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Annual Review of Virology - Volume 5, 2018
Volume 5, 2018
My Life and Virus Research Journey
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 1–32More LessMy long career in virology has been a continuous learning exercise with a very modest start. Virology and related pertinent fields have changed significantly during my lifetime. Sometimes I wish that my career had just started and I could apply all available and state of the art technology to solving problems and explaining intriguing observations. I was always convinced that visiting growers’ fields is essential for researchers to get firsthand observations and knowledge of virus disease problems under field conditions. I never thought I would pursue so many avenues of research, yet it is true that research never ends. I enjoyed dissecting strain diversity in a very important plant pathogen like bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) and using BPMV-based vectors to address fundamental virology questions. Lastly, solving the enigma of the transmissible disease of Helminthosporium victoriae and attempting to gain an understanding of the molecular basis of disease in a plant pathogenic fungus were thrilling.
The Discovery of the Antiviral Resistance Gene Mx: A Story of Great Ideas, Great Failures, and Some Success
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 33–51More LessThe discovery of the Mx gene–dependent, innate resistance of mice against influenza virus was a matter of pure chance. Although the subsequent analysis of this antiviral resistance was guided by straightforward logic, it nevertheless led us into many blind alleys and was full of surprising turns and twists. Unexpectedly, this research resulted in the identification of one of the first interferon-stimulated genes and provided a new view of interferon action. It also showed that in many species, MX proteins have activities against a broad range of viruses. To this day, Mx research continues to flourish and to provide insights into the never-ending battle between viruses and their hosts.
How Host Specific Are Herpesviruses? Lessons from Herpesviruses Infecting Wild and Endangered Mammals
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 53–68More LessHerpesviruses are ubiquitous and can cause disease in all classes of vertebrates but also in animals of lower taxa, including molluscs. It is generally accepted that herpesviruses are primarily species specific, although a species can be infected by different herpesviruses. Species specificity is thought to result from host-virus coevolutionary processes over the long term. Even with this general concept in mind, investigators have recognized interspecies transmission of several members of the Herpesviridae family, often with fatal outcomes in non-definitive hosts—that is, animals that have no or only a limited role in virus transmission. We here summarize herpesvirus infections in wild mammals that in many cases are endangered, in both natural and captive settings. Some infections result from herpesviruses that are endemic in the species that is primarily affected, and some result from herpesviruses that cause fatal disease after infection of non-definitive hosts. We discuss the challenges of such infections in several endangered species in the absence of efficient immunization or therapeutic options.
Mechanisms and Concepts in RNA Virus Population Dynamics and Evolution
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 69–92More LessRNA viruses are unique in their evolutionary capacity, exhibiting high mutation rates and frequent recombination. They rapidly adapt to environmental changes, such as shifts in immune pressure or pharmacological challenge. The evolution of RNA viruses has been brought into new focus with the recent developments of genetic and experimental tools to explore and manipulate the evolutionary dynamics of viral populations. These studies have uncovered new mechanisms that enable viruses to overcome evolutionary challenges in the environment and have emphasized the intimate relationship of viral populations with evolution. Here, we review some of the emerging viral and host mechanisms that underlie the evolution of RNA viruses. We also discuss new studies that demonstrate that the relationship between evolutionary dynamics and virus biology spans many spatial and temporal scales, affecting transmission dynamics within and between hosts as well as pathogenesis.
The Role of Viruses in the Phytobiome
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 93–111More LessViruses are an important but sequence-diverse and often understudied component of the phytobiome. We succinctly review current information on how plant viruses directly affect plant health and physiology and consequently have the capacity to modulate plant interactions with their biotic and abiotic environments. Virus interactions with other biota in the phytobiome, including arthropods, fungi, and nematodes, may also impact plant health. For example, viruses interact with and modulate the interface between plants and insects. This has been extensively studied for insect-vectored plant viruses, some of which also infect their vectors. Other viruses have been shown to alter the impacts of plant-interacting phytopathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi and bacteria. Viruses that infect nematodes have also recently been discovered, but the impact of these and phage infecting soil bacteria on plant health remain largely unexplored.
Baculovirus Entry and Egress from Insect Cells
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 113–139More LessBaculoviruses are large DNA viruses of insects that are highly pathogenic in many hosts. In the infection cycle, baculoviruses produce two types of virions. These virion phenotypes are physically and functionally distinct, and each serves a critical role in the biology of the virus. One phenotype, the occlusion-derived virus (ODV), is occluded within a crystallized protein that facilitates oral infection of the host. A large complex of at least nine ODV envelope proteins called per os infectivity factors are critically important for ODV infection of insect midgut epithelial cells. Viral egress from midgut cells is by budding to produce a second virus phenotype, the budded virus (BV). BV binds, enters, and replicates in most other tissues of the host insect. Cell recognition and entry by BV are mediated by a single major envelope glycoprotein: GP64 in some baculoviruses and F in others. Entry and egress by the two virion phenotypes occur by dramatically different mechanisms and reflect a life cycle in which ODV is specifically adapted for oral infection while BV mediates dissemination of the infection within the animal.
Virus DNA Replication and the Host DNA Damage Response
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 141–164More LessViral DNA genomes have limited coding capacity and therefore harness cellular factors to facilitate replication of their genomes and generate progeny virions. Studies of viruses and how they interact with cellular processes have historically provided seminal insights into basic biology and disease mechanisms. The replicative life cycles of many DNA viruses have been shown to engage components of the host DNA damage and repair machinery. Viruses have evolved numerous strategies to navigate the cellular DNA damage response. By hijacking and manipulating cellular replication and repair processes, DNA viruses can selectively harness or abrogate distinct components of the cellular machinery to complete their life cycles. Here, we highlight consequences for viral replication and host genome integrity during the dynamic interactions between virus and host.
Multiple, Switchable Protein:RNA Interactions Regulate Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Assembly
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 165–183More LessHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particle assembly requires several protein:RNA interactions that vary widely in their character, from specific recognition of highly conserved and structured viral RNA elements to less specific interactions with variable RNA sequences. Genetic, biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies have illuminated how virion morphogenesis is accompanied by dramatic changes in the interactions among the protein and RNA virion components. The 5′ leader RNA element drives RNA recognition by Gag upon initiation of HIV-1 assembly and can assume variable conformations that influence translation, dimerization, and Gag recognition. As Gag multimerizes on the plasma membrane, forming immature particles, its RNA binding specificity transiently changes, enabling recognition of the A-rich composition of the viral genome. Initiation of assembly may also be regulated by occlusion of the membrane binding surface of Gag by tRNA. Finally, recent work has suggested that RNA interactions with viral enzymes may activate and ensure the accuracy of virion maturation.
The Many Faces of a Dynamic Virion: Implications of Viral Breathing on Flavivirus Biology and Immunogenicity
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 185–207More LessFlaviviruses are arthropod-borne RNA viruses that are a significant threat to global health due to their widespread distribution, ability to cause severe disease in humans, and capacity for explosive spread following introduction into new regions. Members of this genus include dengue, tick-borne encephalitis, yellow fever, and Zika viruses. Vaccination has been a highly successful means to control flaviviruses, and neutralizing antibodies are an important component of a protective immune response. High-resolution structures of flavivirus structural proteins and virions, alone and in complex with antibodies, provide a detailed understanding of viral fusion mechanisms and virus-antibody interactions. However, mounting evidence suggests these structures provide only a snapshot of an otherwise structurally dynamic virus particle. The contribution of the structural ensemble arising from viral breathing to the biology, antigenicity, and immunity of flaviviruses is discussed, including implications for the development and evaluation of flavivirus vaccines.
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Capsid Is More Than Just a Genome Package
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 209–225More LessHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the most studied of all human pathogens. One strain—HIV-1 group M—is responsible for a global pandemic that has infected >60 million people and killed >20 million. Understanding the stages of HIV infection has led to highly effective therapeutics in the form of antiviral drugs that target the viral enzymes reverse transcriptase, integrase, and protease as well as biotechnological developments in the form of retroviral and lentiviral vectors for the transduction of cells in tissue culture and, potentially, gene therapy. However, despite considerable research focus in this area, there is much we still do not understand about the HIV replicative cycle, particularly the first steps that are crucial to establishing a productive infection. One especially enigmatic player has been the HIV capsid. In this review, we discuss three aspects of the HIV capsid: its function as a structural shell, its role in mediating host interactions, and its vulnerability to antiviral activity.
The Good, the Bad, and the Shocking: The Multiple Roles of Dengue Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 in Protection and Pathogenesis
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 227–253More LessDengue virus (DENV) is the most prevalent medically important mosquito-borne virus in the world. Upon DENV infection of a host cell, DENV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) can be found intracellularly as a monomer, associated with the cell surface as a dimer, and secreted as a hexamer into the bloodstream. NS1 plays a variety of roles in the viral life cycle, particularly in RNA replication and immune evasion of the complement pathway. Over the past several years, key roles for NS1 in the pathogenesis of severe dengue disease have emerged, including direct action of the protein on the vascular endothelium and triggering release of vasoactive cytokines from immune cells, both of which result in endothelial hyperpermeability and vascular leak. Importantly, the adaptive immune response generates a robust response against NS1, and its potential contribution to dengue vaccines is also discussed.
Flaviviruses and the Central Nervous System: Revisiting Neuropathological Concepts
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 255–272More LessFlaviviruses are major emerging human pathogens on a global scale. Some flaviviruses can infect the central nervous system of the host and therefore are regarded as neurotropic. The most clinically relevant classical neurotropic flaviviruses include Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, and tick-borne encephalitis virus. In this review, we focus on these flaviviruses and revisit the concepts of flaviviral neurotropism, neuropathogenicity, neuroinvasion, and resultant neuropathogenesis. We attempt to synthesize the current knowledge about interactions between the central nervous system and flaviviruses from the neuroanatomical and neuropathological perspectives and address some misconceptions and controversies. We hope that revisiting these neuropathological concepts will improve the understanding of flaviviral neuroinfections. This, in turn, may provide further guiding foundations for relevant studies of other emerging or geographically expanding flaviviruses with neuropathogenic potential, such as Zika virus and dengue virus, and pave the way for intelligent therapeutic strategies harnessing potentially beneficial, protective host responses to interfere with disease progression and outcome.
Congenital Viral Infection: Traversing the Uterine-Placental Interface
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 273–299More LessWhy certain viruses cross the physical barrier of the human placenta but others do not is incompletely understood. Over the past 20 years, we have gained deeper knowledge of intrauterine infection and routes of viral transmission. This review focuses on human viruses that replicate in the placenta, infect the fetus, and cause birth defects, including rubella virus, varicella-zoster virus, parvovirus B19, human cytomegalovirus (CMV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and hepatitis E virus type 1. Detailed discussions include (a) the architecture of the uterine-placental interface, (b) studies of placental explants ex vivo that provide insights into the infection and spread of CMV and ZIKV to the fetal compartment and how these viruses undermine early development, and (c) novel treatments and vaccines that limit viral replication and have the potential to reduce dissemination, vertical transmission and the occurrence of congenital disease.
Maize Lethal Necrosis: An Emerging, Synergistic Viral Disease
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 301–322More LessMaize lethal necrosis (MLN) is a disease of maize caused by coinfection of maize with maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) and one of several viruses from the Potyviridae, such as sugarcane mosaic virus, maize dwarf mosaic virus, Johnsongrass mosaic virus or wheat streak mosaic virus. The coinfecting viruses act synergistically to result in frequent plant death or severely reduce or negligible yield. Over the past eight years, MLN has emerged in sub-Saharan East Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America, with large impacts on smallholder farmers. Factors associated with MLN emergence include multiple maize crops per year, the presence of maize thrips (Frankliniella williamsi), and highly susceptible maize crops. Soil and seed transmission of MCMV may also play significant roles in development and perpetuation of MLN epidemics. Containment and control of MLN will likely require a multipronged approach, and more research is needed to identify and develop the best measures.
SERINC5 as a New Restriction Factor for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Murine Leukemia Virus
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 323–340More LessSERINC genes encode for homologous multipass transmembrane proteins with unknown cellular function, despite being highly conserved across eukaryotes. Among the five SERINC genes found in humans, SERINC5 was shown to act as a powerful inhibitor of retroviruses. It is efficiently incorporated into virions and blocks the penetration of the viral core into target cells, by impairing the fusion process with a yet unclear mechanism. SERINC5 was also found to promote human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) virion neutralization by antibodies, indicating a pleiotropic activity, which remains mostly unexplored. Counteracting factors have emerged independently in at least three retrovirus lineages, underscoring their fundamental importance during retrovirus evolution. Nef and S2 of primate and equine lentiviruses, and glycoGag of gammaretroviruses, act similarly by targeting SERINC5 to endosomes and excluding it from virions. Here, we discuss the features that distinguish SERINC5 from other known restriction factors, delineating a yet unique class of antiviral inhibitors.
Innate Sensing of DNA Virus Genomes
Zhe Ma, Guoxin Ni, and Blossom DamaniaVol. 5 (2018), pp. 341–362More LessDNA viruses are linked to many infectious diseases and contribute significantly to human morbidity and mortality worldwide. Moreover, DNA viral infections are usually lifelong and hard to eradicate. Under certain circumstances, these viruses can cause fatal disease, especially in children and immunocompromised patients. An efficient innate immune response against these viruses is critical, not only as the first line of host defense against viral infection but also for mounting more specific and robust adaptive immunity against the virus. Recognition of the viral DNA genome is the very first step of this whole process and is crucial for understanding viral pathogenesis as well as for preventing and treating DNA virus–associated diseases. This review focuses on the current state of our knowledge on how human DNA viruses are sensed by the host innate immune system and how viral proteins counteract this immune response.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Regulation of Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Following Viral Lung Infections
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 363–383More LessViral lung infections are leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Effective immune responses to these infections require precise immune regulation to preserve lung function after viral clearance. One component of airway pathophysiology and lung injury associated with acute respiratory virus infection is effector T cells, yet these are the primary cells required for viral clearance. Accordingly, multiple immune mechanisms exist to regulate effector T cells, limiting immunopathology while permitting clearance of infection. Much has been learned in recent years about regulation of T cell function during chronic infection and cancer, and it is now clear that many of these mechanisms also control inflammation in acute lung infection. In this review, we focus on regulatory T cells, inhibitory receptors, and other cells and molecules that regulate cell-mediated immunity in the context of acute respiratory virus infection.
TRIM Proteins and Their Roles in Antiviral Host Defenses
Vol. 5 (2018), pp. 385–405More LessTripartite motif (TRIM) proteins are a versatile family of ubiquitin E3 ligases involved in a multitude of cellular processes. Studies in recent years have demonstrated that many TRIM proteins play central roles in the host defense against viral infection. While some TRIM proteins directly antagonize distinct steps in the viral life cycle, others regulate signal transduction pathways induced by innate immune sensors, thereby modulating antiviral cytokine responses. Furthermore, TRIM proteins have been implicated in virus-induced autophagy and autophagy-mediated viral clearance. Given the important role of TRIM proteins in antiviral restriction, it is not surprising that several viruses have evolved effective maneuvers to neutralize the antiviral action of specific TRIM proteins. Here, we describe the major antiviral mechanisms of TRIM proteins as well as viral strategies to escape TRIM-mediated host immunity.