glomus cells. We introduce the modern view of the CB as a multimodal integrated metabolic sensor and describe the properties of the CB stem cell niche, which support CB growth during acclimatization to chronic hypoxia. Finally, we discuss the increasing medical relevance of CB dysfunction and its potential impact on the mechanisms of disease.
IP3 Receptor Plasticity Underlying Diverse Functions
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 151–176More LessIn the body, extracellular stimuli produce inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), an intracellular chemical signal that binds to the IP3 receptor (IP3R) to release calcium ions (Ca2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum. In the past 40 years, the wide-ranging functions mediated by IP3R and its genetic defects causing a variety of disorders have been unveiled. Recent cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography have resolved IP3R structures and begun to integrate with concurrent functional studies, which can explicate IP3-dependent opening of Ca2+-conducting gates placed ∼90 Å away from IP3-binding sites and its regulation by Ca2+. This review highlights recent research progress on the IP3R structure and function. We also propose how protein plasticity within IP3R, which involves allosteric gating and assembly transformations accompanied by rapid and chronic structural changes, would enable it to regulate diverse functions at cellular microdomains in pathophysiological states.
Gestational Exposure to Common Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Their Impact on Neurodevelopment and Behavior
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 177–202More LessEndocrine disrupting chemicals are common in our environment and act on hormone systems and signaling pathways to alter physiological homeostasis. Gestational exposure can disrupt developmental programs, permanently altering tissues with impacts lasting into adulthood. The brain is a critical target for developmental endocrine disruption, resulting in altered neuroendocrine control of hormonal signaling, altered neurotransmitter control of nervous system function, and fundamental changes in behaviors such as learning, memory, and social interactions. Human cohort studies reveal correlations between maternal/fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors and incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we summarize the major literature findings of endocrine disruption of neurodevelopment and concomitant changes in behavior by four major endocrine disruptor classes:bisphenol A, polychlorinated biphenyls, organophosphates, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. We specifically review studies of gestational and/or lactational exposure to understand the effects of early life exposure to these compounds and summarize animal studies that help explain human correlative data.
Intestinal Stem Cell Aging: Origins and Interventions
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 203–226More LessRegenerative processes that maintain the function of the gastrointestinal (GI) epithelium are critical for health and survival of multicellular organisms. In insects and vertebrates, intestinal stem cells (ISCs) regenerate the GI epithelium. ISC function is regulated by intrinsic, local, and systemic stimuli to adjust regeneration to tissue demands. These control mechanisms decline with age, resulting in significant perturbation of intestinal homeostasis. Processes that lead to this decline have been explored intensively in Drosophila melanogaster in recent years and are now starting to be characterized in mammalian models. This review presents a model for age-related regenerative decline in the fly intestine and discusses recent findings that start to establish molecular mechanisms of age-related decline of mammalian ISC function.
Neuronal Mechanisms that Drive Organismal Aging Through the Lens of Perception
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 227–249More LessSensory neurons provide organisms with data about the world in which they live, for the purpose of successfully exploiting their environment. The consequences of sensory perception are not simply limited to decision-making behaviors; evidence suggests that sensory perception directly influences physiology and aging, a phenomenon that has been observed in animals across taxa. Therefore, understanding the neural mechanisms by which sensory input influences aging may uncover novel therapeutic targets for aging-related physiologies. In this review, we examine different perceptive experiences that have been most clearly linked to aging or age-related disease: food perception, social perception, time perception, and threat perception. For each, the sensory cues, receptors, and/or pathways that influence aging as well as the individual or groups of neurons involved, if known, are discussed. We conclude with general thoughts about the potential impact of this line of research on human health and aging.
BMP Signaling in Development, Stem Cells, and Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 251–273More LessThe bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway is essential for the morphogenesis of multiple organs in the digestive system. Abnormal BMP signaling has also been associated with disease initiation and progression in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and associated organs. Recent studies using animal models, tissue organoids, and human pluripotent stem cells have significantly expanded our understanding of the roles played by BMPs in the development and homeostasis of GI organs. It is clear that BMP signaling regulates GI function and disease progression that involve stem/progenitor cells and inflammation in a tissue-specific manner. In this review we discuss these new findings with a focus on the esophagus, stomach, and intestine.
Contributions of Aging to Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 275–295More LessCerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is characterized by changes in the pial and parenchymal microcirculations. SVD produces reductions in cerebral blood flow and impaired blood-brain barrier function, which are leading contributors to age-related reductions in brain health. End-organ effects are diverse, resulting in both cognitive and noncognitive deficits. Underlying phenotypes and mechanisms are multifactorial, with no specific treatments at this time. Despite consequences that are already considerable, the impact of SVD is predicted to increase substantially with the growing aging population. In the face of this health challenge, the basic biology, pathogenesis, and determinants of SVD are poorly defined. This review summarizes recent progress and concepts in this area, highlighting key findings and some major unanswered questions. We focus on phenotypes and mechanisms that underlie microvascular aging, the greatest risk factor for cerebrovascular disease and its subsequent effects.
Autophagy in Kidney Disease
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 297–322More LessAutophagy is a cellular homeostatic program for the turnover of cellular organelles and proteins, in which double-membraned vesicles (autophagosomes) sequester cytoplasmic cargos, which are subsequently delivered to the lysosome for degradation. Emerging evidence implicates autophagy as an important modulator of human disease. Macroautophagy and selective autophagy (e.g., mitophagy, aggrephagy) can influence cellular processes, including cell death, inflammation, and immune responses, and thereby exert both adaptive and maladaptive roles in disease pathogenesis. Autophagy has been implicated in acute kidney injury, which can arise in response to nephrotoxins, sepsis, and ischemia/reperfusion, and in chronic kidney diseases. The latter includes comorbidities of diabetes and recent evidence for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease–associated kidney injury. Roles of autophagy in polycystic kidney disease and kidney cancer have also been described. Targeting the autophagy pathway may have therapeutic benefit in the treatment of kidney disorders.
APOL1 and Kidney Disease: From Genetics to Biology
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 323–342More LessGenetic variants in the APOL1 gene, found only in individuals of recent African ancestry, greatly increase risk of multiple types of kidney disease. These APOL1 kidney risk alleles are a rare example of genetic variants that are common but also have a powerful effect on disease susceptibility. These alleles rose to high frequency in sub-Saharan Africa because they conferred protection against pathogenic trypanosomes that cause African sleeping sickness. We consider the genetic evidence supporting the association between APOL1 and kidney disease across the range of clinical phenotypes in the APOL1 nephropathy spectrum. We then explore the origins of the APOL1 risk variants and evolutionary struggle between humans and trypanosomes at both the molecular and population genetic level. Finally, we survey the rapidly growing literature investigating APOL1 biology as elucidated from experiments in cell-based systems, cell-free systems, mouse and lower organism models of disease, and through illuminating natural experiments in humans.
Diurnal Regulation of Renal Electrolyte Excretion: The Role of Paracrine Factors
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 343–363More LessMany physiological processes, including most kidney-related functions, follow specific rhythms tied to a 24-h cycle. This is largely because circadian genes operate in virtually every cell type in the body. In addition, many noncanonical genes have intrinsic circadian rhythms, especially within the liver and kidney. This new level of complexity applies to the control of renal electrolyte excretion. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that paracrine and autocrine factors, especially the endothelin system, are regulated by clock genes. We have known for decades that excretion of electrolytes is dependent on time of day, which could play an important role in fluid volume balance and blood pressure control. Here, we review what is known about the interplay between paracrine and circadian control of electrolyte excretion. The hope is that recognition of paracrine and circadian factors can be considered more deeply in the future when integrating with well-established neuroendocrine control of excretion.
Regulation and Effects of FGF23 in Chronic Kidney Disease
John Musgrove, and Myles WolfVol. 82 (2020), pp. 365–390More LessChronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health epidemic that accelerates cardiovascular disease, increases risk of infection, and causes anemia and bone disease, among other complications that collectively increase risk of premature death. Alterations in calcium and phosphate homeostasis have long been considered nontraditional risk factors for many of the most morbid outcomes of CKD. The discovery of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), which revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of rare hereditary disorders of FGF23 excess that cause hypophosphatemic rickets, has also driven major paradigm shifts in our understanding of the pathophysiology and downstream end-organ complications of disordered mineral metabolism in CKD. As research of FGF23 in CKD has rapidly advanced, major new questions about its regulation and effects continuously emerge. These are promoting exciting innovations in laboratory, patient-oriented, and epidemiological research and stimulating clinical trials of new therapies and repurposing of existing ones to target FGF23.
Why Lungs Keep Time: Circadian Rhythms and Lung Immunity
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 391–412More LessCircadian rhythms are daily cycles in biological function that are ubiquitous in nature. Understood as a means for organisms to anticipate daily environmental changes, circadian rhythms are also important for orchestrating complex biological processes such as immunity. Nowhere is this more evident than in the respiratory system, where circadian rhythms in inflammatory lung disease have been appreciated since ancient times. In this focused review we examine how emerging research on circadian rhythms is being applied to the study of fundamental lung biology and respiratory disease. We begin with a general introduction to circadian rhythms and the molecular circadian clock that underpins them. We then focus on emerging data tying circadian clock function to immunologic activities within the respiratory system. We conclude by considering outstanding questions about biological timing in the lung and how a better command of chronobiology could inform our understanding of complex lung diseases.
Genetics of COPD
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 413–431More LessAlthough chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk is strongly influenced by cigarette smoking, genetic factors are also important determinants of COPD. In addition to Mendelian syndromes such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, many genomic regions that influence COPD susceptibility have been identified in genome-wide association studies. Similarly, multiple genomic regions associated with COPD-related phenotypes, such as quantitative emphysema measures, have been found. Identifying the functional variants and key genes within these association regions remains a major challenge. However, newly identified COPD susceptibility genes are already providing novel insights into COPD pathogenesis. Network-based approaches that leverage these genetic discoveries have the potential to assist in decoding the complex genetic architecture of COPD.
Aging and Lung Disease
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 433–459More LessPeople worldwide are living longer, and it is estimated that by 2050, the proportion of the world's population over 60 years of age will nearly double. Natural lung aging is associated with molecular and physiological changes that cause alterations in lung function, diminished pulmonary remodeling and regenerative capacity, and increased susceptibility to acute and chronic lung diseases. As the aging population rapidly grows, it is essential to examine how alterations in cellular function and cell-to-cell interactions of pulmonary resident cells and systemic immune cells contribute to a higher risk of increased susceptibility to infection and development of chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. This review provides an overview of physiological, structural, and cellular changes in the aging lung and immune system that facilitate the development and progression of disease.
Marrow Adipocytes: Origin, Structure, and Function
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 461–484More LessThe skeleton harbors an array of lineage cells that have an essential role in whole body homeostasis. Adipocytes start the colonization of marrow space early in postnatal life, expanding progressively and influencing other components of the bone marrow through paracrine signaling. In this unique, closed, and hypoxic environment close to the endosteal surface and adjacent to the microvascular space the marrow adipocyte can store or provide energy, secrete adipokines, and target neighboring bone cells. Adipocyte progenitors can also migrate from the bone marrow to populate white adipose tissue, a process that accelerates during weight gain. The marrow adipocyte also has an endocrine role in whole body homeostasis through its varied secretome that targets distant adipose depots, skeletal muscle, and the nervous system. Further insights into the biology of this unique and versatile cell will undoubtedly lead to novel therapeutic approaches to metabolic and age-related disorders such as osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus.
The Osteocyte: New Insights
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 485–506More LessOsteocytes are an ancient cell, appearing in fossilized skeletal remains of early fish and dinosaurs. Despite its relative high abundance, even in the context of nonskeletal cells, the osteocyte is perhaps among the least studied cells in all of vertebrate biology. Osteocytes are cells embedded in bone, able to modify their surrounding extracellular matrix via specialized molecular remodeling mechanisms that are independent of the bone forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Osteocytes communicate with osteoclasts and osteoblasts via distinct signaling molecules that include the RankL/OPG axis and the Sost/Dkk1/Wnt axis, among others. Osteocytes also extend their influence beyond the local bone environment by functioning as an endocrine cell that controls phosphate reabsorption in the kidney, insulin secretion in the pancreas, and skeletal muscle function. These cells are also finely tuned sensors of mechanical stimulation to coordinate with effector cells to adjust bone mass, size, and shape to conform to mechanical demands.
Osteoclasts Provide Coupling Signals to Osteoblast Lineage Cells Through Multiple Mechanisms
Vol. 82 (2020), pp. 507–529More LessBone remodeling is essential for the repair and replacement of damaged and old bone. The major principle underlying this process is that osteoclast-mediated resorption of a quantum of bone is followed by osteoblast precursor recruitment; these cells differentiate to matrix-producing osteoblasts, which form new bone to replace what was resorbed. Evidence from osteopetrotic syndromes indicate that osteoclasts not only resorb bone, but also provide signals to promote bone formation. Osteoclasts act upon osteoblast lineage cells throughout their differentiation by facilitating growth factor release from resorbed matrix, producing secreted proteins and microvesicles, and expressing membrane-bound factors. These multiple mechanisms mediate the coupling of bone formation to resorption in remodeling. Additional interactions of osteoclasts with osteoblast lineage cells, including interactions with canopy and reversal cells, are required to achieve coordination between bone formation and resorption during bone remodeling.
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