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Annual Review of Physical Chemistry - Volume 69, 2018
Volume 69, 2018
Addressing the Challenge of Molecular Change: An Interim Report
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 1–21More LessInvited by the editorial committee of the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry to “contribute my autobiography,” I present it here, as I understand the term. It is about my parents, my mentors, my coworkers, and my friends in learning and the scientific problems that we tried to address. Courtesy of the editorial assistance of Annual Reviews, some of the science is in the figure captions and sidebars. I am by no means done: I am currently trying to fuse the quantitative rigor of physical chemistry with systems biology while also dealing with a post–Born-Oppenheimer regime in electronic dynamics and am attempting to instruct molecules to perform advanced logic.
Biomimetic Structural Materials: Inspiration from Design and Assembly
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 23–57More LessNature assembles weak organic and inorganic constituents into sophisticated hierarchical structures, forming structural composites that demonstrate impressive combinations of strength and toughness. Two such composites are the nacre structure forming the inner layer of many mollusk shells, whose brick-and-mortar architecture has been the gold standard for biomimetic composites, and the cuticle forming the arthropod exoskeleton, whose helicoidal fiber-reinforced architecture has only recently attracted interest for structural biomimetics. In this review, we detail recent biomimetic efforts for the fabrication of strong and tough composite materials possessing the brick-and-mortar and helicoidal architectures. Techniques discussed for the fabrication of nacre- and cuticle-mimetic structures include freeze casting, layer-by-layer deposition, spray deposition, magnetically assisted slip casting, fiber-reinforced composite processing, additive manufacturing, and cholesteric self-assembly. Advantages and limitations to these processes are discussed, as well as the future outlook on the biomimetic landscape for structural composite materials.
An Active Approach to Colloidal Self-Assembly
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 59–79More LessIn this review, we discuss recent advances in the self-assembly of self-propelled colloidal particles and highlight some of the most exciting results in this field, with a specific focus on dry active matter. We explore this phenomenology through the lens of the complexity of the colloidal building blocks. We begin by considering the behavior of isotropic spherical particles. We then discuss the case of amphiphilic and dipolar Janus particles. Finally, we show how the geometry of the colloids and/or the directionality of their interactions can be used to control the physical properties of the assembled active aggregates, and we suggest possible strategies for how to exploit activity as a tunable driving force for self-assembly. The unique properties of active colloids lend promise to the design of the next generation of functional, environment-sensing microstructures able to perform specific tasks in an autonomous and targeted manner.
Excitons in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Dynamics
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 81–99More LessUnderstanding exciton dynamics in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is essential to unlocking the many potential applications of these materials. This review summarizes recent progress in understanding exciton photophysics and, in particular, exciton dynamics in SWCNTs. We outline the basic physical and electronic properties of SWCNTs, as well as bright and dark transitions within the framework of a strongly bound one-dimensional excitonic model. We discuss the many facets of ultrafast carrier dynamics in SWCNTs, including both single-exciton states (bright and dark) and multiple-exciton states. Photophysical properties that directly relate to excitons and their dynamics, including exciton diffusion lengths, chemical and structural defects, environmental effects, and photoluminescence photon statistics as observed through photon antibunching measurements, are also discussed. Finally, we identify a few key areas for advancing further research in the field of SWCNT excitons and photonics.
Slow Photoelectron Velocity-Map Imaging of Cryogenically Cooled Anions
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 101–124More LessSlow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled anions (cryo-SEVI) is a powerful technique for elucidating the vibrational and electronic structure of neutral radicals, clusters, and reaction transition states. SEVI is a high-resolution variant of anion photoelectron spectroscopy based on photoelectron imaging that yields spectra with energy resolution as high as 1–2 cm−1. The preparation of cryogenically cold anions largely eliminates hot bands and dramatically narrows the rotational envelopes of spectral features, enabling the acquisition of well-resolved photoelectron spectra for complex and spectroscopically challenging species. We review the basis and history of the SEVI method, including recent experimental developments that have improved its resolution and versatility. We then survey recent SEVI studies to demonstrate the utility of this technique in the spectroscopy of aromatic radicals, metal and metal oxide clusters, nonadiabatic interactions between excited states of small molecules, and transition states of benchmark bimolecular reactions.
Graph Theory and Ion and Molecular Aggregation in Aqueous Solutions
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 125–149More LessIn molecular and cellular biology, dissolved ions and molecules have decisive effects on chemical and biological reactions, conformational stabilities, and functions of small to large biomolecules. Despite major efforts, the current state of understanding of the effects of specific ions, osmolytes, and bioprotecting sugars on the structure and dynamics of water H-bonding networks and proteins is not yet satisfactory. Recently, to gain deeper insight into this subject, we studied various aggregation processes of ions and molecules in high-concentration salt, osmolyte, and sugar solutions with time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation methods. It turns out that ions (or solute molecules) have a strong propensity to self-assemble into large and polydisperse aggregates that affect both local and long-range water H-bonding structures. In particular, we have shown that graph-theoretical approaches can be used to elucidate morphological characteristics of large aggregates in various aqueous salt, osmolyte, and sugar solutions. When ion and molecular aggregates in such aqueous solutions are treated as graphs, a variety of graph-theoretical properties, such as graph spectrum, degree distribution, clustering coefficient, minimum path length, and graph entropy, can be directly calculated by considering an ensemble of configurations taken from molecular dynamics trajectories. Here we show percolating behavior exhibited by ion and molecular aggregates upon increase in solute concentration in high solute concentrations and discuss compelling evidence of the isomorphic relation between percolation transitions of ion and molecular aggregates and water H-bonding networks. We anticipate that the combination of graph theory and molecular dynamics simulation methods will be of exceptional use in achieving a deeper understanding of the fundamental physical chemistry of dissolution and in describing the interplay between the self-aggregation of solute molecules and the structure and dynamics of water.
Permutationally Invariant Potential Energy Surfaces
Chen Qu, Qi Yu, and Joel M. BowmanVol. 69 (2018), pp. 151–175More LessOver the past decade, about 50 potential energy surfaces (PESs) for polyatomics with 4–11 atoms and for clusters have been calculated using the permutationally invariant polynomial method. This is a general, mainly linear least-squares method for precise mathematical fitting of tens of thousands of electronic energies for reactive and nonreactive systems. A brief tutorial of the methodology is given, including several recent improvements. Recent applications to the formic acid dimer (the current record holder in size for a reactive system), the H2-H2O complex, and four protonated water clusters [H+(H2O)n=2,3,4,6] are given. The last application also illustrates extension to large clusters using the many-body representation.
Straightening the Hierarchical Staircase for Basis Set Extrapolations: A Low-Cost Approach to High-Accuracy Computational Chemistry
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 177–203More LessBecause the one-electron basis set limit is difficult to reach in correlated post-Hartree–Fock ab initio calculations, the low-cost route of using methods that extrapolate to the estimated basis set limit attracts immediate interest. The situation is somewhat more satisfactory at the Hartree–Fock level because numerical calculation of the energy is often affordable at nearly converged basis set levels. Still, extrapolation schemes for the Hartree–Fock energy are addressed here, although the focus is on the more slowly convergent and computationally demanding correlation energy. Because they are frequently based on the gold-standard coupled-cluster theory with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)], correlated calculations are often affordable only with the smallest basis sets, and hence single-level extrapolations from one raw energy could attain maximum usefulness. This possibility is examined. Whenever possible, this review uses raw data from second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory, as well as CCSD, CCSD(T), and multireference configuration interaction methods. Inescapably, the emphasis is on work done by the author's research group. Certain issues in need of further research or review are pinpointed.
Connections Between Theory and Experiment for Gold and Silver Nanoclusters
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 205–229More LessLigand-stabilized gold and silver nanoparticles are of tremendous current interest in sensing, catalysis, and energy applications. Experimental and theoretical studies have closely interacted to elucidate properties such as the geometric and electronic structures of these fascinating systems. In this review, the interplay between theory and experiment is described; areas such as optical absorption and doping, where the theory–experiment connections are well established, are discussed in detail; and the current status of these connections in newer fields of study, such as luminescence, transient absorption, and the effects of solvent and the surrounding environment, are highlighted. Close communication between theory and experiment has been extremely valuable for developing an understanding of these nanocluster systems in the past decade and will undoubtedly continue to play a major role in future years.
Characterization of Intermediate Oxidation States in CO2 Activation
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 231–252More LessRedox chemistry during the activation of carbon dioxide involves changing the charge state in a CO2 molecular unit. However, such changes are usually not well described by integer formal charges, and one can think of COO functional units as being in intermediate oxidation states. In this article, we discuss the properties of CO2 and CO2-based functional units in various charge states. Besides covering isolated CO2 and its ions, we describe the CO2-based ionic species formate, oxalate, and carbonate. Finally, we provide an overview of CO2-based functional groups and ligands in clusters and metal–organic complexes.
Measuring Electric Fields in Biological Matter Using the Vibrational Stark Effect of Nitrile Probes
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 253–271More LessMeasurement of the electrostatic interactions that give rise to biological functions has been a longstanding challenge in biophysics. Advances in spectroscopic techniques over the past two decades have allowed for the direct measurement of electric fields in a wide variety of biological molecules and systems via the vibrational Stark effect (VSE). The frequency of the nitrile stretching oscillation has received much attention as an electric field reporter because of its sensitivity to electric fields and its occurrence in a relatively transparent region of the infrared spectrum. Despite these advantages and its wide use as a VSE probe, the nitrile stretching frequency is sensitive to hydrogen bonding in a way that complicates the straightforward relationship between measured frequency and environmental electric field. Here we highlight recent applications of nitrile VSE probes with an emphasis on experiments that have helped shape our understanding of the determinants of nitrile frequencies in both hydrogen bonding and nonhydrogen bonding environments.
Chemical Kinetics for Bridging Molecular Mechanisms and Macroscopic Measurements of Amyloid Fibril Formation
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 273–298More LessUnderstanding how normally soluble peptides and proteins aggregate to form amyloid fibrils is central to many areas of modern biomolecular science, ranging from the development of functional biomaterials to the design of rational therapeutic strategies against increasingly prevalent medical conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. As such, there is a great need to develop models to mechanistically describe how amyloid fibrils are formed from precursor peptides and proteins. Here we review and discuss how ideas and concepts from chemical reaction kinetics can help to achieve this objective. In particular, we show how a combination of theory, experiments, and computer simulations, based on chemical kinetics, provides a general formalism for uncovering, at the molecular level, the mechanistic steps that underlie the phenomenon of amyloid fibril formation.
Electronic Transport in Two-Dimensional Materials
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 299–325More LessTwo-dimensional (2D) materials have captured the attention of the scientific community due to the wide range of unique properties at nanometer-scale thicknesses. While significant exploratory research in 2D materials has been achieved, the understanding of 2D electronic transport and carrier dynamics remains in a nascent stage. Furthermore, because prior review articles have provided general overviews of 2D materials or specifically focused on charge transport in graphene, here we instead highlight charge transport mechanisms in post-graphene 2D materials, with particular emphasis on transition metal dichalcogenides and black phosphorus. For these systems, we delineate the intricacies of electronic transport, including band structure control with thickness and external fields, valley polarization, scattering mechanisms, electrical contacts, and doping. In addition, electronic interactions between 2D materials are considered in the form of van der Waals heterojunctions and composite films. This review concludes with a perspective on the most promising future directions in this fast-evolving field.
Vibrational and Nonadiabatic Coherence in 2D Electronic Spectroscopy, the Jahn–Teller Effect, and Energy Transfer
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 327–352More LessFemtosecond two-dimensional (2D) Fourier transform spectroscopy generates and probes several types of coherence that characterize the couplings between vibrational and electronic motions. These couplings have been studied in molecules with Jahn–Teller conical intersections, pseudo-Jahn–Teller funnels, dimers, molecular aggregates, photosynthetic light harvesting complexes, and photosynthetic reaction centers. All have closely related Hamiltonians and at least two types of vibrations, including one that is decoupled from the electronic dynamics and one that is nonadiabatically coupled. Polarized pulse sequences can often be used to distinguish these types of vibrations. Electronic coherences are rapidly obscured by inhomogeneous dephasing. The longest-lived coherences in these systems arise from delocalized vibrations on the ground electronic state that are enhanced by a nonadiabatic Raman excitation process. These characterize the initial excited-state dynamics. 2D oscillation maps are beginning to isolate the medium lifetime vibronic coherences that report on subsequent stages of the excited-state dynamics.
Enhancing Analytical Separations Using Super-Resolution Microscopy
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 353–375More LessSuper-resolution microscopy is becoming an invaluable tool to investigate structure and dynamics driving protein interactions at interfaces. In this review, we highlight the applications of super-resolution microscopy for quantifying the physics and chemistry that occur between target proteins and stationary-phase supports during chromatographic separations. Our discussion concentrates on the newfound ability of super-resolved single-protein spectroscopy to inform theoretical parameters via quantification of adsorption-desorption dynamics, protein unfolding, and nanoconfined transport.
Computational Design of Clusters for Catalysis
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 377–400More LessWhen small clusters are studied in chemical physics or physical chemistry, one perhaps thinks of the fundamental aspects of cluster electronic structure, or precision spectroscopy in ultracold molecular beams. However, small clusters are also of interest in catalysis, where the cold ground state or an isolated cluster may not even be the right starting point. Instead, the big question is: What happens to cluster-based catalysts under real conditions of catalysis, such as high temperature and coverage with reagents? Myriads of metastable cluster states become accessible, the entire system is dynamic, and catalysis may be driven by rare sites present only under those conditions. Activity, selectivity, and stability are highly dependent on size, composition, shape, support, and environment. To probe and master cluster catalysis, sophisticated tools are being developed for precision synthesis, operando measurements, and multiscale modeling. This review intends to tell the messy story of clusters in catalysis.
Exploring Energy Landscapes
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 401–425More LessRecent advances in the potential energy landscapes approach are highlighted, including both theoretical and computational contributions. Treating the high dimensionality of molecular and condensed matter systems of contemporary interest is important for understanding how emergent properties are encoded in the landscape and for calculating these properties while faithfully representing barriers between different morphologies. The pathways characterized in full dimensionality, which are used to construct kinetic transition networks, may prove useful in guiding such calculations. The energy landscape perspective has also produced new procedures for structure prediction and analysis of thermodynamic properties. Basin-hopping global optimization, with alternative acceptance criteria and generalizations to multiple metric spaces, has been used to treat systems ranging from biomolecules to nanoalloy clusters and condensed matter. This review also illustrates how all this methodology, developed in the context of chemical physics, can be transferred to landscapes defined by cost functions associated with machine learning.
Dynamics at Conical Intersections
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 427–450More LessThe nonadiabatic coupling of electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom is the defining feature of electronically excited states of polyatomic molecules. Once considered a theoretical curiosity, conical intersections (CIs) are now generally accepted as being the dominant source of coupled charge and vibrational energy flow in molecular excited states. Passage through CIs leads to the conversion of electronic to vibrational energy, which drives the ensuing photochemistry, isomerization being a canonical example. It has often been remarked that the CI may be thought of as a transition state in the excited state. As such, we expect that both the direction and the velocity of approach to the CI will matter. We explore this suggestion by looking for dynamical aspects of passage through CIs and for analogies with well-known concepts from ground-state reaction dynamics. Great progress has been made in the development of both experimental techniques and ab initio dynamics simulations, to a degree that direct comparisons may now be made. Here we compare time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy results with on-the-fly ab initio multiple spawning calculations of the experimental observables, thereby validating each. We adopt a phenomenological approach and specifically concentrate on the excited-state dynamics of the C=C bond in unsaturated hydrocarbons. In particular, we make use of selective chemical substitution (such as replacing an H atom by a methyl group) so as to alter the inertia of certain vibrations relative to others, thus systematically varying (mass-weighted) directions and velocities of approach to a CI. Chemical substituents, however, may affect both the nuclear and electronic components of the total wave function. The former, which we call an inertial effect, influences the direction and velocity of approach. The latter, which we call a potential effect, modifies the electronic structure and therefore the energetic location and topography of the potential energy surfaces involved. Using a series of examples, we discuss both types of effects. We argue that there is a need for dynamical pictures and simple models of nonadiabatic dynamics at CIs and hope that the phenomenology presented here will help inspire such developments.
Elementary Chemical Reactions in Surface Photocatalysis
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 451–472More LessPhotocatalytic hydrogen evolution and organic degradation on oxide materials have been extensively investigated in the last two decades. Great efforts have been dedicated to the study of photocatalytic reaction mechanisms of a variety of molecules on TiO2 surfaces by using surface science methods under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions, providing fundamental understanding of surface chemical reactions in photocatalysis. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in the study of photocatalysis of several important species (water, methanol, and aldehydes) on different TiO2 surfaces. The results of these studies have provided us deep insights into the elementary processes of surface photocatalysis and stimulated a new frontier of research in this area. Based on the results of these studies, a new dynamics-based photocatalysis model is also discussed.
Computational Photophysics in the Presence of an Environment
Vol. 69 (2018), pp. 473–497More LessMost processes triggered by ultraviolet (UV) or visible (vis) light in nature take place in complex biological environments. The first step in these photophysical events is the excitation of the absorbing system or chromophore to an electronically excited state. Such an excitation can be monitored by the UV-vis absorption spectrum. A precise calculation of the UV-vis spectrum of a chromophore embedded in an environment is a challenging task that requires the consideration of several ingredients, besides an accurate electronic-structure method for the excited states. Two of the most important are an appropriate description of the interactions between the chromophore and the environment and accounting for the vibrational motion of the whole system. In this contribution, we review the most common theoretical methodologies to describe the environment (including quantum mechanics/continuum and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics models) and to account for vibrational sampling (including Wigner sampling and molecular dynamics). Further, we illustrate in a series of examples how the lack of these ingredients can lead to a wrong interpretation of the electronic features behind the UV-vis absorption spectrum.
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